
225 lines
6.9 KiB

import pyrebase
firebaseConfig = {
'apiKey': "AIzaSyAdL0W5HscjEDFPK4BDi6Cnc7FLa30GPYY",
'authDomain': "",
'databaseURL': "",
'projectId': "vehicleantitheftrecognition",
'storageBucket': "",
'messagingSenderId': "163692530359",
'appId': "1:163692530359:web:b6dc7ccfc56a79afb11b32",
'measurementId': "G-EPWP2LK89Q",
'serviceAccount': 'vehicleantitheftrecognition-firebase-adminsdk-krrgw-05da515de5.json'
firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(firebaseConfig)
db = firebase.database()
auth = firebase.auth()
storage =
# Create account function which creates a new authentication info.
def create_account(email, password, confirm_password):
if password == confirm_password:
auth.create_user_with_email_and_password(email, password)
print("Account successfully created.")
print("Confirmed password doesn't match to other password.")
# Login function which verifies the given authentication info.
def login(email, password):
auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(email, password)
print("Successfully Logged in.")
print("Invalid username or password.")
# Uploads the data of specified user into firebase.
def upload_data(user_id, firstname, lastname, email, phone):
data = {"First Name": firstname, "Last Name": lastname, "E-Mail": email, "Phone": phone}
# Removes the data of specified user from firebase.
def remove_data(user_id):
# Returns the first name or else an empty string.
def get_firstname(user_id):
firstname = db.child("Users").child(str(user_id)).child("First Name").get().val()
return firstname
# Returns the last name or else an empty string.
def get_lastname(user_id):
lastname = db.child("Users").child(str(user_id)).child("Last Name").get().val()
return lastname
# Returns the e-mail or else an empty string.
def get_email(user_id):
email = db.child("Users").child(str(user_id)).child("E-Mail").get().val()
return email
# Returns the phone or else an empty string.
def get_phone(user_id):
phone = db.child("Users").child(str(user_id)).child("Phone").get().val()
return phone
# Uploads the photos of user, input should be something like "example.jpg"
def upload_user_photo(user_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Users/" + user_id).put("Facial_images/face_rec/train/" + user_id)
# Uploads the photos of thief, input should be something like "example.jpg"
def upload_thief_photo(thief_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Thieves/" + thief_id).put("Facial_images/face_rec/train/" + thief_id)
# Downloads the specified user's photos, input should be something like "example.jpg"
def download_user_photo(user_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Users/" + user_id).download("Facial_images/face_rec/train/" + user_id)
# Downloads the specified thief's photos, input should be something like "example.jpg"
def download_thief_photo(thief_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Thieves/" + thief_id).download("Photos_of_Thieves/" + thief_id)
# Deletes photo of the specified user.
def delete_user_photo(user_photo):
storage.delete('Photos_of_Users/' + user_photo)
# Deletes photo of the specified thief.
def delete_thief_photo(user_photo):
storage.delete('Photos_of_Thieves/' + user_photo)
# Motor signal getter
def get_motor():
motor = db.child("signal").child("1").child("motor").get().val()
return motor
# Motor signal setter
def set_motor(motor):
# Alarm signal getter
def get_alarm():
alarm = db.child("signal").child("1").child("alarm").get().val()
return alarm
# Alarm signal setter
def set_alarm(alarm):
# Power signal getter
def get_power():
alarm = db.child("signal").child("1").child("power").get().val()
return alarm
# Power signal setter
def set_power(power):
# Returns the first name or else an empty string.
def get_register_firstname():
firstname = db.child("signal").child("2").child("First Name").get().val()
return firstname
# Returns the last name or else an empty string.
def get_register_lastname():
lastname = db.child("signal").child("2").child("Last Name").get().val()
return lastname
# Returns the e-mail or else an empty string.
def get_register_email():
email = db.child("signal").child("2").child("E-Mail").get().val()
return email
# Returns the phone or else an empty string.
def get_register_phone():
phone = db.child("signal").child("2").child("Phone").get().val()
return phone
# Uploads the data of user input into firebase.
def upload_register_data(firstname, lastname, email, phone):
data = {"First Name": firstname, "Last Name": lastname, "E-Mail": email, "Phone": phone}
# Removes the inputs.
def remove_register_data():
# Downloads user photo to the specified folder.
def download_user_photo_other(user_id, other_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Users/" + user_id).download("Facial_images/face_rec/train/" + other_id)
# Downloads thief photo to the specified folder.
def download_thief_photo_other(thief_id, other_id):
storage.child("Photos_of_Thieves/" + thief_id).download("Photos_of_Thieves/" + other_id)
# Returns the first name or else an empty string.
def get_removal_firstname():
firstname = db.child("signal").child("3").child("First Name").get().val()
return firstname
# Returns the last name or else an empty string.
def get_removal_lastname():
lastname = db.child("signal").child("3").child("Last Name").get().val()
return lastname
# Returns the e-mail or else an empty string.
def get_removal_email():
email = db.child("signal").child("3").child("E-Mail").get().val()
return email
# Returns the phone or else an empty string.
def get_removal_phone():
phone = db.child("signal").child("3").child("Phone").get().val()
return phone
# Uploads the data of user input into firebase.
def upload_removal_data(firstname, lastname, email, phone):
data = {"First Name": firstname, "Last Name": lastname, "E-Mail": email, "Phone": phone}
# Removes the inputs.
def remove_removal_data():
# Uploads the data of specified thief into firebase.
def upload_thief_data(thief_id, date, time):
data = {"Date": date, "Time": time}
if __name__ == "__main__":
upload_register_data("RandomFirst", "RandomLast", "", "0000000000")
upload_removal_data("RandomFirst", "RandomLast", "", "0000000000")