# winout.py # # generic "output window" # # This Window will detect itself closing, and recreate next time output is # written to it. # This has the option of writing output at idle time (by hooking the # idle message, and queueing output) or writing as each # write is executed. # Updating the window directly gives a jerky appearance as many writes # take place between commands, and the windows scrolls, and updates etc # Updating at idle-time may defer all output of a long process, giving the # appearence nothing is happening. # There is a compromise "line" mode, which will output whenever # a complete line is available. # behaviour depends on self.writeQueueing # This module is thread safe - output can originate from any thread. If any thread # other than the main thread attempts to print, it is always queued until next idle time import sys, string, re from pywin.mfc import docview from pywin.framework import app, window import win32ui, win32api, win32con import queue debug = lambda msg: None ##debug=win32ui.OutputDebugString ##import win32trace;win32trace.InitWrite() # for debugging - delete me! ##debug = win32trace.write class flags: # queueing of output. WQ_NONE = 0 WQ_LINE = 1 WQ_IDLE = 2 #WindowOutputDocumentParent=docview.RichEditDoc #WindowOutputDocumentParent=docview.Document import pywin.scintilla.document from pywin.scintilla import scintillacon from pywin import default_scintilla_encoding WindowOutputDocumentParent=pywin.scintilla.document.CScintillaDocument class WindowOutputDocument(WindowOutputDocumentParent): def SaveModified(self): return 1 # say it is OK to destroy my document def OnSaveDocument( self, fileName ): win32ui.SetStatusText("Saving file...",1) try: self.SaveFile(fileName) except IOError as details: win32ui.MessageBox("Error - could not save file\r\n\r\n%s"%details) return 0 win32ui.SetStatusText("Ready") return 1 class WindowOutputFrame(window.MDIChildWnd): def __init__(self, wnd = None): window.MDIChildWnd.__init__(self, wnd) self.HookMessage(self.OnSizeMove, win32con.WM_SIZE) self.HookMessage(self.OnSizeMove, win32con.WM_MOVE) def LoadFrame( self, idResource, style, wndParent, context ): self.template = context.template return self._obj_.LoadFrame(idResource, style, wndParent, context) def PreCreateWindow(self, cc): cc = self._obj_.PreCreateWindow(cc) if self.template.defSize and self.template.defSize[0] != self.template.defSize[1]: rect = app.RectToCreateStructRect(self.template.defSize) cc = cc[0], cc[1], cc[2], cc[3], rect, cc[5], cc[6], cc[7], cc[8] return cc def OnSizeMove(self, msg): # so recreate maintains position. # Need to map coordinates from the # frame windows first child. mdiClient = self.GetParent() self.template.defSize = mdiClient.ScreenToClient(self.GetWindowRect()) def OnDestroy(self, message): self.template.OnFrameDestroy(self) return 1 class WindowOutputViewImpl: def __init__(self): self.patErrorMessage=re.compile('\W*File "(.*)", line ([0-9]+)') self.template = self.GetDocument().GetDocTemplate() def HookHandlers(self): # Hook for the right-click menu. self.HookMessage(self.OnRClick,win32con.WM_RBUTTONDOWN) def OnDestroy(self, msg): self.template.OnViewDestroy(self) def OnInitialUpdate(self): self.RestoreKillBuffer() self.SetSel(-2) # end of buffer def GetRightMenuItems(self): ret = [] flags=win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED ret.append((flags, win32ui.ID_EDIT_COPY, '&Copy')) ret.append((flags, win32ui.ID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL, '&Select all')) return ret # # Windows command handlers, virtuals, etc. # def OnRClick(self,params): paramsList = self.GetRightMenuItems() menu = win32ui.CreatePopupMenu() for appendParams in paramsList: if type(appendParams)!=type(()): appendParams = (appendParams,) menu.AppendMenu(*appendParams) menu.TrackPopupMenu(params[5]) # track at mouse position. return 0 # as this is often used as an output window, exeptions will often # be printed. Therefore, we support this functionality at this level. # Returns TRUE if the current line is an error message line, and will # jump to it. FALSE if no error (and no action taken) def HandleSpecialLine(self): from . import scriptutils line = self.GetLine() if line[:11]=="com_error: ": # An OLE Exception - pull apart the exception # and try and locate a help file. try: import win32api, win32con det = eval(line[line.find(":")+1:].strip()) win32ui.SetStatusText("Opening help file on OLE error..."); from . import help help.OpenHelpFile(det[2][3],win32con.HELP_CONTEXT, det[2][4]) return 1 except win32api.error as details: win32ui.SetStatusText("The help file could not be opened - %s" % details.strerror) return 1 except: win32ui.SetStatusText("Line is a COM error, but no WinHelp details can be parsed"); # Look for a Python traceback. matchResult = self.patErrorMessage.match(line) if matchResult is None: # No match - try the previous line lineNo = self.LineFromChar() if lineNo > 0: line = self.GetLine(lineNo-1) matchResult = self.patErrorMessage.match(line) if matchResult is not None: # we have an error line. fileName = matchResult.group(1) if fileName[0]=="<": win32ui.SetStatusText("Can not load this file") return 1 # still was an error message. else: lineNoString = matchResult.group(2) # Attempt to locate the file (in case it is a relative spec) fileNameSpec = fileName fileName = scriptutils.LocatePythonFile(fileName) if fileName is None: # Dont force update, so it replaces the idle prompt. win32ui.SetStatusText("Cant locate the file '%s'" % (fileNameSpec), 0) return 1 win32ui.SetStatusText("Jumping to line "+lineNoString+" of file "+fileName,1) if not scriptutils.JumpToDocument(fileName, int(lineNoString)): win32ui.SetStatusText("Could not open %s" % fileName) return 1 # still was an error message. return 1 return 0 # not an error line def write(self, msg): return self.template.write(msg) def writelines(self, lines): for line in lines: self.write(line) def flush(self): self.template.flush() class WindowOutputViewRTF(docview.RichEditView, WindowOutputViewImpl): def __init__(self, doc): docview.RichEditView.__init__(self, doc) WindowOutputViewImpl.__init__(self) def OnInitialUpdate(self): WindowOutputViewImpl.OnInitialUpdate(self) return docview.RichEditView.OnInitialUpdate(self) def OnDestroy(self, msg): WindowOutputViewImpl.OnDestroy(self, msg) docview.RichEditView.OnDestroy(self, msg) def HookHandlers(self): WindowOutputViewImpl.HookHandlers(self) # Hook for finding and locating error messages self.HookMessage(self.OnLDoubleClick,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) # docview.RichEditView.HookHandlers(self) def OnLDoubleClick(self,params): if self.HandleSpecialLine(): return 0 # dont pass on return 1 # pass it on by default. def RestoreKillBuffer(self): if len(self.template.killBuffer): self.StreamIn(win32con.SF_RTF, self._StreamRTFIn) self.template.killBuffer = [] def SaveKillBuffer(self): self.StreamOut(win32con.SF_RTFNOOBJS, self._StreamRTFOut) def _StreamRTFOut(self, data): self.template.killBuffer.append(data) return 1 # keep em coming! def _StreamRTFIn(self, bytes): try: item = self.template.killBuffer[0] self.template.killBuffer.remove(item) if bytes < len(item): print("Warning - output buffer not big enough!") return item except IndexError: return None def dowrite(self, str): self.SetSel(-2) self.ReplaceSel(str) import pywin.scintilla.view class WindowOutputViewScintilla(pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView, WindowOutputViewImpl): def __init__(self, doc): pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView.__init__(self, doc) WindowOutputViewImpl.__init__(self) def OnInitialUpdate(self): pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView.OnInitialUpdate(self) self.SCISetMarginWidth(3) WindowOutputViewImpl.OnInitialUpdate(self) def OnDestroy(self, msg): WindowOutputViewImpl.OnDestroy(self, msg) pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView.OnDestroy(self, msg) def HookHandlers(self): WindowOutputViewImpl.HookHandlers(self) pywin.scintilla.view.CScintillaView.HookHandlers(self) self.GetParent().HookNotify(self.OnScintillaDoubleClick, scintillacon.SCN_DOUBLECLICK) ## self.HookMessage(self.OnLDoubleClick,win32con.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) def OnScintillaDoubleClick(self, std, extra): self.HandleSpecialLine() ## def OnLDoubleClick(self,params): ## return 0 # never dont pass on def RestoreKillBuffer(self): assert len(self.template.killBuffer) in [0,1], "Unexpected killbuffer contents" if self.template.killBuffer: self.SCIAddText(self.template.killBuffer[0]) self.template.killBuffer = [] def SaveKillBuffer(self): self.template.killBuffer = [self.GetTextRange(0,-1)] def dowrite(self, str): end = self.GetTextLength() atEnd = end==self.GetSel()[0] self.SCIInsertText(str, end) if atEnd: self.SetSel(self.GetTextLength()) def SetWordWrap(self, bWrapOn = 1): if bWrapOn: wrap_mode = scintillacon.SC_WRAP_WORD else: wrap_mode = scintillacon.SC_WRAP_NONE self.SCISetWrapMode(wrap_mode) def _MakeColorizer(self): return None # No colorizer for me! WindowOutputView = WindowOutputViewScintilla # The WindowOutput class is actually an MFC template. This is a conventient way of # making sure that my state can exist beyond the life of the windows themselves. # This is primarily to support the functionality of a WindowOutput window automatically # being recreated if necessary when written to. class WindowOutput(docview.DocTemplate): """ Looks like a general Output Window - text can be written by the 'write' method. Will auto-create itself on first write, and also on next write after being closed """ softspace=1 def __init__(self, title=None, defSize=None, queueing = flags.WQ_LINE, \ bAutoRestore = 1, style=None, makeDoc = None, makeFrame = None, makeView = None): """ init the output window - Params title=None -- What is the title of the window defSize=None -- What is the default size for the window - if this is a string, the size will be loaded from the ini file. queueing = flags.WQ_LINE -- When should output be written bAutoRestore=1 -- Should a minimized window be restored. style -- Style for Window, or None for default. makeDoc, makeFrame, makeView -- Classes for frame, view and window respectively. """ if makeDoc is None: makeDoc = WindowOutputDocument if makeFrame is None: makeFrame = WindowOutputFrame if makeView is None: makeView = WindowOutputViewScintilla docview.DocTemplate.__init__(self, win32ui.IDR_PYTHONTYPE, \ makeDoc, makeFrame, makeView) self.SetDocStrings("\nOutput\n\nText Documents (*.txt)\n.txt\n\n\n") win32ui.GetApp().AddDocTemplate(self) self.writeQueueing = queueing self.errorCantRecreate = 0 self.killBuffer=[] self.style = style self.bAutoRestore = bAutoRestore self.title = title self.bCreating = 0 self.interruptCount = 0 if type(defSize)==type(''): # is a string - maintain size pos from ini file. self.iniSizeSection = defSize self.defSize = app.LoadWindowSize(defSize) self.loadedSize = self.defSize else: self.iniSizeSection = None self.defSize=defSize self.currentView = None self.outputQueue = queue.Queue(-1) self.mainThreadId = win32api.GetCurrentThreadId() self.idleHandlerSet = 0 self.SetIdleHandler() def __del__(self): self.Close() def Create(self, title=None, style = None): self.bCreating = 1 if title: self.title = title if style: self.style = style doc=self.OpenDocumentFile() if doc is None: return self.currentView = doc.GetFirstView() self.bCreating = 0 if self.title: doc.SetTitle(self.title) def Close(self): self.RemoveIdleHandler() try: parent = self.currentView.GetParent() except (AttributeError, win32ui.error): # Already closed return parent.DestroyWindow() def SetTitle(self, title): self.title = title if self.currentView: self.currentView.GetDocument().SetTitle(self.title) def OnViewDestroy(self, view): self.currentView.SaveKillBuffer() self.currentView = None def OnFrameDestroy(self, frame): if self.iniSizeSection: # use GetWindowPlacement(), as it works even when min'd or max'd newSize = frame.GetWindowPlacement()[4] if self.loadedSize!=newSize: app.SaveWindowSize(self.iniSizeSection, newSize) def SetIdleHandler(self): if not self.idleHandlerSet: debug("Idle handler set\n") win32ui.GetApp().AddIdleHandler(self.QueueIdleHandler) self.idleHandlerSet = 1 def RemoveIdleHandler(self): if self.idleHandlerSet: debug("Idle handler reset\n") if (win32ui.GetApp().DeleteIdleHandler(self.QueueIdleHandler)==0): debug('Error deleting idle handler\n') self.idleHandlerSet = 0 def RecreateWindow(self): if self.errorCantRecreate: debug("Error = not trying again") return 0 try: # This will fail if app shutting down win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetSafeHwnd() self.Create() return 1 except (win32ui.error, AttributeError): self.errorCantRecreate = 1 debug("Winout can not recreate the Window!\n") return 0 # this handles the idle message, and does the printing. def QueueIdleHandler(self,handler,count): try: bEmpty = self.QueueFlush(20) # If the queue is empty, then we are back to idle and restart interrupt logic. if bEmpty: self.interruptCount = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: # First interrupt since idle we just pass on. # later ones we dump the queue and give up. self.interruptCount = self.interruptCount + 1 if self.interruptCount > 1: # Drop the queue quickly as the user is already annoyed :-) self.outputQueue = queue.Queue(-1) print("Interrupted.") bEmpty = 1 else: raise # re-raise the error so the users exception filters up. return not bEmpty # More to do if not empty. # Returns true if the Window needs to be recreated. def NeedRecreateWindow(self): try: if self.currentView is not None and self.currentView.IsWindow(): return 0 except (win32ui.error, AttributeError): # Attribute error if the win32ui object has died. pass return 1 # Returns true if the Window is OK (either cos it was, or because it was recreated def CheckRecreateWindow(self): if self.bCreating: return 1 if not self.NeedRecreateWindow(): return 1 if self.bAutoRestore: if self.RecreateWindow(): return 1 return 0 def QueueFlush(self, max = None): # Returns true if the queue is empty after the flush # debug("Queueflush - %d, %d\n" % (max, self.outputQueue.qsize())) if self.bCreating: return 1 items = [] rc = 0 while max is None or max > 0: try: item = self.outputQueue.get_nowait() items.append(item) except queue.Empty: rc = 1 break if max is not None: max = max - 1 if len(items) != 0: if not self.CheckRecreateWindow(): debug(":Recreate failed!\n") return 1 # In trouble - so say we have nothing to do. win32ui.PumpWaitingMessages() # Pump paint messages self.currentView.dowrite(''.join(items)) return rc def HandleOutput(self,message): # debug("QueueOutput on thread %d, flags %d with '%s'...\n" % (win32api.GetCurrentThreadId(), self.writeQueueing, message )) self.outputQueue.put(message) if win32api.GetCurrentThreadId() != self.mainThreadId: pass # debug("not my thread - ignoring queue options!\n") elif self.writeQueueing==flags.WQ_LINE: pos = message.rfind('\n') if pos>=0: # debug("Line queueing - forcing flush\n") self.QueueFlush() return elif self.writeQueueing==flags.WQ_NONE: # debug("WQ_NONE - flushing!\n") self.QueueFlush() return # Let our idle handler get it - wake it up try: win32ui.GetMainFrame().PostMessage(win32con.WM_USER) # Kick main thread off. except win32ui.error: # This can happen as the app is shutting down, so we send it to the C++ debugger win32api.OutputDebugString(message) # delegate certain fns to my view. def writelines(self, lines): for line in lines: self.write(line) def write(self,message): self.HandleOutput(message) def flush(self): self.QueueFlush() def HandleSpecialLine(self): self.currentView.HandleSpecialLine() def RTFWindowOutput(*args, **kw): kw['makeView'] = WindowOutputViewRTF return WindowOutput(*args, **kw) def thread_test(o): for i in range(5): o.write("Hi from thread %d\n" % (win32api.GetCurrentThreadId())) win32api.Sleep(100) def test(): w = WindowOutput(queueing=flags.WQ_IDLE) w.write("First bit of text\n") import _thread for i in range(5): w.write("Hello from the main thread\n") _thread.start_new(thread_test, (w,)) for i in range(2): w.write("Hello from the main thread\n") win32api.Sleep(50) return w if __name__=='__main__': test()