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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
"""Int class.
Represents an unbounded int using a widget.
from .widget_description import DescriptionWidget, DescriptionStyle
from .valuewidget import ValueWidget
from .widget import register, widget_serialization
from .widget_core import CoreWidget
from traitlets import Instance
from .trait_types import Color, InstanceDict, NumberFormat
from traitlets import (
Unicode, CInt, Bool, CaselessStrEnum, Tuple, TraitError, default, validate
_int_doc_t = """
value: integer
The initial value.
_bounded_int_doc_t = """
value: integer
The initial value.
min: integer
The lower limit for the value.
max: integer
The upper limit for the value.
step: integer
The step between allowed values.
def _int_doc(cls):
"""Add int docstring template to class init."""
def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs):
if value is not None:
kwargs['value'] = value
super(cls, self).__init__(**kwargs)
__init__.__doc__ = _int_doc_t
cls.__init__ = __init__
return cls
def _bounded_int_doc(cls):
"""Add bounded int docstring template to class init."""
def __init__(self, value=None, min=None, max=None, step=None, **kwargs):
if value is not None:
kwargs['value'] = value
if min is not None:
kwargs['min'] = min
if max is not None:
kwargs['max'] = max
if step is not None:
kwargs['step'] = step
super(cls, self).__init__(**kwargs)
__init__.__doc__ = _bounded_int_doc_t
cls.__init__ = __init__
return cls
class _Int(DescriptionWidget, ValueWidget, CoreWidget):
"""Base class for widgets that represent an integer."""
value = CInt(0, help="Int value").tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, value=None, **kwargs):
if value is not None:
kwargs['value'] = value
super(_Int, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class _BoundedInt(_Int):
"""Base class for widgets that represent an integer bounded from above and below.
max = CInt(100, help="Max value").tag(sync=True)
min = CInt(0, help="Min value").tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, value=None, min=None, max=None, step=None, **kwargs):
if value is not None:
kwargs['value'] = value
if min is not None:
kwargs['min'] = min
if max is not None:
kwargs['max'] = max
if step is not None:
kwargs['step'] = step
super(_BoundedInt, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def _validate_value(self, proposal):
"""Cap and floor value"""
value = proposal['value']
if self.min > value or self.max < value:
value = min(max(value, self.min), self.max)
return value
def _validate_min(self, proposal):
"""Enforce min <= value <= max"""
min = proposal['value']
if min > self.max:
raise TraitError('setting min > max')
if min > self.value:
self.value = min
return min
def _validate_max(self, proposal):
"""Enforce min <= value <= max"""
max = proposal['value']
if max < self.min:
raise TraitError('setting max < min')
if max < self.value:
self.value = max
return max
class IntText(_Int):
"""Textbox widget that represents an integer."""
_view_name = Unicode('IntTextView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('IntTextModel').tag(sync=True)
disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
continuous_update = Bool(False, help="Update the value as the user types. If False, update on submission, e.g., pressing Enter or navigating away.").tag(sync=True)
step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
class BoundedIntText(_BoundedInt):
"""Textbox widget that represents an integer bounded from above and below.
_view_name = Unicode('IntTextView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('BoundedIntTextModel').tag(sync=True)
disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
continuous_update = Bool(False, help="Update the value as the user types. If False, update on submission, e.g., pressing Enter or navigating away.").tag(sync=True)
step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
class SliderStyle(DescriptionStyle, CoreWidget):
"""Button style widget."""
_model_name = Unicode('SliderStyleModel').tag(sync=True)
handle_color = Color(None, allow_none=True, help="Color of the slider handle.").tag(sync=True)
class IntSlider(_BoundedInt):
"""Slider widget that represents an integer bounded from above and below.
_view_name = Unicode('IntSliderView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('IntSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step to increment the value").tag(sync=True)
orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
readout = Bool(True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(sync=True)
readout_format = NumberFormat(
'd', help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
continuous_update = Bool(True, help="Update the value of the widget as the user is holding the slider.").tag(sync=True)
disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
class ProgressStyle(DescriptionStyle, CoreWidget):
"""Button style widget."""
_model_name = Unicode('ProgressStyleModel').tag(sync=True)
bar_color = Color(None, allow_none=True, help="Color of the progress bar.").tag(sync=True)
class IntProgress(_BoundedInt):
"""Progress bar that represents an integer bounded from above and below.
_view_name = Unicode('ProgressView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('IntProgressModel').tag(sync=True)
orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
bar_style = CaselessStrEnum(
values=['success', 'info', 'warning', 'danger', ''], default_value='',
help="""Use a predefined styling for the progess bar.""").tag(sync=True)
style = InstanceDict(ProgressStyle).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
class _IntRange(_Int):
value = Tuple(CInt(), CInt(), default_value=(0, 1),
help="Tuple of (lower, upper) bounds").tag(sync=True)
def lower(self):
return self.value[0]
def lower(self, lower):
self.value = (lower, self.value[1])
def upper(self):
return self.value[1]
def upper(self, upper):
self.value = (self.value[0], upper)
def _validate_value(self, proposal):
lower, upper = proposal['value']
if upper < lower:
raise TraitError('setting lower > upper')
return lower, upper
class Play(_BoundedInt):
"""Play/repeat buttons to step through values automatically, and optionally loop.
interval = CInt(100, help="The maximum value for the play control.").tag(sync=True)
step = CInt(1, help="Increment step").tag(sync=True)
disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)
_view_name = Unicode('PlayView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('PlayModel').tag(sync=True)
_playing = Bool(help="Whether the control is currently playing.").tag(sync=True)
_repeat = Bool(help="Whether the control will repeat in a continous loop.").tag(sync=True)
show_repeat = Bool(True, help="Show the repeat toggle button in the widget.").tag(sync=True)
class _BoundedIntRange(_IntRange):
max = CInt(100, help="Max value").tag(sync=True)
min = CInt(0, help="Min value").tag(sync=True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
min, max = kwargs.get('min', 0), kwargs.get('max', 100)
if not kwargs.get('value', None):
kwargs['value'] = (0.75 * min + 0.25 * max,
0.25 * min + 0.75 * max)
super(_BoundedIntRange, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@validate('min', 'max')
def _validate_bounds(self, proposal):
trait = proposal['trait']
new = proposal['value']
if == 'min' and new > self.max:
raise TraitError('setting min > max')
if == 'max' and new < self.min:
raise TraitError('setting max < min')
if == 'min':
self.value = (max(new, self.value[0]), max(new, self.value[1]))
if == 'max':
self.value = (min(new, self.value[0]), min(new, self.value[1]))
return new
def _validate_value(self, proposal):
lower, upper = super(_BoundedIntRange, self)._validate_value(proposal)
lower, upper = min(lower, self.max), min(upper, self.max)
lower, upper = max(lower, self.min), max(upper, self.min)
return lower, upper
class IntRangeSlider(_BoundedIntRange):
"""Slider/trackbar that represents a pair of ints bounded by minimum and maximum value.
value : int tuple
The pair (`lower`, `upper`) of integers
min : int
The lowest allowed value for `lower`
max : int
The highest allowed value for `upper`
_view_name = Unicode('IntRangeSliderView').tag(sync=True)
_model_name = Unicode('IntRangeSliderModel').tag(sync=True)
step = CInt(1, help="Minimum step that the value can take").tag(sync=True)
orientation = CaselessStrEnum(values=['horizontal', 'vertical'],
default_value='horizontal', help="Vertical or horizontal.").tag(sync=True)
readout = Bool(True, help="Display the current value of the slider next to it.").tag(sync=True)
readout_format = NumberFormat(
'd', help="Format for the readout").tag(sync=True)
continuous_update = Bool(True, help="Update the value of the widget as the user is sliding the slider.").tag(sync=True)
style = InstanceDict(SliderStyle, help="Slider style customizations.").tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
disabled = Bool(False, help="Enable or disable user changes").tag(sync=True)