182 lines
5.4 KiB
182 lines
5.4 KiB
import numpy as np
from skimage import util
import skimage.data as data
from skimage.filters.rank import median
from skimage.morphology import disk
from skimage.viewer import ImageViewer, has_qt
from skimage.viewer.plugins.base import Plugin
from skimage.viewer.widgets import Slider
from skimage.viewer.plugins import (
LineProfile, Measure, CannyPlugin, LabelPainter, Crop, ColorHistogram,
from skimage._shared import testing
from skimage._shared.testing import (assert_equal, assert_allclose,
def setup_line_profile(image, limits='image'):
viewer = ImageViewer(util.img_as_float(image))
plugin = LineProfile(limits=limits)
viewer += plugin
return plugin
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_line_profile():
""" Test a line profile using an ndim=2 image"""
plugin = setup_line_profile(data.camera())
line_image, scan_data = plugin.output()
for inp in [line_image.nonzero()[0].size,
line_image.sum() / line_image.max(),
assert_equal(inp, 172)
assert_equal(line_image.shape, (512, 512))
assert_allclose(scan_data.max(), 0.9176, rtol=1e-3)
assert_allclose(scan_data.mean(), 0.2812, rtol=1e-3)
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_line_profile_rgb():
""" Test a line profile using an ndim=3 image"""
plugin = setup_line_profile(data.chelsea(), limits=None)
for i in range(6):
line_image, scan_data = plugin.output()
assert_equal(line_image[line_image == 128].size, 750)
assert_equal(line_image[line_image == 255].size, 151)
assert_equal(line_image.shape, (300, 451))
assert_equal(scan_data.shape, (151, 3))
assert_allclose(scan_data.max(), 0.772, rtol=1e-3)
assert_allclose(scan_data.mean(), 0.4359, rtol=1e-3)
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_line_profile_dynamic():
"""Test a line profile updating after an image transform"""
image = data.coins()[:-50, :] # shave some off to make the line lower
image = util.img_as_float(image)
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
lp = LineProfile(limits='dtype')
viewer += lp
line = lp.get_profiles()[-1][0]
assert line.size == 129
assert_almost_equal(np.std(viewer.image), 0.208, 3)
assert_almost_equal(np.std(line), 0.229, 3)
assert_almost_equal(np.max(line) - np.min(line), 0.725, 1)
viewer.image = util.img_as_float(
median(util.img_as_ubyte(image), selem=disk(radius=3)))
line = lp.get_profiles()[-1][0]
assert_almost_equal(np.std(viewer.image), 0.198, 3)
assert_almost_equal(np.std(line), 0.220, 3)
assert_almost_equal(np.max(line) - np.min(line), 0.639, 1)
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_measure():
image = data.camera()
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
m = Measure()
viewer += m
m.line_changed([(0, 0), (10, 10)])
assert_equal(str(m._length.text), '14.1')
assert_equal(str(m._angle.text[:5]), '135.0')
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_canny():
image = data.camera()
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
c = CannyPlugin()
viewer += c
canny_edges = viewer.show(False)
edges = canny_edges[0][0]
assert edges.sum() == 2846
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_label_painter():
image = data.camera()
moon = data.moon()
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
lp = LabelPainter()
viewer += lp
assert_equal(lp.radius, 5)
lp.label = 1
assert_equal(str(lp.label), '1')
lp.label = 2
assert_equal(str(lp.paint_tool.label), '2')
assert_equal(lp.paint_tool.radius, 5)
assert_equal(lp.paint_tool.shape, moon.shape)
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_crop():
image = data.camera()
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
c = Crop()
viewer += c
c.crop((0, 100, 0, 100))
assert_equal(viewer.image.shape, (101, 101))
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_color_histogram():
image = util.img_as_float(data.colorwheel())
viewer = ImageViewer(image)
ch = ColorHistogram(dock='right')
viewer += ch
assert_almost_equal(viewer.image.std(), 0.352, 3),
ch.ab_selected((0, 100, 0, 100)),
assert_almost_equal(viewer.image.std(), 0.325, 3)
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_plot_plugin():
viewer = ImageViewer(data.moon())
plugin = PlotPlugin(image_filter=lambda x: x)
viewer += plugin
assert_equal(viewer.image, data.moon())
assert_equal(viewer.image, data.coins())
@testing.skipif(not has_qt, reason="Qt not installed")
def test_plugin():
img = util.img_as_float(data.moon())
viewer = ImageViewer(img)
def median_filter(img, radius=3):
return median(
util.img_as_ubyte(img), selem=disk(radius=radius))
plugin = Plugin(image_filter=median_filter)
viewer += plugin
plugin += Slider('radius', 1, 5)
assert_almost_equal(np.std(viewer.image), 12.556, 3)
assert_almost_equal(np.std(viewer.image), 12.931, 3)
img, _ = plugin.output()
assert_equal(img, viewer.image)