const debug = require('debug')('log4js:file'); const path = require('path'); const streams = require('streamroller'); const os = require('os'); const eol = os.EOL; let mainSighupListenerStarted = false; const sighupListeners = new Set(); function mainSighupHandler() { sighupListeners.forEach((app) => { app.sighupHandler(); }); } /** * File Appender writing the logs to a text file. Supports rolling of logs by size. * * @param file the file log messages will be written to * @param layout a function that takes a logEvent and returns a string * (defaults to basicLayout). * @param logSize - the maximum size (in bytes) for a log file, * if not provided then logs won't be rotated. * @param numBackups - the number of log files to keep after logSize * has been reached (default 5) * @param options - options to be passed to the underlying stream * @param timezoneOffset - optional timezone offset in minutes (default system local) */ function fileAppender( file, layout, logSize, numBackups, options, timezoneOffset ) { if (typeof file !== 'string' || file.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid filename: ${file}`); } else if (file.endsWith(path.sep)) { throw new Error(`Filename is a directory: ${file}`); } else if (file.indexOf(`~${path.sep}`) === 0) { // handle ~ expansion: // exclude ~ and ~filename as these can be valid files file = file.replace('~', os.homedir()); } file = path.normalize(file); numBackups = !numBackups && numBackups !== 0 ? 5 : numBackups; debug( 'Creating file appender (', file, ', ', logSize, ', ', numBackups, ', ', options, ', ', timezoneOffset, ')' ); function openTheStream(filePath, fileSize, numFiles, opt) { const stream = new streams.RollingFileStream( filePath, fileSize, numFiles, opt ); stream.on('error', (err) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.error( 'log4js.fileAppender - Writing to file %s, error happened ', filePath, err ); }); stream.on('drain', () => { process.emit('log4js:pause', false); }); return stream; } let writer = openTheStream(file, logSize, numBackups, options); const app = function (loggingEvent) { if (!writer.writable) { return; } if (options.removeColor === true) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const regex = /\x1b[[0-9;]*m/g; = => { if (typeof d === 'string') return d.replace(regex, ''); return d; }); } if (!writer.write(layout(loggingEvent, timezoneOffset) + eol, 'utf8')) { process.emit('log4js:pause', true); } }; app.reopen = function () { writer.end(() => { writer = openTheStream(file, logSize, numBackups, options); }); }; app.sighupHandler = function () { debug('SIGHUP handler called.'); app.reopen(); }; app.shutdown = function (complete) { sighupListeners.delete(app); if (sighupListeners.size === 0 && mainSighupListenerStarted) { process.removeListener('SIGHUP', mainSighupHandler); mainSighupListenerStarted = false; } writer.end('', 'utf-8', complete); }; // On SIGHUP, close and reopen all files. This allows this appender to work with // logrotate. Note that if you are using logrotate, you should not set // `logSize`. sighupListeners.add(app); if (!mainSighupListenerStarted) { process.on('SIGHUP', mainSighupHandler); mainSighupListenerStarted = true; } return app; } function configure(config, layouts) { let layout = layouts.basicLayout; if (config.layout) { layout = layouts.layout(config.layout.type, config.layout); } // security default (instead of relying on streamroller default) config.mode = config.mode || 0o600; return fileAppender( config.filename, layout, config.maxLogSize, config.backups, config, config.timezoneOffset ); } module.exports.configure = configure;