import os, signal import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import pyrebase # u need to install Pyrebase module firstly import time from picamera import PiCamera from time import sleep class Car: print("Starting of the program") def __init__(self): config = { "apiKey": "AIzaSyAdL0W5HscjEDFPK4BDi6Cnc7FLa30GPYY", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "projectId": "vehicleantitheftrecognition", "storageBucket": "", "messagingSenderId": "163692530359", "appId": "1:163692530359:web:b6dc7ccfc56a79afb11b32", "measurementId": "G-EPWP2LK89Q" } self.firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) # preset GPIO ports for 2 motors self.Motor1 = {'EN': 25, 'input1': 24, 'input2': 23} self.Motor2 = {'EN': 17, 'input1': 27, 'input2': 22} # preset the port for buttons and alarm GPIO.setup(26,GPIO.OUT) # alarm output # preset the port for the distance sensor self.GPIO_TRIGGER = 18 self.GPIO_ECHO = 4 # set GPIO direction (IN / OUT) GPIO.setup(self.GPIO_TRIGGER, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.GPIO_ECHO, GPIO.IN) for x in self.Motor1: GPIO.setup(self.Motor1[x], GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(self.Motor2[x], GPIO.OUT) # utilize PWM function, enable motors and frequency is 100Hz self.EN1 = GPIO.PWM(self.Motor1['EN'], 100) self.EN2 = GPIO.PWM(self.Motor2['EN'], 100) self.EN1.start(0) self.EN2.start(0) # stop signals for motors and alarm self.motorStop=True self.alarmStop=True self.cameraOff=True # countor for theaf picture been taken self.counter = self.firebase.database().child("signal").child(1).child("counter").get().val() print(str(self.counter)) # new update motor and alarm functions, are able to connect embedded system throught firebase def start_motor(self): self.motorStop=False self.EN1.ChangeDutyCycle(50) self.EN2.ChangeDutyCycle(50) GPIO.output(self.Motor1['input1'], GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(self.Motor1['input2'], GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.Motor2['input1'], GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(self.Motor2['input2'], GPIO.LOW) print("motor is turned on") def stop_motor(self): print("stopping motor...") self.motorStop=True self.EN1.ChangeDutyCycle(0) self.EN2.ChangeDutyCycle(0) print("motor stops") def start_alarm(self): print("Alarm is turned on") self.alarmStop=False GPIO.output(26,True) return False def stop_alarm(self): print("Alarm turning off...") self.alarmStop=True GPIO.output(26,False) print("Alarm is off") return True def kill_target(self, target): cmd_run="ps aux | grep {}".format(target) out=os.popen(cmd_run).read() for line in os.popen("ps ax | grep "+target+" | grep -v grep"): fields = line.split() #print(fields) pid = fields[0] a = os.kill(int(pid),signal.SIGKILL) print('Killed PID %s, return value:%s' % (pid, a)) def start_camera(self): self.cameraOff=False print("Remote camera is turned on") os.system('python3 &') def stop_camera(self): self.cameraOff=True self.kill_target("") print("Remote camera is off") #return False def distance(self): # set Trigger to HIGH GPIO.output(self.GPIO_TRIGGER, True) # set Trigger after 0.01ms to LOW time.sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(self.GPIO_TRIGGER, False) StartTime = time.time() StopTime = time.time() # save StartTime while GPIO.input(self.GPIO_ECHO) == 0: StartTime = time.time() # save time of arrival while GPIO.input(self.GPIO_ECHO) == 1: StopTime = time.time() # time difference between start and arrival TimeElapsed = StopTime - StartTime # multiply with the sonic speed (34300 cm/s) # and divide by 2, because there and back distance = (TimeElapsed * 34300) / 2 return distance if __name__=="__main__": #print("Execute function...") car=Car() while True: # turn on the system forever # get connection to firebase database = car.firebase.database() signals = database.child("signal") auth = car.firebase.auth() storage = # get signal from firebase motorSignal = signals.child(1).child("motor").get().val() signals = database.child("signal") alarmSignal = signals.child(1).child("alarm").get().val() signals = database.child("signal") cameraSignal = signals.child(1).child("camera").get().val() # get distance data from distance sensor dist = car.distance() #print ("Measured Distance = %.1f cm" % dist) # Turn on motor if get sensor signal if (motorSignal=="on" and car.motorStop): car.start_motor() elif ((motorSignal=="off" or dist<=5) and not car.motorStop): # Stop the motor if the vehicle is too close to the item at front as well car.stop_motor() # Turn on alarm if get sensor signal if (alarmSignal=="on" and car.alarmStop): car.start_alarm() elif (alarmSignal=="off" and not car.alarmStop): car.stop_alarm() # Turn on remote camera if get sensor signal if (cameraSignal=="on" and car.cameraOff): car.start_camera() elif (cameraSignal=="off" and not car.cameraOff): car.stop_camera() # Take a picture of someone or some thing try to get close to the vehicle if (dist<=15 and car.cameraOff and car.motorStop and car.alarmStop): print('Take a theaf picture due to distance at ' + str(int(dist)) + 'cm') camera = PiCamera() camera.start_preview() # Camera warm-up time time.sleep(1) camera.capture('/home/pi/Vehicle-Anti-Theft-Face-Recognition-System/sensor/picture'+str(car.counter)+'.jpg') camera.close() storage.child('Photos_of_Thieves/Thief_Sensor/picture'+str(car.counter)+'.jpg').put('/home/pi/Vehicle-Anti-Theft-Face-Recognition-System/sensor/picture'+str(car.counter)+'.jpg') car.counter+=1 car.firebase.database().child("signal").child(1).child("counter").set(car.counter) time.sleep(1)