var should = require('should'), needle = require('./../'), decoder = require('./../lib/decoder'), Q = require('q'), chardet = require('jschardet'), fs = require('fs'), http = require('http'), helpers = require('./helpers'); describe('character encoding', function() { this.timeout(5000); function staticServerFor(file, content_type) { return http.createServer(function(req, res) { req.on('data', function(chunk) {}) req.on('end', function() { // We used to pull from a particular site that is no longer up. // This is a local mirror pulled from // fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) { if (err) { res.writeHead(404); res.end(JSON.stringify(err)); return; } res.writeHeader(200, { 'Content-Type': content_type }) res.end(data); }); }) }) } describe('Given content-type: "text/html; charset=EUC-JP"', function() { var server, port = 2233; before(function(done) { server = staticServerFor('test/files/tomcat_charset.html', 'text/html; charset=EUC-JP') server.listen(port, done) url = 'http://localhost:' + port; }) after(function(done) { server.close(done) }) describe('with decode = false', function() { it('does not decode', function(done) { needle.get(url, { decode: false }, function(err, resp) {; chardet.detect(resp.body).encoding.should.eql('windows-1252'); resp.body.indexOf('EUCを使う').should.eql(-1); done(); }) }) }) describe('with decode = true', function() { it('decodes', function(done) { needle.get(url, { decode: true }, function(err, resp) {; chardet.detect(resp.body).encoding.should.eql('ascii'); resp.body.indexOf('EUCを使う').should.not.eql(-1); done(); }) }) }) }) describe('Given content-type: "text/html but file is charset: gb2312', function() { it('encodes to UTF-8', function(done) { // Our Needle wrapper that requests a chinese website. var task = Q.nbind(needle.get, needle, ''); // Different instantiations of this task var tasks = [Q.fcall(task, {decode: true}), Q.fcall(task, {decode: false})]; var results = { return task.then(function(obj) { return obj[0].body; }); }); // Execute all requests concurrently Q.all(results).done(function(bodies) { var charsets = [ chardet.detect(bodies[0]).encoding, chardet.detect(bodies[1]).encoding, ] // We wanted to decode our first stream as specified by options charsets[0].should.equal('ascii'); bodies[0].indexOf('全球中文网站前二十强').should.not.equal(-1); // But not our second stream charsets[1].should.equal('windows-1252'); bodies[1].indexOf('全球中文网站前二十强').should.equal(-1); done(); }); }) }) describe('Given content-type: text/html; charset=maccentraleurope', function() { var server, port = 2233; // from ''; before(function(done) { server = staticServerFor('test/files/Appalachia.html', 'text/html; charset=maccentraleurope') server.listen(port, done) url = 'http://localhost:' + port; }) after(function(done) { server.close(done) }) describe('with decode = false', function() { it('does not decode', function(done) { needle.get(url, { decode: false }, function(err, resp) {; chardet.detect(resp.body).encoding.should.eql('ascii'); done(); }) }) }) describe('with decode = true', function() { it('does not explode', function(done) { (function() { needle.get(url, { decode: true }, function(err, resp) {; chardet.detect(resp.body).encoding.should.eql('ascii'); done(); }) }).should.not.throw(); }) }) }) describe('Given content-type: "text/html"', function () { var server, port = 54321, text = 'Magyarországi Fióktelepe' before(function(done) { server = helpers.server({ port: port, response: text, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/html' } }, done); }) after(function(done) { server.close(done) }) describe('with decode = false', function () { it('decodes by default to utf-8', function (done) { needle.get('http://localhost:' + port, { decode: false }, function (err, resp) {; chardet.detect(resp.body).encoding.should.eql('ISO-8859-2'); resp.body.should.eql('Magyarországi Fióktelepe') done(); }) }) }) }) describe('multibyte characters split across chunks', function () { describe('with encoding = utf-8', function() { var d, result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); before(function(done) { d = decoder('utf-8'); done(); }); it('reassembles split multibyte characters', function (done) { d.on("data", function(chunk){ result = Buffer.concat([ result, chunk ]); }); d.on("end", function(){ result.toString("utf-8").should.eql('慶'); done(); }); // write '慶' in utf-8 split across chunks d.write(Buffer.from([0xE6])); d.write(Buffer.from([0x85])); d.write(Buffer.from([0xB6])); d.end(); }) }) describe('with encoding = euc-jp', function() { var d, result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); before(function(done) { d = decoder('euc-jp'); done(); }); it('reassembles split multibyte characters', function (done) { d.on("data", function(chunk){ result = Buffer.concat([ result, chunk ]); }); d.on("end", function(){ result.toString("utf-8").should.eql('慶'); done(); }); // write '慶' in euc-jp split across chunks d.write(Buffer.from([0xB7])); d.write(Buffer.from([0xC4])); d.end(); }) }) describe('with encoding = gb18030', function() { var d, result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(0); before(function(done) { d = decoder('gb18030'); done(); }); it('reassembles split multibyte characters', function (done) { d.on("data", function(chunk){ result = Buffer.concat([ result, chunk ]); }); d.on("end", function(){ result.toString("utf-8").should.eql('慶'); done(); }); // write '慶' in gb18030 split across chunks d.write(Buffer.from([0x91])); d.write(Buffer.from([0x63])); d.end(); }) }) }) })