var needle = require('../'), should = require('should'); describe('when posting a very long string', function() { this.timeout(20000); function get_string(length) { var str = ''; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { str += 'x'; } return str; } var major_version = process.version.split('.')[0]; it("shouldn't throw an EPIPE error out of nowhere", function(done) { // for some reason this test fails in Github Actions with Node v8.x // although in my Linux box passes without issues if (process.env.CI && (major_version == 'v8' || major_version == 'v6')) { return done(); } var error; function finished() { setTimeout(function() { should.not.exist(error); done(); }, 300); } try {'', { data: get_string(Math.pow(2, 20)) }, finished) } catch(e) { error = e; } }) })