Pytest test running.

This module implements the ``test()`` function for NumPy modules. The usual
boiler plate for doing that is to put the following in the module
``__init__.py`` file::

    from pywt._pytesttester import PytestTester
    test = PytestTester(__name__).test
    del PytestTester

Warnings filtering and other runtime settings should be dealt with in the
``pytest.ini`` file in the pywt repo root. The behavior of the test depends on
whether or not that file is found as follows:

* ``pytest.ini`` is present (develop mode)
    All warnings except those explicily filtered out are raised as error.
* ``pytest.ini`` is absent (release mode)
    DeprecationWarnings and PendingDeprecationWarnings are ignored, other
    warnings are passed through.

In practice, tests run from the PyWavelets repo are run in develop mode. That
includes the standard ``python runtests.py`` invocation.

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import sys
import os

__all__ = ['PytestTester']

def _show_pywt_info():
    import pywt
    from pywt._c99_config import _have_c99_complex
    print("PyWavelets version %s" % pywt.__version__)
    if _have_c99_complex:
        print("Compiled with C99 complex support.")
        print("Compiled without C99 complex support.")

class PytestTester(object):
    Pytest test runner.

    This class is made available in ``pywt.testing``, and a test function
    is typically added to a package's __init__.py like so::

      from pywt.testing import PytestTester
      test = PytestTester(__name__).test
      del PytestTester

    Calling this test function finds and runs all tests associated with the
    module and all its sub-modules.

    module_name : str
        Full path to the package to test.

    module_name : module name
        The name of the module to test.

    def __init__(self, module_name):
        self.module_name = module_name

    def __call__(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=None,
                 doctests=False, coverage=False, durations=-1, tests=None):
        Run tests for module using pytest.

        label : {'fast', 'full'}, optional
            Identifies the tests to run. When set to 'fast', tests decorated
            with `pytest.mark.slow` are skipped, when 'full', the slow marker
            is ignored.
        verbose : int, optional
            Verbosity value for test outputs, in the range 1-3. Default is 1.
        extra_argv : list, optional
            List with any extra arguments to pass to pytests.
        doctests : bool, optional
            .. note:: Not supported
        coverage : bool, optional
            If True, report coverage of NumPy code. Default is False.
            Requires installation of (pip) pytest-cov.
        durations : int, optional
            If < 0, do nothing, If 0, report time of all tests, if > 0,
            report the time of the slowest `timer` tests. Default is -1.
        tests : test or list of tests
            Tests to be executed with pytest '--pyargs'

        result : bool
            Return True on success, false otherwise.

        >>> result = np.lib.test() #doctest: +SKIP
        1023 passed, 2 skipped, 6 deselected, 1 xfailed in 10.39 seconds
        >>> result

        import pytest

        module = sys.modules[self.module_name]
        module_path = os.path.abspath(module.__path__[0])

        # setup the pytest arguments
        pytest_args = ["-l"]

        # offset verbosity. The "-q" cancels a "-v".
        pytest_args += ["-q"]

        # Filter out annoying import messages. Want these in both develop and
        # release mode.
        pytest_args += [
            "-W ignore:Not importing directory",
            "-W ignore:numpy.dtype size changed",
            "-W ignore:numpy.ufunc size changed", ]

        if doctests:
            raise ValueError("Doctests not supported")

        if extra_argv:
            pytest_args += list(extra_argv)

        if verbose > 1:
            pytest_args += ["-" + "v"*(verbose - 1)]

        if coverage:
            pytest_args += ["--cov=" + module_path]

        if label == "fast":
            pytest_args += ["-m", "not slow"]
        elif label != "full":
            pytest_args += ["-m", label]

        if durations >= 0:
            pytest_args += ["--durations=%s" % durations]

        if tests is None:
            tests = [self.module_name]

        pytest_args += ["--pyargs"] + list(tests)

        # run tests.

            code = pytest.main(pytest_args)
        except SystemExit as exc:
            code = exc.code

        return code == 0