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Real time console spec reporter for jasmine testing framework.
# Usage
## Installation
Install `jasmine-spec-reporter` via npm:
npm install jasmine-spec-reporter --save-dev
## Examples
* [Jasmine node tests](examples/node)
* [Protractor tests](examples/protractor)
* [TypeScript support](examples/typescript)
## Configuration
See full configuration and features: [configuration.ts](src/configuration.ts)
## Custom output
You can customize the output of the reporter yourself: [see how](docs/customize-output.md).
# Development
## Requirements
* npm >= 5
## Commands
* install dependencies: `npm install`
* launch unit tests: `npm test`
* launch integration tests: `npm run test:integration`
## Debugging
Unit tests hijack `console.log` to verify output; use `console.warn` to debug.