# dojobapp - do a job, show the result in a dialog, and exit. # # Very simple - faily minimal dialog based app. # # This should be run using the command line: # pythonwin /app demos\dojobapp.py import win32ui import win32api import win32con import sys from pywin.framework import app, dlgappcore import string class DoJobAppDialog(dlgappcore.AppDialog): softspace=1 def __init__(self, appName = ""): self.appName = appName dlgappcore.AppDialog.__init__(self, win32ui.IDD_GENERAL_STATUS) def PreDoModal(self): pass def ProcessArgs(self, args): pass def OnInitDialog(self): self.SetWindowText(self.appName) butCancel = self.GetDlgItem(win32con.IDCANCEL) butCancel.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_HIDE) p1 = self.GetDlgItem(win32ui.IDC_PROMPT1) p2 = self.GetDlgItem(win32ui.IDC_PROMPT2) # Do something here! p1.SetWindowText("Hello there") p2.SetWindowText("from the demo") def OnDestroy(self,msg): pass # def OnOK(self): # pass # def OnCancel(self): default behaviour - cancel == close. # return class DoJobDialogApp(dlgappcore.DialogApp): def CreateDialog(self): return DoJobAppDialog("Do Something") class CopyToDialogApp(DoJobDialogApp): def __init__(self): DoJobDialogApp.__init__(self) app.AppBuilder = DoJobDialogApp def t(): t = DoJobAppDialog("Copy To") t.DoModal() return t if __name__=='__main__': import demoutils demoutils.NeedApp()