
64 lines
3 KiB

// Test that a Markdown cell is rendered to HTML.
casper.notebook_test(function () {
"use strict";
var text = 'multi\nline';
this.evaluate(function (text) {
var cell = IPython.notebook.insert_cell_at_index('markdown', 0);
}, {text: text});
// Test markdown code blocks
function mathjax_render_test(input_string, result, message){
casper.thenEvaluate(function (text){
window._test_result = null;
window._test_result = mathjaxutils.remove_math(text);
}, {text: input_string});
casper.waitFor(function() {
return casper.evaluate(function(){
return window._test_result!==null;
var return_val = casper.evaluate(function(){
var blah = window._test_result;
delete window._test_result;
return blah;
this.test.assertEquals(return_val[0], result[0], message+" markdown");
this.test.assertEquals(return_val[1].length, result[1].length, message+" math instance count");
for(var i=0; i<return_val[1].length; i++){
this.test.assertEquals(return_val[1][i], result[1][i], message+" math instance "+i);
var input_string_1 = 'x \\\\(a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\) y \\\\(a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\) z';
var expected_result_1 = ['x @@0@@ y @@1@@ z', ['\\\\(a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\)','\\\\(a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\)']];
var message_1 = "multiple inline(LaTeX style) with underscores";
var input_string_2 = 'x \\\\[a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\] y \\\\[a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\] z';
var expected_result_2 = ['x @@0@@ y @@1@@ z', ['\\\\[a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\]','\\\\[a_{0}+ b_{T}\\\\]']];
var message_2 = "multiple equation (LaTeX style) with underscores";
var input_string_3 = 'x $a_{0}+ b_{T}$ y $a_{0}+ b_{T}$ z';
var expected_result_3 = ['x @@0@@ y @@1@@ z',['$a_{0}+ b_{T}$','$a_{0}+ b_{T}$']];
var message_3 = "multiple inline(TeX style) with underscores";
var input_string_4 = 'x $$a_{0}+ b_{T}$$ y $$a_{0}+ b_{T}$$ z';
var expected_result_4 = ['x @@0@@ y @@1@@ z', ['$$a_{0}+ b_{T}$$','$$a_{0}+ b_{T}$$']];
var message_4 = "multiple equation(TeX style) with underscores";
var input_string_5 = 'x \\begin{equation}a_{0}+ b_{T}\\end{equation} y \\begin{equation}a_{0}+ b_{T}\\end{equation} z';
var expected_result_5 = ['x @@0@@ y @@1@@ z',['\\begin{equation}a_{0}+ b_{T}\\end{equation}','\\begin{equation}a_{0}+ b_{T}\\end{equation}']];
var message_5 = "multiple equations with underscores";
mathjax_render_test(input_string_1, expected_result_1, message_1);
mathjax_render_test(input_string_2, expected_result_2, message_2);
mathjax_render_test(input_string_3, expected_result_3, message_3);
mathjax_render_test(input_string_4, expected_result_4, message_4);
mathjax_render_test(input_string_5, expected_result_5, message_5);