import { parse, SelectorType } from "css-what"; import boolbase from "boolbase"; import sortRules, { isTraversal } from "./sort.js"; import { compileGeneralSelector } from "./general.js"; import { ensureIsTag, PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT, } from "./pseudo-selectors/subselects.js"; /** * Compiles a selector to an executable function. * * @param selector Selector to compile. * @param options Compilation options. * @param context Optional context for the selector. */ export function compile(selector, options, context) { const next = compileUnsafe(selector, options, context); return ensureIsTag(next, options.adapter); } export function compileUnsafe(selector, options, context) { const token = typeof selector === "string" ? parse(selector) : selector; return compileToken(token, options, context); } function includesScopePseudo(t) { return (t.type === SelectorType.Pseudo && ( === "scope" || (Array.isArray( && => data.some(includesScopePseudo))))); } const DESCENDANT_TOKEN = { type: SelectorType.Descendant }; const FLEXIBLE_DESCENDANT_TOKEN = { type: "_flexibleDescendant", }; const SCOPE_TOKEN = { type: SelectorType.Pseudo, name: "scope", data: null, }; /* * CSS 4 Spec (Draft): 3.4.1. Absolutizing a Relative Selector * */ function absolutize(token, { adapter }, context) { // TODO Use better check if the context is a document const hasContext = !!(context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.every((e) => { const parent = adapter.isTag(e) && adapter.getParent(e); return e === PLACEHOLDER_ELEMENT || (parent && adapter.isTag(parent)); })); for (const t of token) { if (t.length > 0 && isTraversal(t[0]) && t[0].type !== SelectorType.Descendant) { // Don't continue in else branch } else if (hasContext && !t.some(includesScopePseudo)) { t.unshift(DESCENDANT_TOKEN); } else { continue; } t.unshift(SCOPE_TOKEN); } } export function compileToken(token, options, context) { var _a; token.forEach(sortRules); context = (_a = options.context) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : context; const isArrayContext = Array.isArray(context); const finalContext = context && (Array.isArray(context) ? context : [context]); // Check if the selector is relative if (options.relativeSelector !== false) { absolutize(token, options, finalContext); } else if (token.some((t) => t.length > 0 && isTraversal(t[0]))) { throw new Error("Relative selectors are not allowed when the `relativeSelector` option is disabled"); } let shouldTestNextSiblings = false; const query = token .map((rules) => { if (rules.length >= 2) { const [first, second] = rules; if (first.type !== SelectorType.Pseudo || !== "scope") { // Ignore } else if (isArrayContext && second.type === SelectorType.Descendant) { rules[1] = FLEXIBLE_DESCENDANT_TOKEN; } else if (second.type === SelectorType.Adjacent || second.type === SelectorType.Sibling) { shouldTestNextSiblings = true; } } return compileRules(rules, options, finalContext); }) .reduce(reduceRules, boolbase.falseFunc); query.shouldTestNextSiblings = shouldTestNextSiblings; return query; } function compileRules(rules, options, context) { var _a; return rules.reduce((previous, rule) => previous === boolbase.falseFunc ? boolbase.falseFunc : compileGeneralSelector(previous, rule, options, context, compileToken), (_a = options.rootFunc) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : boolbase.trueFunc); } function reduceRules(a, b) { if (b === boolbase.falseFunc || a === boolbase.trueFunc) { return a; } if (a === boolbase.falseFunc || b === boolbase.trueFunc) { return b; } return function combine(elem) { return a(elem) || b(elem); }; } //#