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# Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Internal utilities common to all modules."""
import io
import json
import socket
import googleapiclient
import httplib2
import requests
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import exceptions
exceptions.INVALID_ARGUMENT: exceptions.InvalidArgumentError,
exceptions.FAILED_PRECONDITION: exceptions.FailedPreconditionError,
exceptions.OUT_OF_RANGE: exceptions.OutOfRangeError,
exceptions.UNAUTHENTICATED: exceptions.UnauthenticatedError,
exceptions.PERMISSION_DENIED: exceptions.PermissionDeniedError,
exceptions.NOT_FOUND: exceptions.NotFoundError,
exceptions.ABORTED: exceptions.AbortedError,
exceptions.ALREADY_EXISTS: exceptions.AlreadyExistsError,
exceptions.CONFLICT: exceptions.ConflictError,
exceptions.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: exceptions.ResourceExhaustedError,
exceptions.CANCELLED: exceptions.CancelledError,
exceptions.DATA_LOSS: exceptions.DataLossError,
exceptions.UNKNOWN: exceptions.UnknownError,
exceptions.INTERNAL: exceptions.InternalError,
exceptions.UNAVAILABLE: exceptions.UnavailableError,
exceptions.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED: exceptions.DeadlineExceededError,
400: exceptions.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
401: exceptions.UNAUTHENTICATED,
403: exceptions.PERMISSION_DENIED,
404: exceptions.NOT_FOUND,
409: exceptions.CONFLICT,
412: exceptions.FAILED_PRECONDITION,
429: exceptions.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED,
500: exceptions.INTERNAL,
503: exceptions.UNAVAILABLE,
# See
1: exceptions.CANCELLED,
2: exceptions.UNKNOWN,
3: exceptions.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
4: exceptions.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED,
5: exceptions.NOT_FOUND,
6: exceptions.ALREADY_EXISTS,
7: exceptions.PERMISSION_DENIED,
10: exceptions.ABORTED,
11: exceptions.OUT_OF_RANGE,
13: exceptions.INTERNAL,
14: exceptions.UNAVAILABLE,
15: exceptions.DATA_LOSS,
16: exceptions.UNAUTHENTICATED,
def _get_initialized_app(app):
"""Returns a reference to an initialized App instance."""
if app is None:
return firebase_admin.get_app()
if isinstance(app, firebase_admin.App):
initialized_app = firebase_admin.get_app(
if app is not initialized_app:
raise ValueError('Illegal app argument. App instance not '
'initialized via the firebase module.')
return app
raise ValueError('Illegal app argument. Argument must be of type '
' firebase_admin.App, but given "{0}".'.format(type(app)))
def get_app_service(app, name, initializer):
app = _get_initialized_app(app)
return app._get_service(name, initializer) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def handle_platform_error_from_requests(error, handle_func=None):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given requests error.
This can be used to handle errors returned by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs.
error: An error raised by the requests module while making an HTTP call to a GCP API.
handle_func: A function that can be used to handle platform errors in a custom way. When
specified, this function will be called with three arguments. It has the same
signature as ```_handle_func_requests``, but may return ``None``.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
if error.response is None:
return handle_requests_error(error)
response = error.response
content = response.content.decode()
status_code = response.status_code
error_dict, message = _parse_platform_error(content, status_code)
exc = None
if handle_func:
exc = handle_func(error, message, error_dict)
return exc if exc else _handle_func_requests(error, message, error_dict)
def handle_operation_error(error):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given operation error.
error: An error returned by a long running operation.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
if not isinstance(error, dict):
return exceptions.UnknownError(
message='Unknown error while making a remote service call: {0}'.format(error),
rpc_code = error.get('code')
message = error.get('message')
error_code = _rpc_code_to_error_code(rpc_code)
err_type = _error_code_to_exception_type(error_code)
return err_type(message=message)
def _handle_func_requests(error, message, error_dict):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given GCP error.
error: An error raised by the requests module while making an HTTP call.
message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError``.
error_dict: Parsed GCP error response.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code or None.
code = error_dict.get('status')
return handle_requests_error(error, message, code)
def handle_requests_error(error, message=None, code=None):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given requests error.
This method is agnostic of the remote service that produced the error, whether it is a GCP
service or otherwise. Therefore, this method does not attempt to parse the error response in
any way.
error: An error raised by the requests module while making an HTTP call.
message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError`` (optional). If not
specified the string representation of the ``error`` argument is used as the message.
code: A GCP error code that will be used to determine the resulting error type (optional).
If not specified the HTTP status code on the error response is used to determine a
suitable error code.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
if isinstance(error, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
return exceptions.DeadlineExceededError(
message='Timed out while making an API call: {0}'.format(error),
if isinstance(error, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
return exceptions.UnavailableError(
message='Failed to establish a connection: {0}'.format(error),
if error.response is None:
return exceptions.UnknownError(
message='Unknown error while making a remote service call: {0}'.format(error),
if not code:
code = _http_status_to_error_code(error.response.status_code)
if not message:
message = str(error)
err_type = _error_code_to_exception_type(code)
return err_type(message=message, cause=error, http_response=error.response)
def handle_platform_error_from_googleapiclient(error, handle_func=None):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given googleapiclient error.
This can be used to handle errors returned by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs.
error: An error raised by the googleapiclient while making an HTTP call to a GCP API.
handle_func: A function that can be used to handle platform errors in a custom way. When
specified, this function will be called with three arguments. It has the same
signature as ```_handle_func_googleapiclient``, but may return ``None``.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
if not isinstance(error, googleapiclient.errors.HttpError):
return handle_googleapiclient_error(error)
content = error.content.decode()
status_code = error.resp.status
error_dict, message = _parse_platform_error(content, status_code)
http_response = _http_response_from_googleapiclient_error(error)
exc = None
if handle_func:
exc = handle_func(error, message, error_dict, http_response)
return exc if exc else _handle_func_googleapiclient(error, message, error_dict, http_response)
def _handle_func_googleapiclient(error, message, error_dict, http_response):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given GCP error.
error: An error raised by the googleapiclient module while making an HTTP call.
message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError``.
error_dict: Parsed GCP error response.
http_response: A requests HTTP response object to associate with the exception.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code or None.
code = error_dict.get('status')
return handle_googleapiclient_error(error, message, code, http_response)
def handle_googleapiclient_error(error, message=None, code=None, http_response=None):
"""Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given googleapiclient error.
This method is agnostic of the remote service that produced the error, whether it is a GCP
service or otherwise. Therefore, this method does not attempt to parse the error response in
any way.
error: An error raised by the googleapiclient module while making an HTTP call.
message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError`` (optional). If not
specified the string representation of the ``error`` argument is used as the message.
code: A GCP error code that will be used to determine the resulting error type (optional).
If not specified the HTTP status code on the error response is used to determine a
suitable error code.
http_response: A requests HTTP response object to associate with the exception (optional).
If not specified, one will be created from the ``error``.
FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
if isinstance(error, socket.timeout) or (
isinstance(error, socket.error) and 'timed out' in str(error)):
return exceptions.DeadlineExceededError(
message='Timed out while making an API call: {0}'.format(error),
if isinstance(error, httplib2.ServerNotFoundError):
return exceptions.UnavailableError(
message='Failed to establish a connection: {0}'.format(error),
if not isinstance(error, googleapiclient.errors.HttpError):
return exceptions.UnknownError(
message='Unknown error while making a remote service call: {0}'.format(error),
if not code:
code = _http_status_to_error_code(error.resp.status)
if not message:
message = str(error)
if not http_response:
http_response = _http_response_from_googleapiclient_error(error)
err_type = _error_code_to_exception_type(code)
return err_type(message=message, cause=error, http_response=http_response)
def _http_response_from_googleapiclient_error(error):
"""Creates a requests HTTP Response object from the given googleapiclient error."""
resp = requests.models.Response()
resp.raw = io.BytesIO(error.content)
resp.status_code = error.resp.status
return resp
def _http_status_to_error_code(status):
"""Maps an HTTP status to a platform error code."""
return _HTTP_STATUS_TO_ERROR_CODE.get(status, exceptions.UNKNOWN)
def _rpc_code_to_error_code(rpc_code):
"""Maps an RPC code to a platform error code."""
return _RPC_CODE_TO_ERROR_CODE.get(rpc_code, exceptions.UNKNOWN)
def _error_code_to_exception_type(code):
"""Maps a platform error code to an exception type."""
return _ERROR_CODE_TO_EXCEPTION_TYPE.get(code, exceptions.UnknownError)
def _parse_platform_error(content, status_code):
"""Parses an HTTP error response from a Google Cloud Platform API and extracts the error code
and message fields.
content: Decoded content of the response body.
status_code: HTTP status code.
tuple: A tuple containing error code and message.
data = {}
parsed_body = json.loads(content)
if isinstance(parsed_body, dict):
data = parsed_body
except ValueError:
error_dict = data.get('error', {})
msg = error_dict.get('message')
if not msg:
msg = 'Unexpected HTTP response with status: {0}; body: {1}'.format(status_code, content)
return error_dict, msg