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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
# - deals with loading configuration information.
# Loads config data from a .cfg file. Also caches the compiled
# data back into a .cfc file.
# If you are wondering how to avoid needing .cfg files (eg,
# if you are freezing Pythonwin etc) I suggest you create a
# .py file, and put the config info in a docstring. Then
# pass a CStringIO file (rather than a filename) to the
# config manager.
import sys
import string
from . import keycodes
import marshal
import stat
import os
import types
import traceback
import pywin
import glob
import imp
import win32api
debugging = 0
if debugging:
import win32traceutil # Some trace statements fire before the interactive window is open.
def trace(*args):
sys.stderr.write(" ".join(map(str, args)) + "\n")
trace = lambda *args: None
compiled_config_version = 3
def split_line(line, lineno):
comment_pos = line.find("#")
if comment_pos>=0: line = line[:comment_pos]
sep_pos = line.rfind("=")
if sep_pos == -1:
if line.strip():
print("Warning: Line %d: %s is an invalid entry" % (lineno, repr(line)))
return None, None
return "", ""
return line[:sep_pos].strip(), line[sep_pos+1:].strip()
def get_section_header(line):
# Returns the section if the line is a section header, else None
if line[0] == "[":
end = line.find("]")
if end==-1: end=len(line)
rc = line[1:end].lower()
i = rc.index(":")
return rc[:i], rc[i+1:]
except ValueError:
return rc, ""
return None, None
def find_config_file(f):
return os.path.join(pywin.__path__[0], f + ".cfg")
def find_config_files():
return [os.path.split(x)[1]
for x in [os.path.splitext(x)[0] for x in glob.glob(os.path.join(pywin.__path__[0], "*.cfg"))]
class ConfigManager:
def __init__(self, f):
self.filename = "unknown"
self.last_error = None
self.key_to_events = {}
if hasattr(f, "readline"):
fp = f
self.filename = "<config string>"
compiled_name = None
f = find_config_file(f)
src_stat = os.stat(f)
except os.error:
self.report_error("Config file '%s' not found" % f)
self.filename = f
self.basename = os.path.basename(f)
trace("Loading configuration", self.basename)
compiled_name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + ".cfc"
cf = open(compiled_name, "rb")
ver = marshal.load(cf)
ok = compiled_config_version == ver
if ok:
kblayoutname = marshal.load(cf)
magic = marshal.load(cf)
size = marshal.load(cf)
mtime = marshal.load(cf)
if magic == imp.get_magic() and \
win32api.GetKeyboardLayoutName() == kblayoutname and \
src_stat[stat.ST_MTIME] == mtime and \
src_stat[stat.ST_SIZE] == size:
self.cache = marshal.load(cf)
trace("Configuration loaded cached", compiled_name)
return # We are ready to roll!
except (os.error, IOError, EOFError):
fp = open(f)
self.cache = {}
lineno = 1
line = fp.readline()
while line:
# Skip to the next section (maybe already there!)
section, subsection = get_section_header(line)
while line and section is None:
line = fp.readline()
if not line: break
lineno = lineno + 1
section, subsection = get_section_header(line)
if not line: break
if section=="keys":
line, lineno = self._load_keys(subsection, fp, lineno)
elif section == "extensions":
line, lineno = self._load_extensions(subsection, fp, lineno)
elif section == "idle extensions":
line, lineno = self._load_idle_extensions(subsection, fp, lineno)
elif section == "general":
line, lineno = self._load_general(subsection, fp, lineno)
self.report_error("Unrecognised section header '%s:%s'" % (section,subsection))
line = fp.readline()
lineno = lineno + 1
# Check critical data.
if not self.cache.get("keys"):
self.report_error("No keyboard definitions were loaded")
if not self.last_error and compiled_name:
cf = open(compiled_name, "wb")
marshal.dump(compiled_config_version, cf)
marshal.dump(win32api.GetKeyboardLayoutName(), cf)
marshal.dump(imp.get_magic(), cf)
marshal.dump(src_stat[stat.ST_SIZE], cf)
marshal.dump(src_stat[stat.ST_MTIME], cf)
marshal.dump(self.cache, cf)
except (IOError, EOFError):
pass # Ignore errors - may be read only.
def configure(self, editor, subsections = None):
# Execute the extension code, and find any events.
# First, we "recursively" connect any we are based on.
if subsections is None: subsections = []
subsections = [''] + subsections
general = self.get_data("general")
if general:
parents = general.get("based on", [])
for parent in parents:
trace("Configuration based on", parent, "- loading.")
parent = self.__class__(parent)
parent.configure(editor, subsections)
if parent.last_error:
bindings = editor.bindings
codeob = self.get_data("extension code")
if codeob is not None:
ns = {}
exec(codeob, ns)
self.report_error("Executing extension code failed")
ns = None
if ns:
num = 0
for name, func in list(ns.items()):
if type(func)==types.FunctionType and name[:1] != '_':
bindings.bind(name, func)
num = num + 1
trace("Configuration Extension code loaded", num, "events")
# Load the idle extensions
for subsection in subsections:
for ext in self.get_data("idle extensions", {}).get(subsection, []):
trace("Loaded IDLE extension", ext)
self.report_error("Can not load the IDLE extension '%s'" % ext)
# Now bind up the key-map (remembering a reverse map
subsection_keymap = self.get_data("keys")
num_bound = 0
for subsection in subsections:
keymap = subsection_keymap.get(subsection, {})
num_bound = num_bound + len(keymap)
trace("Configuration bound", num_bound, "keys")
def get_key_binding(self, event, subsections = None):
if subsections is None: subsections = []
subsections = [''] + subsections
subsection_keymap = self.get_data("keys")
for subsection in subsections:
map = self.key_to_events.get(subsection)
if map is None: # Build it
map = {}
keymap = subsection_keymap.get(subsection, {})
for key_info, map_event in list(keymap.items()):
map[map_event] = key_info
self.key_to_events[subsection] = map
info = map.get(event)
if info is not None:
return keycodes.make_key_name( info[0], info[1] )
return None
def report_error(self, msg):
self.last_error = msg
print("Error in %s: %s" % (self.filename, msg))
def report_warning(self, msg):
print("Warning in %s: %s" % (self.filename, msg))
def _readline(self, fp, lineno, bStripComments = 1):
line = fp.readline()
lineno = lineno + 1
if line:
bBreak = get_section_header(line)[0] is not None # A new section is starting
if bStripComments and not bBreak:
pos = line.find("#")
if pos>=0: line=line[:pos]+"\n"
return line, lineno, bBreak
def get_data(self, name, default=None):
return self.cache.get(name, default)
def _save_data(self, name, data):
self.cache[name] = data
return data
def _load_general(self, sub_section, fp, lineno):
map = {}
while 1:
line, lineno, bBreak = self._readline(fp, lineno)
if bBreak: break
key, val = split_line(line, lineno)
if not key: continue
key = key.lower()
l = map.get(key, [])
self._save_data("general", map)
return line, lineno
def _load_keys(self, sub_section, fp, lineno):
# Builds a nested dictionary of
# (scancode, flags) = event_name
main_map = self.get_data("keys", {})
map = main_map.get(sub_section, {})
while 1:
line, lineno, bBreak = self._readline(fp, lineno)
if bBreak: break
key, event = split_line(line, lineno)
if not event: continue
sc, flag = keycodes.parse_key_name(key)
if sc is None:
self.report_warning("Line %d: Invalid key name '%s'" % (lineno, key))
map[sc, flag] = event
main_map[sub_section] = map
self._save_data("keys", main_map)
return line, lineno
def _load_extensions(self, sub_section, fp, lineno):
start_lineno = lineno
lines = []
while 1:
line, lineno, bBreak = self._readline(fp, lineno, 0)
if bBreak: break
c = compile(
"\n" * start_lineno + # produces correct tracebacks
"".join(lines), self.filename, "exec")
self._save_data("extension code", c)
except SyntaxError as details:
errlineno = details.lineno + start_lineno
# Should handle syntax errors better here, and offset the lineno.
self.report_error("Compiling extension code failed:\r\nFile: %s\r\nLine %d\r\n%s" \
% (details.filename, errlineno, details.msg))
return line, lineno
def _load_idle_extensions(self, sub_section, fp, lineno):
extension_map = self.get_data("idle extensions")
if extension_map is None: extension_map = {}
extensions = []
while 1:
line, lineno, bBreak = self._readline(fp, lineno)
if bBreak: break
line = line.strip()
if line:
extension_map[sub_section] = extensions
self._save_data("idle extensions", extension_map)
return line, lineno
def test():
import time
start = time.clock()
cm = ConfigManager(f)
map = cm.get_data("keys")
took = time.clock()-start
print("Loaded %s items in %.4f secs" % (len(map), took))
if __name__=='__main__':