var normalized_shortcuts = [ 'ctrl-shift-m', 'alt-meta-p', ]; var to_normalize = [ ['shift-%', 'shift-5'], ['ShiFT-MeTa-CtRl-AlT-m', 'alt-ctrl-meta-shift-m'], ]; var unshifted = "` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\ a s d f g h j k l ; ' z x c v b n m , . /"; // shifted = '~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + Q W E R T Y U I O P { } | A S D F G H J K L : " Z X C V B N M < > ?'; var ambiguous_expect = function(ch){ // `-` is ambiguous in shortcut context as a separator, so map it to `minus` if(ch === '-'){ return 'minus'; } return ch; }; casper.notebook_test(function () { var that = this; this.then(function () { this.each(unshifted.split(' '), function (self, item) { var result = this.evaluate(function (sc) { var e = IPython.keyboard.shortcut_to_event(sc); var sc2 = IPython.keyboard.event_to_shortcut(e); return sc2; }, item); this.test.assertEquals(result, ambiguous_expect(item), 'Shortcut to event roundtrip: '+item); }); }); this.then(function () { this.each(to_normalize, function (self, item) { var result = this.evaluate(function (pair) { return IPython.keyboard.normalize_shortcut(pair[0]); }, item); this.test.assertEquals(result, item[1], 'Normalize shortcut: '+item[0]); }); }); this.then(function () { this.each(normalized_shortcuts, function (self, item) { var result = this.evaluate(function (sc) { var e = IPython.keyboard.shortcut_to_event(sc); var sc2 = IPython.keyboard.event_to_shortcut(e); return sc2; }, item); this.test.assertEquals(result, item, 'Shortcut to event roundtrip: '+item); }); }); this.then(function(){ var shortcuts_test = { 'i,e,e,e,e,e' : '[[5E]]', 'i,d,d,q,d' : '[[TEST1]]', 'i,d,d' : '[[TEST1 WILL BE SHADOWED]]', 'i,d,k' : '[[SHOULD SHADOW TEST2]]', 'i,d,k,r,q' : '[[TEST2 NOT SHADOWED]]', ';,up,down,up,down,left,right,left,right,b,a' : '[[KONAMI]]', 'ctrl-x,meta-c,meta-b,u,t,t,e,r,f,l,y' : '[[XKCD]]' }; that.msgs = []; that.on('remote.message', function(msg) { that.msgs.push(msg); }); that.evaluate(function (obj) { for(var k in obj){ if ({}, k)) { IPython.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut(k, function(){console.log(obj[k]);}); } } }, shortcuts_test); var longer_first = false; var longer_last = false; for(var m in that.msgs){ if ({}, m)) { longer_first = longer_first||(that.msgs[m].match(/you are overriting/)!= null); longer_last = longer_last ||(that.msgs[m].match(/will be shadowed/) != null); } } this.test.assert(longer_first, 'no warning if registering shorter shortcut'); this.test.assert(longer_last , 'no warning if registering longer shortcut'); }); });