'use strict' const util = require('util') const constants = require('../constants') const helper = require('../helper') const BaseReporter = function (formatError, reportSlow, useColors, browserConsoleLogOptions, adapter) { this.adapters = [adapter || process.stdout.write.bind(process.stdout)] this.USE_COLORS = false this.EXCLUSIVELY_USE_COLORS = undefined this.LOG_SINGLE_BROWSER = '%s: %s\n' this.LOG_MULTI_BROWSER = '%s %s: %s\n' this.SPEC_FAILURE = '%s %s FAILED' + '\n' this.SPEC_SLOW = '%s SLOW %s: %s\n' this.ERROR = '%s ERROR\n' this.FINISHED_ERROR = ' ERROR' this.FINISHED_SUCCESS = ' SUCCESS' this.FINISHED_DISCONNECTED = ' DISCONNECTED' this.X_FAILED = ' (%d FAILED)' this.TOTAL_SUCCESS = 'TOTAL: %d SUCCESS\n' this.TOTAL_FAILED = 'TOTAL: %d FAILED, %d SUCCESS\n' this.onRunStart = () => { this._browsers = [] } this.onBrowserStart = (browser) => { this._browsers.push(browser) } this.renderBrowser = (browser) => { const results = browser.lastResult const totalExecuted = results.success + results.failed let msg = `${browser}: Executed ${totalExecuted} of ${results.total}` if (results.failed) { msg += util.format(this.X_FAILED, results.failed) } if (results.skipped) { msg += ` (skipped ${results.skipped})` } if (browser.isConnected) { if (results.disconnected) { msg += this.FINISHED_DISCONNECTED } else if (results.error) { msg += this.FINISHED_ERROR } else if (!results.failed) { msg += this.FINISHED_SUCCESS } msg += ` (${helper.formatTimeInterval(results.totalTime)} / ${helper.formatTimeInterval(results.netTime)})` } return msg } this.write = function () { const msg = util.format.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)) this.adapters.forEach((adapter) => { if (!helper.isDefined(adapter.colors)) { adapter.colors = useColors } if (!helper.isDefined(this.EXCLUSIVELY_USE_COLORS) || adapter.colors === this.EXCLUSIVELY_USE_COLORS) { return adapter(msg) } }) } this.writeCommonMsg = function () { this.write.apply(this, arguments) } this.onBrowserError = (browser, error) => { this.writeCommonMsg(util.format(this.ERROR, browser) + formatError(error, ' ')) } this.onBrowserLog = (browser, log, type) => { if (!browserConsoleLogOptions || !browserConsoleLogOptions.terminal) return type = type.toUpperCase() if (browserConsoleLogOptions.level) { const logPriority = constants.LOG_PRIORITIES.indexOf(browserConsoleLogOptions.level.toUpperCase()) if (constants.LOG_PRIORITIES.indexOf(type) > logPriority) return } if (!helper.isString(log)) { // TODO(vojta): change util to new syntax (config object) log = util.inspect(log, false, undefined, this.USE_COLORS) } if (this._browsers && this._browsers.length === 1) { this.writeCommonMsg(util.format(this.LOG_SINGLE_BROWSER, type, log)) } else { this.writeCommonMsg(util.format(this.LOG_MULTI_BROWSER, browser, type, log)) } } this.onSpecComplete = (browser, result) => { if (result.skipped) { this.specSkipped(browser, result) } else if (result.success) { this.specSuccess(browser, result) } else { this.specFailure(browser, result) } if (reportSlow && result.time > reportSlow) { const specName = result.suite.join(' ') + ' ' + result.description const time = helper.formatTimeInterval(result.time) this.writeCommonMsg(util.format(this.SPEC_SLOW, browser, time, specName)) } } this.specSuccess = () => { } this.specSkipped = () => { } this.specFailure = (browser, result) => { const specName = result.suite.join(' ') + ' ' + result.description let msg = util.format(this.SPEC_FAILURE, browser, specName) result.log.forEach((log) => { msg += formatError(log, '\t') }) this.writeCommonMsg(msg) } this.onRunComplete = (browsers, results) => { if (browsers.length >= 1 && !results.error && !results.disconnected) { if (!results.failed) { this.write(this.TOTAL_SUCCESS, results.success) } else { this.write(this.TOTAL_FAILED, results.failed, results.success) } } } } BaseReporter.decoratorFactory = function (formatError, reportSlow, useColors, browserConsoleLogOptions) { return function (self) { BaseReporter.call(self, formatError, reportSlow, useColors, browserConsoleLogOptions) } } BaseReporter.decoratorFactory.$inject = [ 'formatError', 'config.reportSlowerThan', 'config.colors', 'config.browserConsoleLogOptions' ] // PUBLISH module.exports = BaseReporter