# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Define API Datasets.""" import datetime import json import os import six from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_from_microseconds from gcloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime from gcloud._helpers import _millis_from_datetime from gcloud.exceptions import NotFound from gcloud.streaming.http_wrapper import Request from gcloud.streaming.http_wrapper import make_api_request from gcloud.streaming.transfer import RESUMABLE_UPLOAD from gcloud.streaming.transfer import Upload from gcloud.bigquery._helpers import _rows_from_json _MARKER = object() class SchemaField(object): """Describe a single field within a table schema. :type name: str :param name: the name of the field :type field_type: str :param field_type: the type of the field (one of 'STRING', 'INTEGER', 'FLOAT', 'BOOLEAN', 'TIMESTAMP' or 'RECORD') :type mode: str :param mode: the type of the field (one of 'NULLABLE', 'REQUIRED', or 'REPEATED') :type description: str :param description: optional description for the field :type fields: list of :class:`SchemaField`, or None :param fields: subfields (requires ``field_type`` of 'RECORD'). """ def __init__(self, name, field_type, mode='NULLABLE', description=None, fields=None): self.name = name self.field_type = field_type self.mode = mode self.description = description self.fields = fields def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.name == other.name and self.field_type.lower() == other.field_type.lower() and self.mode == other.mode and self.description == other.description and self.fields == other.fields) class Table(object): """Tables represent a set of rows whose values correspond to a schema. See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables :type name: str :param name: the name of the table :type dataset: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.dataset.Dataset` :param dataset: The dataset which contains the table. :type schema: list of :class:`SchemaField` :param schema: The table's schema """ _schema = None def __init__(self, name, dataset, schema=()): self.name = name self._dataset = dataset self._properties = {} # Let the @property do validation. self.schema = schema @property def project(self): """Project bound to the table. :rtype: str :returns: the project (derived from the dataset). """ return self._dataset.project @property def dataset_name(self): """Name of dataset containing the table. :rtype: str :returns: the ID (derived from the dataset). """ return self._dataset.name @property def path(self): """URL path for the table's APIs. :rtype: str :returns: the path based on project and dataste name. """ return '%s/tables/%s' % (self._dataset.path, self.name) @property def schema(self): """Table's schema. :rtype: list of :class:`SchemaField` :returns: fields describing the schema """ return list(self._schema) @schema.setter def schema(self, value): """Update table's schema :type value: list of :class:`SchemaField` :param value: fields describing the schema :raises: TypeError if 'value' is not a sequence, or ValueError if any item in the sequence is not a SchemaField """ if not all(isinstance(field, SchemaField) for field in value): raise ValueError('Schema items must be fields') self._schema = tuple(value) @property def created(self): """Datetime at which the table was created. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the creation time (None until set from the server). """ creation_time = self._properties.get('creationTime') if creation_time is not None: # creation_time will be in milliseconds. return _datetime_from_microseconds(1000.0 * creation_time) @property def etag(self): """ETag for the table resource. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the ETag (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('etag') @property def modified(self): """Datetime at which the table was last modified. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the modification time (None until set from the server). """ modified_time = self._properties.get('lastModifiedTime') if modified_time is not None: # modified_time will be in milliseconds. return _datetime_from_microseconds(1000.0 * modified_time) @property def num_bytes(self): """The size of the table in bytes. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the byte count (None until set from the server). """ num_bytes_as_str = self._properties.get('numBytes') if num_bytes_as_str is not None: return int(num_bytes_as_str) @property def num_rows(self): """The number of rows in the table. :rtype: integer, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the row count (None until set from the server). """ num_rows_as_str = self._properties.get('numRows') if num_rows_as_str is not None: return int(num_rows_as_str) @property def self_link(self): """URL for the table resource. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the URL (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('selfLink') @property def table_id(self): """ID for the table resource. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the ID (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('id') @property def table_type(self): """The type of the table. Possible values are "TABLE" or "VIEW". :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the URL (None until set from the server). """ return self._properties.get('type') @property def description(self): """Description of the table. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: The description as set by the user, or None (the default). """ return self._properties.get('description') @description.setter def description(self, value): """Update description of the table. :type value: str, or ``NoneType`` :param value: new description :raises: ValueError for invalid value types. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value is not None: raise ValueError("Pass a string, or None") self._properties['description'] = value @property def expires(self): """Datetime at which the table will be removed. :rtype: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :returns: the expiration time, or None """ expiration_time = self._properties.get('expirationTime') if expiration_time is not None: # expiration_time will be in milliseconds. return _datetime_from_microseconds(1000.0 * expiration_time) @expires.setter def expires(self, value): """Update datetime at which the table will be removed. :type value: ``datetime.datetime``, or ``NoneType`` :param value: the new expiration time, or None """ if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) and value is not None: raise ValueError("Pass a datetime, or None") self._properties['expirationTime'] = _millis_from_datetime(value) @property def friendly_name(self): """Title of the table. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: The name as set by the user, or None (the default). """ return self._properties.get('friendlyName') @friendly_name.setter def friendly_name(self, value): """Update title of the table. :type value: str, or ``NoneType`` :param value: new title :raises: ValueError for invalid value types. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value is not None: raise ValueError("Pass a string, or None") self._properties['friendlyName'] = value @property def location(self): """Location in which the table is hosted. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: The location as set by the user, or None (the default). """ return self._properties.get('location') @location.setter def location(self, value): """Update location in which the table is hosted. :type value: str, or ``NoneType`` :param value: new location :raises: ValueError for invalid value types. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value is not None: raise ValueError("Pass a string, or None") self._properties['location'] = value @property def view_query(self): """SQL query defining the table as a view. :rtype: str, or ``NoneType`` :returns: The query as set by the user, or None (the default). """ view = self._properties.get('view') if view is not None: return view.get('query') @view_query.setter def view_query(self, value): """Update SQL query defining the table as a view. :type value: str :param value: new query :raises: ValueError for invalid value types. """ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types): raise ValueError("Pass a string") self._properties['view'] = {'query': value} @view_query.deleter def view_query(self): """Delete SQL query defining the table as a view.""" self._properties.pop('view', None) @classmethod def from_api_repr(cls, resource, dataset): """Factory: construct a table given its API representation :type resource: dict :param resource: table resource representation returned from the API :type dataset: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.dataset.Dataset` :param dataset: The dataset containing the table. :rtype: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.table.Table` :returns: Table parsed from ``resource``. """ if ('tableReference' not in resource or 'tableId' not in resource['tableReference']): raise KeyError('Resource lacks required identity information:' '["tableReference"]["tableId"]') table_name = resource['tableReference']['tableId'] table = cls(table_name, dataset=dataset) table._set_properties(resource) return table def _require_client(self, client): """Check client or verify over-ride. :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` :returns: The client passed in or the currently bound client. """ if client is None: client = self._dataset._client return client def _set_properties(self, api_response): """Update properties from resource in body of ``api_response`` :type api_response: httplib2.Response :param api_response: response returned from an API call """ self._properties.clear() cleaned = api_response.copy() schema = cleaned.pop('schema', {'fields': ()}) self.schema = _parse_schema_resource(schema) if 'creationTime' in cleaned: cleaned['creationTime'] = float(cleaned['creationTime']) if 'lastModifiedTime' in cleaned: cleaned['lastModifiedTime'] = float(cleaned['lastModifiedTime']) if 'expirationTime' in cleaned: cleaned['expirationTime'] = float(cleaned['expirationTime']) self._properties.update(cleaned) def _build_resource(self): """Generate a resource for ``create`` or ``update``.""" resource = { 'tableReference': { 'projectId': self._dataset.project, 'datasetId': self._dataset.name, 'tableId': self.name}, } if self.description is not None: resource['description'] = self.description if self.expires is not None: value = _millis_from_datetime(self.expires) resource['expirationTime'] = value if self.friendly_name is not None: resource['friendlyName'] = self.friendly_name if self.location is not None: resource['location'] = self.location if self.view_query is not None: view = resource['view'] = {} view['query'] = self.view_query elif self._schema: resource['schema'] = { 'fields': _build_schema_resource(self._schema) } else: raise ValueError("Set either 'view_query' or 'schema'.") return resource def create(self, client=None): """API call: create the dataset via a PUT request See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/insert :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) path = '/projects/%s/datasets/%s/tables' % ( self._dataset.project, self._dataset.name) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path=path, data=self._build_resource()) self._set_properties(api_response) def exists(self, client=None): """API call: test for the existence of the table via a GET request See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/get :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) try: client.connection.api_request(method='GET', path=self.path, query_params={'fields': 'id'}) except NotFound: return False else: return True def reload(self, client=None): """API call: refresh table properties via a GET request See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/get :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='GET', path=self.path) self._set_properties(api_response) def patch(self, client=None, friendly_name=_MARKER, description=_MARKER, location=_MARKER, expires=_MARKER, view_query=_MARKER, schema=_MARKER): """API call: update individual table properties via a PATCH request See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/patch :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :type friendly_name: str or ``NoneType`` :param friendly_name: point in time at which the table expires. :type description: str or ``NoneType`` :param description: point in time at which the table expires. :type location: str or ``NoneType`` :param location: point in time at which the table expires. :type expires: :class:`datetime.datetime` or ``NoneType`` :param expires: point in time at which the table expires. :type view_query: str :param view_query: SQL query defining the table as a view :type schema: list of :class:`SchemaField` :param schema: fields describing the schema :raises: ValueError for invalid value types. """ client = self._require_client(client) partial = {} if expires is not _MARKER: if (not isinstance(expires, datetime.datetime) and expires is not None): raise ValueError("Pass a datetime, or None") partial['expirationTime'] = _millis_from_datetime(expires) if description is not _MARKER: partial['description'] = description if friendly_name is not _MARKER: partial['friendlyName'] = friendly_name if location is not _MARKER: partial['location'] = location if view_query is not _MARKER: if view_query is None: partial['view'] = None else: partial['view'] = {'query': view_query} if schema is not _MARKER: if schema is None: partial['schema'] = None else: partial['schema'] = { 'fields': _build_schema_resource(schema)} api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='PATCH', path=self.path, data=partial) self._set_properties(api_response) def update(self, client=None): """API call: update table properties via a PUT request See https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/update :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) api_response = client.connection.api_request( method='PUT', path=self.path, data=self._build_resource()) self._set_properties(api_response) def delete(self, client=None): """API call: delete the table via a DELETE request See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/delete :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. """ client = self._require_client(client) client.connection.api_request(method='DELETE', path=self.path) def fetch_data(self, max_results=None, page_token=None, client=None): """API call: fetch the table data via a GET request See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tabledata/list .. note:: This method assumes that its instance's ``schema`` attribute is up-to-date with the schema as defined on the back-end: if the two schemas are not identical, the values returned may be incomplete. To ensure that the local copy of the schema is up-to-date, call the table's ``reload`` method. :type max_results: integer or ``NoneType`` :param max_results: maximum number of rows to return. :type page_token: str or ``NoneType`` :param page_token: token representing a cursor into the table's rows. :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: tuple :returns: ``(row_data, total_rows, page_token)``, where ``row_data`` is a list of tuples, one per result row, containing only the values; ``total_rows`` is a count of the total number of rows in the table; and ``page_token`` is an opaque string which can be used to fetch the next batch of rows (``None`` if no further batches can be fetched). """ client = self._require_client(client) params = {} if max_results is not None: params['maxResults'] = max_results if page_token is not None: params['pageToken'] = page_token response = client.connection.api_request(method='GET', path='%s/data' % self.path, query_params=params) total_rows = response.get('totalRows') if total_rows is not None: total_rows = int(total_rows) page_token = response.get('pageToken') rows_data = _rows_from_json(response.get('rows', ()), self._schema) return rows_data, total_rows, page_token def insert_data(self, rows, row_ids=None, skip_invalid_rows=None, ignore_unknown_values=None, template_suffix=None, client=None): """API call: insert table data via a POST request See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tabledata/insertAll :type rows: list of tuples :param rows: Row data to be inserted. Each tuple should contain data for each schema field on the current table and in the same order as the schema fields. :type row_ids: list of string :param row_ids: Unique ids, one per row being inserted. If not passed, no de-duplication occurs. :type skip_invalid_rows: boolean or ``NoneType`` :param skip_invalid_rows: skip rows w/ invalid data? :type ignore_unknown_values: boolean or ``NoneType`` :param ignore_unknown_values: ignore columns beyond schema? :type template_suffix: str or ``NoneType`` :param template_suffix: treat ``name`` as a template table and provide a suffix. BigQuery will create the table ``<name> + <template_suffix>`` based on the schema of the template table. See: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/streaming-data-into-bigquery#template-tables :type client: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: the client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: list of mappings :returns: One mapping per row with insert errors: the "index" key identifies the row, and the "errors" key contains a list of the mappings describing one or more problems with the row. """ client = self._require_client(client) rows_info = [] data = {'rows': rows_info} for index, row in enumerate(rows): row_info = {} for field, value in zip(self._schema, row): if field.field_type == 'TIMESTAMP' and value is not None: # BigQuery stores TIMESTAMP data internally as a # UNIX timestamp with microsecond precision. # Specifies the number of seconds since the epoch. value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6 row_info[field.name] = value info = {'json': row_info} if row_ids is not None: info['insertId'] = row_ids[index] rows_info.append(info) if skip_invalid_rows is not None: data['skipInvalidRows'] = skip_invalid_rows if ignore_unknown_values is not None: data['ignoreUnknownValues'] = ignore_unknown_values if template_suffix is not None: data['templateSuffix'] = template_suffix response = client.connection.api_request( method='POST', path='%s/insertAll' % self.path, data=data) errors = [] for error in response.get('insertErrors', ()): errors.append({'index': int(error['index']), 'errors': error['errors']}) return errors # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals def upload_from_file(self, file_obj, source_format, rewind=False, size=None, num_retries=6, allow_jagged_rows=None, allow_quoted_newlines=None, create_disposition=None, encoding=None, field_delimiter=None, ignore_unknown_values=None, max_bad_records=None, quote_character=None, skip_leading_rows=None, write_disposition=None, client=None): """Upload the contents of this table from a file-like object. The content type of the upload will either be - The value passed in to the function (if any) - ``text/csv``. :type file_obj: file :param file_obj: A file handle opened in binary mode for reading. :type source_format: str :param source_format: one of 'CSV' or 'NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON'. job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type rewind: boolean :param rewind: If True, seek to the beginning of the file handle before writing the file to Cloud Storage. :type size: int :param size: The number of bytes to read from the file handle. If not provided, we'll try to guess the size using :func:`os.fstat`. (If the file handle is not from the filesystem this won't be possible.) :type num_retries: integer :param num_retries: Number of upload retries. Defaults to 6. :type allow_jagged_rows: boolean :param allow_jagged_rows: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type allow_quoted_newlines: boolean :param allow_quoted_newlines: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type create_disposition: str :param create_disposition: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type encoding: str :param encoding: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type field_delimiter: str :param field_delimiter: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type ignore_unknown_values: boolean :param ignore_unknown_values: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type max_bad_records: integer :param max_bad_records: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type quote_character: str :param quote_character: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type skip_leading_rows: integer :param skip_leading_rows: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type write_disposition: str :param write_disposition: job configuration option; see :meth:`gcloud.bigquery.job.LoadJob` :type client: :class:`gcloud.storage.client.Client` or ``NoneType`` :param client: Optional. The client to use. If not passed, falls back to the ``client`` stored on the current dataset. :rtype: :class:`gcloud.bigquery.jobs.LoadTableFromStorageJob` :returns: the job instance used to load the data (e.g., for querying status) :raises: :class:`ValueError` if ``size`` is not passed in and can not be determined, or if the ``file_obj`` can be detected to be a file opened in text mode. """ client = self._require_client(client) connection = client.connection content_type = 'application/octet-stream' # Rewind the file if desired. if rewind: file_obj.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET) mode = getattr(file_obj, 'mode', None) if mode is not None and mode != 'rb': raise ValueError( "Cannot upload files opened in text mode: use " "open(filename, mode='rb')") # Get the basic stats about the file. total_bytes = size if total_bytes is None: if hasattr(file_obj, 'fileno'): total_bytes = os.fstat(file_obj.fileno()).st_size else: raise ValueError('total bytes could not be determined. Please ' 'pass an explicit size.') headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'User-Agent': connection.USER_AGENT, 'content-type': 'application/json', } metadata = { 'configuration': { 'load': { 'sourceFormat': source_format, 'schema': { 'fields': _build_schema_resource(self._schema), }, 'destinationTable': { 'projectId': self._dataset.project, 'datasetId': self._dataset.name, 'tableId': self.name, } } } } _configure_job_metadata(metadata, allow_jagged_rows, allow_quoted_newlines, create_disposition, encoding, field_delimiter, ignore_unknown_values, max_bad_records, quote_character, skip_leading_rows, write_disposition) upload = Upload(file_obj, content_type, total_bytes, auto_transfer=False) url_builder = _UrlBuilder() upload_config = _UploadConfig() # Base URL may change once we know simple vs. resumable. base_url = connection.API_BASE_URL + '/upload' path = '/projects/%s/jobs' % (self._dataset.project,) upload_url = connection.build_api_url(api_base_url=base_url, path=path) # Use apitools 'Upload' facility. request = Request(upload_url, 'POST', headers, body=json.dumps(metadata)) upload.configure_request(upload_config, request, url_builder) query_params = url_builder.query_params base_url = connection.API_BASE_URL + '/upload' request.url = connection.build_api_url(api_base_url=base_url, path=path, query_params=query_params) upload.initialize_upload(request, connection.http) if upload.strategy == RESUMABLE_UPLOAD: http_response = upload.stream_file(use_chunks=True) else: http_response = make_api_request(connection.http, request, retries=num_retries) response_content = http_response.content if not isinstance(response_content, six.string_types): # pragma: NO COVER Python3 response_content = response_content.decode('utf-8') return client.job_from_resource(json.loads(response_content)) # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals def _configure_job_metadata(metadata, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments allow_jagged_rows, allow_quoted_newlines, create_disposition, encoding, field_delimiter, ignore_unknown_values, max_bad_records, quote_character, skip_leading_rows, write_disposition): """Helper for :meth:`Table.upload_from_file`.""" load_config = metadata['configuration']['load'] if allow_jagged_rows is not None: load_config['allowJaggedRows'] = allow_jagged_rows if allow_quoted_newlines is not None: load_config['allowQuotedNewlines'] = allow_quoted_newlines if create_disposition is not None: load_config['createDisposition'] = create_disposition if encoding is not None: load_config['encoding'] = encoding if field_delimiter is not None: load_config['fieldDelimiter'] = field_delimiter if ignore_unknown_values is not None: load_config['ignoreUnknownValues'] = ignore_unknown_values if max_bad_records is not None: load_config['maxBadRecords'] = max_bad_records if quote_character is not None: load_config['quote'] = quote_character if skip_leading_rows is not None: load_config['skipLeadingRows'] = skip_leading_rows if write_disposition is not None: load_config['writeDisposition'] = write_disposition def _parse_schema_resource(info): """Parse a resource fragment into a schema field. :type info: mapping :param info: should contain a "fields" key to be parsed :rtype: list of :class:`SchemaField`, or ``NoneType`` :returns: a list of parsed fields, or ``None`` if no "fields" key is present in ``info``. """ if 'fields' not in info: return None schema = [] for r_field in info['fields']: name = r_field['name'] field_type = r_field['type'] mode = r_field.get('mode', 'NULLABLE') description = r_field.get('description') sub_fields = _parse_schema_resource(r_field) schema.append( SchemaField(name, field_type, mode, description, sub_fields)) return schema def _build_schema_resource(fields): """Generate a resource fragment for a schema. :type fields: sequence of :class:`SchemaField` :param fields: schema to be dumped :rtype: mapping :returns: a mapping describing the schema of the supplied fields. """ infos = [] for field in fields: info = {'name': field.name, 'type': field.field_type, 'mode': field.mode} if field.description is not None: info['description'] = field.description if field.fields is not None: info['fields'] = _build_schema_resource(field.fields) infos.append(info) return infos class _UploadConfig(object): """Faux message FBO apitools' 'configure_request'.""" accept = ['*/*'] max_size = None resumable_multipart = True resumable_path = u'/upload/bigquery/v2/projects/{project}/jobs' simple_multipart = True simple_path = u'/upload/bigquery/v2/projects/{project}/jobs' class _UrlBuilder(object): """Faux builder FBO apitools' 'configure_request'""" def __init__(self): self.query_params = {} self._relative_path = ''