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# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Google Cloud Bigtable HappyBase batch module."""
import datetime
import warnings
import six
from gcloud._helpers import _datetime_from_microseconds
from gcloud.bigtable.row_filters import TimestampRange
_WAL_SENTINEL = object()
# Assumed granularity of timestamps in Cloud Bigtable.
_ONE_MILLISECOND = datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1000)
_WARN = warnings.warn
_WAL_WARNING = ('The wal argument (Write-Ahead-Log) is not '
'supported by Cloud Bigtable.')
class Batch(object):
"""Batch class for accumulating mutations.
.. note::
When using a batch with ``transaction=False`` as a context manager
(i.e. in a ``with`` statement), mutations will still be sent as
row mutations even if the context manager exits with an error.
This behavior is in place to match the behavior in the HappyBase
HBase / Thrift implementation.
:type table: :class:`Table <gcloud.bigtable.happybase.table.Table>`
:param table: The table where mutations will be applied.
:type timestamp: int
:param timestamp: (Optional) Timestamp (in milliseconds since the epoch)
that all mutations will be applied at.
:type batch_size: int
:param batch_size: (Optional) The maximum number of mutations to allow
to accumulate before committing them.
:type transaction: bool
:param transaction: Flag indicating if the mutations should be sent
transactionally or not. If ``transaction=True`` and
an error occurs while a :class:`Batch` is active,
then none of the accumulated mutations will be
committed. If ``batch_size`` is set, the mutation
can't be transactional.
:type wal: object
:param wal: Unused parameter (Boolean for using the HBase Write Ahead Log).
Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but irrelevant for
Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a Write Ahead Log.
:raises: :class:`TypeError <exceptions.TypeError>` if ``batch_size``
is set and ``transaction=True``.
:class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if ``batch_size``
is not positive.
def __init__(self, table, timestamp=None, batch_size=None,
transaction=False, wal=_WAL_SENTINEL):
if wal is not _WAL_SENTINEL:
if batch_size is not None:
if transaction:
raise TypeError('When batch_size is set, a Batch cannot be '
if batch_size <= 0:
raise ValueError('batch_size must be positive')
self._table = table
self._batch_size = batch_size
self._timestamp = self._delete_range = None
# Timestamp is in milliseconds, convert to microseconds.
if timestamp is not None:
self._timestamp = _datetime_from_microseconds(1000 * timestamp)
# For deletes, we get the very next timestamp (assuming timestamp
# granularity is milliseconds). This is because HappyBase users
# expect HBase deletes to go **up to** and **including** the
# timestamp while Cloud Bigtable Time Ranges **exclude** the
# final timestamp.
next_timestamp = self._timestamp + _ONE_MILLISECOND
self._delete_range = TimestampRange(end=next_timestamp)
self._transaction = transaction
# Internal state for tracking mutations.
self._row_map = {}
self._mutation_count = 0
def send(self):
"""Send / commit the batch of mutations to the server."""
for row in self._row_map.values():
# commit() does nothing if row hasn't accumulated any mutations.
self._mutation_count = 0
def _try_send(self):
"""Send / commit the batch if mutations have exceeded batch size."""
if self._batch_size and self._mutation_count >= self._batch_size:
def _get_row(self, row_key):
"""Gets a row that will hold mutations.
If the row is not already cached on the current batch, a new row will
be created.
:type row_key: str
:param row_key: The row key for a row stored in the map.
:rtype: :class:`Row <gcloud.bigtable.row.Row>`
:returns: The newly created or stored row that will hold mutations.
if row_key not in self._row_map:
table = self._table._low_level_table
self._row_map[row_key] = table.row(row_key)
return self._row_map[row_key]
def put(self, row, data, wal=_WAL_SENTINEL):
"""Insert data into a row in the table owned by this batch.
:type row: str
:param row: The row key where the mutation will be "put".
:type data: dict
:param data: Dictionary containing the data to be inserted. The keys
are columns names (of the form ``fam:col``) and the values
are strings (bytes) to be stored in those columns.
:type wal: object
:param wal: Unused parameter (to over-ride the default on the
instance). Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but
irrelevant for Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a
Write Ahead Log.
if wal is not _WAL_SENTINEL:
row_object = self._get_row(row)
# Make sure all the keys are valid before beginning
# to add mutations.
column_pairs = _get_column_pairs(six.iterkeys(data),
for column_family_id, column_qualifier in column_pairs:
value = data[column_family_id + ':' + column_qualifier]
row_object.set_cell(column_family_id, column_qualifier,
value, timestamp=self._timestamp)
self._mutation_count += len(data)
def _delete_columns(self, columns, row_object):
"""Adds delete mutations for a list of columns and column families.
:type columns: list
:param columns: Iterable containing column names (as
strings). Each column name can be either
* an entire column family: ``fam`` or ``fam:``
* a single column: ``fam:col``
:type row_object: :class:`Row <gcloud_bigtable.row.Row>`
:param row_object: The row which will hold the delete mutations.
:raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if the delete
timestamp range is set on the current batch, but a
column family delete is attempted.
column_pairs = _get_column_pairs(columns)
for column_family_id, column_qualifier in column_pairs:
if column_qualifier is None:
if self._delete_range is not None:
raise ValueError('The Cloud Bigtable API does not support '
'adding a timestamp to '
'"DeleteFromFamily" ')
def delete(self, row, columns=None, wal=_WAL_SENTINEL):
"""Delete data from a row in the table owned by this batch.
:type row: str
:param row: The row key where the delete will occur.
:type columns: list
:param columns: (Optional) Iterable containing column names (as
strings). Each column name can be either
* an entire column family: ``fam`` or ``fam:``
* a single column: ``fam:col``
If not used, will delete the entire row.
:type wal: object
:param wal: Unused parameter (to over-ride the default on the
instance). Provided for compatibility with HappyBase, but
irrelevant for Cloud Bigtable since it does not have a
Write Ahead Log.
:raises: If the delete timestamp range is set on the
current batch, but a full row delete is attempted.
if wal is not _WAL_SENTINEL:
row_object = self._get_row(row)
if columns is None:
# Delete entire row.
if self._delete_range is not None:
raise ValueError('The Cloud Bigtable API does not support '
'adding a timestamp to "DeleteFromRow" '
self._mutation_count += 1
self._delete_columns(columns, row_object)
self._mutation_count += len(columns)
def __enter__(self):
"""Enter context manager, no set-up required."""
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
"""Exit context manager, no set-up required.
:type exc_type: type
:param exc_type: The type of the exception if one occurred while the
context manager was active. Otherwise, :data:`None`.
:type exc_value: :class:`Exception <exceptions.Exception>`
:param exc_value: An instance of ``exc_type`` if an exception occurred
while the context was active.
Otherwise, :data:`None`.
:type traceback: ``traceback`` type
:param traceback: The traceback where the exception occurred (if one
did occur). Otherwise, :data:`None`.
# If the context manager encountered an exception and the batch is
# transactional, we don't commit the mutations.
if self._transaction and exc_type is not None:
# NOTE: For non-transactional batches, this will even commit mutations
# if an error occurred during the context manager.
def _get_column_pairs(columns, require_qualifier=False):
"""Turns a list of column or column families into parsed pairs.
Turns a column family (``fam`` or ``fam:``) into a pair such
as ``['fam', None]`` and turns a column (``fam:col``) into
``['fam', 'col']``.
:type columns: list
:param columns: Iterable containing column names (as
strings). Each column name can be either
* an entire column family: ``fam`` or ``fam:``
* a single column: ``fam:col``
:type require_qualifier: bool
:param require_qualifier: Boolean indicating if the columns should
all have a qualifier or not.
:rtype: list
:returns: List of pairs, where the first element in each pair is the
column family and the second is the column qualifier
(or :data:`None`).
:raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if any of the columns
are not of the expected format.
:class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if
``require_qualifier`` is :data:`True` and one of the values is
for an entire column family
column_pairs = []
for column in columns:
if isinstance(column, six.binary_type):
column = column.decode('utf-8')
# Remove trailing colons (i.e. for standalone column family).
if column.endswith(u':'):
column = column[:-1]
num_colons = column.count(u':')
if num_colons == 0:
# column is a column family.
if require_qualifier:
raise ValueError('column does not contain a qualifier',
column_pairs.append([column, None])
elif num_colons == 1:
raise ValueError('Column contains the : separator more than once')
return column_pairs