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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from import Style
from pygments.token import (
Comment, Error, Generic, Keyword, Literal, Name, Number, Operator, Other,
Punctuation, String, Text, Whitespace)
class JupyterStyle(Style):
A pygments style using JupyterLab CSS variables.
The goal is to mimick JupyterLab's codemirror theme.
Known impossibilities:
- With pygments, the dot in `` is considered an Operator (class: 'o'),
while in codemirror, it is bare text.
- With pygments, in both `from foo import bar`, and ``, "bar" is
considered a Name (class: 'n'), while in coremirror, the latter is a property.
Available CSS variables are
default_style = ''
background_color = 'var(--jp-cell-editor-background)'
highlight_color = 'var(--jp-cell-editor-active-background)'
styles = {
Text: 'var(--jp-mirror-editor-variable-color)', # no class
Whitespace: '', # class: 'w'
Error: 'var(--jp-mirror-editor-error-color)', # class: 'err'
Other: '', # class: 'x'
Comment: 'italic var(--jp-mirror-editor-comment-color)', # class: 'c'
#Comment.Multiline: '', # class: 'cm'
#Comment.Preproc: '', # class: 'cp'
#Comment.Single: '', # class: 'c1'
#Comment.Special: '', # class: 'cs'
Keyword: 'bold var(--jp-mirror-editor-keyword-color)', # class: 'k'
#Keyword.Constant: '', # class: 'kc'
#Keyword.Declaration: '', # class: 'kd'
#Keyword.Namespace: '', # class: 'kn'
#Keyword.Pseudo: '', # class: 'kp'
#Keyword.Reserved: '', # class: 'kr'
#Keyword.Type: '', # class: 'kt'
Operator: 'bold var(--jp-mirror-editor-operator-color)', # class: 'o'
Operator.Word: '', # class: 'ow'
Literal: '', # class: 'l'
Literal.Date: '', # class: 'ld'
String: 'var(--jp-mirror-editor-string-color)',
#String.Backtick: '', # class: 'sb'
#String.Char: '', # class: 'sc'
#String.Doc: '', # class: 'sd'
#String.Double: '', # class: 's2'
#String.Escape: '', # class: 'se'
#String.Heredoc: '', # class: 'sh'
#String.Interpol: '', # class: 'si'
#String.Other: '', # class: 'sx'
#String.Regex: '', # class: 'sr'
#String.Single: '', # class: 's1'
#String.Symbol: '', # class: 'ss'
Number: 'var(--jp-mirror-editor-number-color)', # class: 'm'
#Number.Float: '', # class: 'mf'
#Number.Hex: '', # class: 'mh'
#Number.Integer: '', # class: 'mi'
#Number.Integer.Long: '', # class: 'il'
#Number.Oct: '', # class: 'mo'
Name: '', # class: 'n'
#Name.Attribute: '', # class: 'na'
#Name.Builtin: '', # class: 'nb'
#Name.Builtin.Pseudo: '', # class: 'bp'
#Name.Class: '', # class: 'nc'
#Name.Constant: '', # class: 'no'
#Name.Decorator: '', # class: 'nd'
#Name.Entity: '', # class: 'ni'
#Name.Exception: '', # class: 'ne'
#Name.Function: '', # class: 'nf'
#Name.Property: '', # class 'py'
#Name.Label: '', # class: 'nl'
#Name.Namespace: '', # class: 'nn'
#Name.Other: '', # class: 'nx'
#Name.Tag: '', # class: 'nt'
#Name.Variable: '', # class: 'nv'
#Name.Variable.Class: '', # class: 'vc'
#Name.Variable.Global: '', # class: 'vg'
#Name.Variable.Instance: '', # class: 'vi'
Generic: '', # class: 'g'
#Generic.Deleted: '', # class: 'gd',
#Generic.Emph: 'italic', # class: 'ge'
#Generic.Error: '', # class: 'gr'
#Generic.Heading: '', # class: 'gh'
#Generic.Inserted: '', # class: 'gi'
#Generic.Output: '', # class: 'go'
#Generic.Prompt: '', # class: 'gp'
#Generic.Strong: '', # class: 'gs'
#Generic.Subheading: '', # class: 'gu'
#Generic.Traceback: '', # class: 'gt'
Punctuation: 'var(--jp-mirror-editor-punctuation-color)' # class: 'p'