import re from contextlib import contextmanager from parso.python.errors import ErrorFinder, ErrorFinderConfig from parso.normalizer import Rule from parso.python.tree import search_ancestor, Flow, Scope _IMPORT_TYPES = ('import_name', 'import_from') _SUITE_INTRODUCERS = ('classdef', 'funcdef', 'if_stmt', 'while_stmt', 'for_stmt', 'try_stmt', 'with_stmt') _NON_STAR_TYPES = ('term', 'import_from', 'power') _OPENING_BRACKETS = '(', '[', '{' _CLOSING_BRACKETS = ')', ']', '}' _FACTOR = '+', '-', '~' _ALLOW_SPACE = '*', '+', '-', '**', '/', '//', '@' _BITWISE_OPERATOR = '<<', '>>', '|', '&', '^' _NEEDS_SPACE = ('=', '%', '->', '<', '>', '==', '>=', '<=', '<>', '!=', '+=', '-=', '*=', '@=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=', '>>=', '**=', '//=') _NEEDS_SPACE += _BITWISE_OPERATOR _IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES = ('dictorsetmaker', 'argument') _POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS = ('subscript', 'subscriptlist', 'sliceop') class IndentationTypes(object): VERTICAL_BRACKET = object() HANGING_BRACKET = object() BACKSLASH = object() SUITE = object() IMPLICIT = object() class IndentationNode(object): type = IndentationTypes.SUITE def __init__(self, config, indentation, parent=None): self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation = indentation self.parent = parent def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__ def get_latest_suite_node(self): n = self while n is not None: if n.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE: return n n = n.parent class BracketNode(IndentationNode): def __init__(self, config, leaf, parent, in_suite_introducer=False): self.leaf = leaf # Figure out here what the indentation is. For chained brackets # we can basically use the previous indentation. previous_leaf = leaf n = parent if n.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT: n = n.parent while True: if hasattr(n, 'leaf') and previous_leaf.line != n.leaf.line: break previous_leaf = previous_leaf.get_previous_leaf() if not isinstance(n, BracketNode) or previous_leaf != n.leaf: break n = n.parent parent_indentation = n.indentation next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf() if '\n' in next_leaf.prefix: # This implies code like: # foobarbaz( # a, # b, # ) self.bracket_indentation = parent_indentation \ + config.closing_bracket_hanging_indentation self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation self.type = IndentationTypes.HANGING_BRACKET else: # Implies code like: # foobarbaz( # a, # b, # ) expected_end_indent = leaf.end_pos[1] if '\t' in config.indentation: self.indentation = None else: self.indentation = ' ' * expected_end_indent self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation self.type = IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET if in_suite_introducer and parent.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE \ and self.indentation == parent_indentation + config.indentation: self.indentation += config.indentation # The closing bracket should have the same indentation. self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation self.parent = parent class ImplicitNode(BracketNode): """ Implicit indentation after keyword arguments, default arguments, annotations and dict values. """ def __init__(self, config, leaf, parent): super(ImplicitNode, self).__init__(config, leaf, parent) self.type = IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf() if leaf == ':' and '\n' not in next_leaf.prefix: self.indentation += ' ' class BackslashNode(IndentationNode): type = IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH def __init__(self, config, parent_indentation, containing_leaf, spacing, parent=None): expr_stmt = search_ancestor(containing_leaf, 'expr_stmt') if expr_stmt is not None: equals = expr_stmt.children[-2] if '\t' in config.indentation: # TODO unite with the code of BracketNode self.indentation = None else: # If the backslash follows the equals, use normal indentation # otherwise it should align with the equals. if equals.end_pos == spacing.start_pos: self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation else: # +1 because there is a space. self.indentation = ' ' * (equals.end_pos[1] + 1) else: self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation self.parent = parent def _is_magic_name(name): return name.value.startswith('__') and name.value.endswith('__') class PEP8Normalizer(ErrorFinder): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PEP8Normalizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._previous_part = None self._previous_leaf = None self._on_newline = True self._newline_count = 0 self._wanted_newline_count = None self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = 0 self._new_statement = True self._implicit_indentation_possible = False # The top of stack of the indentation nodes. self._indentation_tos = self._last_indentation_tos = \ IndentationNode(self._config, indentation='') self._in_suite_introducer = False if ' ' in self._config.indentation: self._indentation_type = 'spaces' self._wrong_indentation_char = '\t' else: self._indentation_type = 'tabs' self._wrong_indentation_char = ' ' @contextmanager def visit_node(self, node): with super(PEP8Normalizer, self).visit_node(node): with self._visit_node(node): yield @contextmanager def _visit_node(self, node): typ = node.type if typ in 'import_name': names = node.get_defined_names() if len(names) > 1: for name in names[:1]: self.add_issue(name, 401, 'Multiple imports on one line') elif typ == 'lambdef': expr_stmt = node.parent # Check if it's simply defining a single name, not something like # or x[1], where using a lambda could make more sense. if expr_stmt.type == 'expr_stmt' and any(n.type == 'name' for n in expr_stmt.children[:-2:2]): self.add_issue(node, 731, 'Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def') elif typ == 'try_stmt': for child in node.children: # Here we can simply check if it's an except, because otherwise # it would be an except_clause. if child.type == 'keyword' and child.value == 'except': self.add_issue(child, 722, 'Do not use bare except, specify exception instead') elif typ == 'comparison': for child in node.children: if child.type not in ('atom_expr', 'power'): continue if len(child.children) > 2: continue trailer = child.children[1] atom = child.children[0] if trailer.type == 'trailer' and atom.type == 'name' \ and atom.value == 'type': self.add_issue(node, 721, "Do not compare types, use 'isinstance()") break elif typ == 'file_input': endmarker = node.children[-1] prev = endmarker.get_previous_leaf() prefix = endmarker.prefix if (not prefix.endswith('\n') and ( prefix or prev is None or prev.value != '\n')): self.add_issue(endmarker, 292, "No newline at end of file") if typ in _IMPORT_TYPES: simple_stmt = node.parent module = simple_stmt.parent #if module.type == 'simple_stmt': if module.type == 'file_input': index = module.children.index(simple_stmt) for child in module.children[:index]: children = [child] if child.type == 'simple_stmt': # Remove the newline. children = child.children[:-1] found_docstring = False for c in children: if c.type == 'string' and not found_docstring: continue found_docstring = True if c.type == 'expr_stmt' and \ all(_is_magic_name(n) for n in c.get_defined_names()): continue if c.type in _IMPORT_TYPES or isinstance(c, Flow): continue self.add_issue(node, 402, 'Module level import not at top of file') break else: continue break implicit_indentation_possible = typ in _IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES in_introducer = typ in _SUITE_INTRODUCERS if in_introducer: self._in_suite_introducer = True elif typ == 'suite': if self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH: self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent self._indentation_tos = IndentationNode( self._config, self._indentation_tos.indentation + self._config.indentation, parent=self._indentation_tos ) elif implicit_indentation_possible: self._implicit_indentation_possible = True yield if typ == 'suite': assert self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent # If we dedent, no lines are needed anymore. self._wanted_newline_count = None elif implicit_indentation_possible: self._implicit_indentation_possible = False if self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT: self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent elif in_introducer: self._in_suite_introducer = False if typ in ('classdef', 'funcdef'): self._wanted_newline_count = self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count() def _check_tabs_spaces(self, spacing): if self._wrong_indentation_char in spacing.value: self.add_issue(spacing, 101, 'Indentation contains ' + self._indentation_type) return True return False def _get_wanted_blank_lines_count(self): suite_node = self._indentation_tos.get_latest_suite_node() return int(suite_node.parent is None) + 1 def _reset_newlines(self, spacing, leaf, is_comment=False): self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = \ max(self._max_new_lines_in_prefix, self._newline_count) wanted = self._wanted_newline_count if wanted is not None: # Need to substract one blank_lines = self._newline_count - 1 if wanted > blank_lines and leaf.type != 'endmarker': # In case of a comment we don't need to add the issue, yet. if not is_comment: # TODO end_pos wrong. code = 302 if wanted == 2 else 301 message = "expected %s blank line, found %s" \ % (wanted, blank_lines) self.add_issue(spacing, code, message) self._wanted_newline_count = None else: self._wanted_newline_count = None if not is_comment: wanted = self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count() actual = self._max_new_lines_in_prefix - 1 val = leaf.value needs_lines = ( val == '@' and leaf.parent.type == 'decorator' or ( val == 'class' or val == 'async' and leaf.get_next_leaf() == 'def' or val == 'def' and self._previous_leaf != 'async' ) and leaf.parent.parent.type != 'decorated' ) if needs_lines and actual < wanted: func_or_cls = leaf.parent suite = func_or_cls.parent if suite.type == 'decorated': suite = suite.parent # The first leaf of a file or a suite should not need blank # lines. if suite.children[int(suite.type == 'suite')] != func_or_cls: code = 302 if wanted == 2 else 301 message = "expected %s blank line, found %s" \ % (wanted, actual) self.add_issue(spacing, code, message) self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = 0 self._newline_count = 0 def visit_leaf(self, leaf): super(PEP8Normalizer, self).visit_leaf(leaf) for part in leaf._split_prefix(): if part.type == 'spacing': # This part is used for the part call after for. break self._visit_part(part, part.create_spacing_part(), leaf) self._analyse_non_prefix(leaf) self._visit_part(leaf, part, leaf) # Cleanup self._last_indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos self._new_statement = leaf.type == 'newline' # TODO does this work? with brackets and stuff? if leaf.type == 'newline' and \ self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH: self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent if leaf.value == ':' and leaf.parent.type in _SUITE_INTRODUCERS: self._in_suite_introducer = False elif leaf.value == 'elif': self._in_suite_introducer = True if not self._new_statement: self._reset_newlines(part, leaf) self._max_blank_lines = 0 self._previous_leaf = leaf return leaf.value def _visit_part(self, part, spacing, leaf): value = part.value type_ = part.type if type_ == 'error_leaf': return if value == ',' and part.parent.type == 'dictorsetmaker': self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent node = self._indentation_tos if type_ == 'comment': if value.startswith('##'): # Whole blocks of # should not raise an error. if value.lstrip('#'): self.add_issue(part, 266, "Too many leading '#' for block comment.") elif self._on_newline: if not re.match(r'#:? ', value) and not value == '#' \ and not (value.startswith('#!') and part.start_pos == (1, 0)): self.add_issue(part, 265, "Block comment should start with '# '") else: if not re.match(r'#:? [^ ]', value): self.add_issue(part, 262, "Inline comment should start with '# '") self._reset_newlines(spacing, leaf, is_comment=True) elif type_ == 'newline': if self._newline_count > self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count(): self.add_issue(part, 303, "Too many blank lines (%s)" % self._newline_count) elif leaf in ('def', 'class') \ and leaf.parent.parent.type == 'decorated': self.add_issue(part, 304, "Blank lines found after function decorator") self._newline_count += 1 if type_ == 'backslash': # TODO is this enough checking? What about ==? if node.type != IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH: if node.type != IndentationTypes.SUITE: self.add_issue(part, 502, 'The backslash is redundant between brackets') else: indentation = node.indentation if self._in_suite_introducer and node.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE: indentation += self._config.indentation self._indentation_tos = BackslashNode( self._config, indentation, part, spacing, parent=self._indentation_tos ) elif self._on_newline: indentation = spacing.value if node.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH \ and self._previous_part.type == 'newline': self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent if not self._check_tabs_spaces(spacing): should_be_indentation = node.indentation if type_ == 'comment': # Comments can be dedented. So we have to care for that. n = self._last_indentation_tos while True: if len(indentation) > len(n.indentation): break should_be_indentation = n.indentation self._last_indentation_tos = n if n == node: break n = n.parent if self._new_statement: if type_ == 'newline': if indentation: self.add_issue(spacing, 291, 'Trailing whitespace') elif indentation != should_be_indentation: s = '%s %s' % (len(self._config.indentation), self._indentation_type) self.add_issue(part, 111, 'Indentation is not a multiple of ' + s) else: if value in '])}': should_be_indentation = node.bracket_indentation else: should_be_indentation = node.indentation if self._in_suite_introducer and indentation == \ node.get_latest_suite_node().indentation \ + self._config.indentation: self.add_issue(part, 129, "Line with same indent as next logical block") elif indentation != should_be_indentation: if not self._check_tabs_spaces(spacing) and part.value != '\n': if value in '])}': if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET: self.add_issue(part, 124, "Closing bracket does not match visual indentation") else: self.add_issue(part, 123, "Losing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line") else: if len(indentation) < len(should_be_indentation): if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET: self.add_issue(part, 128, 'Continuation line under-indented for visual indent') elif node.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH: self.add_issue(part, 122, 'Continuation line missing indentation or outdented') elif node.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT: self.add_issue(part, 135, 'xxx') else: self.add_issue(part, 121, 'Continuation line under-indented for hanging indent') else: if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET: self.add_issue(part, 127, 'Continuation line over-indented for visual indent') elif node.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT: self.add_issue(part, 136, 'xxx') else: self.add_issue(part, 126, 'Continuation line over-indented for hanging indent') else: self._check_spacing(part, spacing) self._check_line_length(part, spacing) # ------------------------------- # Finalizing. Updating the state. # ------------------------------- if value and value in '()[]{}' and type_ != 'error_leaf' \ and part.parent.type != 'error_node': if value in _OPENING_BRACKETS: self._indentation_tos = BracketNode( self._config, part, parent=self._indentation_tos, in_suite_introducer=self._in_suite_introducer ) else: assert node.type != IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent elif value in ('=', ':') and self._implicit_indentation_possible \ and part.parent.type in _IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES: indentation = node.indentation self._indentation_tos = ImplicitNode( self._config, part, parent=self._indentation_tos ) self._on_newline = type_ in ('newline', 'backslash', 'bom') self._previous_part = part self._previous_spacing = spacing def _check_line_length(self, part, spacing): if part.type == 'backslash': last_column = part.start_pos[1] + 1 else: last_column = part.end_pos[1] if last_column > self._config.max_characters \ and spacing.start_pos[1] <= self._config.max_characters : # Special case for long URLs in multi-line docstrings or comments, # but still report the error when the 72 first chars are whitespaces. report = True if part.type == 'comment': splitted = part.value[1:].split() if len(splitted) == 1 \ and (part.end_pos[1] - len(splitted[0])) < 72: report = False if report: self.add_issue( part, 501, 'Line too long (%s > %s characters)' % (last_column, self._config.max_characters), ) def _check_spacing(self, part, spacing): def add_if_spaces(*args): if spaces: return self.add_issue(*args) def add_not_spaces(*args): if not spaces: return self.add_issue(*args) spaces = spacing.value prev = self._previous_part if prev is not None and prev.type == 'error_leaf' or part.type == 'error_leaf': return type_ = part.type if '\t' in spaces: self.add_issue(spacing, 223, 'Used tab to separate tokens') elif type_ == 'comment': if len(spaces) < self._config.spaces_before_comment: self.add_issue(spacing, 261, 'At least two spaces before inline comment') elif type_ == 'newline': add_if_spaces(spacing, 291, 'Trailing whitespace') elif len(spaces) > 1: self.add_issue(spacing, 221, 'Multiple spaces used') else: if prev in _OPENING_BRACKETS: message = "Whitespace after '%s'" % part.value add_if_spaces(spacing, 201, message) elif part in _CLOSING_BRACKETS: message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value add_if_spaces(spacing, 202, message) elif part in (',', ';') or part == ':' \ and part.parent.type not in _POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS: message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value add_if_spaces(spacing, 203, message) elif prev == ':' and prev.parent.type in _POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS: pass # TODO elif prev in (',', ';', ':'): add_not_spaces(spacing, 231, "missing whitespace after '%s'") elif part == ':': # Is a subscript # TODO pass elif part in ('*', '**') and part.parent.type not in _NON_STAR_TYPES \ or prev in ('*', '**') \ and prev.parent.type not in _NON_STAR_TYPES: # TODO pass elif prev in _FACTOR and prev.parent.type == 'factor': pass elif prev == '@' and prev.parent.type == 'decorator': pass # TODO should probably raise an error if there's a space here elif part in _NEEDS_SPACE or prev in _NEEDS_SPACE: if part == '=' and part.parent.type in ('argument', 'param') \ or prev == '=' and prev.parent.type in ('argument', 'param'): if part == '=': param = part.parent else: param = prev.parent if param.type == 'param' and param.annotation: add_not_spaces(spacing, 252, 'Expected spaces around annotation equals') else: add_if_spaces(spacing, 251, 'Unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals') elif part in _BITWISE_OPERATOR or prev in _BITWISE_OPERATOR: add_not_spaces(spacing, 227, 'Missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator') elif part == '%' or prev == '%': add_not_spaces(spacing, 228, 'Missing whitespace around modulo operator') else: message_225 = 'Missing whitespace between tokens' add_not_spaces(spacing, 225, message_225) elif type_ == 'keyword' or prev.type == 'keyword': add_not_spaces(spacing, 275, 'Missing whitespace around keyword') else: prev_spacing = self._previous_spacing if prev in _ALLOW_SPACE and spaces != prev_spacing.value \ and '\n' not in self._previous_leaf.prefix: message = "Whitespace before operator doesn't match with whitespace after" self.add_issue(spacing, 229, message) if spaces and part not in _ALLOW_SPACE and prev not in _ALLOW_SPACE: message_225 = 'Missing whitespace between tokens' #print('xy', spacing) #self.add_issue(spacing, 225, message_225) # TODO why only brackets? if part in _OPENING_BRACKETS: message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value add_if_spaces(spacing, 211, message) def _analyse_non_prefix(self, leaf): typ = leaf.type if typ == 'name' and leaf.value in ('l', 'O', 'I'): if leaf.is_definition(): message = "Do not define %s named 'l', 'O', or 'I' one line" if leaf.parent.type == 'class' and == leaf: self.add_issue(leaf, 742, message % 'classes') elif leaf.parent.type == 'function' and == leaf: self.add_issue(leaf, 743, message % 'function') else: self.add_issuadd_issue(741, message % 'variables', leaf) elif leaf.value == ':': if isinstance(leaf.parent, (Flow, Scope)) and leaf.parent.type != 'lambdef': next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf() if next_leaf.type != 'newline': if leaf.parent.type == 'funcdef': self.add_issue(next_leaf, 704, 'Multiple statements on one line (def)') else: self.add_issue(next_leaf, 701, 'Multiple statements on one line (colon)') elif leaf.value == ';': if leaf.get_next_leaf().type in ('newline', 'endmarker'): self.add_issue(leaf, 703, 'Statement ends with a semicolon') else: self.add_issue(leaf, 702, 'Multiple statements on one line (semicolon)') elif leaf.value in ('==', '!='): comparison = leaf.parent index = comparison.children.index(leaf) left = comparison.children[index - 1] right = comparison.children[index + 1] for node in left, right: if node.type == 'keyword' or node.type == 'name': if node.value == 'None': message = "comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:'" self.add_issue(leaf, 711, message) break elif node.value in ('True', 'False'): message = "comparison to False/True should be 'if cond is True:' or 'if cond:'" self.add_issue(leaf, 712, message) break elif leaf.value in ('in', 'is'): comparison = leaf.parent if comparison.type == 'comparison' and comparison.parent.type == 'not_test': if leaf.value == 'in': self.add_issue(leaf, 713, "test for membership should be 'not in'") else: self.add_issue(leaf, 714, "test for object identity should be 'is not'") elif typ == 'string': # Checking multiline strings for i, line in enumerate(leaf.value.splitlines()[1:]): indentation = re.match(r'[ \t]*', line).group(0) start_pos = leaf.line + i, len(indentation) # TODO check multiline indentation. elif typ == 'endmarker': if self._newline_count >= 2: self.add_issue(leaf, 391, 'Blank line at end of file') def add_issue(self, node, code, message): if self._previous_leaf is not None: if search_ancestor(self._previous_leaf, 'error_node') is not None: return if self._previous_leaf.type == 'error_leaf': return if search_ancestor(node, 'error_node') is not None: return if code in (901, 903): # 901 and 903 are raised by the ErrorFinder. super(PEP8Normalizer, self).add_issue(node, code, message) else: # Skip ErrorFinder here, because it has custom behavior. super(ErrorFinder, self).add_issue(node, code, message) class PEP8NormalizerConfig(ErrorFinderConfig): normalizer_class = PEP8Normalizer """ Normalizing to PEP8. Not really implemented, yet. """ def __init__(self, indentation=' ' * 4, hanging_indentation=None, max_characters=79, spaces_before_comment=2): self.indentation = indentation if hanging_indentation is None: hanging_indentation = indentation self.hanging_indentation = hanging_indentation self.closing_bracket_hanging_indentation = '' self.break_after_binary = False self.max_characters = max_characters self.spaces_before_comment = spaces_before_comment # TODO this is not yet ready. #@PEP8Normalizer.register_rule(type='endmarker') class BlankLineAtEnd(Rule): code = 392 message = 'Blank line at end of file' def is_issue(self, leaf): return self._newline_count >= 2