var assert = require('assert'); var serialize = require('../'); describe('node-serialize', function () { var node; afterEach(function () { if (node) { // clean up... if (node.parentNode) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } node = null; } }); it('should return an empty string on invalid input', function () { assert.strictEqual('', serialize(null)); }); it('should serialize a SPAN element', function () { node = document.createElement('span'); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a BR element', function () { node = document.createElement('br'); assert.equal('
', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a text node', function () { node = document.createTextNode('test'); assert.equal('test', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a text node with special HTML characters', function () { node = document.createTextNode('<>\'"&'); assert.equal('<>\'"&', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a DIV element with child nodes', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('hello ')); var b = document.createElement('b'); b.appendChild(document.createTextNode('world')); node.appendChild(b); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('!')); node.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); assert.equal('
hello world!
', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a DIV element with attributes', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); node.setAttribute('escape', '<>&"\''); assert.equal('
', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize an Attribute node', function () { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('foo', 'bar'); node = div.attributes[0]; assert.equal('foo="bar"', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a Comment node', function () { node = document.createComment('test'); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a Document node', function () { node = document.implementation.createDocument('', 'html', null); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a Doctype node', function () { node = document.implementation.createDocumentType( 'html', '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN', '' ); // Some older browsers require the DOCTYPE to be within a Document, // otherwise the "serialize" custom event is considered "cancelled". // See: var doc = document.implementation.createDocument('', 'html', node); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); assert.equal('', serialize(doc)); }); it('should serialize a Doctype node with systemId', function () { node = document.implementation.createDocumentType( 'root-element', '', '' ); document.implementation.createDocument('', 'root-element', node); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize an HTML5 Doctype node', function () { node = document.implementation.createDocumentType( 'html', '', '' ); document.implementation.createDocument('', 'node', node); assert.equal('', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize a DocumentFragment node', function () { node = document.createDocumentFragment(); node.appendChild(document.createElement('b')); node.appendChild(document.createElement('i')); node.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode('foo')); assert.equal('foo', serialize(node)); }); it('should serialize an Array of nodes', function () { var array = []; array.push(document.createTextNode('foo')); array.push(document.createElement('div')); array[1].appendChild(document.createTextNode('bar')); assert.equal('foo
', serialize(array)); }); describe('serializeText()', function () { it('should serialize an Attribute node', function () { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.setAttribute('foo', '<>"&'); assert.equal('foo="<>"&"', serialize.serializeAttribute(d.attributes[0])); }); it('should allow an "options" object to be passed in', function () { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.setAttribute('foo', '<>"&'); assert.equal('foo="<>"&"', serialize.serializeAttribute(d.attributes[0], { named: false })); }); }); describe('serializeText()', function () { it('should serialize a TextNode instance', function () { node = document.createTextNode('&'); assert.equal('<b>&', serialize.serializeText(node)); }); it('should allow an "options" object to be passed in', function () { node = document.createTextNode('&'); assert.equal('<b>&', serialize.serializeText(node, { named: false })); }); }); describe('"serialize" event', function () { it('should emit a "serialize" event on a DIV node', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = 'MEOW'; }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('MEOW', serialize(node)); assert.equal(1, count); }); it('should emit a "serialize" event on a Text node', function () { node = document.createTextNode('whaaaaa!!!!!!'); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = 'MEOW'; }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('MEOW', serialize(node)); assert.equal(1, count); }); it('should output an empty string when event is cancelled', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('!')); var count = 0; node.firstChild.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; e.preventDefault(); }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('
', serialize(node)); assert.equal(1, count); }); it('should render a Number when set as `e.detail.serialize`', function () { node = document.createTextNode('whaaaaa!!!!!!'); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = 123; }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('123', serialize(node)); assert.equal(1, count); }); it('should render a Node when set as `e.detail.serialize`', function () { node = document.createTextNode('whaaaaa!!!!!!'); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; if (count === 1) { e.detail.serialize = document.createTextNode('foo'); } }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('foo', serialize(node)); assert.equal(2, count); }); it('should render a Node when set as `e.detail.serialize` and event is cancelled', function () { node = document.createTextNode('whaaaaa!!!!!!'); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; if (count === 1) { e.preventDefault(); e.detail.serialize = document.createTextNode('foo'); } }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('foo', serialize(node)); assert.equal(2, count); }); it('should have `context` set on the event', function () { node = document.createTextNode(''); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = e.detail.context; }); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('foo', serialize(node, 'foo')); assert.equal(1, count); assert.equal('bar', serialize(node, 'bar')); assert.equal(2, count); assert.equal('baz', serialize(node, 'baz')); assert.equal(3, count); }); it('should bubble', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('foo')); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('bar')); // `node` must be inside the DOM for the "serialize" event to bubble document.body.appendChild(node); var count = 0; node.addEventListener('serialize', function (e) { count++; assert.equal('foo', e.detail.context); if (e.serializeTarget === node) return; else if (e.serializeTarget.nodeValue === 'foo') e.detail.serialize = '…'; else e.preventDefault(); }, false); assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('
', serialize(node, 'foo')); assert.equal(4, count); }); it('should support one-time callback function on Elements', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); var count = 0; function callback (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = count; } assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('1', serialize(node, callback)); assert.equal(1, count); assert.equal('
', serialize(node)); assert.equal(1, count); }); it('should support one-time callback function on NodeLists', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createElement('strong')); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('foo')); node.appendChild(document.createElement('em')); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('bar')); var count = 0; function callback (e) { count++; e.detail.serialize = count; } assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('1234', serialize(node.childNodes, callback)); assert.equal(4, count); assert.equal('foobar', serialize(node.childNodes)); assert.equal(4, count); }); it('should support one-time callback function on Nodes set in `e.detail.serialize`', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('foo')); // `node` must be inside the DOM for the "serialize" event to bubble document.body.appendChild(node); var count = 0; function callback (e) { count++; if (2 === count) { assert.equal('foo', e.serializeTarget.nodeValue); var text = document.createTextNode('bar'); e.detail.serialize = text; } else if (3 === count) { assert.equal('bar', e.serializeTarget.nodeValue); var text = document.createTextNode('baz'); e.detail.serialize = text; } } assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('
', serialize(node, callback)); assert.equal(4, count); }); it('should support one-time callback function on complex Nodes set in `e.detail.serialize`', function () { node = document.createElement('div'); node.appendChild(document.createTextNode('foo')); // `node` must be inside the DOM for the "serialize" event to bubble document.body.appendChild(node); var count = 0; function callback (e) { count++; if (e.serializeTarget.nodeValue === 'foo') { var el = document.createElement('p'); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode('x ')); el.appendChild(document.createElement('i')); el.lastChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode('bar')); e.detail.serialize = el; } } assert.equal(0, count); assert.equal('

x bar

', serialize(node, callback)); assert.equal(6, count); }); }); });