180 lines
7.1 KiB
180 lines
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\ |Build Status| |Coverage Status| |PyPI version|
Module for generating and verifying `JSON Web
Tokens <http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token.html>`__.
- **Note:** From version 2.0.1 the namespace has changed from ``jwt``
to ``python_jwt``, in order to avoid conflict with
`PyJWT <https://github.com/jpadilla/pyjwt>`__.
- **Note:** Versions 1.0.0 and later fix `a
vulnerability <https://www.timmclean.net/2015/02/25/jwt-alg-none.html>`__
in JSON Web Token verification so please upgrade if you're using this
functionality. The API has changed so you will need to update your
`verify\_jwt <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/master/docs/_build/html/index.html#python_jwt.verify_jwt>`__
now requires you to specify which signature algorithms are allowed.
- Uses `python-jws <https://github.com/brianloveswords/python-jws>`__
to do the heavy lifting.
- Supports `**RS256**, **RS384**,
**RS512** <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-14#section-3.3>`__,
`**PS256**, **PS384**,
**PS512** <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-14#section-3.5>`__,
`**HS256**, **HS384**,
**HS512** <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-14#section-3.2>`__
`**none** <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-algorithms-14#section-3.6>`__
signature algorithms.
- Unit tests, including tests for interoperability with
`node-jsjws <https://github.com/davedoesdev/node-jsjws>`__.
- Supports Python 3.4. **Note:**
`generate\_jwt <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/master/docs/_build/html/index.html#python_jwt.generate_jwt>`__
returns the token as a Unicode string, even on Python 2.7.
.. code:: python
import python_jwt as jwt, Crypto.PublicKey.RSA as RSA, datetime
key = RSA.generate(2048)
payload = { 'foo': 'bar', 'wup': 90 };
token = jwt.generate_jwt(payload, key, 'PS256', datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
header, claims = jwt.verify_jwt(token, key, ['PS256'])
for k in payload: assert claims[k] == payload[k]
The API is described
`here <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/master/docs/_build/html/index.html>`__.
.. code:: shell
pip install python_jwt
Another Example
You can read and write keys from and to
`PEM-format <http://www.openssl.org/docs/crypto/pem.html>`__ strings:
.. code:: python
import python_jwt as jwt, Crypto.PublicKey.RSA as RSA, datetime
key = RSA.generate(2048)
priv_pem = key.exportKey()
pub_pem = key.publickey().exportKey()
payload = { 'foo': 'bar', 'wup': 90 };
priv_key = RSA.importKey(priv_pem)
pub_key = RSA.importKey(pub_pem)
token = jwt.generate_jwt(payload, priv_key, 'RS256', datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
header, claims = jwt.verify_jwt(token, pub_key, ['RS256'])
for k in payload: assert claims[k] == payload[k]
`MIT <https://raw.github.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/master/LICENCE>`__
.. code:: shell
make test
.. code:: shell
make lint
Code Coverage
.. code:: shell
make coverage
`coverage.py <http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/>`__ results are
`here <http://rawgit.davedoesdev.com/davedoesdev/python-jwt/master/coverage/html/index.html>`__.
Coveralls page is
`here <https://coveralls.io/r/davedoesdev/python-jwt>`__.
.. code:: shell
make bench
Here are some results on a laptop with an Intel Core i5-3210M 2.5Ghz CPU
and 6Gb RAM running Ubuntu 13.04.
| Generate Key | user (ns) | sys (ns) | real (ns) |
| RSA | 152,700,000 | 300,000 | 152,906,095 |
| Generate Token | user (ns) | sys (ns) | real (ns) |
| HS256 | 140,000 | 10,000 | 157,202 |
| HS384 | 160,000 | 10,000 | 156,403 |
| HS512 | 139,999 | 20,000 | 153,212 |
| PS256 | 3,159,999 | 49,999 | 3,218,649 |
| PS384 | 3,170,000 | 10,000 | 3,176,899 |
| PS512 | 3,120,000 | 9,999 | 3,141,219 |
| RS256 | 3,070,000 | 20,000 | 3,094,644 |
| RS384 | 3,090,000 | 0 | 3,092,471 |
| RS512 | 3,079,999 | 20,000 | 3,095,314 |
| Load Key | user (ns) | sys (ns) | real (ns) |
| RSA | 811,000 | 0 | 810,139 |
| Verify Token | user (ns) | sys (ns) | real (ns) |
| HS256 | 140,000 | 0 | 129,947 |
| HS384 | 130,000 | 0 | 130,161 |
| HS512 | 119,999 | 0 | 128,850 |
| PS256 | 780,000 | 10,000 | 775,609 |
| PS384 | 759,999 | 0 | 752,933 |
| PS512 | 739,999 | 0 | 738,118 |
| RS256 | 700,000 | 0 | 719,365 |
| RS384 | 719,999 | 0 | 721,524 |
| RS512 | 730,000 | 0 | 719,706 |
.. |Build Status| image:: https://travis-ci.org/davedoesdev/python-jwt.png
:target: https://travis-ci.org/davedoesdev/python-jwt
.. |Coverage Status| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/davedoesdev/python-jwt/badge.png?branch=master
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/davedoesdev/python-jwt?branch=master
.. |PyPI version| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/python_jwt.png
:target: http://badge.fury.io/py/python_jwt