"""AXScript Client Framework This module provides a core framework for an ActiveX Scripting client. Derived classes actually implement the AX Client itself, including the scoping rules, etc. There are classes defined for the engine itself, and for ScriptItems """ import sys from win32com.axscript import axscript import win32com.server.util import win32com.client.connect # Need simple connection point support import win32api, winerror import pythoncom import types import re def RemoveCR(text): # No longer just "RemoveCR" - should be renamed to # FixNewlines, or something. Idea is to fix arbitary newlines into # something Python can compile... return re.sub('(\r\n)|\r|(\n\r)','\n',text) SCRIPTTEXT_FORCEEXECUTION = -2147483648 # 0x80000000 SCRIPTTEXT_ISEXPRESSION = 0x00000020 SCRIPTTEXT_ISPERSISTENT = 0x00000040 from win32com.server.exception import Exception, IsCOMServerException from . import error # ax.client.error state_map = { axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_UNINITIALIZED: "SCRIPTSTATE_UNINITIALIZED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED: "SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED: "SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED", axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CLOSED: "SCRIPTSTATE_CLOSED", } def profile(fn, *args): import profile prof = profile.Profile() try: # roll on 1.6 :-) # return prof.runcall(fn, *args) return prof.runcall(*(fn,) + args) finally: import pstats # Damn - really want to send this to Excel! # width, list = pstats.Stats(prof).strip_dirs().get_print_list([]) pstats.Stats(prof).strip_dirs().sort_stats("time").print_stats() class SafeOutput: softspace=1 def __init__(self, redir=None): if redir is None: redir = sys.stdout self.redir=redir def write(self,message): try: self.redir.write(message) except: win32api.OutputDebugString(message) def flush(self): pass def close(self): pass # Make sure we have a valid sys.stdout/stderr, otherwise out # print and trace statements may raise an exception def MakeValidSysOuts(): if not isinstance(sys.stdout, SafeOutput): sys.stdout = sys.stderr = SafeOutput() # and for the sake of working around something I can't understand... # prevent keyboard interrupts from killing IIS import signal def noOp(a,b): # it would be nice to get to the bottom of this, so a warning to # the debug console can't hurt. print("WARNING: Ignoring keyboard interrupt from ActiveScripting engine") # If someone else has already redirected, then assume they know what they are doing! if signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) == signal.default_int_handler: try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, noOp) except ValueError: # Not the main thread - can't do much. pass def trace(*args): """A function used instead of "print" for debugging output. """ for arg in args: print(arg, end=' ') print() def RaiseAssert(scode, desc): """A debugging function that raises an exception considered an "Assertion". """ print("**************** ASSERTION FAILED *******************") print(desc) raise Exception(desc, scode) class AXScriptCodeBlock: """An object which represents a chunk of code in an AX Script """ def __init__(self, name, codeText, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber, flags): self.name = name self.codeText = codeText self.codeObject = None self.sourceContextCookie = sourceContextCookie self.startLineNumber = startLineNumber self.flags = flags self.beenExecuted = 0 def GetFileName(self): # Gets the "file name" for Python - uses <...> so Python doesnt think # it is a real file. return "<%s>" % self.name def GetDisplayName(self): return self.name def GetLineNo(self, no): pos = -1 for i in range(no-1): pos = self.codeText.find('\n', pos+1) if pos==-1: pos=len(self.codeText) epos = self.codeText.find('\n', pos+1) if epos==-1: epos=len(self.codeText) return self.codeText[pos+1:epos].strip() class Event: """A single event for a ActiveX named object. """ def __init__(self): self.name = "" def __repr__(self): return "<%s at %d: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.name) def Reset(self): pass def Close(self): pass def Build(self, typeinfo, funcdesc): self.dispid = funcdesc[0] self.name = typeinfo.GetNames(self.dispid)[0] # print "Event.Build() - Event Name is ", self.name class EventSink: """A set of events against an item. Note this is a COM client for connection points. """ _public_methods_ = [] def __init__(self, myItem, coDispatch): self.events = {} self.connection = None self.coDispatch = coDispatch self.myScriptItem = myItem self.myInvokeMethod = myItem.GetEngine().ProcessScriptItemEvent self.iid = None def Reset(self): self.Disconnect() def Close(self): self.iid = None self.myScriptItem = None self.myInvokeMethod = None self.coDispatch = None for event in self.events.values(): event.Reset() self.events = {} self.Disconnect() # COM Connection point methods. def _query_interface_(self, iid): if iid==self.iid: return win32com.server.util.wrap(self) def _invoke_(self, dispid, lcid, wFlags, args): try: event = self.events[dispid] except: raise Exception(scode=winerror.DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND) #print "Invoke for ", event, "on", self.myScriptItem, " - calling", self.myInvokeMethod return self.myInvokeMethod(self.myScriptItem, event, lcid, wFlags, args) def GetSourceTypeInfo(self, typeinfo): """Gets the typeinfo for the Source Events for the passed typeinfo""" attr = typeinfo.GetTypeAttr() cFuncs = attr[6] typeKind = attr[5] if typeKind not in [pythoncom.TKIND_COCLASS, pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE]: RaiseAssert(winerror.E_UNEXPECTED, "The typeKind of the object is unexpected") cImplType = attr[8] for i in range(cImplType): # Look for the [source, default] interface on the coclass # that isn't marked as restricted. flags = typeinfo.GetImplTypeFlags(i) flagsNeeded = pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT | pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE if (flags & ( flagsNeeded | pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED))==(flagsNeeded): # Get the handle to the implemented interface. href = typeinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(i) return typeinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(href) def BuildEvents(self): # See if it is an extender object. try: mainTypeInfo = self.coDispatch.QueryInterface(axscript.IID_IProvideMultipleClassInfo) isMulti = 1 numTypeInfos = mainTypeInfo.GetMultiTypeInfoCount() except pythoncom.com_error: isMulti = 0 numTypeInfos = 1 try: mainTypeInfo = self.coDispatch.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IProvideClassInfo) except pythoncom.com_error: numTypeInfos = 0 # Create an event handler for the item. for item in range(numTypeInfos): if isMulti: typeinfo, flags = mainTypeInfo.GetInfoOfIndex(item, axscript.MULTICLASSINFO_GETTYPEINFO) else: typeinfo = mainTypeInfo.GetClassInfo() sourceType = self.GetSourceTypeInfo(typeinfo) cFuncs = 0 if sourceType: attr = sourceType.GetTypeAttr() self.iid = attr[0] cFuncs = attr[6] for i in range(cFuncs): funcdesc = sourceType.GetFuncDesc(i) event = Event() event.Build(sourceType, funcdesc) self.events[event.dispid] = event def Connect(self): if self.connection is not None or self.iid is None: return # trace("Connect for sink item", self.myScriptItem.name, "with IID",str(self.iid)) self.connection = win32com.client.connect.SimpleConnection(self.coDispatch, self, self.iid) def Disconnect(self): if self.connection: try: self.connection.Disconnect() except pythoncom.com_error: pass # Ignore disconnection errors. self.connection = None class ScriptItem: """An item (or subitem) that is exposed to the ActiveX script """ def __init__(self, parentItem, name, dispatch, flags): self.parentItem = parentItem self.dispatch = dispatch self.name = name self.flags = flags self.eventSink = None self.subItems = {} self.createdConnections = 0 self.isRegistered = 0 # trace("Creating ScriptItem", name, "of parent", parentItem,"with dispatch", dispatch) def __repr__(self): flagsDesc="" if self.flags is not None and self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS: flagsDesc = "/Global" return "<%s at %d: %s%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.name,flagsDesc) def _dump_(self, level): flagDescs = [] if self.flags is not None and self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS: flagDescs.append("GLOBAL!") if self.flags is None or self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE == 0: flagDescs.append("NOT VISIBLE") if self.flags is not None and self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE: flagDescs.append("EVENT SINK") if self.flags is not None and self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_CODEONLY: flagDescs.append("CODE ONLY") print(" " * level, "Name=", self.name, ", flags=", "/".join(flagDescs), self) for subItem in self.subItems.values(): subItem._dump_(level+1) def Reset(self): self.Disconnect() if self.eventSink: self.eventSink.Reset() self.isRegistered = 0 for subItem in self.subItems.values(): subItem.Reset() def Close(self): self.Reset() self.dispatch = None self.parentItem = None if self.eventSink: self.eventSink.Close() self.eventSink = None for subItem in self.subItems.values(): subItem.Close() self.subItems = [] self.createdConnections = 0 def Register(self): if self.isRegistered: return # Get the type info to use to build this item. # if not self.dispatch: # id = self.parentItem.dispatch.GetIDsOfNames(self.name) # print "DispID of me is", id # result = self.parentItem.dispatch.Invoke(id, 0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET,1) # if type(result)==pythoncom.TypeIIDs[pythoncom.IID_IDispatch]: # self.dispatch = result # else: # print "*** No dispatch" # return # print "**** Made dispatch" self.isRegistered = 1 # Register the sub-items. for item in self.subItems.values(): if not item.isRegistered: item.Register() def IsGlobal(self): return self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_GLOBALMEMBERS def IsVisible(self): return (self.flags & (axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE | axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE)) != 0 def GetEngine(self): item = self while item.parentItem.__class__==self.__class__: item = item.parentItem return item.parentItem def _GetFullItemName(self): ret = self.name if self.parentItem: try: ret = self.parentItem._GetFullItemName() + "." + ret except AttributeError: pass return ret def GetSubItemClass(self): return self.__class__ def GetSubItem(self, name): return self.subItems[name.lower()] def GetCreateSubItem(self, parentItem, name, dispatch, flags): keyName = name.lower() try: rc = self.subItems[keyName] # No changes allowed to existing flags. if not rc.flags is None and not flags is None and rc.flags != flags: raise Exception(scode=winerror.E_INVALIDARG) # Existing item must not have a dispatch. if not rc.dispatch is None and not dispatch is None: raise Exception(scode=winerror.E_INVALIDARG) rc.flags = flags # Setup the real flags. rc.dispatch = dispatch except KeyError: rc = self.subItems[keyName] = self.GetSubItemClass()(parentItem, name, dispatch, flags) return rc # if self.dispatch is None: # RaiseAssert(winerror.E_UNEXPECTED, "??") def CreateConnections(self): # Create (but do not connect to) the connection points. if self.createdConnections: return self.createdConnections = 1 # Nothing to do unless this is an event source # This flags means self, _and_ children, are connectable. if self.flags & axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISSOURCE: self.BuildEvents() self.FindBuildSubItemEvents() def Connect(self): # Connect to the already created connection points. if self.eventSink: self.eventSink.Connect() for subItem in self.subItems.values(): subItem.Connect() def Disconnect(self): # Disconnect from the connection points. if self.eventSink: self.eventSink.Disconnect() for subItem in self.subItems.values(): subItem.Disconnect() def BuildEvents(self): if self.eventSink is not None or self.dispatch is None: RaiseAssert(winerror.E_UNEXPECTED, "Item already has built events, or no dispatch available?") # trace("BuildEvents for named item", self._GetFullItemName()) self.eventSink = EventSink(self, self.dispatch) self.eventSink.BuildEvents() def FindBuildSubItemEvents(self): # Called during connection to event source. Seeks out and connects to # all children. As per the AX spec, this is not recursive # (ie, children sub-items are not seeked) try: multiTypeInfo = self.dispatch.QueryInterface(axscript.IID_IProvideMultipleClassInfo) numTypeInfos = multiTypeInfo.GetMultiTypeInfoCount() except pythoncom.com_error: return for item in range(numTypeInfos): typeinfo, flags = multiTypeInfo.GetInfoOfIndex(item, axscript.MULTICLASSINFO_GETTYPEINFO) defaultType = self.GetDefaultSourceTypeInfo(typeinfo) index = 0 while 1: try: fdesc = defaultType.GetFuncDesc(index) except pythoncom.com_error: break # No more funcs index = index + 1 dispid = fdesc[0] funckind = fdesc[3] invkind = fdesc[4] elemdesc = fdesc[8] funcflags = fdesc[9] try: isSubObject = not (funcflags & pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED) and \ funckind == pythoncom.FUNC_DISPATCH and \ invkind == pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET and \ elemdesc[0][0] == pythoncom.VT_PTR and \ elemdesc[0][1][0] == pythoncom.VT_USERDEFINED except: isSubObject = 0 if isSubObject: try: # We found a sub-object. names = typeinfo.GetNames(dispid); result = self.dispatch.Invoke(dispid, 0x0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, 1) # IE has an interesting problem - there are lots of synonyms for the same object. Eg # in a simple form, "window.top", "window.window", "window.parent", "window.self" # all refer to the same object. Our event implementation code does not differentiate # eg, "window_onload" will fire for *all* objects named "window". Thus, # "window" and "window.window" will fire the same event handler :( # One option would be to check if the sub-object is indeed the # parent object - however, this would stop "top_onload" from firing, # as no event handler for "top" would work. # I think we simply need to connect to a *single* event handler. # As use in IE is deprecated, I am not solving this now. if type(result)==pythoncom.TypeIIDs[pythoncom.IID_IDispatch]: name = names[0] subObj = self.GetCreateSubItem(self, name, result, axscript.SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE) #print "subobj", name, "flags are", subObj.flags, "mydisp=", self.dispatch, "result disp=", result, "compare=", self.dispatch==result subObj.BuildEvents() subObj.Register() except pythoncom.com_error: pass def GetDefaultSourceTypeInfo(self, typeinfo): """Gets the typeinfo for the Default Dispatch for the passed typeinfo""" attr = typeinfo.GetTypeAttr() cFuncs = attr[6] typeKind = attr[5] if typeKind not in [pythoncom.TKIND_COCLASS, pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE]: RaiseAssert(winerror.E_UNEXPECTED, "The typeKind of the object is unexpected") cImplType = attr[8] for i in range(cImplType): # Look for the [source, default] interface on the coclass # that isn't marked as restricted. flags = typeinfo.GetImplTypeFlags(i) if (flags & ( pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT | pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE | pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED))==pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT: # Get the handle to the implemented interface. href = typeinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(i) defTypeInfo = typeinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(href) attr = defTypeInfo.GetTypeAttr() typeKind = attr[5] typeFlags = attr[11] if typeKind == pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE and typeFlags & pythoncom.TYPEFLAG_FDUAL: # Get corresponding Disp interface # -1 is a special value which does this for us. href = typeinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(-1) return defTypeInfo.GetRefTypeInfo(href) else: return defTypeInfo IActiveScriptMethods = [ "SetScriptSite", "GetScriptSite", "SetScriptState", "GetScriptState", "Close", "AddNamedItem", "AddTypeLib", "GetScriptDispatch", "GetCurrentScriptThreadID", "GetScriptThreadID", "GetScriptThreadState", "InterruptScriptThread", "Clone" ] IActiveScriptParseMethods = [ "InitNew", "AddScriptlet", "ParseScriptText" ] IObjectSafetyMethods = [ "GetInterfaceSafetyOptions", "SetInterfaceSafetyOptions"] # ActiveScriptParseProcedure is a new interface with IIS4/IE4. IActiveScriptParseProcedureMethods = ['ParseProcedureText'] class COMScript: """An ActiveX Scripting engine base class. This class implements the required COM interfaces for ActiveX scripting. """ _public_methods_ = IActiveScriptMethods + IActiveScriptParseMethods + IObjectSafetyMethods + IActiveScriptParseProcedureMethods _com_interfaces_ = [axscript.IID_IActiveScript, axscript.IID_IActiveScriptParse, axscript.IID_IObjectSafety] #, axscript.IID_IActiveScriptParseProcedure] def __init__(self): # Make sure we can print/trace wihout an exception! MakeValidSysOuts() # trace("AXScriptEngine object created", self) self.baseThreadId = -1 self.debugManager = None self.threadState = axscript.SCRIPTTHREADSTATE_NOTINSCRIPT self.scriptState = axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_UNINITIALIZED self.scriptSite = None self.safetyOptions = 0 self.lcid = 0 self.subItems = {} self.scriptCodeBlocks = {} def _query_interface_(self, iid): if self.debugManager: return self.debugManager._query_interface_for_debugger_(iid) # trace("ScriptEngine QI - unknown IID", iid) return 0 # IActiveScriptParse def InitNew(self): if self.scriptSite is not None: self.SetScriptState(axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_INITIALIZED) def AddScriptlet(self, defaultName, code, itemName, subItemName, eventName, delimiter, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber): # trace ("AddScriptlet", defaultName, code, itemName, subItemName, eventName, delimiter, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber) self.DoAddScriptlet(defaultName, code, itemName, subItemName, eventName, delimiter,sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber) def ParseScriptText(self, code, itemName, context, delimiter, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber, flags, bWantResult): # trace ("ParseScriptText", code[:20],"...", itemName, context, delimiter, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber, flags, bWantResult) if bWantResult or self.scriptState == axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_STARTED \ or self.scriptState == axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED \ or self.scriptState == axscript.SCRIPTSTATE_DISCONNECTED : flags = flags | SCRIPTTEXT_FORCEEXECUTION else: flags = flags & (~SCRIPTTEXT_FORCEEXECUTION) if flags & SCRIPTTEXT_FORCEEXECUTION: # About to execute the code. self.RegisterNewNamedItems() return self.DoParseScriptText(code, sourceContextCookie, startLineNumber, bWantResult, flags) # # IActiveScriptParseProcedure def ParseProcedureText( self, code, formalParams, procName, itemName, unkContext, delimiter, contextCookie, startingLineNumber, flags): trace("ParseProcedureText", code, formalParams, procName, itemName, unkContext, delimiter, contextCookie, startingLineNumber, flags) # NOTE - this is never called, as we have disabled this interface. # Problem is, once enabled all even code comes via here, rather than AddScriptlet. # However, the "procName" is always an empty string - ie, itemName is the object whose event we are handling, # but no idea what the specific event is!? # Problem is disabling this block is that AddScriptlet is _not_ passed #