((=- Latex base template (must inherit)
This template builds upon the abstract template, adding common latex output
functions. Figures, data_text,
This template defines defines a default docclass, the inheriting class should
override this.-=))

((*- extends 'document_contents.tex.j2' -*))

% Abstract overrides

((*- block header -*))
    ((* block docclass *))\documentclass[11pt]{article}((* endblock docclass *))

    ((* block packages *))

    % Basic figure setup, for now with no caption control since it's done
    % automatically by Pandoc (which extracts ![](path) syntax from Markdown).
    % Maintain compatibility with old templates. Remove in nbconvert 6.0
    % Ensure that by default, figures have no caption (until we provide a
    % proper Figure object with a Caption API and a way to capture that
    % in the conversion process - todo).

    \floatplacement{figure}{H} % forces figures to be placed at the correct location
    \usepackage{xcolor} % Allow colors to be defined
    \usepackage{enumerate} % Needed for markdown enumerations to work
    \usepackage{geometry} % Used to adjust the document margins
    \usepackage{amsmath} % Equations
    \usepackage{amssymb} % Equations
    \usepackage{textcomp} % defines textquotesingle
    % Hack from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/47451/13684:
        \def\PYZsq{\textquotesingle}% Upright quotes in Pygmentized code
    \usepackage{upquote} % Upright quotes for verbatim code
    \usepackage{eurosym} % defines \euro
    \usepackage[mathletters]{ucs} % Extended unicode (utf-8) support
    \usepackage{fancyvrb} % verbatim replacement that allows latex
    \usepackage{grffile} % extends the file name processing of package graphics 
                         % to support a larger range
    \makeatletter % fix for old versions of grffile with XeLaTeX
      % Do nothing on new versions
    \usepackage[Export]{adjustbox} % Used to constrain images to a maximum size
    \adjustboxset{max size={0.9\linewidth}{0.9\paperheight}}

    % The hyperref package gives us a pdf with properly built
    % internal navigation ('pdf bookmarks' for the table of contents,
    % internal cross-reference links, web links for URLs, etc.)
    % The default LaTeX title has an obnoxious amount of whitespace. By default,
    % titling removes some of it. It also provides customization options.
    \usepackage{longtable} % longtable support required by pandoc >1.10
    \usepackage{booktabs}  % table support for pandoc > 1.12.2
    \usepackage[inline]{enumitem} % IRkernel/repr support (it uses the enumerate* environment)
    \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % ulem is needed to support strikethroughs (\sout)
                                % normalem makes italics be italics, not underlines
    ((* endblock packages *))

    ((* block definitions *))
    % Colors for the hyperref package

    % ANSI colors

    % common color for the border for error outputs.

    % commands and environments needed by pandoc snippets
    % extracted from the output of `pandoc -s`
    % Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
    % Additional commands for more recent versions of Pandoc
    % Define a nice break command that doesn't care if a line doesn't already
    % exist.
    \def\br{\hspace*{\fill} \\* }
    % Math Jax compatibility definitions
    % Document parameters
    % Document title
    ((* block title -*))
    ((*- set nb_title = nb.metadata.get('title', '') or resources['metadata']['name'] -*))
    \title{((( nb_title | escape_latex )))}
    ((*- endblock title *))
    ((* block date *))((* endblock date *))
    ((* block author *))
    ((* if 'authors' in nb.metadata *))
    \author{((( nb.metadata.authors | join(', ', attribute='name') )))}
    ((* endif *))
    ((* endblock author *))
    ((* endblock definitions *))

    ((* block commands *))
    % Prevent overflowing lines due to hard-to-break entities
    % Setup hyperref package
      breaklinks=true,  % so long urls are correctly broken across lines
    % Slightly bigger margins than the latex defaults
    ((* block margins *))
    ((* endblock margins *))
    ((* endblock commands *))
((* endblock header *))

((* block body *))
    ((* block predoc *))
    ((* block maketitle *))\maketitle((* endblock maketitle *))
    ((* block abstract *))((* endblock abstract *))
    ((* endblock predoc *))

    ((( super() )))

    % Add a bibliography block to the postdoc
    ((* block postdoc *))
    ((* block bibliography *))((* endblock bibliography *))
    ((* endblock postdoc *))
((* endblock body *))