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@sigstore/sign ·

A library for generating Sigstore signatures.
- Support for keyless signature generation with Fulcio-issued signing certificates
- Support for ambient OIDC credential detection in CI/CD environments
- Support for recording signatures to the Rekor transparency log
- Support for requesting timestamped countersignature from a Timestamp Authority
- Node.js version >= 16.14.0
npm install @sigstore/sign
This library provides the building blocks for composing custom Sigstore signing workflows.
The top-level component is the BundleBuilder
which has responsibility for
taking some artifact and returning a Sigstore bundle containing the
signature for that artifact and the various materials necessary to verify that
interface BundleBuilder {
create: (artifact: Artifact) => Promise<Bundle>;
The artifact to be signed is simply an array of bytes and an optional mimetype. The type is necessary when the signature is packaged as a DSSE envelope.
type Artifact = {
data: Buffer;
type?: string;
There are two BundleBuilder
implementations provided as part of this package:
- Combines the verification material and artifact signature into adsse_envelope
-style Sigstore bundleMessageBundleBuilder
- Combines the verification material and artifact signature into amessage_signature
-style Sigstore bundle.
Every BundleBuilder
must be instantiated with a Signer
implementation. The
is responsible for taking a Buffer
and returning an Signature
interface Signer {
sign: (data: Buffer) => Promise<Signature>;
The returned Signature
contains a signature and the public key which can be
used to verify that signature -- the key may either take the form of a x509
certificate or public key.
type Signature = {
signature: Buffer;
key: KeyMaterial;
type KeyMaterial =
| {
$case: 'x509Certificate';
certificate: string;
| {
$case: 'publicKey';
publicKey: string;
hint?: string;
This package provides the FulcioSigner
which implements the Signer
interface and signs the artifact with an
ephemeral keypair. It will also retrieve an OIDC token from the configured
and then request a signing certificate from Fulcio which binds
the ephemeral key to the identity embedded in the token. This signing
certificate is returned as part of the Signature
The BundleBuilder
may also be configured with zero-or-more Witness
instances. Each Witness
receives the artifact signature and the public key
and returns an VerificationMaterial
which represents some sort of
counter-signature for the artifact's signature.
interface Witness {
testify: (
signature: SignatureBundle,
publicKey: string
) => Promise<VerificationMaterial>;
The returned VerificationMaterial
may contain either Rekor transparency log
entries or RFC3161 timestamps.
type VerificationMaterial = {
tlogEntries?: TransparencyLogEntry[];
rfc3161Timestamps?: RFC3161SignedTimestamp[];
The entries in the returned VerificationMaterial
are automatically added to
the Sigstore Bundle
by the BundleBuilder
The package provides two different Witness
- Adds an entry to the Rekor transparency log and returns aTransparencyLogEntry
to be included in theBundle
- Requests an RFC3161 timestamp over the artifact signature and returns anRFC3161SignedTimestamp
to be included in theBundle
Usage Example
const {
} = require('@sigstore/sign');
// Set-up the signer
const signer = new FulcioSigner({
fulcioBaseURL: 'https://fulcio.sigstore.dev',
identityProvider: new CIContextProvider('sigstore'),
// Set-up the witnesses
const rekorWitness = new RekorWitness({
rekorBaseURL: 'https://rekor.sigstore.dev',
const tsaWitness = new TSAWitness({
tsaBaseURL: 'https://tsa.github.com',
// Instantiate a bundle builder
const bundler = new DSSEBundleBuilder({
witnesses: [rekorWitness, tsaWitness],
// Sign a thing
const artifact = {
type: 'text/plain',
data: Buffer.from('something to be signed'),
const bundle = await bundler.create(artifact);