# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Support for resumable uploads. Also supported here are simple (media) uploads and multipart uploads that contain both metadata and a small file as payload. """ from google.resumable_media import _upload from google.resumable_media.requests import _request_helpers class SimpleUpload(_request_helpers.RequestsMixin, _upload.SimpleUpload): """Upload a resource to a Google API. A **simple** media upload sends no metadata and completes the upload in a single request. Args: upload_url (str): The URL where the content will be uploaded. headers (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): Extra headers that should be sent with the request, e.g. headers for encrypted data. Attributes: upload_url (str): The URL where the content will be uploaded. """ def transmit( self, transport, data, content_type, timeout=( _request_helpers._DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, _request_helpers._DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ), ): """Transmit the resource to be uploaded. Args: transport (~requests.Session): A ``requests`` object which can make authenticated requests. data (bytes): The resource content to be uploaded. content_type (str): The content type of the resource, e.g. a JPEG image has content type ``image/jpeg``. timeout (Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]]): The number of seconds to wait for the server response. Depending on the retry strategy, a request may be repeated several times using the same timeout each time. Can also be passed as a tuple (connect_timeout, read_timeout). See :meth:`requests.Session.request` documentation for details. Returns: ~requests.Response: The HTTP response returned by ``transport``. """ method, url, payload, headers = self._prepare_request(data, content_type) response = _request_helpers.http_request( transport, method, url, data=payload, headers=headers, retry_strategy=self._retry_strategy, timeout=timeout, ) self._process_response(response) return response class MultipartUpload(_request_helpers.RequestsMixin, _upload.MultipartUpload): """Upload a resource with metadata to a Google API. A **multipart** upload sends both metadata and the resource in a single (multipart) request. Args: upload_url (str): The URL where the content will be uploaded. headers (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): Extra headers that should be sent with the request, e.g. headers for encrypted data. checksum Optional([str]): The type of checksum to compute to verify the integrity of the object. The request metadata will be amended to include the computed value. Using this option will override a manually-set checksum value. Supported values are "md5", "crc32c" and None. The default is None. Attributes: upload_url (str): The URL where the content will be uploaded. """ def transmit( self, transport, data, metadata, content_type, timeout=( _request_helpers._DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, _request_helpers._DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ), ): """Transmit the resource to be uploaded. Args: transport (~requests.Session): A ``requests`` object which can make authenticated requests. data (bytes): The resource content to be uploaded. metadata (Mapping[str, str]): The resource metadata, such as an ACL list. content_type (str): The content type of the resource, e.g. a JPEG image has content type ``image/jpeg``. timeout (Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]]): The number of seconds to wait for the server response. Depending on the retry strategy, a request may be repeated several times using the same timeout each time. Can also be passed as a tuple (connect_timeout, read_timeout). See :meth:`requests.Session.request` documentation for details. Returns: ~requests.Response: The HTTP response returned by ``transport``. """ method, url, payload, headers = self._prepare_request( data, metadata, content_type ) response = _request_helpers.http_request( transport, method, url, data=payload, headers=headers, retry_strategy=self._retry_strategy, timeout=timeout, ) self._process_response(response) return response class ResumableUpload(_request_helpers.RequestsMixin, _upload.ResumableUpload): """Initiate and fulfill a resumable upload to a Google API. A **resumable** upload sends an initial request with the resource metadata and then gets assigned an upload ID / upload URL to send bytes to. Using the upload URL, the upload is then done in chunks (determined by the user) until all bytes have been uploaded. When constructing a resumable upload, only the resumable upload URL and the chunk size are required: .. testsetup:: resumable-constructor bucket = u'bucket-foo' .. doctest:: resumable-constructor >>> from google.resumable_media.requests import ResumableUpload >>> >>> url_template = ( ... u'https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1/b/{bucket}/o?' ... u'uploadType=resumable') >>> upload_url = url_template.format(bucket=bucket) >>> >>> chunk_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024 # 3MB >>> upload = ResumableUpload(upload_url, chunk_size) When initiating an upload (via :meth:`initiate`), the caller is expected to pass the resource being uploaded as a file-like ``stream``. If the size of the resource is explicitly known, it can be passed in directly: .. testsetup:: resumable-explicit-size import os import tempfile import mock import requests from six.moves import http_client from google.resumable_media.requests import ResumableUpload upload_url = u'http://test.invalid' chunk_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024 # 3MB upload = ResumableUpload(upload_url, chunk_size) file_desc, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(file_desc) data = b'some bytes!' with open(filename, u'wb') as file_obj: file_obj.write(data) fake_response = requests.Response() fake_response.status_code = int(http_client.OK) fake_response._content = b'' resumable_url = u'http://test.invalid?upload_id=7up' fake_response.headers[u'location'] = resumable_url post_method = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_response, spec=[]) transport = mock.Mock(request=post_method, spec=['request']) .. doctest:: resumable-explicit-size >>> import os >>> >>> upload.total_bytes is None True >>> >>> stream = open(filename, u'rb') >>> total_bytes = os.path.getsize(filename) >>> metadata = {u'name': filename} >>> response = upload.initiate( ... transport, stream, metadata, u'text/plain', ... total_bytes=total_bytes) >>> response <Response [200]> >>> >>> upload.total_bytes == total_bytes True .. testcleanup:: resumable-explicit-size os.remove(filename) If the stream is in a "final" state (i.e. it won't have any more bytes written to it), the total number of bytes can be determined implicitly from the ``stream`` itself: .. testsetup:: resumable-implicit-size import io import mock import requests from six.moves import http_client from google.resumable_media.requests import ResumableUpload upload_url = u'http://test.invalid' chunk_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024 # 3MB upload = ResumableUpload(upload_url, chunk_size) fake_response = requests.Response() fake_response.status_code = int(http_client.OK) fake_response._content = b'' resumable_url = u'http://test.invalid?upload_id=7up' fake_response.headers[u'location'] = resumable_url post_method = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_response, spec=[]) transport = mock.Mock(request=post_method, spec=['request']) data = b'some MOAR bytes!' metadata = {u'name': u'some-file.jpg'} content_type = u'image/jpeg' .. doctest:: resumable-implicit-size >>> stream = io.BytesIO(data) >>> response = upload.initiate( ... transport, stream, metadata, content_type) >>> >>> upload.total_bytes == len(data) True If the size of the resource is **unknown** when the upload is initiated, the ``stream_final`` argument can be used. This might occur if the resource is being dynamically created on the client (e.g. application logs). To use this argument: .. testsetup:: resumable-unknown-size import io import mock import requests from six.moves import http_client from google.resumable_media.requests import ResumableUpload upload_url = u'http://test.invalid' chunk_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024 # 3MB upload = ResumableUpload(upload_url, chunk_size) fake_response = requests.Response() fake_response.status_code = int(http_client.OK) fake_response._content = b'' resumable_url = u'http://test.invalid?upload_id=7up' fake_response.headers[u'location'] = resumable_url post_method = mock.Mock(return_value=fake_response, spec=[]) transport = mock.Mock(request=post_method, spec=['request']) metadata = {u'name': u'some-file.jpg'} content_type = u'application/octet-stream' stream = io.BytesIO(b'data') .. doctest:: resumable-unknown-size >>> response = upload.initiate( ... transport, stream, metadata, content_type, ... stream_final=False) >>> >>> upload.total_bytes is None True Args: upload_url (str): The URL where the resumable upload will be initiated. chunk_size (int): The size of each chunk used to upload the resource. headers (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]): Extra headers that should be sent with the :meth:`initiate` request, e.g. headers for encrypted data. These **will not** be sent with :meth:`transmit_next_chunk` or :meth:`recover` requests. checksum Optional([str]): The type of checksum to compute to verify the integrity of the object. After the upload is complete, the server-computed checksum of the resulting object will be checked and google.resumable_media.common.DataCorruption will be raised on a mismatch. The corrupted file will not be deleted from the remote host automatically. Supported values are "md5", "crc32c" and None. The default is None. Attributes: upload_url (str): The URL where the content will be uploaded. Raises: ValueError: If ``chunk_size`` is not a multiple of :data:`.UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE`. """ def initiate( self, transport, stream, metadata, content_type, total_bytes=None, stream_final=True, timeout=( _request_helpers._DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, _request_helpers._DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ), ): """Initiate a resumable upload. By default, this method assumes your ``stream`` is in a "final" state ready to transmit. However, ``stream_final=False`` can be used to indicate that the size of the resource is not known. This can happen if bytes are being dynamically fed into ``stream``, e.g. if the stream is attached to application logs. If ``stream_final=False`` is used, :attr:`chunk_size` bytes will be read from the stream every time :meth:`transmit_next_chunk` is called. If one of those reads produces strictly fewer bites than the chunk size, the upload will be concluded. Args: transport (~requests.Session): A ``requests`` object which can make authenticated requests. stream (IO[bytes]): The stream (i.e. file-like object) that will be uploaded. The stream **must** be at the beginning (i.e. ``stream.tell() == 0``). metadata (Mapping[str, str]): The resource metadata, such as an ACL list. content_type (str): The content type of the resource, e.g. a JPEG image has content type ``image/jpeg``. total_bytes (Optional[int]): The total number of bytes to be uploaded. If specified, the upload size **will not** be determined from the stream (even if ``stream_final=True``). stream_final (Optional[bool]): Indicates if the ``stream`` is "final" (i.e. no more bytes will be added to it). In this case we determine the upload size from the size of the stream. If ``total_bytes`` is passed, this argument will be ignored. timeout (Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]]): The number of seconds to wait for the server response. Depending on the retry strategy, a request may be repeated several times using the same timeout each time. Can also be passed as a tuple (connect_timeout, read_timeout). See :meth:`requests.Session.request` documentation for details. Returns: ~requests.Response: The HTTP response returned by ``transport``. """ method, url, payload, headers = self._prepare_initiate_request( stream, metadata, content_type, total_bytes=total_bytes, stream_final=stream_final, ) response = _request_helpers.http_request( transport, method, url, data=payload, headers=headers, retry_strategy=self._retry_strategy, timeout=timeout, ) self._process_initiate_response(response) return response def transmit_next_chunk( self, transport, timeout=( _request_helpers._DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, _request_helpers._DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ), ): """Transmit the next chunk of the resource to be uploaded. If the current upload was initiated with ``stream_final=False``, this method will dynamically determine if the upload has completed. The upload will be considered complete if the stream produces fewer than :attr:`chunk_size` bytes when a chunk is read from it. In the case of failure, an exception is thrown that preserves the failed response: .. testsetup:: bad-response import io import mock import requests from six.moves import http_client from google import resumable_media import google.resumable_media.requests.upload as upload_mod transport = mock.Mock(spec=['request']) fake_response = requests.Response() fake_response.status_code = int(http_client.BAD_REQUEST) transport.request.return_value = fake_response upload_url = u'http://test.invalid' upload = upload_mod.ResumableUpload( upload_url, resumable_media.UPLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE) # Fake that the upload has been initiate()-d data = b'data is here' upload._stream = io.BytesIO(data) upload._total_bytes = len(data) upload._resumable_url = u'http://test.invalid?upload_id=nope' .. doctest:: bad-response :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> error = None >>> try: ... upload.transmit_next_chunk(transport) ... except resumable_media.InvalidResponse as caught_exc: ... error = caught_exc ... >>> error InvalidResponse('Request failed with status code', 400, 'Expected one of', <HTTPStatus.OK: 200>, 308) >>> error.response <Response [400]> Args: transport (~requests.Session): A ``requests`` object which can make authenticated requests. timeout (Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]]): The number of seconds to wait for the server response. Depending on the retry strategy, a request may be repeated several times using the same timeout each time. Can also be passed as a tuple (connect_timeout, read_timeout). See :meth:`requests.Session.request` documentation for details. Returns: ~requests.Response: The HTTP response returned by ``transport``. Raises: ~google.resumable_media.common.InvalidResponse: If the status code is not 200 or 308. ~google.resumable_media.common.DataCorruption: If this is the final chunk, a checksum validation was requested, and the checksum does not match or is not available. """ method, url, payload, headers = self._prepare_request() response = _request_helpers.http_request( transport, method, url, data=payload, headers=headers, retry_strategy=self._retry_strategy, timeout=timeout, ) self._process_response(response, len(payload)) return response def recover(self, transport): """Recover from a failure. This method should be used when a :class:`ResumableUpload` is in an :attr:`~ResumableUpload.invalid` state due to a request failure. This will verify the progress with the server and make sure the current upload is in a valid state before :meth:`transmit_next_chunk` can be used again. Args: transport (~requests.Session): A ``requests`` object which can make authenticated requests. Returns: ~requests.Response: The HTTP response returned by ``transport``. """ method, url, payload, headers = self._prepare_recover_request() # NOTE: We assume "payload is None" but pass it along anyway. response = _request_helpers.http_request( transport, method, url, data=payload, headers=headers, retry_strategy=self._retry_strategy, ) self._process_recover_response(response) return response