Module with tests for the clearmetadata preprocessor.

# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

from .base import PreprocessorTestsBase
from ..clearmetadata import ClearMetadataPreprocessor

class TestClearMetadata(PreprocessorTestsBase):
    """Contains test functions for clearmetadata.py"""

    def build_notebook(self):
        notebook = super().build_notebook()
        notebook.metadata = {
            'language_info': {'name': 'python', 'version': '3.6.7'},
            'kernelspec': {'language': 'python', 'name': 'python3'}
        # Add a test field to the first cell
        if 'metadata' not in notebook.cells[0]:
            notebook.cells[0].metadata = {}
        notebook.cells[0].metadata['test_field'] = 'test_value'
        notebook.cells[0].metadata['test_nested'] = { 'test_keep': 'keep', 'test_filtered': 'filter' }
        notebook.cells[0].metadata['executeTime'] = dict([('end_time', '09:31:50'), 
                                                    ('start_time', '09:31:49')])
        return notebook

    def build_preprocessor(self, **kwargs):
        """Make an instance of a preprocessor"""
        preprocessor = ClearMetadataPreprocessor(**kwargs)
        preprocessor.enabled = True
        return preprocessor

    def test_constructor(self):
        """Can a ClearMetadataPreprocessor be constructed?"""

    def test_default_output(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor()
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert not nb.cells[0].metadata 
        # By default we only perserve the langauge name
        assert nb.metadata == {'language_info': {'name': 'python'}} 

    def test_cell_only(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(clear_notebook_metadata=False)
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert not nb.cells[0].metadata 
        assert nb.metadata

    def test_notebook_only(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(clear_cell_metadata=False, preserve_nb_metadata_mask=set())
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert nb.cells[0].metadata 
        assert not nb.metadata

    def test_selective_cell_metadata(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert nb.cells[0].metadata == { 'test_field': 'test_value' }
        assert not nb.metadata

    def test_selective_cell_tuple_metadata(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        # Ensure that a tuple length 1 works as well as a string key
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert nb.cells[0].metadata == { 'test_field': 'test_value' }
        assert not nb.metadata

    def test_nested_cell_metadata(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(
            preserve_cell_metadata_mask=[('test_nested', 'test_keep')],
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert nb.cells[0].metadata == { 'test_nested': { 'test_keep': 'keep' } }
        assert not nb.metadata

    def test_nested_cell_tuple_metadata(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        # Ensure that a tuple length 1 works as well as a string key
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(
            preserve_cell_metadata_mask=[('test_nested', ('test_keep',))],
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert nb.cells[0].metadata == { 'test_nested': { 'test_keep': 'keep' } }
        assert not nb.metadata

    def test_selective_notebook_metadata(self):
        """Test the output of the ClearMetadataPreprocessor"""
        nb = self.build_notebook()
        res = self.build_resources()
        preprocessor = self.build_preprocessor(preserve_nb_metadata_mask=['kernelspec'])
        nb, res = preprocessor(nb, res)

        assert not nb.cells[0].metadata
        assert nb.metadata == { 'kernelspec': { 'language': 'python', 'name': 'python3' } }