var packet = require('dns-packet') var dgram = require('dgram') var thunky = require('thunky') var events = require('events') var os = require('os') var noop = function () {} module.exports = function (opts) { if (!opts) opts = {} var that = new events.EventEmitter() var port = typeof opts.port === 'number' ? opts.port : 5353 var type = opts.type || 'udp4' var ip = opts.ip || || (type === 'udp4' ? '' : null) var me = {address: ip, port: port} var memberships = {} var destroyed = false var interval = null if (type === 'udp6' && (!ip || !opts.interface)) { throw new Error('For IPv6 multicast you must specify `ip` and `interface`') } var socket = opts.socket || dgram.createSocket({ type: type, reuseAddr: opts.reuseAddr !== false, toString: function () { return type } }) socket.on('error', function (err) { if (err.code === 'EACCES' || err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') that.emit('error', err) else that.emit('warning', err) }) socket.on('message', function (message, rinfo) { try { message = packet.decode(message) } catch (err) { that.emit('warning', err) return } that.emit('packet', message, rinfo) if (message.type === 'query') that.emit('query', message, rinfo) if (message.type === 'response') that.emit('response', message, rinfo) }) socket.on('listening', function () { if (!port) port = me.port = socket.address().port if (opts.multicast !== false) { that.update() interval = setInterval(that.update, 5000) socket.setMulticastTTL(opts.ttl || 255) socket.setMulticastLoopback(opts.loopback !== false) } }) var bind = thunky(function (cb) { if (!port || opts.bind === false) return cb(null) socket.once('error', cb) socket.bind(port, opts.bind || opts.interface, function () { socket.removeListener('error', cb) cb(null) }) }) bind(function (err) { if (err) return that.emit('error', err) that.emit('ready') }) that.send = function (value, rinfo, cb) { if (typeof rinfo === 'function') return that.send(value, null, rinfo) if (!cb) cb = noop if (!rinfo) rinfo = me else if (! && !rinfo.address) rinfo.address = me.address bind(onbind) function onbind (err) { if (destroyed) return cb() if (err) return cb(err) var message = packet.encode(value) socket.send(message, 0, message.length, rinfo.port, rinfo.address ||, cb) } } that.response = that.respond = function (res, rinfo, cb) { if (Array.isArray(res)) res = {answers: res} res.type = 'response' res.flags = (res.flags || 0) | packet.AUTHORITATIVE_ANSWER that.send(res, rinfo, cb) } that.query = function (q, type, rinfo, cb) { if (typeof type === 'function') return that.query(q, null, null, type) if (typeof type === 'object' && type && type.port) return that.query(q, null, type, rinfo) if (typeof rinfo === 'function') return that.query(q, type, null, rinfo) if (!cb) cb = noop if (typeof q === 'string') q = [{name: q, type: type || 'ANY'}] if (Array.isArray(q)) q = {type: 'query', questions: q} q.type = 'query' that.send(q, rinfo, cb) } that.destroy = function (cb) { if (!cb) cb = noop if (destroyed) return process.nextTick(cb) destroyed = true clearInterval(interval) // Need to drop memberships by hand and ignore errors. // socket.close() does not cope with errors. for (var iface in memberships) { try { socket.dropMembership(ip, iface) } catch (e) { // eat it } } memberships = {} socket.close(cb) } that.update = function () { var ifaces = opts.interface ? [].concat(opts.interface) : allInterfaces() var updated = false for (var i = 0; i < ifaces.length; i++) { var addr = ifaces[i] if (memberships[addr]) continue try { socket.addMembership(ip, addr) memberships[addr] = true updated = true } catch (err) { that.emit('warning', err) } } if (updated) { if (socket.setMulticastInterface) { try { socket.setMulticastInterface(opts.interface || defaultInterface()) } catch (err) { that.emit('warning', err) } } that.emit('networkInterface') } } return that } function defaultInterface () { var networks = os.networkInterfaces() var names = Object.keys(networks) for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var net = networks[names[i]] for (var j = 0; j < net.length; j++) { var iface = net[j] if (isIPv4( && !iface.internal) { if (os.platform() === 'darwin' && names[i] === 'en0') return iface.address return '' } } } return '' } function allInterfaces () { var networks = os.networkInterfaces() var names = Object.keys(networks) var res = [] for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var net = networks[names[i]] for (var j = 0; j < net.length; j++) { var iface = net[j] if (isIPv4( { res.push(iface.address) // could only addMembership once per interface ( break } } } return res } function isIPv4 (family) { // for backwards compat return family === 4 || family === 'IPv4' }