"""Utilities for connecting to jupyter kernels The :class:`ConnectionFileMixin` class in this module encapsulates the logic related to writing and reading connections files. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import errno import glob import json import os import socket import stat import tempfile import warnings from getpass import getpass from contextlib import contextmanager import zmq from traitlets.config import LoggingConfigurable from .localinterfaces import localhost from ipython_genutils.path import filefind from ipython_genutils.py3compat import ( bytes_to_str, cast_bytes, ) from traitlets import ( Bool, Integer, Unicode, CaselessStrEnum, Instance, Type, observe ) from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_data_dir, jupyter_runtime_dir, secure_write def write_connection_file(fname=None, shell_port=0, iopub_port=0, stdin_port=0, hb_port=0, control_port=0, ip='', key=b'', transport='tcp', signature_scheme='hmac-sha256', kernel_name='' ): """Generates a JSON config file, including the selection of random ports. Parameters ---------- fname : unicode The path to the file to write shell_port : int, optional The port to use for ROUTER (shell) channel. iopub_port : int, optional The port to use for the SUB channel. stdin_port : int, optional The port to use for the ROUTER (raw input) channel. control_port : int, optional The port to use for the ROUTER (control) channel. hb_port : int, optional The port to use for the heartbeat REP channel. ip : str, optional The ip address the kernel will bind to. key : str, optional The Session key used for message authentication. signature_scheme : str, optional The scheme used for message authentication. This has the form 'digest-hash', where 'digest' is the scheme used for digests, and 'hash' is the name of the hash function used by the digest scheme. Currently, 'hmac' is the only supported digest scheme, and 'sha256' is the default hash function. kernel_name : str, optional The name of the kernel currently connected to. """ if not ip: ip = localhost() # default to temporary connector file if not fname: fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp('.json') os.close(fd) # Find open ports as necessary. ports = [] ports_needed = int(shell_port <= 0) + \ int(iopub_port <= 0) + \ int(stdin_port <= 0) + \ int(control_port <= 0) + \ int(hb_port <= 0) if transport == 'tcp': for i in range(ports_needed): sock = socket.socket() # struct.pack('ii', (0,0)) is 8 null bytes sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, b'\0' * 8) sock.bind((ip, 0)) ports.append(sock) for i, sock in enumerate(ports): port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() ports[i] = port else: N = 1 for i in range(ports_needed): while os.path.exists("%s-%s" % (ip, str(N))): N += 1 ports.append(N) N += 1 if shell_port <= 0: shell_port = ports.pop(0) if iopub_port <= 0: iopub_port = ports.pop(0) if stdin_port <= 0: stdin_port = ports.pop(0) if control_port <= 0: control_port = ports.pop(0) if hb_port <= 0: hb_port = ports.pop(0) cfg = dict( shell_port=shell_port, iopub_port=iopub_port, stdin_port=stdin_port, control_port=control_port, hb_port=hb_port, ) cfg['ip'] = ip cfg['key'] = bytes_to_str(key) cfg['transport'] = transport cfg['signature_scheme'] = signature_scheme cfg['kernel_name'] = kernel_name # Only ever write this file as user read/writeable # This would otherwise introduce a vulnerability as a file has secrets # which would let others execute arbitrarily code as you with secure_write(fname) as f: f.write(json.dumps(cfg, indent=2)) if hasattr(stat, 'S_ISVTX'): # set the sticky bit on the file and its parent directory # to avoid periodic cleanup paths = [fname] runtime_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) if runtime_dir: paths.append(runtime_dir) for path in paths: permissions = os.stat(path).st_mode new_permissions = permissions | stat.S_ISVTX if new_permissions != permissions: try: os.chmod(path, new_permissions) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPERM and path == runtime_dir: # suppress permission errors setting sticky bit on runtime_dir, # which we may not own. pass else: # failed to set sticky bit, probably not a big deal warnings.warn( "Failed to set sticky bit on %r: %s" "\nProbably not a big deal, but runtime files may be cleaned up periodically." % (path, e), RuntimeWarning, ) return fname, cfg def find_connection_file(filename='kernel-*.json', path=None, profile=None): """find a connection file, and return its absolute path. The current working directory and optional search path will be searched for the file if it is not given by absolute path. If the argument does not match an existing file, it will be interpreted as a fileglob, and the matching file in the profile's security dir with the latest access time will be used. Parameters ---------- filename : str The connection file or fileglob to search for. path : str or list of strs[optional] Paths in which to search for connection files. Returns ------- str : The absolute path of the connection file. """ if profile is not None: warnings.warn("Jupyter has no profiles. profile=%s has been ignored." % profile) if path is None: path = ['.', jupyter_runtime_dir()] if isinstance(path, str): path = [path] try: # first, try explicit name return filefind(filename, path) except IOError: pass # not found by full name if '*' in filename: # given as a glob already pat = filename else: # accept any substring match pat = '*%s*' % filename matches = [] for p in path: matches.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(p, pat))) matches = [ os.path.abspath(m) for m in matches ] if not matches: raise IOError("Could not find %r in %r" % (filename, path)) elif len(matches) == 1: return matches[0] else: # get most recent match, by access time: return sorted(matches, key=lambda f: os.stat(f).st_atime)[-1] def tunnel_to_kernel(connection_info, sshserver, sshkey=None): """tunnel connections to a kernel via ssh This will open five SSH tunnels from localhost on this machine to the ports associated with the kernel. They can be either direct localhost-localhost tunnels, or if an intermediate server is necessary, the kernel must be listening on a public IP. Parameters ---------- connection_info : dict or str (path) Either a connection dict, or the path to a JSON connection file sshserver : str The ssh sever to use to tunnel to the kernel. Can be a full `user@server:port` string. ssh config aliases are respected. sshkey : str [optional] Path to file containing ssh key to use for authentication. Only necessary if your ssh config does not already associate a keyfile with the host. Returns ------- (shell, iopub, stdin, hb, control) : ints The five ports on localhost that have been forwarded to the kernel. """ from .ssh import tunnel if isinstance(connection_info, str): # it's a path, unpack it with open(connection_info) as f: connection_info = json.loads(f.read()) cf = connection_info lports = tunnel.select_random_ports(5) rports = cf['shell_port'], cf['iopub_port'], cf['stdin_port'], cf['hb_port'], cf['control_port'] remote_ip = cf['ip'] if tunnel.try_passwordless_ssh(sshserver, sshkey): password=False else: password = getpass("SSH Password for %s: " % sshserver) for lp,rp in zip(lports, rports): tunnel.ssh_tunnel(lp, rp, sshserver, remote_ip, sshkey, password) return tuple(lports) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mixin for classes that work with connection files #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- channel_socket_types = { 'hb' : zmq.REQ, 'shell' : zmq.DEALER, 'iopub' : zmq.SUB, 'stdin' : zmq.DEALER, 'control': zmq.DEALER, } port_names = [ "%s_port" % channel for channel in ('shell', 'stdin', 'iopub', 'hb', 'control')] class ConnectionFileMixin(LoggingConfigurable): """Mixin for configurable classes that work with connection files""" data_dir = Unicode() def _data_dir_default(self): return jupyter_data_dir() # The addresses for the communication channels connection_file = Unicode('', config=True, help="""JSON file in which to store connection info [default: kernel-<pid>.json] This file will contain the IP, ports, and authentication key needed to connect clients to this kernel. By default, this file will be created in the security dir of the current profile, but can be specified by absolute path. """) _connection_file_written = Bool(False) transport = CaselessStrEnum(['tcp', 'ipc'], default_value='tcp', config=True) kernel_name = Unicode() ip = Unicode(config=True, help="""Set the kernel\'s IP address [default localhost]. If the IP address is something other than localhost, then Consoles on other machines will be able to connect to the Kernel, so be careful!""" ) def _ip_default(self): if self.transport == 'ipc': if self.connection_file: return os.path.splitext(self.connection_file)[0] + '-ipc' else: return 'kernel-ipc' else: return localhost() @observe('ip') def _ip_changed(self, change): if change['new'] == '*': self.ip = '' # protected traits hb_port = Integer(0, config=True, help="set the heartbeat port [default: random]") shell_port = Integer(0, config=True, help="set the shell (ROUTER) port [default: random]") iopub_port = Integer(0, config=True, help="set the iopub (PUB) port [default: random]") stdin_port = Integer(0, config=True, help="set the stdin (ROUTER) port [default: random]") control_port = Integer(0, config=True, help="set the control (ROUTER) port [default: random]") # names of the ports with random assignment _random_port_names = None @property def ports(self): return [ getattr(self, name) for name in port_names ] # The Session to use for communication with the kernel. session = Instance('jupyter_client.session.Session') def _session_default(self): from jupyter_client.session import Session return Session(parent=self) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Connection and ipc file management #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_connection_info(self, session=False): """Return the connection info as a dict Parameters ---------- session : bool [default: False] If True, return our session object will be included in the connection info. If False (default), the configuration parameters of our session object will be included, rather than the session object itself. Returns ------- connect_info : dict dictionary of connection information. """ info = dict( transport=self.transport, ip=self.ip, shell_port=self.shell_port, iopub_port=self.iopub_port, stdin_port=self.stdin_port, hb_port=self.hb_port, control_port=self.control_port, ) if session: # add *clone* of my session, # so that state such as digest_history is not shared. info['session'] = self.session.clone() else: # add session info info.update(dict( signature_scheme=self.session.signature_scheme, key=self.session.key, )) return info # factory for blocking clients blocking_class = Type(klass=object, default_value='jupyter_client.BlockingKernelClient') def blocking_client(self): """Make a blocking client connected to my kernel""" info = self.get_connection_info() info['parent'] = self bc = self.blocking_class(**info) bc.session.key = self.session.key return bc def cleanup_connection_file(self): """Cleanup connection file *if we wrote it* Will not raise if the connection file was already removed somehow. """ if self._connection_file_written: # cleanup connection files on full shutdown of kernel we started self._connection_file_written = False try: os.remove(self.connection_file) except (IOError, OSError, AttributeError): pass def cleanup_ipc_files(self): """Cleanup ipc files if we wrote them.""" if self.transport != 'ipc': return for port in self.ports: ipcfile = "%s-%i" % (self.ip, port) try: os.remove(ipcfile) except (IOError, OSError): pass def _record_random_port_names(self): """Records which of the ports are randomly assigned. Records on first invocation, if the transport is tcp. Does nothing on later invocations.""" if self.transport != 'tcp': return if self._random_port_names is not None: return self._random_port_names = [] for name in port_names: if getattr(self, name) <= 0: self._random_port_names.append(name) def cleanup_random_ports(self): """Forgets randomly assigned port numbers and cleans up the connection file. Does nothing if no port numbers have been randomly assigned. In particular, does nothing unless the transport is tcp. """ if not self._random_port_names: return for name in self._random_port_names: setattr(self, name, 0) self.cleanup_connection_file() def write_connection_file(self): """Write connection info to JSON dict in self.connection_file.""" if self._connection_file_written and os.path.exists(self.connection_file): return self.connection_file, cfg = write_connection_file(self.connection_file, transport=self.transport, ip=self.ip, key=self.session.key, stdin_port=self.stdin_port, iopub_port=self.iopub_port, shell_port=self.shell_port, hb_port=self.hb_port, control_port=self.control_port, signature_scheme=self.session.signature_scheme, kernel_name=self.kernel_name ) # write_connection_file also sets default ports: self._record_random_port_names() for name in port_names: setattr(self, name, cfg[name]) self._connection_file_written = True def load_connection_file(self, connection_file=None): """Load connection info from JSON dict in self.connection_file. Parameters ---------- connection_file: unicode, optional Path to connection file to load. If unspecified, use self.connection_file """ if connection_file is None: connection_file = self.connection_file self.log.debug("Loading connection file %s", connection_file) with open(connection_file) as f: info = json.load(f) self.load_connection_info(info) def load_connection_info(self, info): """Load connection info from a dict containing connection info. Typically this data comes from a connection file and is called by load_connection_file. Parameters ---------- info: dict Dictionary containing connection_info. See the connection_file spec for details. """ self.transport = info.get('transport', self.transport) self.ip = info.get('ip', self._ip_default()) self._record_random_port_names() for name in port_names: if getattr(self, name) == 0 and name in info: # not overridden by config or cl_args setattr(self, name, info[name]) if 'key' in info: self.session.key = cast_bytes(info['key']) if 'signature_scheme' in info: self.session.signature_scheme = info['signature_scheme'] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creating connected sockets #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _make_url(self, channel): """Make a ZeroMQ URL for a given channel.""" transport = self.transport ip = self.ip port = getattr(self, '%s_port' % channel) if transport == 'tcp': return "tcp://%s:%i" % (ip, port) else: return "%s://%s-%s" % (transport, ip, port) def _create_connected_socket(self, channel, identity=None): """Create a zmq Socket and connect it to the kernel.""" url = self._make_url(channel) socket_type = channel_socket_types[channel] self.log.debug("Connecting to: %s" % url) sock = self.context.socket(socket_type) # set linger to 1s to prevent hangs at exit sock.linger = 1000 if identity: sock.identity = identity sock.connect(url) return sock def connect_iopub(self, identity=None): """return zmq Socket connected to the IOPub channel""" sock = self._create_connected_socket('iopub', identity=identity) sock.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') return sock def connect_shell(self, identity=None): """return zmq Socket connected to the Shell channel""" return self._create_connected_socket('shell', identity=identity) def connect_stdin(self, identity=None): """return zmq Socket connected to the StdIn channel""" return self._create_connected_socket('stdin', identity=identity) def connect_hb(self, identity=None): """return zmq Socket connected to the Heartbeat channel""" return self._create_connected_socket('hb', identity=identity) def connect_control(self, identity=None): """return zmq Socket connected to the Control channel""" return self._create_connected_socket('control', identity=identity) __all__ = [ 'write_connection_file', 'find_connection_file', 'tunnel_to_kernel', ]