// pass in a manifest with a 'bin' field here, and it'll turn it // into a properly santized bin object const { join, basename } = require('path') const normalize = pkg => !pkg.bin ? removeBin(pkg) : typeof pkg.bin === 'string' ? normalizeString(pkg) : Array.isArray(pkg.bin) ? normalizeArray(pkg) : typeof pkg.bin === 'object' ? normalizeObject(pkg) : removeBin(pkg) const normalizeString = pkg => { if (!pkg.name) { return removeBin(pkg) } pkg.bin = { [pkg.name]: pkg.bin } return normalizeObject(pkg) } const normalizeArray = pkg => { pkg.bin = pkg.bin.reduce((acc, k) => { acc[basename(k)] = k return acc }, {}) return normalizeObject(pkg) } const removeBin = pkg => { delete pkg.bin return pkg } const normalizeObject = pkg => { const orig = pkg.bin const clean = {} let hasBins = false Object.keys(orig).forEach(binKey => { const base = join('/', basename(binKey.replace(/\\|:/g, '/'))).slice(1) if (typeof orig[binKey] !== 'string' || !base) { return } const binTarget = join('/', orig[binKey].replace(/\\/g, '/')) .replace(/\\/g, '/').slice(1) if (!binTarget) { return } clean[base] = binTarget hasBins = true }) if (hasBins) { pkg.bin = clean } else { delete pkg.bin } return pkg } module.exports = normalize