# =================================================================== # # Copyright (c) 2014, Legrandin <helderijs@gmail.com> # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # =================================================================== """RSA digital signature protocol with appendix according to PKCS#1 PSS. See RFC3447__ or the `original RSA Labs specification`__. This scheme is more properly called ``RSASSA-PSS``. The following example shows how the sender can create the signatue of a message using their private key: >>> from Crypto.Signature import pss >>> from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 >>> from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA >>> from Crypto import Random >>> >>> message = 'To be signed' >>> key = RSA.importKey(open('privkey.der').read()) >>> h = SHA256.new(message) >>> signature = pss.new(key).sign(h) At the receiver side, verification can be done using the public RSA key: >>> key = RSA.importKey(open('pubkey.der').read()) >>> h = SHA256.new(message) >>> verifier = pss.new(key) >>> try: >>> verifier.verify(h, signature): >>> print "The signature is authentic." >>> except (ValueError, TypeError): >>> print "The signature is not authentic." :undocumented: __package__ .. __: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3447.txt .. __: http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2125 """ from Crypto.Util.py3compat import b, bchr, bord import Crypto.Util.number from Crypto.Util.number import (ceil_div, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long ) from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor from Crypto import Random class PSS_SigScheme: """An instance of the PKCS#1 PSS signature scheme for a specific RSA key.""" def __init__(self, key, mgfunc, saltLen, randfunc): """Initialize this PKCS#1 PSS signature scheme object. :Parameters: key : an RSA key object If a private half is given, both signature and verification are possible. If a public half is given, only verification is possible. mgfunc : callable A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the lenth of the mask to generate, in bytes. saltLen : integer Length of the salt, in bytes. randfunc : callable A function that returns random bytes. """ self._key = key self._saltLen = saltLen self._mgfunc = mgfunc self._randfunc = randfunc def can_sign(self): """Return True if this cipher object can be used or signing messages.""" return self._key.has_private() def sign(self, msg_hash): """Produce the PKCS#1 PSS signature of a message. This function is named ``RSASSA-PSS-SIGN``, and is specified in section 8.1.1 of RFC3447. :Parameters: msg_hash : hash object The hash that was carried out over the message. This is an object belonging to the `Crypto.Hash` module. :Return: The PSS signature encoded as a byte string. :Raise ValueError: If the RSA key length is not sufficiently long to deal with the given hash algorithm. :Raise TypeError: If the RSA key has no private half. :attention: Modify the salt length and the mask generation function only if you know what you are doing. The receiver must use the same parameters too. """ # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function if self._saltLen is None: sLen = msg_hash.digest_size else: sLen = self._saltLen if self._mgfunc is None: mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash) else: mgf = self._mgfunc modBits = Crypto.Util.number.size(self._key.n) # See 8.1.1 in RFC3447 k = ceil_div(modBits, 8) # k is length in bytes of the modulus # Step 1 em = _EMSA_PSS_ENCODE(msg_hash, modBits-1, self._randfunc, mgf, sLen) # Step 2a (OS2IP) em_int = bytes_to_long(em) # Step 2b (RSASP1) m_int = self._key._decrypt(em_int) # Step 2c (I2OSP) signature = long_to_bytes(m_int, k) return signature def verify(self, msg_hash, signature): """Verify that a certain PKCS#1 PSS signature is authentic. This function checks if the party holding the private half of the given RSA key has really signed the message. This function is called ``RSASSA-PSS-VERIFY``, and is specified in section 8.1.2 of RFC3447. :Parameters: msg_hash : hash object The cryptographic hash computed over the message. This is an object belonging to the `Crypto.Hash` module. signature : byte string The signature that needs to be validated. :Raise ValueError: if the signature is incorrect. """ # Set defaults for salt length and mask generation function if self._saltLen is None: sLen = msg_hash.digest_size else: sLen = self._saltLen if self._mgfunc: mgf = self._mgfunc else: mgf = lambda x, y: MGF1(x, y, msg_hash) modBits = Crypto.Util.number.size(self._key.n) # See 8.1.2 in RFC3447 k = ceil_div(modBits, 8) # Convert from bits to bytes # Step 1 if len(signature) != k: raise ValueError("Incorrect signature") # Step 2a (O2SIP) signature_int = bytes_to_long(signature) # Step 2b (RSAVP1) em_int = self._key._encrypt(signature_int) # Step 2c (I2OSP) emLen = ceil_div(modBits - 1, 8) em = long_to_bytes(em_int, emLen) # Step 3/4 _EMSA_PSS_VERIFY(msg_hash, em, modBits-1, mgf, sLen) def MGF1(mgfSeed, maskLen, hash): """Mask Generation Function, described in B.2.1""" T = b("") for counter in range(ceil_div(maskLen, hash.digest_size)): c = long_to_bytes(counter, 4) hobj = hash.new() hobj.update(mgfSeed + c) T = T + hobj.digest() assert(len(T) >= maskLen) return T[:maskLen] def _EMSA_PSS_ENCODE(mhash, emBits, randFunc, mgf, sLen): """ Implement the ``EMSA-PSS-ENCODE`` function, as defined in PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC3447, 9.1.1). The original ``EMSA-PSS-ENCODE`` actually accepts the message ``M`` as input, and hash it internally. Here, we expect that the message has already been hashed instead. :Parameters: mhash : hash object The hash object that holds the digest of the message being signed. emBits : int Maximum length of the final encoding, in bits. randFunc : callable An RNG function that accepts as only parameter an int, and returns a string of random bytes, to be used as salt. mgf : callable A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the lenth of the mask to generate, in bytes. sLen : int Length of the salt, in bytes. :Return: An ``emLen`` byte long string that encodes the hash (with ``emLen = \ceil(emBits/8)``). :Raise ValueError: When digest or salt length are too big. """ emLen = ceil_div(emBits, 8) # Bitmask of digits that fill up lmask = 0 for i in range(8*emLen-emBits): lmask = lmask >> 1 | 0x80 # Step 1 and 2 have been already done # Step 3 if emLen < mhash.digest_size+sLen+2: raise ValueError("Digest or salt length are too long" " for given key size.") # Step 4 salt = randFunc(sLen) # Step 5 m_prime = bchr(0)*8 + mhash.digest() + salt # Step 6 h = mhash.new() h.update(m_prime) # Step 7 ps = bchr(0)*(emLen-sLen-mhash.digest_size-2) # Step 8 db = ps + bchr(1) + salt # Step 9 dbMask = mgf(h.digest(), emLen-mhash.digest_size-1) # Step 10 maskedDB = strxor(db, dbMask) # Step 11 maskedDB = bchr(bord(maskedDB[0]) & ~lmask) + maskedDB[1:] # Step 12 em = maskedDB + h.digest() + bchr(0xBC) return em def _EMSA_PSS_VERIFY(mhash, em, emBits, mgf, sLen): """ Implement the ``EMSA-PSS-VERIFY`` function, as defined in PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC3447, 9.1.2). ``EMSA-PSS-VERIFY`` actually accepts the message ``M`` as input, and hash it internally. Here, we expect that the message has already been hashed instead. :Parameters: mhash : hash object The hash object that holds the digest of the message to be verified. em : string The signature to verify, therefore proving that the sender really signed the message that was received. emBits : int Length of the final encoding (em), in bits. mgf : callable A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the lenth of the mask to generate, in bytes. sLen : int Length of the salt, in bytes. :Raise ValueError: When the encoding is inconsistent, or the digest or salt lengths are too big. """ emLen = ceil_div(emBits, 8) # Bitmask of digits that fill up lmask = 0 for i in range(8*emLen-emBits): lmask = lmask >> 1 | 0x80 # Step 1 and 2 have been already done # Step 3 if emLen < mhash.digest_size+sLen+2: return False # Step 4 if ord(em[-1:]) != 0xBC: raise ValueError("Incorrect signature") # Step 5 maskedDB = em[:emLen-mhash.digest_size-1] h = em[emLen-mhash.digest_size-1:-1] # Step 6 if lmask & bord(em[0]): raise ValueError("Incorrect signature") # Step 7 dbMask = mgf(h, emLen-mhash.digest_size-1) # Step 8 db = strxor(maskedDB, dbMask) # Step 9 db = bchr(bord(db[0]) & ~lmask) + db[1:] # Step 10 if not db.startswith(bchr(0)*(emLen-mhash.digest_size-sLen-2) + bchr(1)): raise ValueError("Incorrect signature") # Step 11 if sLen > 0: salt = db[-sLen:] else: salt = b("") # Step 12 m_prime = bchr(0)*8 + mhash.digest() + salt # Step 13 hobj = mhash.new() hobj.update(m_prime) hp = hobj.digest() # Step 14 if h != hp: raise ValueError("Incorrect signature") def new(rsa_key, **kwargs): """Return a signature scheme object `PSS_SigScheme` that can be used to perform PKCS#1 PSS signature or verification. :Parameters: rsa_key : RSA key object The key to use to sign or verify the message. This is a `Crypto.PublicKey.RSA` object. Signing is only possible if *key* is a private RSA key. :Keywords: mask_func : callable A mask generation function that accepts two parameters: a string to use as seed, and the length of the mask in bytes to generate. If not specified, the standard MGF1 is used. salt_bytes : int Length of the salt, in bytes. If not specified, it matches the output size of the hash function. If zero, the signature scheme becomes deterministic. rand_func : callable A function that returns random bytes. The default is `Crypto.Random.get_random_bytes`. """ mask_func = kwargs.pop("mask_func", None) salt_len = kwargs.pop("salt_bytes", None) rand_func = kwargs.pop("rand_func", None) if rand_func is None: rand_func = Random.get_random_bytes if kwargs: raise ValueError("Unknown keywords: " + str(list(kwargs.keys()))) return PSS_SigScheme(rsa_key, mask_func, salt_len, rand_func)