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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Test NbConvertApp"""
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import os
import io
import nbformat
from .base import TestsBase
from ..postprocessors import PostProcessorBase
from ..tests.utils import onlyif_cmds_exist
from nbconvert import nbconvertapp
from nbconvert.exporters import Exporter
from traitlets.tests.utils import check_help_all_output
from testpath import tempdir
import pytest
# Classes and functions
class DummyPost(PostProcessorBase):
def postprocess(self, filename):
print("Dummy:%s" % filename)
class TestNbConvertApp(TestsBase):
"""Collection of NbConvertApp tests"""
def test_notebook_help(self):
"""Will help show if no notebooks are specified?"""
with self.create_temp_cwd():
out, err = self.nbconvert('--log-level 0', ignore_return_code=True)
self.assertIn("--help-all", out)
def test_help_output(self):
"""ipython nbconvert --help-all works"""
def test_glob(self):
Do search patterns work for notebook names?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--to python *.ipynb --log-level 0')
assert os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_glob_subdir(self):
Do search patterns work for subdirectory notebook names?
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.copy_files_to(['notebook*.ipynb'], 'subdir/')
self.nbconvert('--to python --log-level 0 ' +
os.path.join('subdir', '*.ipynb'))
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('subdir', ''))
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('subdir', ''))
def test_build_dir(self):
"""build_directory affects export location"""
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.copy_files_to(['notebook*.ipynb'], 'subdir/')
self.nbconvert('--to python --log-level 0 --output-dir . ' +
os.path.join('subdir', '*.ipynb'))
assert os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_convert_full_qualified_name(self):
Test that nbconvert can convert file using a full qualified name for a
package, import and use it.
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.copy_files_to(['notebook*.ipynb'], 'subdir')
self.nbconvert('--to nbconvert.tests.fake_exporters.MyExporter --log-level 0 ' +
os.path.join('subdir', '*.ipynb'))
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('subdir', 'notebook1.test_ext'))
assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join('subdir', 'notebook2.test_ext'))
def test_explicit(self):
Do explicit notebook names work?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to python notebook2')
assert not os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_clear_output(self):
Can we clear outputs?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']) as td:
self.nbconvert('--clear-output notebook1')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook1.ipynb')
with open('notebook1.ipynb', encoding='utf8') as f:
nb =, 4)
for cell in nb.cells:
# Skip markdown cells
if 'outputs' in cell:
assert cell.outputs == []
def test_absolute_template_file(self):
"""--template-file '/path/to/template.tpl'"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']), tempdir.TemporaryDirectory() as td:
template = os.path.join(td, 'mytemplate.tpl')
test_output = 'success!'
with open(template, 'w') as f:
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 notebook2 --to html --template-file %s' % template)
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.html')
with open('notebook2.html') as f:
text =
assert text == test_output
def test_relative_template_file(self):
"""Test --template-file 'relative/path.tpl'"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']):
template = os.path.join('relative', 'path.tpl')
test_output = 'success!'
with open(template, 'w') as f:
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 notebook2 --to html --template-file %s' % template)
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.html')
with open('notebook2.html') as f:
text =
assert text == test_output
@onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc', 'xelatex')
def test_filename_spaces(self):
Generate PDFs with graphics if notebooks have spaces in the name?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
os.rename('notebook2.ipynb', 'notebook with spaces.ipynb')
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to pdf'
' "notebook with spaces"'
' --PDFExporter.latex_count=1'
' --PDFExporter.verbose=True'
assert os.path.isfile('notebook with spaces.pdf')
def test_webpdf_with_chromium(self):
Generate PDFs if chromium allowed to be downloaded?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--to webpdf '
'--allow-chromium-download '
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.pdf')
@onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc', 'xelatex')
def test_pdf(self):
Check to see if pdfs compile, even if strikethroughs are included.
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to pdf'
' "notebook2"'
' --PDFExporter.latex_count=1'
' --PDFExporter.verbose=True'
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.pdf')
def test_post_processor(self):
"""Do post processors work?"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook1.ipynb']):
out, err = self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to python notebook1 '
'--post nbconvert.tests.test_nbconvertapp.DummyPost')
self.assertIn('', out)
def test_spurious_cr(self):
"""Check for extra CR characters"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to latex notebook2')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.tex')
with open('notebook2.tex') as f:
tex =
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to html notebook2')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.html')
with open('notebook2.html') as f:
html =
self.assertEqual(tex.count('\r'), tex.count('\r\n'))
self.assertEqual(html.count('\r'), html.count('\r\n'))
def test_png_base64_html_ok(self):
"""Is embedded png data well formed in HTML?"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to HTML '
'notebook2.ipynb --template lab')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.html')
with open('notebook2.html') as f:
assert "'" not in
def test_template(self):
Do export templates work?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook2.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to slides '
assert os.path.isfile('notebook2.slides.html')
with open('notebook2.slides.html') as f:
assert '/reveal.css' in
def test_output_ext(self):
"""test --output=outputfile[.ext]"""
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook1.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to python '
'notebook1.ipynb --output')
assert os.path.exists('')
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to python '
'notebook1.ipynb --output nb2')
assert os.path.exists('')
def test_glob_explicit(self):
Can a search pattern be used along with matching explicit notebook names?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to python '
'*.ipynb notebook1.ipynb notebook2.ipynb')
assert os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_explicit_glob(self):
Can explicit notebook names be used and then a matching search pattern?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to=python '
'notebook1.ipynb notebook2.ipynb *.ipynb')
assert os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_default_config(self):
Does the default config work?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb', '']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0')
assert os.path.isfile('')
assert not os.path.isfile('')
def test_override_config(self):
Can the default config be overridden?
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook*.ipynb',
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --config=""')
assert not os.path.isfile('')
assert os.path.isfile('')
def test_accents_in_filename(self):
Can notebook names include accents?
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to Python nb1_*')
assert os.path.isfile(u'nb1_aná')
@onlyif_cmds_exist('xelatex', 'pandoc')
def test_filename_accent_pdf(self):
Generate PDFs if notebooks have an accent in their name?
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to pdf "nb1_*"'
' --PDFExporter.latex_count=1'
' --PDFExporter.verbose=True')
assert os.path.isfile(u'nb1_análisis.pdf')
def test_cwd_plugin(self):
Verify that an extension in the cwd can be imported.
with self.create_temp_cwd(['']):
self.nbconvert('empty --to html --NbConvertApp.writer_class=\'hello.HelloWriter\'')
assert os.path.isfile(u'hello.txt')
def test_output_suffix(self):
Verify that the output suffix is applied
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.nbconvert('empty.ipynb --to notebook')
assert os.path.isfile('empty.nbconvert.ipynb')
def test_different_build_dir(self):
Verify that the output suffix is not applied
with self.create_temp_cwd():
'empty.ipynb --to notebook '
assert os.path.isfile('output/empty.ipynb')
def test_inplace(self):
Verify that the notebook is converted in place
with self.create_temp_cwd():
self.nbconvert('empty.ipynb --inplace')
assert os.path.isfile('empty.ipynb')
assert not os.path.isfile('empty.nbconvert.ipynb')
assert not os.path.isfile('empty.html')
def test_no_prompt(self):
Verify that the html has no prompts when given --no-prompt.
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook1.ipynb"]):
self.nbconvert('notebook1.ipynb --log-level 0 --no-prompt --to html')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook1.html')
with open("notebook1.html",'r') as f:
text =
assert "In [" not in text
assert "Out[6]" not in text
self.nbconvert('notebook1.ipynb --log-level 0 --to html')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook1.html')
with open("notebook1.html",'r') as f:
text2 =
assert "In [" in text2
assert "Out[6]" in text2
def test_cell_tag_output(self):
Verify that the html has tags in cell attributes if they exist.
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook_tags.ipynb"]):
self.nbconvert('notebook_tags.ipynb --log-level 0 --to html')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook_tags.html')
with open("notebook_tags.html",'r') as f:
text =
assert 'celltag_mycelltag celltag_mysecondcelltag' in text
assert 'celltag_mymarkdowncelltag' in text
def test_no_input(self):
Verify that the html has no input when given --no-input.
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook1.ipynb"]):
self.nbconvert('notebook1.ipynb --log-level 0 --no-input --to html')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook1.html')
with open("notebook1.html",'r') as f:
text =
assert "In [" not in text
assert "Out[6]" not in text
assert ('<span class="n">x</span>'
'<span class="p">,</span>'
'<span class="n">y</span>'
'<span class="p">,</span>'
'<span class="n">z</span> '
'<span class="o">=</span> '
'<span class="n">symbols</span>'
'<span class="p">(</span>'
'<span class="s1">&#39;x y z&#39;</span>'
'<span class="p">)</span>') not in text
self.nbconvert('notebook1.ipynb --log-level 0 --to html')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook1.html')
with open("notebook1.html",'r') as f:
text2 =
assert "In&nbsp;[" in text2
assert "Out[6]" in text2
assert ('<span class="n">x</span>'
'<span class="p">,</span>'
'<span class="n">y</span>'
'<span class="p">,</span>'
'<span class="n">z</span> '
'<span class="o">=</span> '
'<span class="n">symbols</span>'
'<span class="p">(</span>'
'<span class="s1">&#39;x y z&#39;</span>'
'<span class="p">)</span>') in text2
def test_allow_errors(self):
Verify that conversion is aborted with '--execute' if an error is
encountered, but that conversion continues if '--allow-errors' is
used in addition.
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook3*.ipynb']):
# Convert notebook containing a cell that raises an error,
# both without and with cell execution enabled.
output1, _ = self.nbconvert('--to markdown --stdout notebook3*.ipynb') # no cell execution
output2, _ = self.nbconvert('--to markdown --allow-errors --stdout notebook3*.ipynb') # no cell execution; --allow-errors should have no effect
output3, _ = self.nbconvert('--execute --allow-errors --to markdown --stdout notebook3*.ipynb') # with cell execution; errors are allowed
# Un-executed outputs should not contain either
# of the two numbers computed in the notebook.
assert '23' not in output1
assert '42' not in output1
assert '23' not in output2
assert '42' not in output2
# Executed output should contain both numbers.
assert '23' in output3
assert '42' in output3
# Executing the notebook should raise an exception if --allow-errors is not specified
with pytest.raises(OSError):
self.nbconvert('--execute --to markdown --stdout notebook3*.ipynb')
def test_errors_print_traceback(self):
Verify that the stderr output contains the traceback of the cell execution exception.
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook3_with_errors.ipynb']):
_, error_output = self.nbconvert('--execute --to markdown --stdout notebook3_with_errors.ipynb',
assert 'print("Some text before the error")' in error_output
assert 'raise RuntimeError("This is a deliberate exception")' in error_output
assert 'RuntimeError: This is a deliberate exception' in error_output
def test_fenced_code_blocks_markdown(self):
Verify that input cells use fenced code blocks with the language
name in nb.metadata.kernelspec.language, if that exists
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook1*.ipynb"]):
# this notebook doesn't have nb.metadata.kernelspec, so it should
# just do a fenced code block, with no language
output1, _ = self.nbconvert('--to markdown --stdout notebook1.ipynb')
assert '```python' not in output1 # shouldn't have language
assert "```" in output1 # but should have fenced blocks
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook_jl*.ipynb"]):
output2, _ = self.nbconvert('--to markdown --stdout notebook_jl.ipynb')
assert '```julia' in output2 # shouldn't have language
assert "```" in output2 # but should also plain ``` to close cell
def test_convert_from_stdin_to_stdout(self):
Verify that conversion can be done via stdin to stdout
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook1.ipynb"]):
with'notebook1.ipynb') as f:
notebook =
output1, _ = self.nbconvert('--to markdown --stdin --stdout', stdin=notebook)
assert '```python' not in output1 # shouldn't have language
assert "```" in output1 # but should have fenced blocks
def test_convert_from_stdin(self):
Verify that conversion can be done via stdin.
with self.create_temp_cwd(["notebook1.ipynb"]):
with'notebook1.ipynb') as f:
notebook =
self.nbconvert('--to markdown --stdin', stdin=notebook)
assert os.path.isfile("") # default name for stdin input
with'') as f:
output1 =
assert '```python' not in output1 # shouldn't have language
assert "```" in output1 # but should have fenced blocks
@onlyif_cmds_exist('pandoc', 'xelatex')
def test_linked_images(self):
Generate PDFs with an image linked in a markdown cell
with self.create_temp_cwd(['latex-linked-image.ipynb', 'testimage.png']):
self.nbconvert('--to pdf latex-linked-image.ipynb')
assert os.path.isfile('latex-linked-image.pdf')
def test_embedded_jpeg(self):
Verify that latex conversion succeeds
with a notebook with an embedded .jpeg
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook4_jpeg.ipynb',
self.nbconvert('--to latex notebook4_jpeg.ipynb')
assert os.path.isfile('notebook4_jpeg.tex')
def test_markdown_display_priority(self):
Check to see if markdown conversion embeds PNGs,
even if an (unsupported) PDF is present.
with self.create_temp_cwd(['markdown_display_priority.ipynb']):
self.nbconvert('--log-level 0 --to markdown '
assert os.path.isfile('')
with'') as f:
markdown_output =
assert ("markdown_display_priority_files/"
"markdown_display_priority_0_1.png") in markdown_output
def test_write_figures_to_custom_path(self):
Check if figure files are copied to configured path.
def fig_exists(path):
return (len(os.listdir(path)) > 0)
# check absolute path
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook4_jpeg.ipynb',
output_dir = tempdir.TemporaryDirectory()
path = os.path.join(, 'files')
'--log-level 0 notebook4_jpeg.ipynb --to rst '
assert fig_exists(path)
# check relative path
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook4_jpeg.ipynb',
'--log-level 0 notebook4_jpeg.ipynb --to rst '
assert fig_exists('output')
# check default path with notebook name
with self.create_temp_cwd(['notebook4_jpeg.ipynb',
'--log-level 0 notebook4_jpeg.ipynb --to rst')
assert fig_exists('notebook4_jpeg_files')