from ._pnpoly import _grid_points_in_poly, _points_in_poly

def grid_points_in_poly(shape, verts):
    """Test whether points on a specified grid are inside a polygon.

    For each ``(r, c)`` coordinate on a grid, i.e. ``(0, 0)``, ``(0, 1)`` etc.,
    test whether that point lies inside a polygon.

    shape : tuple (M, N)
        Shape of the grid.
    verts : (V, 2) array
        Specify the V vertices of the polygon, sorted either clockwise
        or anti-clockwise. The first point may (but does not need to be)

    See Also

    mask : (M, N) ndarray of bool
        True where the grid falls inside the polygon.

    return _grid_points_in_poly(shape, verts)

def points_in_poly(points, verts):
    """Test whether points lie inside a polygon.

    points : (N, 2) array
        Input points, ``(x, y)``.
    verts : (M, 2) array
        Vertices of the polygon, sorted either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
        The first point may (but does not need to be) duplicated.

    See Also

    mask : (N,) array of bool
        True if corresponding point is inside the polygon.

    return _points_in_poly(points, verts)