# Demo of Generic document windows, DC, and Font usage
# by Dave Brennan (brennan@hal.com)

# usage examples:

# >>> from fontdemo import *
# >>> d = FontDemo('Hello, Python')
# >>> f1 = { 'name':'Arial', 'height':36, 'weight':win32con.FW_BOLD}
# >>> d.SetFont(f1)
# >>> f2 = {'name':'Courier New', 'height':24, 'italic':1}
# >>> d.SetFont (f2)

import win32ui
import win32con
import win32api

from pywin.mfc import docview

# font is a dictionary in which the following elements matter:
# (the best matching font to supplied parameters is returned)
#   name		string name of the font as known by Windows
#   size		point size of font in logical units
#   weight		weight of font (win32con.FW_NORMAL, win32con.FW_BOLD)
#   italic		boolean; true if set to anything but None
#   underline	boolean; true if set to anything but None

class FontView(docview.ScrollView):
	def __init__(self,  doc, text = 'Python Rules!', font_spec = {'name':'Arial', 'height':42}):
		docview.ScrollView.__init__(self, doc)
		self.font = win32ui.CreateFont (font_spec)
		self.text = text
		self.width = self.height = 0
		# set up message handlers
		self.HookMessage (self.OnSize, win32con.WM_SIZE)
	def OnAttachedObjectDeath(self):
		del self.font

	def SetFont (self, new_font):
		# Change font on the fly
		self.font = win32ui.CreateFont (new_font)
		# redraw the entire client window
		selfInvalidateRect (None)
	def OnSize (self, params):
		lParam = params[3]
		self.width = win32api.LOWORD(lParam)
		self.height = win32api.HIWORD(lParam)

	def OnPrepareDC (self, dc, printinfo):
		# Set up the DC for forthcoming OnDraw call
		self.SetScrollSizes(win32con.MM_TEXT, (100,100))
		dc.SetTextColor (win32api.RGB(0,0,255))
		dc.SetBkColor (win32api.GetSysColor (win32con.COLOR_WINDOW))
		dc.SelectObject (self.font)
		dc.SetTextAlign (win32con.TA_CENTER | win32con.TA_BASELINE)

	def OnDraw (self, dc):
		if (self.width == 0 and self.height == 0):
			left, top, right, bottom = self.GetClientRect()
			self.width = right - left
			self.height = bottom - top
		x, y = self.width // 2, self.height // 2
		dc.TextOut (x, y, self.text)
def FontDemo():
	# create doc/view
	template = docview.DocTemplate(win32ui.IDR_PYTHONTYPE, None, None, FontView)
	doc.SetTitle ('Font Demo')
#	print "template is ", template, "obj is", template._obj_
#	print "closed"
#	del template

if __name__=='__main__':
	import demoutils
	if demoutils.NeedGoodGUI():