# -*- coding: utf8 -*-

# Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile

import pytest

import zmq.auth
from zmq.auth.thread import ThreadAuthenticator

from zmq.utils.strtypes import u
from zmq.tests import BaseZMQTestCase, SkipTest, skip_pypy

class BaseAuthTestCase(BaseZMQTestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        if zmq.zmq_version_info() < (4,0):
            raise SkipTest("security is new in libzmq 4.0")
        except zmq.ZMQError:
            raise SkipTest("security requires libzmq to have curve support")
        super(BaseAuthTestCase, self).setUp()
        # enable debug logging while we run tests
        self.auth = self.make_auth()
        self.base_dir, self.public_keys_dir, self.secret_keys_dir = self.create_certs()
    def make_auth(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def tearDown(self):
        if self.auth:
            self.auth = None
        super(BaseAuthTestCase, self).tearDown()
    def create_certs(self):
        """Create CURVE certificates for a test"""

        # Create temporary CURVE keypairs for this test run. We create all keys in a
        # temp directory and then move them into the appropriate private or public
        # directory.

        base_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        keys_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'certificates')
        public_keys_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'public_keys')
        secret_keys_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, 'private_keys')


        server_public_file, server_secret_file = zmq.auth.create_certificates(keys_dir, "server")
        client_public_file, client_secret_file = zmq.auth.create_certificates(keys_dir, "client")

        for key_file in os.listdir(keys_dir):
            if key_file.endswith(".key"):
                shutil.move(os.path.join(keys_dir, key_file),
                            os.path.join(public_keys_dir, '.'))

        for key_file in os.listdir(keys_dir):
            if key_file.endswith(".key_secret"):
                shutil.move(os.path.join(keys_dir, key_file),
                            os.path.join(secret_keys_dir, '.'))

        return (base_dir, public_keys_dir, secret_keys_dir)

    def remove_certs(self, base_dir):
        """Remove certificates for a test"""

    def load_certs(self, secret_keys_dir):
        """Return server and client certificate keys"""
        server_secret_file = os.path.join(secret_keys_dir, "server.key_secret")
        client_secret_file = os.path.join(secret_keys_dir, "client.key_secret")

        server_public, server_secret = zmq.auth.load_certificate(server_secret_file)
        client_public, client_secret = zmq.auth.load_certificate(client_secret_file)

        return server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret

class TestThreadAuthentication(BaseAuthTestCase):
    """Test authentication running in a thread"""

    def make_auth(self):
        return ThreadAuthenticator(self.context)

    def can_connect(self, server, client):
        """Check if client can connect to server using tcp transport"""
        result = False
        iface = 'tcp://'
        port = server.bind_to_random_port(iface)
        client.connect("%s:%i" % (iface, port))
        msg = [b"Hello World"]
        if server.poll(1000, zmq.POLLOUT):
        if client.poll(1000):
            rcvd_msg = client.recv_multipart()
            self.assertEqual(rcvd_msg, msg)
            result = True
        return result

    def test_null(self):
        """threaded auth - NULL"""
        # A default NULL connection should always succeed, and not
        # go through our authentication infrastructure at all.
        self.auth = None
        # use a new context, so ZAP isn't inherited
        self.context = self.Context()
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

        # By setting a domain we switch on authentication for NULL sockets,
        # though no policies are configured yet. The client connection
        # should still be allowed.
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.zap_domain = b'global'
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_blacklist(self):
        """threaded auth - Blacklist"""
        # Blacklist, connection should fail
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        # By setting a domain we switch on authentication for NULL sockets,
        # though no policies are configured yet.
        server.zap_domain = b'global'
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_whitelist(self):
        """threaded auth - Whitelist"""
        # Whitelist, connection should pass"
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        # By setting a domain we switch on authentication for NULL sockets,
        # though no policies are configured yet.
        server.zap_domain = b'global'
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_plain(self):
        """threaded auth - PLAIN"""

        # Try PLAIN authentication - without configuring server, connection should fail
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.plain_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.plain_username = b'admin'
        client.plain_password = b'Password'
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

        # Try PLAIN authentication - with server configured, connection should pass
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.plain_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.plain_username = b'admin'
        client.plain_password = b'Password'
        self.auth.configure_plain(domain='*', passwords={'admin': 'Password'})
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

        # Try PLAIN authentication - with bogus credentials, connection should fail
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.plain_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.plain_username = b'admin'
        client.plain_password = b'Bogus'
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

        # Remove authenticator and check that a normal connection works
        self.auth = None

        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_curve(self):
        """threaded auth - CURVE"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs

        #Try CURVE authentication - without configuring server, connection should fail
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

        #Try CURVE authentication - with server configured to CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, connection should pass
        self.auth.configure_curve(domain='*', location=zmq.auth.CURVE_ALLOW_ANY)
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

        # Try CURVE authentication - with server configured, connection should pass
        self.auth.configure_curve(domain='*', location=self.public_keys_dir)
        server = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        assert self.can_connect(client, server)

        # Remove authenticator and check that a normal connection works
        self.auth = None

        # Try connecting using NULL and no authentication enabled, connection should pass
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_curve_callback(self):
        """threaded auth - CURVE with callback authentication"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs

        #Try CURVE authentication - without configuring server, connection should fail
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

        #Try CURVE authentication - with callback authentication configured, connection should pass 

        class CredentialsProvider(object):
            def __init__(self):
               self.client = client_public  

            def callback(self, domain, key):
                if (key == self.client):
                    return True
                    return False

        provider = CredentialsProvider()
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        self.assertTrue(self.can_connect(server, client))

        #Try CURVE authentication - with callback authentication configured with wrong key, connection should not pass 

        class WrongCredentialsProvider(object):
            def __init__(self):
               self.client = "WrongCredentials"

            def callback(self, domain, key):
                if (key == self.client):
                    return True
                    return False

        provider = WrongCredentialsProvider()
        server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        self.assertFalse(self.can_connect(server, client))

    def test_curve_user_id(self):
        """threaded auth - CURVE"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs

        self.auth.configure_curve(domain='*', location=self.public_keys_dir)
        server = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        server.curve_publickey = server_public
        server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        server.curve_server = True
        client = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client.curve_publickey = client_public
        client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client.curve_serverkey = server_public
        assert self.can_connect(client, server)
        # test default user-id map
        msg = self.recv(server, copy=False)
        assert msg.bytes == b'test'
            user_id = msg.get('User-Id')
        except zmq.ZMQVersionError:
            assert user_id == u(client_public)

        # test custom user-id map
        self.auth.curve_user_id = lambda client_key: u'custom'

        client2 = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        client2.curve_publickey = client_public
        client2.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        client2.curve_serverkey = server_public
        assert self.can_connect(client2, server)

        msg = self.recv(server, copy=False)
        assert msg.bytes == b'test2'
            user_id = msg.get('User-Id')
        except zmq.ZMQVersionError:
            assert user_id == u'custom'

def with_ioloop(method, expect_success=True):
    """decorator for running tests with an IOLoop"""
    def test_method(self):
        r = method(self)

        loop = self.io_loop
        if expect_success:
        loop.call_later(1, self.attempt_connection)
        loop.call_later(1.2, self.send_msg)
        if expect_success:
            loop.call_later(2, self.on_test_timeout_fail)
            loop.call_later(2, self.on_test_timeout_succeed)
        if self.fail_msg:
        return r
    return test_method

def should_auth(method):
    return with_ioloop(method, True)

def should_not_auth(method):
    return with_ioloop(method, False)

class TestIOLoopAuthentication(BaseAuthTestCase):
    """Test authentication running in ioloop"""

    def setUp(self):
            from tornado import ioloop
        except ImportError:
            pytest.skip("Requires tornado")
        from zmq.eventloop import zmqstream
        self.fail_msg = None
        self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop()
        super(TestIOLoopAuthentication, self).setUp()
        self.server = self.socket(zmq.PUSH)
        self.client = self.socket(zmq.PULL)
        self.pushstream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.server, self.io_loop)
        self.pullstream = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.client, self.io_loop)
    def make_auth(self):
        from zmq.auth.ioloop import IOLoopAuthenticator
        return IOLoopAuthenticator(self.context, io_loop=self.io_loop)

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.auth:
            self.auth = None
        super(TestIOLoopAuthentication, self).tearDown()

    def attempt_connection(self):
        """Check if client can connect to server using tcp transport"""
        iface = 'tcp://'
        port = self.server.bind_to_random_port(iface)
        self.client.connect("%s:%i" % (iface, port))

    def send_msg(self):
        """Send a message from server to a client"""
        msg = [b"Hello World"]
    def on_message_succeed(self, frames):
        """A message was received, as expected."""
        if frames != [b"Hello World"]:
            self.fail_msg = "Unexpected message received"

    def on_message_fail(self, frames):
        """A message was received, unexpectedly."""
        self.fail_msg = 'Received messaged unexpectedly, security failed'

    def on_test_timeout_succeed(self):
        """Test timer expired, indicates test success"""

    def on_test_timeout_fail(self):
        """Test timer expired, indicates test failure"""
        self.fail_msg = 'Test timed out'

    def test_none(self):
        """ioloop auth - NONE"""
        # A default NULL connection should always succeed, and not
        # go through our authentication infrastructure at all.
        # no auth should be running
        self.auth = None

    def test_null(self):
        """ioloop auth - NULL"""
        # By setting a domain we switch on authentication for NULL sockets,
        # though no policies are configured yet. The client connection
        # should still be allowed.
        self.server.zap_domain = b'global'

    def test_blacklist(self):
        """ioloop auth - Blacklist"""
        # Blacklist, connection should fail
        self.server.zap_domain = b'global'

    def test_whitelist(self):
        """ioloop auth - Whitelist"""
        # Whitelist, which overrides the blacklist, connection should pass"

        self.server.setsockopt(zmq.ZAP_DOMAIN, b'global')

    def test_plain_unconfigured_server(self):
        """ioloop auth - PLAIN, unconfigured server"""
        self.client.plain_username = b'admin'
        self.client.plain_password = b'Password'
        # Try PLAIN authentication - without configuring server, connection should fail
        self.server.plain_server = True

    def test_plain_configured_server(self):
        """ioloop auth - PLAIN, configured server"""
        self.client.plain_username = b'admin'
        self.client.plain_password = b'Password'
        # Try PLAIN authentication - with server configured, connection should pass
        self.server.plain_server = True
        self.auth.configure_plain(domain='*', passwords={'admin': 'Password'})

    def test_plain_bogus_credentials(self):
        """ioloop auth - PLAIN, bogus credentials"""
        self.client.plain_username = b'admin'
        self.client.plain_password = b'Bogus'
        self.server.plain_server = True

        self.auth.configure_plain(domain='*', passwords={'admin': 'Password'})

    def test_curve_unconfigured_server(self):
        """ioloop auth - CURVE, unconfigured server"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs


        self.server.curve_publickey = server_public
        self.server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        self.server.curve_server = True

        self.client.curve_publickey = client_public
        self.client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        self.client.curve_serverkey = server_public

    def test_curve_allow_any(self):
        """ioloop auth - CURVE, CURVE_ALLOW_ANY"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs

        self.auth.configure_curve(domain='*', location=zmq.auth.CURVE_ALLOW_ANY)

        self.server.curve_publickey = server_public
        self.server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        self.server.curve_server = True

        self.client.curve_publickey = client_public
        self.client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        self.client.curve_serverkey = server_public

    def test_curve_configured_server(self):
        """ioloop auth - CURVE, configured server"""
        certs = self.load_certs(self.secret_keys_dir)
        server_public, server_secret, client_public, client_secret = certs

        self.auth.configure_curve(domain='*', location=self.public_keys_dir)

        self.server.curve_publickey = server_public
        self.server.curve_secretkey = server_secret
        self.server.curve_server = True

        self.client.curve_publickey = client_public
        self.client.curve_secretkey = client_secret
        self.client.curve_serverkey = server_public