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2020-11-12 11:05:57 -05:00
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: threadpoolctl
Version: 2.1.0
Summary: threadpoolctl
License: UNKNOWN
Author: Thomas Moreau
Requires-Python: >=3.5
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
# Thread-pool Controls [![Build Status](]( [![codecov](](
Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in the
threadpool-backed of common native libraries used for scientific
computing and data science (e.g. BLAS and OpenMP).
Fine control of the underlying thread-pool size can be useful in
workloads that involve nested parallelism so as to mitigate
oversubscription issues.
## Installation
- For users, install the last published version from PyPI:
pip install threadpoolctl
- For contributors, install from the source repository in developer
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
flit install --symlink
then you run the tests with pytest:
## Usage
### Command Line Interface
Get a JSON description of thread-pools initialized when importing python
packages such as numpy or scipy for instance:
python -m threadpoolctl -i numpy scipy.linalg
"filepath": "/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/",
"prefix": "libmkl_rt",
"user_api": "blas",
"internal_api": "mkl",
"version": "2019.0.4",
"num_threads": 2,
"threading_layer": "intel"
"filepath": "/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/",
"prefix": "libiomp",
"user_api": "openmp",
"internal_api": "openmp",
"version": null,
"num_threads": 4
The JSON information is written on STDOUT. If some of the packages are missing,
a warning message is displayed on STDERR.
### Python Runtime Programmatic Introspection
Introspect the current state of the threadpool-enabled runtime libraries
that are loaded when importing Python packages:
>>> from threadpoolctl import threadpool_info
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(threadpool_info())
>>> import numpy
>>> pprint(threadpool_info())
[{'filepath': '/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/',
'internal_api': 'mkl',
'num_threads': 2,
'prefix': 'libmkl_rt',
'threading_layer': 'intel',
'user_api': 'blas',
'version': '2019.0.4'},
{'filepath': '/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/',
'internal_api': 'openmp',
'num_threads': 4,
'prefix': 'libiomp',
'user_api': 'openmp',
'version': None}]
>>> import xgboost
>>> pprint(threadpool_info())
[{'filepath': '/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/',
'internal_api': 'mkl',
'num_threads': 2,
'prefix': 'libmkl_rt',
'threading_layer': 'intel',
'user_api': 'blas',
'version': '2019.0.4'},
{'filepath': '/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/',
'internal_api': 'openmp',
'num_threads': 4,
'prefix': 'libiomp',
'user_api': 'openmp',
'version': None},
{'filepath': '/home/ogrisel/miniconda3/envs/tmp/lib/',
'internal_api': 'openmp',
'num_threads': 4,
'prefix': 'libgomp',
'user_api': 'openmp',
'version': None}]
In the above example, `numpy` was installed from the default anaconda channel and
comes with the MKL and its Intel OpenMP (`libiomp5`) implementation while
`xgboost` was installed from and links against GNU OpenMP (`libgomp`)
so both OpenMP runtimes are loaded in the same Python program.
### Setting the Maximum Size of Thread-Pools
Control the number of threads used by the underlying runtime libraries
in specific sections of your Python program:
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits
import numpy as np
with threadpool_limits(limits=1, user_api='blas'):
# In this block, calls to blas implementation (like openblas or MKL)
# will be limited to use only one thread. They can thus be used jointly
# with thread-parallelism.
a = np.random.randn(1000, 1000)
a_squared = a @ a
### Known Limitations
- `threadpool_limits` can fail to limit the number of inner threads when nesting
parallel loops managed by distinct OpenMP runtime implementations (for instance
libgomp from GCC and libomp from clang/llvm or libiomp from ICC).
See the `test_openmp_nesting` function in [tests/](
for an example. More information can be found at:
Note however that this problem does not happen when `threadpool_limits` is
used to limit the number of threads used internally by BLAS calls that are
themselves nested under OpenMP parallel loops. `threadpool_limits` works as
expected, even if the inner BLAS implementation relies on a distinct OpenMP
- Using Intel OpenMP (ICC) and LLVM OpenMP (clang) in the same Python program
under Linux is known to cause problems. See the following guide for more details
and workarounds:
## Maintainers
To make a release:
Bump the version number (`__version__`) in ``.
Build the distribution archives:
pip install flit
flit build
Check the contents of `dist/`.
If everything is fine, make a commit for the release, tag it, push the
tag to github and then:
flit publish
### Credits
The initial dynamic library introspection code was written by @anton-malakhov
for the smp package available at .
threadpoolctl extends this for other operationg systems. Contrary to smp,
threadpoolctl does not attempt to limit the size of Python multiprocessing
pools (threads or processes) or set operating system-level CPU affinity
constraints: threadpoolctl only interacts with native libraries via their
public runtime APIs.