PIL formats for multiple images.

import logging

import numpy as np

from .pillow import PillowFormat, ndarray_to_pil, image_as_uint

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

NeuQuant = None  # we can implement this when we need it

class TIFFFormat(PillowFormat):
    _modes = "i"  # arg, why bother; people should use the tiffile version
    _description = "TIFF format (Pillow)"

class GIFFormat(PillowFormat):
    """ A format for reading and writing static and animated GIF, based
    on Pillow.

    Images read with this format are always RGBA. Currently,
    the alpha channel is ignored when saving RGB images with this

    Parameters for reading

    Parameters for saving
    loop : int
        The number of iterations. Default 0 (meaning loop indefinitely).
    duration : {float, list}
        The duration (in seconds) of each frame. Either specify one value
        that is used for all frames, or one value for each frame.
        Note that in the GIF format the duration/delay is expressed in
        hundredths of a second, which limits the precision of the duration.
    fps : float
        The number of frames per second. If duration is not given, the
        duration for each frame is set to 1/fps. Default 10.
    palettesize : int
        The number of colors to quantize the image to. Is rounded to
        the nearest power of two. Default 256.
    subrectangles : bool
        If True, will try and optimize the GIF by storing only the
        rectangular parts of each frame that change with respect to the
        previous. Default False.

    _modes = "iI"
    _description = "Static and animated gif (Pillow)"

    class Reader(PillowFormat.Reader):
        def _open(self, playback=None):  # compat with FI format
            return PillowFormat.Reader._open(self)

    class Writer(PillowFormat.Writer):
        def _open(

            # Check palettesize
            palettesize = int(palettesize)
            if palettesize < 2 or palettesize > 256:
                raise ValueError("GIF quantize param must be 2..256")
            if palettesize not in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256]:
                palettesize = 2 ** int(np.log2(128) + 0.999)
                    "Warning: palettesize (%r) modified to a factor of "
                    "two between 2-256." % palettesize
            #  Duratrion / fps
            if duration is None:
                self._duration = 1.0 / float(fps)
            elif isinstance(duration, (list, tuple)):
                self._duration = [float(d) for d in duration]
                self._duration = float(duration)
            # loop
            loop = float(loop)
            if loop <= 0 or loop == float("inf"):
                loop = 0
            loop = int(loop)
            # Subrectangles / dispose
            subrectangles = bool(subrectangles)
            self._dispose = 1 if subrectangles else 2
            # The "0" (median cut) quantizer is by far the best

            fp = self.request.get_file()
            self._writer = GifWriter(
                fp, subrectangles, loop, quantizer, int(palettesize)

        def _close(self):

        def _append_data(self, im, meta):
            im = image_as_uint(im, bitdepth=8)
            if im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] == 1:
                im = im[:, :, 0]
            duration = self._duration
            if isinstance(duration, list):
                duration = duration[min(len(duration) - 1, self._writer._count)]
            dispose = self._dispose
            self._writer.add_image(im, duration, dispose)


intToBin = lambda i: i.to_bytes(2, byteorder="little")

class GifWriter:
    """ Class that for helping write the animated GIF file. This is based on
    code from images2gif.py (part of visvis). The version here is modified
    to allow streamed writing.

    def __init__(
        self.fp = file

        self.opt_subrectangle = opt_subrectangle
        self.opt_loop = opt_loop
        self.opt_quantizer = opt_quantizer
        self.opt_palette_size = opt_palette_size

        self._previous_image = None  # as np array
        self._global_palette = None  # as bytes
        self._count = 0

        from PIL.GifImagePlugin import getdata

        self.getdata = getdata

    def add_image(self, im, duration, dispose):

        # Prepare image
        im_rect, rect = im, (0, 0)
        if self.opt_subrectangle:
            im_rect, rect = self.getSubRectangle(im)
        im_pil = self.converToPIL(im_rect, self.opt_quantizer, self.opt_palette_size)

        # Get pallette - apparently, this is the 3d element of the header
        # (but it has not always been). Best we've got. Its not the same
        # as im_pil.palette.tobytes().
        from PIL.GifImagePlugin import getheader

        palette = getheader(im_pil)[0][3]

        # Write image
        if self._count == 0:
            self.write_header(im_pil, palette, self.opt_loop)
            self._global_palette = palette
        self.write_image(im_pil, palette, rect, duration, dispose)
        # assert len(palette) == len(self._global_palette)

        # Bookkeeping
        self._previous_image = im
        self._count += 1

    def write_header(self, im, globalPalette, loop):
        # Gather info
        header = self.getheaderAnim(im)
        appext = self.getAppExt(loop)
        # Write

    def close(self):
        self.fp.write(";".encode("utf-8"))  # end gif

    def write_image(self, im, palette, rect, duration, dispose):

        fp = self.fp

        # Gather local image header and data, using PIL's getdata. That
        # function returns a list of bytes objects, but which parts are
        # what has changed multiple times, so we put together the first
        # parts until we have enough to form the image header.
        data = self.getdata(im)
        imdes = b""
        while data and len(imdes) < 11:
            imdes += data.pop(0)
        assert len(imdes) == 11

        # Make image descriptor suitable for using 256 local color palette
        lid = self.getImageDescriptor(im, rect)
        graphext = self.getGraphicsControlExt(duration, dispose)

        # Write local header
        if (palette != self._global_palette) or (dispose != 2):
            # Use local color palette
            fp.write(lid)  # write suitable image descriptor
            fp.write(palette)  # write local color table
            fp.write(b"\x08")  # LZW minimum size code
            # Use global color palette
            fp.write(imdes)  # write suitable image descriptor

        # Write image data
        for d in data:

    def getheaderAnim(self, im):
        """ Get animation header. To replace PILs getheader()[0]
        bb = b"GIF89a"
        bb += intToBin(im.size[0])
        bb += intToBin(im.size[1])
        bb += b"\x87\x00\x00"
        return bb

    def getImageDescriptor(self, im, xy=None):
        """ Used for the local color table properties per image.
        Otherwise global color table applies to all frames irrespective of
        whether additional colors comes in play that require a redefined
        palette. Still a maximum of 256 color per frame, obviously.

        Written by Ant1 on 2010-08-22
        Modified by Alex Robinson in Janurari 2011 to implement subrectangles.

        # Defaule use full image and place at upper left
        if xy is None:
            xy = (0, 0)

        # Image separator,
        bb = b"\x2C"

        # Image position and size
        bb += intToBin(xy[0])  # Left position
        bb += intToBin(xy[1])  # Top position
        bb += intToBin(im.size[0])  # image width
        bb += intToBin(im.size[1])  # image height

        # packed field: local color table flag1, interlace0, sorted table0,
        # reserved00, lct size111=7=2^(7 + 1)=256.
        bb += b"\x87"

        # LZW minimum size code now comes later, begining of [imagedata] blocks
        return bb

    def getAppExt(self, loop):
        """ Application extension. This part specifies the amount of loops.
        If loop is 0 or inf, it goes on infinitely.
        if loop == 1:
            return b""
        if loop == 0:
            loop = 2 ** 16 - 1
        bb = b""
        if loop != 0:  # omit the extension if we would like a nonlooping gif
            bb = b"\x21\xFF\x0B"  # application extension
            bb += b"NETSCAPE2.0"
            bb += b"\x03\x01"
            bb += intToBin(loop)
            bb += b"\x00"  # end
        return bb

    def getGraphicsControlExt(self, duration=0.1, dispose=2):
        """ Graphics Control Extension. A sort of header at the start of
        each image. Specifies duration and transparancy.

          * 0 - No disposal specified.
          * 1 - Do not dispose. The graphic is to be left in place.
          * 2 -	Restore to background color. The area used by the graphic
            must be restored to the background color.
          * 3 -	Restore to previous. The decoder is required to restore the
            area overwritten by the graphic with what was there prior to
            rendering the graphic.
          * 4-7 -To be defined.

        bb = b"\x21\xF9\x04"
        bb += chr((dispose & 3) << 2).encode("utf-8")
        # low bit 1 == transparency,
        # 2nd bit 1 == user input , next 3 bits, the low two of which are used,
        # are dispose.
        bb += intToBin(int(duration * 100 + 0.5))  # in 100th of seconds
        bb += b"\x00"  # no transparant color
        bb += b"\x00"  # end
        return bb

    def getSubRectangle(self, im):
        """ Calculate the minimal rectangle that need updating. Returns
        a two-element tuple containing the cropped image and an x-y tuple.

        Calculating the subrectangles takes extra time, obviously. However,
        if the image sizes were reduced, the actual writing of the GIF
        goes faster. In some cases applying this method produces a GIF faster.

        # Cannot do subrectangle for first image
        if self._count == 0:
            return im, (0, 0)

        prev = self._previous_image

        # Get difference, sum over colors
        diff = np.abs(im - prev)
        if diff.ndim == 3:
            diff = diff.sum(2)
        # Get begin and end for both dimensions
        X = np.argwhere(diff.sum(0))
        Y = np.argwhere(diff.sum(1))
        # Get rect coordinates
        if X.size and Y.size:
            x0, x1 = int(X[0]), int(X[-1] + 1)
            y0, y1 = int(Y[0]), int(Y[-1] + 1)
        else:  # No change ... make it minimal
            x0, x1 = 0, 2
            y0, y1 = 0, 2

        return im[y0:y1, x0:x1], (x0, y0)

    def converToPIL(self, im, quantizer, palette_size=256):
        """Convert image to Paletted PIL image.

        PIL used to not do a very good job at quantization, but I guess
        this has improved a lot (at least in Pillow). I don't think we need
        neuqant (and we can add it later if we really want).

        im_pil = ndarray_to_pil(im, "gif")

        if quantizer in ("nq", "neuquant"):
            # NeuQuant algorithm
            nq_samplefac = 10  # 10 seems good in general
            im_pil = im_pil.convert("RGBA")  # NQ assumes RGBA
            nqInstance = NeuQuant(im_pil, nq_samplefac)  # Learn colors
            im_pil = nqInstance.quantize(im_pil, colors=palette_size)
        elif quantizer in (0, 1, 2):
            # Adaptive PIL algorithm
            if quantizer == 2:
                im_pil = im_pil.convert("RGBA")
                im_pil = im_pil.convert("RGB")
            im_pil = im_pil.quantize(colors=palette_size, method=quantizer)
            raise ValueError("Invalid value for quantizer: %r" % quantizer)
        return im_pil