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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# imageio is distributed under the terms of the (new) BSD License.
""" BSDF plugin.
import numpy as np
from .. import formats
from ..core import Format
def get_bsdf_serializer(options):
from . import _bsdf as bsdf
class NDArrayExtension(bsdf.Extension):
""" Copy of BSDF's NDArrayExtension but deal with lazy blobs.
name = "ndarray"
cls = np.ndarray
def encode(self, s, v):
return dict(shape=v.shape, dtype=str(v.dtype), data=v.tobytes())
def decode(self, s, v):
return v # return as dict, because of lazy blobs, decode in Image
class ImageExtension(bsdf.Extension):
""" We implement two extensions that trigger on the Image classes.
def encode(self, s, v):
return dict(array=v.array, meta=v.meta)
def decode(self, s, v):
return Image(v["array"], v["meta"])
class Image2DExtension(ImageExtension):
name = "image2d"
cls = Image2D
class Image3DExtension(ImageExtension):
name = "image3d"
cls = Image3D
exts = [NDArrayExtension, Image2DExtension, Image3DExtension]
serializer = bsdf.BsdfSerializer(exts, **options)
return bsdf, serializer
class Image:
""" Class in which we wrap the array and meta data. By using an extension
we can make BSDF trigger on these classes and thus encode the images.
as actual images.
def __init__(self, array, meta):
self.array = array
self.meta = meta
def get_array(self):
if not isinstance(self.array, np.ndarray):
v = self.array
blob = v["data"]
if not isinstance(blob, bytes): # then it's a lazy bsdf.Blob
blob = blob.get_bytes()
self.array = np.frombuffer(blob, dtype=v["dtype"])
self.array.shape = v["shape"]
return self.array
def get_meta(self):
return self.meta
class Image2D(Image):
class Image3D(Image):
class BsdfFormat(Format):
""" The BSDF format enables reading and writing of image data in the
BSDF serialization format. This format allows storage of images, volumes,
and series thereof. Data can be of any numeric data type, and can
optionally be compressed. Each image/volume can have associated
meta data, which can consist of any data type supported by BSDF.
By default, image data is lazily loaded; the actual image data is
not read until it is requested. This allows storing multiple images
in a single file and still have fast access to individual images.
Alternatively, a series of images can be read in streaming mode, reading
images as they are read (e.g. from http).
BSDF is a simple generic binary format. It is easy to extend and there
are standard extension definitions for 2D and 3D image data.
Parameters for reading
random_access : bool
Whether individual images in the file can be read in random order.
Defaults to True for normal files, and to False when reading from HTTP.
If False, the file is read in "streaming mode", allowing reading
files as they are read, but without support for "rewinding".
Note that setting this to True when reading from HTTP, the whole file
is read upon opening it (since lazy loading is not possible over HTTP).
Parameters for saving
compression : {0, 1, 2}
Use ``0`` or "no" for no compression, ``1`` or "zlib" for Zlib
compression (same as zip files and PNG), and ``2`` or "bz2" for Bz2
compression (more compact but slower). Default 1 (zlib).
Note that some BSDF implementations may not support compression
(e.g. JavaScript).
def _can_read(self, request):
if request.mode[1] in (self.modes + "?"):
# if request.extension in self.extensions:
# return True
if request.firstbytes.startswith(b"BSDF"):
return True
def _can_write(self, request):
if request.mode[1] in (self.modes + "?"):
if request.extension in self.extensions:
return True
# -- reader
class Reader(Format.Reader):
def _open(self, random_access=None):
# Validate - we need a BSDF file consisting of a list of images
# The list is typically a stream, but does not have to be.
assert self.request.firstbytes[:4] == b"BSDF", "Not a BSDF file"
# self.request.firstbytes[5:6] == major and minor version
if not (
self.request.firstbytes[6:15] == b"M\x07image2D"
or self.request.firstbytes[6:15] == b"M\x07image3D"
or self.request.firstbytes[6:7] == b"l"
pass # Actually, follow a more duck-type approach ...
# raise RuntimeError('BSDF file does not look like an '
# 'image container.')
# Set options. If we think that seeking is allowed, we lazily load
# blobs, and set streaming to False (i.e. the whole file is read,
# but we skip over binary blobs), so that we subsequently allow
# random access to the images.
# If seeking is not allowed (e.g. with a http request), we cannot
# lazily load blobs, but we can still load streaming from the web.
options = {}
if self.request.filename.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
ra = False if random_access is None else bool(random_access)
options["lazy_blob"] = False # Because we cannot seek now
options["load_streaming"] = not ra # Load as a stream?
ra = True if random_access is None else bool(random_access)
options["lazy_blob"] = ra # Don't read data until needed
options["load_streaming"] = not ra
file = self.request.get_file()
bsdf, self._serializer = get_bsdf_serializer(options)
self._stream = self._serializer.load(file)
# Another validation
if (
isinstance(self._stream, dict)
and "meta" in self._stream
and "array" in self._stream
self._stream = Image(self._stream["array"], self._stream["meta"])
if not isinstance(self._stream, (Image, list, bsdf.ListStream)):
raise RuntimeError(
"BSDF file does not look seem to have an " "image container."
def _close(self):
def _get_length(self):
if isinstance(self._stream, Image):
return 1
elif isinstance(self._stream, list):
return len(self._stream)
elif self._stream.count < 0:
return np.inf
return self._stream.count
def _get_data(self, index):
# Validate
if index < 0 or index >= self.get_length():
raise IndexError(
"Image index %i not in [0 %i]." % (index, self.get_length())
# Get Image object
if isinstance(self._stream, Image):
image_ob = self._stream # singleton
elif isinstance(self._stream, list):
# Easy when we have random access
image_ob = self._stream[index]
# For streaming, we need to skip over frames
if index < self._stream.index:
raise IndexError(
"BSDF file is being read in streaming "
"mode, thus does not allow rewinding."
while index > self._stream.index:
image_ob = # Can raise StopIteration
# Is this an image?
if (
isinstance(image_ob, dict)
and "meta" in image_ob
and "array" in image_ob
image_ob = Image(image_ob["array"], image_ob["meta"])
if isinstance(image_ob, Image):
# Return as array (if we have lazy blobs, they are read now)
return image_ob.get_array(), image_ob.get_meta()
r = repr(image_ob)
r = r if len(r) < 200 else r[:197] + "..."
raise RuntimeError("BSDF file contains non-image " + r)
def _get_meta_data(self, index): # pragma: no cover
return {} # This format does not support global meta data
# -- writer
class Writer(Format.Writer):
def _open(self, compression=1):
options = {"compression": compression}
bsdf, self._serializer = get_bsdf_serializer(options)
if self.request.mode[1] in "iv":
self._stream = None # Singleton image
self._written = False
# Series (stream) of images
file = self.request.get_file()
self._stream = bsdf.ListStream(), self._stream)
def _close(self):
# We close the stream here, which will mark the number of written
# elements. If we would not close it, the file would be fine, it's
# just that upon reading it would not be known how many items are
# in there.
if self._stream is not None:
self._stream.close(False) # False says "keep this a stream"
def _append_data(self, im, meta):
# Determine dimension
ndim = None
if self.request.mode[1] in "iI":
ndim = 2
elif self.request.mode[1] in "vV":
ndim = 3
ndim = 3 # Make an educated guess
if im.ndim == 2 or (im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] <= 4):
ndim = 2
# Validate shape
assert ndim in (2, 3)
if ndim == 2:
assert im.ndim == 2 or (im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[-1] <= 4)
assert im.ndim == 3 or (im.ndim == 4 and im.shape[-1] <= 4)
# Wrap data and meta data in our special class that will trigger
# the BSDF image2D or image3D extension.
if ndim == 2:
ob = Image2D(im, meta)
ob = Image3D(im, meta)
# Write directly or to stream
if self._stream is None:
assert not self._written, "Cannot write singleton image twice"
self._written = True
file = self.request.get_file(), ob)
def set_meta_data(self, meta): # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError("The BSDF format only supports " "per-image meta data.")
format = BsdfFormat(
"bsdf", # short name
"Format based on the Binary Structured Data Format",