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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
"""Tornado handlers for kernels.
Preliminary documentation at
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import json
import logging
from textwrap import dedent
from tornado import gen, web
from tornado.concurrent import Future
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from jupyter_client import protocol_version as client_protocol_version
from jupyter_client.jsonutil import date_default
from ipython_genutils.py3compat import cast_unicode
from notebook.utils import maybe_future, url_path_join, url_escape
from ...base.handlers import APIHandler
from ...base.zmqhandlers import AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler, deserialize_binary_message
class MainKernelHandler(APIHandler):
def get(self):
km = self.kernel_manager
kernels = yield maybe_future(km.list_kernels())
self.finish(json.dumps(kernels, default=date_default))
def post(self):
km = self.kernel_manager
model = self.get_json_body()
if model is None:
model = {
'name': km.default_kernel_name
model.setdefault('name', km.default_kernel_name)
kernel_id = yield maybe_future(km.start_kernel(kernel_name=model['name']))
model = yield maybe_future(km.kernel_model(kernel_id))
location = url_path_join(self.base_url, 'api', 'kernels', url_escape(kernel_id))
self.set_header('Location', location)
self.finish(json.dumps(model, default=date_default))
class KernelHandler(APIHandler):
def get(self, kernel_id):
km = self.kernel_manager
model = km.kernel_model(kernel_id)
self.finish(json.dumps(model, default=date_default))
def delete(self, kernel_id):
km = self.kernel_manager
yield maybe_future(km.shutdown_kernel(kernel_id))
class KernelActionHandler(APIHandler):
def post(self, kernel_id, action):
km = self.kernel_manager
if action == 'interrupt':
yield maybe_future(km.interrupt_kernel(kernel_id))
if action == 'restart':
yield maybe_future(km.restart_kernel(kernel_id))
except Exception as e:
self.log.error("Exception restarting kernel", exc_info=True)
model = yield maybe_future(km.kernel_model(kernel_id))
self.write(json.dumps(model, default=date_default))
class ZMQChannelsHandler(AuthenticatedZMQStreamHandler):
'''There is one ZMQChannelsHandler per running kernel and it oversees all
the sessions.
# class-level registry of open sessions
# allows checking for conflict on session-id,
# which is used as a zmq identity and must be unique.
_open_sessions = {}
def kernel_info_timeout(self):
km_default = self.kernel_manager.kernel_info_timeout
return self.settings.get('kernel_info_timeout', km_default)
def iopub_msg_rate_limit(self):
return self.settings.get('iopub_msg_rate_limit', 0)
def iopub_data_rate_limit(self):
return self.settings.get('iopub_data_rate_limit', 0)
def rate_limit_window(self):
return self.settings.get('rate_limit_window', 1.0)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, getattr(self, 'kernel_id', 'uninitialized'))
def create_stream(self):
km = self.kernel_manager
identity = self.session.bsession
for channel in ('shell', 'control', 'iopub', 'stdin'):
meth = getattr(km, 'connect_' + channel)
self.channels[channel] = stream = meth(self.kernel_id, identity=identity) = channel
def request_kernel_info(self):
"""send a request for kernel_info"""
km = self.kernel_manager
kernel = km.get_kernel(self.kernel_id)
# check for previous request
future = kernel._kernel_info_future
except AttributeError:
self.log.debug("Requesting kernel info from %s", self.kernel_id)
# Create a kernel_info channel to query the kernel protocol version.
# This channel will be closed after the kernel_info reply is received.
if self.kernel_info_channel is None:
self.kernel_info_channel = km.connect_shell(self.kernel_id)
self.session.send(self.kernel_info_channel, "kernel_info_request")
# store the future on the kernel, so only one request is sent
kernel._kernel_info_future = self._kernel_info_future
if not future.done():
self.log.debug("Waiting for pending kernel_info request")
future.add_done_callback(lambda f: self._finish_kernel_info(f.result()))
return self._kernel_info_future
def _handle_kernel_info_reply(self, msg):
"""process the kernel_info_reply
enabling msg spec adaptation, if necessary
idents,msg = self.session.feed_identities(msg)
msg = self.session.deserialize(msg)
self.log.error("Bad kernel_info reply", exc_info=True)
info = msg['content']
self.log.debug("Received kernel info: %s", info)
if msg['msg_type'] != 'kernel_info_reply' or 'protocol_version' not in info:
self.log.error("Kernel info request failed, assuming current %s", info)
info = {}
# close the kernel_info channel, we don't need it anymore
if self.kernel_info_channel:
self.kernel_info_channel = None
def _finish_kernel_info(self, info):
"""Finish handling kernel_info reply
Set up protocol adaptation, if needed,
and signal that connection can continue.
protocol_version = info.get('protocol_version', client_protocol_version)
if protocol_version != client_protocol_version:
self.session.adapt_version = int(protocol_version.split('.')[0])"Adapting from protocol version {protocol_version} (kernel {kernel_id}) to {client_protocol_version} (client).".format(protocol_version=protocol_version, kernel_id=self.kernel_id, client_protocol_version=client_protocol_version))
if not self._kernel_info_future.done():
def initialize(self):
super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self).initialize()
self.zmq_stream = None
self.channels = {}
self.kernel_id = None
self.kernel_info_channel = None
self._kernel_info_future = Future()
self._close_future = Future()
self.session_key = ''
# Rate limiting code
self._iopub_window_msg_count = 0
self._iopub_window_byte_count = 0
self._iopub_msgs_exceeded = False
self._iopub_data_exceeded = False
# Queue of (time stamp, byte count)
# Allows you to specify that the byte count should be lowered
# by a delta amount at some point in the future.
self._iopub_window_byte_queue = []
def pre_get(self):
# authenticate first
super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self).pre_get()
# check session collision:
yield self._register_session()
# then request kernel info, waiting up to a certain time before giving up.
# We don't want to wait forever, because browsers don't take it well when
# servers never respond to websocket connection requests.
kernel = self.kernel_manager.get_kernel(self.kernel_id)
self.session.key = kernel.session.key
future = self.request_kernel_info()
def give_up():
"""Don't wait forever for the kernel to reply"""
if future.done():
self.log.warning("Timeout waiting for kernel_info reply from %s", self.kernel_id)
loop = IOLoop.current()
loop.add_timeout(loop.time() + self.kernel_info_timeout, give_up)
# actually wait for it
yield future
def get(self, kernel_id):
self.kernel_id = cast_unicode(kernel_id, 'ascii')
yield super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self).get(kernel_id=kernel_id)
def _register_session(self):
"""Ensure we aren't creating a duplicate session.
If a previous identical session is still open, close it to avoid collisions.
This is likely due to a client reconnecting from a lost network connection,
where the socket on our side has not been cleaned up yet.
self.session_key = '%s:%s' % (self.kernel_id, self.session.session)
stale_handler = self._open_sessions.get(self.session_key)
if stale_handler:
self.log.warning("Replacing stale connection: %s", self.session_key)
yield stale_handler.close()
self._open_sessions[self.session_key] = self
def open(self, kernel_id):
super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self).open()
km = self.kernel_manager
# on new connections, flush the message buffer
buffer_info = km.get_buffer(kernel_id, self.session_key)
if buffer_info and buffer_info['session_key'] == self.session_key:"Restoring connection for %s", self.session_key)
self.channels = buffer_info['channels']
replay_buffer = buffer_info['buffer']
if replay_buffer:"Replaying %s buffered messages", len(replay_buffer))
for channel, msg_list in replay_buffer:
stream = self.channels[channel]
self._on_zmq_reply(stream, msg_list)
except web.HTTPError as e:
self.log.error("Error opening stream: %s", e)
# WebSockets don't response to traditional error codes so we
# close the connection.
for channel, stream in self.channels.items():
if not stream.closed():
km.add_restart_callback(self.kernel_id, self.on_kernel_restarted)
km.add_restart_callback(self.kernel_id, self.on_restart_failed, 'dead')
for channel, stream in self.channels.items():
def on_message(self, msg):
if not self.channels:
# already closed, ignore the message
self.log.debug("Received message on closed websocket %r", msg)
if isinstance(msg, bytes):
msg = deserialize_binary_message(msg)
msg = json.loads(msg)
channel = msg.pop('channel', None)
if channel is None:
self.log.warning("No channel specified, assuming shell: %s", msg)
channel = 'shell'
if channel not in self.channels:
self.log.warning("No such channel: %r", channel)
am = self.kernel_manager.allowed_message_types
mt = msg['header']['msg_type']
if am and mt not in am:
self.log.warning('Received message of type "%s", which is not allowed. Ignoring.' % mt)
stream = self.channels[channel]
self.session.send(stream, msg)
def _on_zmq_reply(self, stream, msg_list):
idents, fed_msg_list = self.session.feed_identities(msg_list)
msg = self.session.deserialize(fed_msg_list)
parent = msg['parent_header']
def write_stderr(error_message):
msg = self.session.msg("stream",
content={"text": error_message + '\n', "name": "stderr"},
msg['channel'] = 'iopub'
self.write_message(json.dumps(msg, default=date_default))
channel = getattr(stream, 'channel', None)
msg_type = msg['header']['msg_type']
if channel == 'iopub' and msg_type == 'status' and msg['content'].get('execution_state') == 'idle':
# reset rate limit counter on status=idle,
# to avoid 'Run All' hitting limits prematurely.
self._iopub_window_byte_queue = []
self._iopub_window_msg_count = 0
self._iopub_window_byte_count = 0
self._iopub_msgs_exceeded = False
self._iopub_data_exceeded = False
if channel == 'iopub' and msg_type not in {'status', 'comm_open', 'execute_input'}:
# Remove the counts queued for removal.
now = IOLoop.current().time()
while len(self._iopub_window_byte_queue) > 0:
queued = self._iopub_window_byte_queue[0]
if (now >= queued[0]):
self._iopub_window_byte_count -= queued[1]
self._iopub_window_msg_count -= 1
del self._iopub_window_byte_queue[0]
# This part of the queue hasn't be reached yet, so we can
# abort the loop.
# Increment the bytes and message count
self._iopub_window_msg_count += 1
if msg_type == 'stream':
byte_count = sum([len(x) for x in msg_list])
byte_count = 0
self._iopub_window_byte_count += byte_count
# Queue a removal of the byte and message count for a time in the
# future, when we are no longer interested in it.
self._iopub_window_byte_queue.append((now + self.rate_limit_window, byte_count))
# Check the limits, set the limit flags, and reset the
# message and data counts.
msg_rate = float(self._iopub_window_msg_count) / self.rate_limit_window
data_rate = float(self._iopub_window_byte_count) / self.rate_limit_window
# Check the msg rate
if self.iopub_msg_rate_limit > 0 and msg_rate > self.iopub_msg_rate_limit:
if not self._iopub_msgs_exceeded:
self._iopub_msgs_exceeded = True
IOPub message rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable
Current values:
NotebookApp.iopub_msg_rate_limit={} (msgs/sec)
NotebookApp.rate_limit_window={} (secs)
""".format(self.iopub_msg_rate_limit, self.rate_limit_window)))
# resume once we've got some headroom below the limit
if self._iopub_msgs_exceeded and msg_rate < (0.8 * self.iopub_msg_rate_limit):
self._iopub_msgs_exceeded = False
if not self._iopub_data_exceeded:
self.log.warning("iopub messages resumed")
# Check the data rate
if self.iopub_data_rate_limit > 0 and data_rate > self.iopub_data_rate_limit:
if not self._iopub_data_exceeded:
self._iopub_data_exceeded = True
IOPub data rate exceeded.
The notebook server will temporarily stop sending output
to the client in order to avoid crashing it.
To change this limit, set the config variable
Current values:
NotebookApp.iopub_data_rate_limit={} (bytes/sec)
NotebookApp.rate_limit_window={} (secs)
""".format(self.iopub_data_rate_limit, self.rate_limit_window)))
# resume once we've got some headroom below the limit
if self._iopub_data_exceeded and data_rate < (0.8 * self.iopub_data_rate_limit):
self._iopub_data_exceeded = False
if not self._iopub_msgs_exceeded:
self.log.warning("iopub messages resumed")
# If either of the limit flags are set, do not send the message.
if self._iopub_msgs_exceeded or self._iopub_data_exceeded:
# we didn't send it, remove the current message from the calculus
self._iopub_window_msg_count -= 1
self._iopub_window_byte_count -= byte_count
super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self)._on_zmq_reply(stream, msg)
def close(self):
super(ZMQChannelsHandler, self).close()
return self._close_future
def on_close(self):
self.log.debug("Websocket closed %s", self.session_key)
# unregister myself as an open session (only if it's really me)
if self._open_sessions.get(self.session_key) is self:
km = self.kernel_manager
if self.kernel_id in km:
self.kernel_id, self.on_kernel_restarted,
self.kernel_id, self.on_restart_failed, 'dead',
# start buffering instead of closing if this was the last connection
if km._kernel_connections[self.kernel_id] == 0:
km.start_buffering(self.kernel_id, self.session_key, self.channels)
# This method can be called twice, once by self.kernel_died and once
# from the WebSocket close event. If the WebSocket connection is
# closed before the ZMQ streams are setup, they could be None.
for channel, stream in self.channels.items():
if stream is not None and not stream.closed():
self.channels = {}
def _send_status_message(self, status):
iopub = self.channels.get('iopub', None)
if iopub and not iopub.closed():
# flush IOPub before sending a restarting/dead status message
# ensures proper ordering on the IOPub channel
# that all messages from the stopped kernel have been delivered
msg = self.session.msg("status",
{'execution_state': status}
msg['channel'] = 'iopub'
self.write_message(json.dumps(msg, default=date_default))
def on_kernel_restarted(self):
logging.warn("kernel %s restarted", self.kernel_id)
def on_restart_failed(self):
logging.error("kernel %s restarted failed!", self.kernel_id)
# URL to handler mappings
_kernel_id_regex = r"(?P<kernel_id>\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)"
_kernel_action_regex = r"(?P<action>restart|interrupt)"
default_handlers = [
(r"/api/kernels", MainKernelHandler),
(r"/api/kernels/%s" % _kernel_id_regex, KernelHandler),
(r"/api/kernels/%s/%s" % (_kernel_id_regex, _kernel_action_regex), KernelActionHandler),
(r"/api/kernels/%s/channels" % _kernel_id_regex, ZMQChannelsHandler),