import numpy as np

from matplotlib import docstring
from matplotlib.contour import ContourSet
from matplotlib.tri.triangulation import Triangulation

class TriContourSet(ContourSet):
    Create and store a set of contour lines or filled regions for
    a triangular grid.

    User-callable method: clabel

        The axes object in which the contours are drawn.

        A silent_list of LineCollections or PolyCollections.

        Contour levels.

        Same as levels for line contours; half-way between
        levels for filled contours.  See :meth:`_process_colors`.
    def __init__(self, ax, *args, **kwargs):
        Draw triangular grid contour lines or filled regions,
        depending on whether keyword arg 'filled' is False
        (default) or True.

        The first argument of the initializer must be an axes
        object.  The remaining arguments and keyword arguments
        are described in the docstring of `~.Axes.tricontour`.
        ContourSet.__init__(self, ax, *args, **kwargs)

    def _process_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Process args and kwargs.
        if isinstance(args[0], TriContourSet):
            C = args[0].cppContourGenerator
            if self.levels is None:
                self.levels = args[0].levels
            from matplotlib import _tri
            tri, z = self._contour_args(args, kwargs)
            C = _tri.TriContourGenerator(tri.get_cpp_triangulation(), z)
            self._mins = [tri.x.min(), tri.y.min()]
            self._maxs = [tri.x.max(), tri.y.max()]

        self.cppContourGenerator = C
        return kwargs

    def _get_allsegs_and_allkinds(self):
        Create and return allsegs and allkinds by calling underlying C code.
        allsegs = []
        if self.filled:
            lowers, uppers = self._get_lowers_and_uppers()
            allkinds = []
            for lower, upper in zip(lowers, uppers):
                segs, kinds = self.cppContourGenerator.create_filled_contour(
                    lower, upper)
            allkinds = None
            for level in self.levels:
                segs = self.cppContourGenerator.create_contour(level)
        return allsegs, allkinds

    def _contour_args(self, args, kwargs):
        if self.filled:
            fn = 'contourf'
            fn = 'contour'
        tri, args, kwargs = Triangulation.get_from_args_and_kwargs(*args,
        z =[0])
        if z.shape != tri.x.shape:
            raise ValueError('z array must have same length as triangulation x'
                             ' and y arrays')

        # z values must be finite, only need to check points that are included
        # in the triangulation.
        z_check = z[np.unique(tri.get_masked_triangles())]
            raise ValueError('z must not contain masked points within the '
        if not np.isfinite(z_check).all():
            raise ValueError('z array must not contain non-finite values '
                             'within the triangulation')

        z =, copy=False)
        self.zmax = float(z_check.max())
        self.zmin = float(z_check.min())
        if self.logscale and self.zmin <= 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot %s log of negative values.' % fn)
        return (tri, z)

Draw contour %(type)s on an unstructured triangular grid.

The triangulation can be specified in one of two ways; either ::

    %(func)s(triangulation, ...)

where *triangulation* is a `.Triangulation` object, or ::

    %(func)s(x, y, ...)
    %(func)s(x, y, triangles, ...)
    %(func)s(x, y, triangles=triangles, ...)
    %(func)s(x, y, mask=mask, ...)
    %(func)s(x, y, triangles, mask=mask, ...)

in which case a `.Triangulation` object will be created.  See that class'
docstring for an explanation of these cases.

The remaining arguments may be::

    %(func)s(..., Z)

where *Z* is the array of values to contour, one per point in the
triangulation.  The level values are chosen automatically.


    %(func)s(..., Z, levels)

contour up to *levels+1* automatically chosen contour levels (*levels*


    %(func)s(..., Z, levels)

draw contour %(type)s at the values specified in sequence *levels*, which must
be in increasing order.


    %(func)s(Z, **kwargs)

Use keyword arguments to control colors, linewidth, origin, cmap ... see below
for more details.

triangulation : `.Triangulation`, optional
    The unstructured triangular grid.

    If specified, then *x*, *y*, *triangles*, and *mask* are not accepted.

x, y : array-like, optional
    The coordinates of the values in *Z*.

triangles : int array-like of shape (ntri, 3), optional
    For each triangle, the indices of the three points that make up the
    triangle, ordered in an anticlockwise manner.  If not specified, the
    Delaunay triangulation is calculated.

mask : bool array-like of shape (ntri), optional
    Which triangles are masked out.

Z : array-like(N, M)
    The height values over which the contour is drawn.

levels : int or array-like, optional
    Determines the number and positions of the contour lines / regions.

    If an int *n*, use `~matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator`, which tries to
    automatically choose no more than *n+1* "nice" contour levels between
    *vmin* and *vmax*.

    If array-like, draw contour lines at the specified levels.  The values must
    be in increasing order.


Other Parameters
colors : color string or sequence of colors, optional
    The colors of the levels, i.e., the contour %(type)s.

    The sequence is cycled for the levels in ascending order. If the sequence
    is shorter than the number of levels, it's repeated.

    As a shortcut, single color strings may be used in place of one-element
    lists, i.e. ``'red'`` instead of ``['red']`` to color all levels with the
    same color. This shortcut does only work for color strings, not for other
    ways of specifying colors.

    By default (value *None*), the colormap specified by *cmap* will be used.

alpha : float, default: 1
    The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).

cmap : str or `.Colormap`, default: :rc:`image.cmap`
    A `.Colormap` instance or registered colormap name. The colormap maps the
    level values to colors.

    If both *colors* and *cmap* are given, an error is raised.

norm : `~matplotlib.colors.Normalize`, optional
    If a colormap is used, the `.Normalize` instance scales the level values to
    the canonical colormap range [0, 1] for mapping to colors. If not given,
    the default linear scaling is used.

origin : {*None*, 'upper', 'lower', 'image'}, default: None
    Determines the orientation and exact position of *Z* by specifying the
    position of ``Z[0, 0]``.  This is only relevant, if *X*, *Y* are not given.

    - *None*: ``Z[0, 0]`` is at X=0, Y=0 in the lower left corner.
    - 'lower': ``Z[0, 0]`` is at X=0.5, Y=0.5 in the lower left corner.
    - 'upper': ``Z[0, 0]`` is at X=N+0.5, Y=0.5 in the upper left corner.
    - 'image': Use the value from :rc:`image.origin`.

extent : (x0, x1, y0, y1), optional
    If *origin* is not *None*, then *extent* is interpreted as in `.imshow`: it
    gives the outer pixel boundaries. In this case, the position of Z[0, 0] is
    the center of the pixel, not a corner. If *origin* is *None*, then
    (*x0*, *y0*) is the position of Z[0, 0], and (*x1*, *y1*) is the position
    of Z[-1, -1].

    This argument is ignored if *X* and *Y* are specified in the call to

locator : ticker.Locator subclass, optional
    The locator is used to determine the contour levels if they are not given
    explicitly via *levels*.
    Defaults to `~.ticker.MaxNLocator`.

extend : {'neither', 'both', 'min', 'max'}, default: 'neither'
    Determines the ``%(func)s``-coloring of values that are outside the
    *levels* range.

    If 'neither', values outside the *levels* range are not colored.  If 'min',
    'max' or 'both', color the values below, above or below and above the
    *levels* range.

    Values below ``min(levels)`` and above ``max(levels)`` are mapped to the
    under/over values of the `.Colormap`. Note that most colormaps do not have
    dedicated colors for these by default, so that the over and under values
    are the edge values of the colormap.  You may want to set these values
    explicitly using `.Colormap.set_under` and `.Colormap.set_over`.

    .. note::

        An existing `.TriContourSet` does not get notified if properties of its
        colormap are changed. Therefore, an explicit call to
        `.ContourSet.changed()` is needed after modifying the colormap. The
        explicit call can be left out, if a colorbar is assigned to the
        `.TriContourSet` because it internally calls `.ContourSet.changed()`.

xunits, yunits : registered units, optional
    Override axis units by specifying an instance of a

@docstring.Substitution(func='tricontour', type='lines')
def tricontour(ax, *args, **kwargs):

    linewidths : float or array-like, default: :rc:`contour.linewidth`
        The line width of the contour lines.

        If a number, all levels will be plotted with this linewidth.

        If a sequence, the levels in ascending order will be plotted with
        the linewidths in the order specified.

        If None, this falls back to :rc:`lines.linewidth`.

    linestyles : {*None*, 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted'}, optional
        If *linestyles* is *None*, the default is 'solid' unless the lines are
        monochrome.  In that case, negative contours will take their linestyle
        from :rc:`contour.negative_linestyle` setting.

        *linestyles* can also be an iterable of the above strings specifying a
        set of linestyles to be used. If this iterable is shorter than the
        number of contour levels it will be repeated as necessary.
    kwargs['filled'] = False
    return TriContourSet(ax, *args, **kwargs)

@docstring.Substitution(func='tricontourf', type='regions')
def tricontourf(ax, *args, **kwargs):

    antialiased : bool, default: True
        Whether to use antialiasing.

    `.tricontourf` fills intervals that are closed at the top; that is, for
    boundaries *z1* and *z2*, the filled region is::

        z1 < Z <= z2

    except for the lowest interval, which is closed on both sides (i.e. it
    includes the lowest value).
    kwargs['filled'] = True
    return TriContourSet(ax, *args, **kwargs)