import boolbase from "boolbase"; import { isTraversal } from "../sort.js"; /** Used as a placeholder for :has. Will be replaced with the actual element. */ export const PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT = {}; export function ensureIsTag(next, adapter) { if (next === boolbase.falseFunc) return boolbase.falseFunc; return (elem) => adapter.isTag(elem) && next(elem); } export function getNextSiblings(elem, adapter) { const siblings = adapter.getSiblings(elem); if (siblings.length <= 1) return []; const elemIndex = siblings.indexOf(elem); if (elemIndex < 0 || elemIndex === siblings.length - 1) return []; return siblings.slice(elemIndex + 1).filter(adapter.isTag); } function copyOptions(options) { // Not copied: context, rootFunc return { xmlMode: !!options.xmlMode, lowerCaseAttributeNames: !!options.lowerCaseAttributeNames, lowerCaseTags: !!options.lowerCaseTags, quirksMode: !!options.quirksMode, cacheResults: !!options.cacheResults, pseudos: options.pseudos, adapter: options.adapter, equals: options.equals, }; } const is = (next, token, options, context, compileToken) => { const func = compileToken(token, copyOptions(options), context); return func === boolbase.trueFunc ? next : func === boolbase.falseFunc ? boolbase.falseFunc : (elem) => func(elem) && next(elem); }; /* * :not, :has, :is, :matches and :where have to compile selectors * doing this in src/pseudos.ts would lead to circular dependencies, * so we add them here */ export const subselects = { is, /** * `:matches` and `:where` are aliases for `:is`. */ matches: is, where: is, not(next, token, options, context, compileToken) { const func = compileToken(token, copyOptions(options), context); return func === boolbase.falseFunc ? next : func === boolbase.trueFunc ? boolbase.falseFunc : (elem) => !func(elem) && next(elem); }, has(next, subselect, options, _context, compileToken) { const { adapter } = options; const opts = copyOptions(options); opts.relativeSelector = true; const context = subselect.some((s) => s.some(isTraversal)) ? // Used as a placeholder. Will be replaced with the actual element. [PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT] : undefined; const compiled = compileToken(subselect, opts, context); if (compiled === boolbase.falseFunc) return boolbase.falseFunc; const hasElement = ensureIsTag(compiled, adapter); // If `compiled` is `trueFunc`, we can skip this. if (context && compiled !== boolbase.trueFunc) { /* * `shouldTestNextSiblings` will only be true if the query starts with * a traversal (sibling or adjacent). That means we will always have a context. */ const { shouldTestNextSiblings = false } = compiled; return (elem) => { if (!next(elem)) return false; context[0] = elem; const childs = adapter.getChildren(elem); const nextElements = shouldTestNextSiblings ? [...childs, ...getNextSiblings(elem, adapter)] : childs; return adapter.existsOne(hasElement, nextElements); }; } return (elem) => next(elem) && adapter.existsOne(hasElement, adapter.getChildren(elem)); }, }; //#