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2024-02-08 19:38:41 -05:00
import path from 'path';
import { readFile } from 'fs';
import prettyBytes from 'pretty-bytes';
import { selectOne, selectAll } from 'css-select';
import { parseDocument, DomUtils } from 'htmlparser2';
import { Element, Text } from 'domhandler';
import render from 'dom-serializer';
import { parse as parse$1, stringify } from 'postcss';
import chalk from 'chalk';
var SelectorType;
(function (SelectorType) {
SelectorType["Attribute"] = "attribute";
SelectorType["Pseudo"] = "pseudo";
SelectorType["PseudoElement"] = "pseudo-element";
SelectorType["Tag"] = "tag";
SelectorType["Universal"] = "universal";
// Traversals
SelectorType["Adjacent"] = "adjacent";
SelectorType["Child"] = "child";
SelectorType["Descendant"] = "descendant";
SelectorType["Parent"] = "parent";
SelectorType["Sibling"] = "sibling";
SelectorType["ColumnCombinator"] = "column-combinator";
})(SelectorType || (SelectorType = {}));
var AttributeAction;
(function (AttributeAction) {
AttributeAction["Any"] = "any";
AttributeAction["Element"] = "element";
AttributeAction["End"] = "end";
AttributeAction["Equals"] = "equals";
AttributeAction["Exists"] = "exists";
AttributeAction["Hyphen"] = "hyphen";
AttributeAction["Not"] = "not";
AttributeAction["Start"] = "start";
})(AttributeAction || (AttributeAction = {}));
const reName = /^[^\\#]?(?:\\(?:[\da-f]{1,6}\s?|.)|[\w\-\u00b0-\uFFFF])+/;
const reEscape = /\\([\da-f]{1,6}\s?|(\s)|.)/gi;
const actionTypes = new Map([
[126 /* Tilde */, AttributeAction.Element],
[94 /* Circumflex */, AttributeAction.Start],
[36 /* Dollar */, AttributeAction.End],
[42 /* Asterisk */, AttributeAction.Any],
[33 /* ExclamationMark */, AttributeAction.Not],
[124 /* Pipe */, AttributeAction.Hyphen],
// Pseudos, whose data property is parsed as well.
const unpackPseudos = new Set([
* Checks whether a specific selector is a traversal.
* This is useful eg. in swapping the order of elements that
* are not traversals.
* @param selector Selector to check.
function isTraversal(selector) {
switch (selector.type) {
case SelectorType.Adjacent:
case SelectorType.Child:
case SelectorType.Descendant:
case SelectorType.Parent:
case SelectorType.Sibling:
case SelectorType.ColumnCombinator:
return true;
return false;
const stripQuotesFromPseudos = new Set(["contains", "icontains"]);
// Unescape function taken from
function funescape(_, escaped, escapedWhitespace) {
const high = parseInt(escaped, 16) - 0x10000;
// NaN means non-codepoint
return high !== high || escapedWhitespace
? escaped
: high < 0
? // BMP codepoint
String.fromCharCode(high + 0x10000)
: // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
String.fromCharCode((high >> 10) | 0xd800, (high & 0x3ff) | 0xdc00);
function unescapeCSS(str) {
return str.replace(reEscape, funescape);
function isQuote(c) {
return c === 39 /* SingleQuote */ || c === 34 /* DoubleQuote */;
function isWhitespace(c) {
return (c === 32 /* Space */ ||
c === 9 /* Tab */ ||
c === 10 /* NewLine */ ||
c === 12 /* FormFeed */ ||
c === 13 /* CarriageReturn */);
* Parses `selector`, optionally with the passed `options`.
* @param selector Selector to parse.
* @param options Options for parsing.
* @returns Returns a two-dimensional array.
* The first dimension represents selectors separated by commas (eg. `sub1, sub2`),
* the second contains the relevant tokens for that selector.
function parse(selector) {
const subselects = [];
const endIndex = parseSelector(subselects, `${selector}`, 0);
if (endIndex < selector.length) {
throw new Error(`Unmatched selector: ${selector.slice(endIndex)}`);
return subselects;
function parseSelector(subselects, selector, selectorIndex) {
let tokens = [];
function getName(offset) {
const match = selector.slice(selectorIndex + offset).match(reName);
if (!match) {
throw new Error(`Expected name, found ${selector.slice(selectorIndex)}`);
const [name] = match;
selectorIndex += offset + name.length;
return unescapeCSS(name);
function stripWhitespace(offset) {
selectorIndex += offset;
while (selectorIndex < selector.length &&
isWhitespace(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex))) {
function readValueWithParenthesis() {
selectorIndex += 1;
const start = selectorIndex;
let counter = 1;
for (; counter > 0 && selectorIndex < selector.length; selectorIndex++) {
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) ===
40 /* LeftParenthesis */ &&
!isEscaped(selectorIndex)) {
else if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) ===
41 /* RightParenthesis */ &&
!isEscaped(selectorIndex)) {
if (counter) {
throw new Error("Parenthesis not matched");
return unescapeCSS(selector.slice(start, selectorIndex - 1));
function isEscaped(pos) {
let slashCount = 0;
while (selector.charCodeAt(--pos) === 92 /* BackSlash */)
return (slashCount & 1) === 1;
function ensureNotTraversal() {
if (tokens.length > 0 && isTraversal(tokens[tokens.length - 1])) {
throw new Error("Did not expect successive traversals.");
function addTraversal(type) {
if (tokens.length > 0 &&
tokens[tokens.length - 1].type === SelectorType.Descendant) {
tokens[tokens.length - 1].type = type;
tokens.push({ type });
function addSpecialAttribute(name, action) {
type: SelectorType.Attribute,
value: getName(1),
namespace: null,
ignoreCase: "quirks",
* We have finished parsing the current part of the selector.
* Remove descendant tokens at the end if they exist,
* and return the last index, so that parsing can be
* picked up from here.
function finalizeSubselector() {
if (tokens.length &&
tokens[tokens.length - 1].type === SelectorType.Descendant) {
if (tokens.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Empty sub-selector");
if (selector.length === selectorIndex) {
return selectorIndex;
loop: while (selectorIndex < selector.length) {
const firstChar = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex);
switch (firstChar) {
// Whitespace
case 32 /* Space */:
case 9 /* Tab */:
case 10 /* NewLine */:
case 12 /* FormFeed */:
case 13 /* CarriageReturn */: {
if (tokens.length === 0 ||
tokens[0].type !== SelectorType.Descendant) {
tokens.push({ type: SelectorType.Descendant });
// Traversals
case 62 /* GreaterThan */: {
case 60 /* LessThan */: {
case 126 /* Tilde */: {
case 43 /* Plus */: {
// Special attribute selectors: .class, #id
case 46 /* Period */: {
addSpecialAttribute("class", AttributeAction.Element);
case 35 /* Hash */: {
addSpecialAttribute("id", AttributeAction.Equals);
case 91 /* LeftSquareBracket */: {
// Determine attribute name and namespace
let name;
let namespace = null;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124 /* Pipe */) {
// Equivalent to no namespace
name = getName(1);
else if (selector.startsWith("*|", selectorIndex)) {
namespace = "*";
name = getName(2);
else {
name = getName(0);
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124 /* Pipe */ &&
selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !==
61 /* Equal */) {
namespace = name;
name = getName(1);
// Determine comparison operation
let action = AttributeAction.Exists;
const possibleAction = actionTypes.get(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex));
if (possibleAction) {
action = possibleAction;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !==
61 /* Equal */) {
throw new Error("Expected `=`");
else if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 61 /* Equal */) {
action = AttributeAction.Equals;
// Determine value
let value = "";
let ignoreCase = null;
if (action !== "exists") {
if (isQuote(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex))) {
const quote = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex);
let sectionEnd = selectorIndex + 1;
while (sectionEnd < selector.length &&
(selector.charCodeAt(sectionEnd) !== quote ||
isEscaped(sectionEnd))) {
sectionEnd += 1;
if (selector.charCodeAt(sectionEnd) !== quote) {
throw new Error("Attribute value didn't end");
value = unescapeCSS(selector.slice(selectorIndex + 1, sectionEnd));
selectorIndex = sectionEnd + 1;
else {
const valueStart = selectorIndex;
while (selectorIndex < selector.length &&
((!isWhitespace(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex)) &&
selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !==
93 /* RightSquareBracket */) ||
isEscaped(selectorIndex))) {
selectorIndex += 1;
value = unescapeCSS(selector.slice(valueStart, selectorIndex));
// See if we have a force ignore flag
const forceIgnore = selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) | 0x20;
// If the forceIgnore flag is set (either `i` or `s`), use that value
if (forceIgnore === 115 /* LowerS */) {
ignoreCase = false;
else if (forceIgnore === 105 /* LowerI */) {
ignoreCase = true;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !==
93 /* RightSquareBracket */) {
throw new Error("Attribute selector didn't terminate");
selectorIndex += 1;
const attributeSelector = {
type: SelectorType.Attribute,
case 58 /* Colon */: {
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) === 58 /* Colon */) {
type: SelectorType.PseudoElement,
name: getName(2).toLowerCase(),
data: selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) ===
40 /* LeftParenthesis */
? readValueWithParenthesis()
: null,
const name = getName(1).toLowerCase();
let data = null;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) ===
40 /* LeftParenthesis */) {
if (unpackPseudos.has(name)) {
if (isQuote(selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1))) {
throw new Error(`Pseudo-selector ${name} cannot be quoted`);
data = [];
selectorIndex = parseSelector(data, selector, selectorIndex + 1);
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) !==
41 /* RightParenthesis */) {
throw new Error(`Missing closing parenthesis in :${name} (${selector})`);
selectorIndex += 1;
else {
data = readValueWithParenthesis();
if (stripQuotesFromPseudos.has(name)) {
const quot = data.charCodeAt(0);
if (quot === data.charCodeAt(data.length - 1) &&
isQuote(quot)) {
data = data.slice(1, -1);
data = unescapeCSS(data);
tokens.push({ type: SelectorType.Pseudo, name, data });
case 44 /* Comma */: {
tokens = [];
default: {
if (selector.startsWith("/*", selectorIndex)) {
const endIndex = selector.indexOf("*/", selectorIndex + 2);
if (endIndex < 0) {
throw new Error("Comment was not terminated");
selectorIndex = endIndex + 2;
// Remove leading whitespace
if (tokens.length === 0) {
let namespace = null;
let name;
if (firstChar === 42 /* Asterisk */) {
selectorIndex += 1;
name = "*";
else if (firstChar === 124 /* Pipe */) {
name = "";
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) === 124 /* Pipe */) {
else if (reName.test(selector.slice(selectorIndex))) {
name = getName(0);
else {
break loop;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex) === 124 /* Pipe */ &&
selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) !== 124 /* Pipe */) {
namespace = name;
if (selector.charCodeAt(selectorIndex + 1) ===
42 /* Asterisk */) {
name = "*";
selectorIndex += 2;
else {
name = getName(1);
tokens.push(name === "*"
? { type: SelectorType.Universal, namespace }
: { type: SelectorType.Tag, name, namespace });
return selectorIndex;
* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
let classCache = null;
let idCache = null;
function buildCache(container) {
classCache = new Set();
idCache = new Set();
const queue = [container];
while (queue.length) {
const node = queue.shift();
if (node.hasAttribute('class')) {
const classList = node.getAttribute('class').trim().split(' ');
classList.forEach(cls => {
if (node.hasAttribute('id')) {
const id = node.getAttribute('id').trim();
queue.push(...node.children.filter(child => child.type === 'tag'));
* Parse HTML into a mutable, serializable DOM Document.
* The DOM implementation is an htmlparser2 DOM enhanced with basic DOM mutation methods.
* @param {String} html HTML to parse into a Document instance
function createDocument(html) {
const document =
/** @type {HTMLDocument} */
parseDocument(html, {
decodeEntities: false
defineProperties(document, DocumentExtensions); // Extend Element.prototype with DOM manipulation methods.
defineProperties(Element.prototype, ElementExtensions); // Critters container is the viewport to evaluate critical CSS
let crittersContainer = document.querySelector('[data-critters-container]');
if (!crittersContainer) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-critters-container', '');
crittersContainer = document.documentElement;
document.crittersContainer = crittersContainer;
return document;
* Serialize a Document to an HTML String
* @param {HTMLDocument} document A Document, such as one created via `createDocument()`
function serializeDocument(document) {
return render(document, {
decodeEntities: false
/** @typedef {treeAdapter.Document & typeof ElementExtensions} HTMLDocument */
* Methods and descriptors to mix into Element.prototype
* @private
const ElementExtensions = {
/** @extends treeAdapter.Element.prototype */
nodeName: {
get() {
return this.tagName.toUpperCase();
id: reflectedProperty('id'),
className: reflectedProperty('class'),
insertBefore(child, referenceNode) {
if (!referenceNode) return this.appendChild(child);
DomUtils.prepend(referenceNode, child);
return child;
appendChild(child) {
DomUtils.appendChild(this, child);
return child;
removeChild(child) {
remove() {
textContent: {
get() {
return DomUtils.getText(this);
set(text) {
this.children = [];
DomUtils.appendChild(this, new Text(text));
setAttribute(name, value) {
if (this.attribs == null) this.attribs = {};
if (value == null) value = '';
this.attribs[name] = value;
removeAttribute(name) {
if (this.attribs != null) {
delete this.attribs[name];
getAttribute(name) {
return this.attribs != null && this.attribs[name];
hasAttribute(name) {
return this.attribs != null && this.attribs[name] != null;
getAttributeNode(name) {
const value = this.getAttribute(name);
if (value != null) return {
specified: true,
exists(sel) {
return cachedQuerySelector(sel, this);
querySelector(sel) {
return selectOne(sel, this);
querySelectorAll(sel) {
return selectAll(sel, this);
* Methods and descriptors to mix into the global document instance
* @private
const DocumentExtensions = {
/** @extends treeAdapter.Document.prototype */
// document is just an Element in htmlparser2, giving it a nodeType of ELEMENT_NODE.
// TODO: verify if these are needed for css-select
nodeType: {
get() {
return 9;
contentType: {
get() {
return 'text/html';
nodeName: {
get() {
return '#document';
documentElement: {
get() {
// Find the first <html> element within the document
return this.children.find(child => String(child.tagName).toLowerCase() === 'html');
head: {
get() {
return this.querySelector('head');
body: {
get() {
return this.querySelector('body');
createElement(name) {
return new Element(name);
createTextNode(text) {
// there is no dedicated createTextNode equivalent exposed in htmlparser2's DOM
return new Text(text);
exists(sel) {
return cachedQuerySelector(sel, this);
querySelector(sel) {
return selectOne(sel, this);
querySelectorAll(sel) {
if (sel === ':root') {
return this;
return selectAll(sel, this);
* Essentially `Object.defineProperties()`, except function values are assigned as value descriptors for convenience.
* @private
function defineProperties(obj, properties) {
for (const i in properties) {
const value = properties[i];
Object.defineProperty(obj, i, typeof value === 'function' ? {
} : value);
* Create a property descriptor defining a getter/setter pair alias for a named attribute.
* @private
function reflectedProperty(attributeName) {
return {
get() {
return this.getAttribute(attributeName);
set(value) {
this.setAttribute(attributeName, value);
function cachedQuerySelector(sel, node) {
const selectorTokens = parse(sel);
for (const tokens of selectorTokens) {
// Check if the selector is a class selector
if (tokens.length === 1) {
const token = tokens[0];
if (token.type === 'attribute' && === 'class') {
return classCache.has(token.value);
if (token.type === 'attribute' && === 'id') {
return idCache.has(token.value);
return !!selectOne(sel, node);
* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* Parse a textual CSS Stylesheet into a Stylesheet instance.
* Stylesheet is a mutable postcss AST with format similar to CSSOM.
* @see
* @private
* @param {String} stylesheet
* @returns {css.Stylesheet} ast
function parseStylesheet(stylesheet) {
return parse$1(stylesheet);
* Serialize a postcss Stylesheet to a String of CSS.
* @private
* @param {css.Stylesheet} ast A Stylesheet to serialize, such as one returned from `parseStylesheet()`
* @param {Object} options Options used by the stringify logic
* @param {Boolean} [options.compress] Compress CSS output (removes comments, whitespace, etc)
function serializeStylesheet(ast, options) {
let cssStr = '';
stringify(ast, (result, node, type) => {
var _node$raws;
if (!options.compress) {
cssStr += result;
} // Simple minification logic
if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.type) === 'comment') return;
if ((node == null ? void 0 : node.type) === 'decl') {
const prefix = node.prop + node.raws.between;
cssStr += result.replace(prefix, prefix.trim());
if (type === 'start') {
if (node.type === 'rule' && node.selectors) {
cssStr += node.selectors.join(',') + '{';
} else {
cssStr += result.replace(/\s\{$/, '{');
if (type === 'end' && result === '}' && node != null && (_node$raws = node.raws) != null && _node$raws.semicolon) {
cssStr = cssStr.slice(0, -1);
cssStr += result.trim();
return cssStr;
* Converts a walkStyleRules() iterator to mark nodes with `.$$remove=true` instead of actually removing them.
* This means they can be removed in a second pass, allowing the first pass to be nondestructive (eg: to preserve mirrored sheets).
* @private
* @param {Function} iterator Invoked on each node in the tree. Return `false` to remove that node.
* @returns {(rule) => void} nonDestructiveIterator
function markOnly(predicate) {
return rule => {
const sel = rule.selectors;
if (predicate(rule) === false) {
rule.$$remove = true;
rule.$$markedSelectors = rule.selectors;
if (rule._other) {
rule._other.$$markedSelectors = rule._other.selectors;
rule.selectors = sel;
* Apply filtered selectors to a rule from a previous markOnly run.
* @private
* @param {css.Rule} rule The Rule to apply marked selectors to (if they exist).
function applyMarkedSelectors(rule) {
if (rule.$$markedSelectors) {
rule.selectors = rule.$$markedSelectors;
if (rule._other) {
* Recursively walk all rules in a stylesheet.
* @private
* @param {css.Rule} node A Stylesheet or Rule to descend into.
* @param {Function} iterator Invoked on each node in the tree. Return `false` to remove that node.
function walkStyleRules(node, iterator) {
node.nodes = node.nodes.filter(rule => {
if (hasNestedRules(rule)) {
walkStyleRules(rule, iterator);
rule._other = undefined;
rule.filterSelectors = filterSelectors;
return iterator(rule) !== false;
* Recursively walk all rules in two identical stylesheets, filtering nodes into one or the other based on a predicate.
* @private
* @param {css.Rule} node A Stylesheet or Rule to descend into.
* @param {css.Rule} node2 A second tree identical to `node`
* @param {Function} iterator Invoked on each node in the tree. Return `false` to remove that node from the first tree, true to remove it from the second.
function walkStyleRulesWithReverseMirror(node, node2, iterator) {
if (node2 === null) return walkStyleRules(node, iterator);
[node.nodes, node2.nodes] = splitFilter(node.nodes, node2.nodes, (rule, index, rules, rules2) => {
const rule2 = rules2[index];
if (hasNestedRules(rule)) {
walkStyleRulesWithReverseMirror(rule, rule2, iterator);
rule._other = rule2;
rule.filterSelectors = filterSelectors;
return iterator(rule) !== false;
} // Checks if a node has nested rules, like @media
// @keyframes are an exception since they are evaluated as a whole
function hasNestedRules(rule) {
return rule.nodes && rule.nodes.length && rule.nodes.some(n => n.type === 'rule' || n.type === 'atrule') && !== 'keyframes' && !== '-webkit-keyframes';
} // Like [].filter(), but applies the opposite filtering result to a second copy of the Array without a second pass.
// This is just a quicker version of generating the compliment of the set returned from a filter operation.
function splitFilter(a, b, predicate) {
const aOut = [];
const bOut = [];
for (let index = 0; index < a.length; index++) {
if (predicate(a[index], index, a, b)) {
} else {
return [aOut, bOut];
} // can be invoked on a style rule to subset its selectors (with reverse mirroring)
function filterSelectors(predicate) {
if (this._other) {
const [a, b] = splitFilter(this.selectors, this._other.selectors, predicate);
this.selectors = a;
this._other.selectors = b;
} else {
this.selectors = this.selectors.filter(predicate);
const LOG_LEVELS = ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'];
const defaultLogger = {
trace(msg) {
debug(msg) {
warn(msg) {
error(msg) {
info(msg) {;
silent() {}
function createLogger(logLevel) {
const logLevelIdx = LOG_LEVELS.indexOf(logLevel);
return LOG_LEVELS.reduce((logger, type, index) => {
if (index >= logLevelIdx) {
logger[type] = defaultLogger[type];
} else {
logger[type] = defaultLogger.silent;
return logger;
}, {});
* Copyright 2018 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
* The mechanism to use for lazy-loading stylesheets.
* Note: <kbd>JS</kbd> indicates a strategy requiring JavaScript (falls back to `<noscript>` unless disabled).
* - **default:** Move stylesheet links to the end of the document and insert preload meta tags in their place.
* - **"body":** Move all external stylesheet links to the end of the document.
* - **"media":** Load stylesheets asynchronously by adding `media="not x"` and removing once loaded. <kbd>JS</kbd>
* - **"swap":** Convert stylesheet links to preloads that swap to `rel="stylesheet"` once loaded ([details]( <kbd>JS</kbd>
* - **"swap-high":** Use `<link rel="alternate stylesheet preload">` and swap to `rel="stylesheet"` once loaded ([details]( <kbd>JS</kbd>
* - **"js":** Inject an asynchronous CSS loader similar to [LoadCSS]( and use it to load stylesheets. <kbd>JS</kbd>
* - **"js-lazy":** Like `"js"`, but the stylesheet is disabled until fully loaded.
* - **false:** Disables adding preload tags.
* @typedef {(default|'body'|'media'|'swap'|'swap-high'|'js'|'js-lazy')} PreloadStrategy
* @public
* Controls which keyframes rules are inlined.
* - **"critical":** _(default)_ inline keyframes rules that are used by the critical CSS.
* - **"all":** Inline all keyframes rules.
* - **"none":** Remove all keyframes rules.
* @typedef {('critical'|'all'|'none')} KeyframeStrategy
* @private
* @property {String} keyframes Which {@link KeyframeStrategy keyframe strategy} to use (default: `critical`)_
* Controls log level of the plugin. Specifies the level the logger should use. A logger will
* not produce output for any log level beneath the specified level. Available levels and order
* are:
* - **"info"** _(default)_
* - **"warn"**
* - **"error"**
* - **"trace"**
* - **"debug"**
* - **"silent"**
* @typedef {('info'|'warn'|'error'|'trace'|'debug'|'silent')} LogLevel
* @public
* Custom logger interface:
* @typedef {object} Logger
* @public
* @property {function(String)} trace - Prints a trace message
* @property {function(String)} debug - Prints a debug message
* @property {function(String)} info - Prints an information message
* @property {function(String)} warn - Prints a warning message
* @property {function(String)} error - Prints an error message
* All optional. Pass them to `new Critters({ ... })`.
* @public
* @typedef Options
* @property {String} path Base path location of the CSS files _(default: `''`)_
* @property {String} publicPath Public path of the CSS resources. This prefix is removed from the href _(default: `''`)_
* @property {Boolean} external Inline styles from external stylesheets _(default: `true`)_
* @property {Number} inlineThreshold Inline external stylesheets smaller than a given size _(default: `0`)_
* @property {Number} minimumExternalSize If the non-critical external stylesheet would be below this size, just inline it _(default: `0`)_
* @property {Boolean} pruneSource Remove inlined rules from the external stylesheet _(default: `false`)_
* @property {Boolean} mergeStylesheets Merged inlined stylesheets into a single `<style>` tag _(default: `true`)_
* @property {String[]} additionalStylesheets Glob for matching other stylesheets to be used while looking for critical CSS.
* @property {String} preload Which {@link PreloadStrategy preload strategy} to use
* @property {Boolean} noscriptFallback Add `<noscript>` fallback to JS-based strategies
* @property {Boolean} inlineFonts Inline critical font-face rules _(default: `false`)_
* @property {Boolean} preloadFonts Preloads critical fonts _(default: `true`)_
* @property {Boolean} fonts Shorthand for setting `inlineFonts` + `preloadFonts`
* - Values:
* - `true` to inline critical font-face rules and preload the fonts
* - `false` to don't inline any font-face rules and don't preload fonts
* @property {String} keyframes Controls which keyframes rules are inlined.
* - Values:
* - `"critical"`: _(default)_ inline keyframes rules used by the critical CSS
* - `"all"` inline all keyframes rules
* - `"none"` remove all keyframes rules
* @property {Boolean} compress Compress resulting critical CSS _(default: `true`)_
* @property {String} logLevel Controls {@link LogLevel log level} of the plugin _(default: `"info"`)_
* @property {object} logger Provide a custom logger interface {@link Logger logger}
class Critters {
/** @private */
constructor(options) {
this.options = Object.assign({
logLevel: 'info',
path: '',
publicPath: '',
reduceInlineStyles: true,
pruneSource: false,
additionalStylesheets: [],
allowRules: []
}, options || {});
this.urlFilter = this.options.filter;
if (this.urlFilter instanceof RegExp) {
this.urlFilter = this.urlFilter.test.bind(this.urlFilter);
this.logger = this.options.logger || createLogger(this.options.logLevel);
* Read the contents of a file from the specified filesystem or disk
readFile(filename) {
const fs = this.fs;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);else resolve(data);
if (fs && fs.readFile) {
fs.readFile(filename, callback);
} else {
readFile(filename, 'utf8', callback);
* Apply critical CSS processing to the html
async process(html) {
const start = process.hrtime.bigint(); // Parse the generated HTML in a DOM we can mutate
const document = createDocument(html);
if (this.options.additionalStylesheets.length > 0) {
} // `external:false` skips processing of external sheets
if (this.options.external !== false) {
const externalSheets = []'link[rel="stylesheet"]'));
await Promise.all( => this.embedLinkedStylesheet(link, document)));
} // go through all the style tags in the document and reduce them to only critical CSS
const styles = this.getAffectedStyleTags(document);
await Promise.all( => this.processStyle(style, document)));
if (this.options.mergeStylesheets !== false && styles.length !== 0) {
await this.mergeStylesheets(document);
} // serialize the document back to HTML and we're done
const output = serializeDocument(document);
const end = process.hrtime.bigint();'Time ' + parseFloat(end - start) / 1000000.0);
return output;
* Get the style tags that need processing
getAffectedStyleTags(document) {
const styles = []'style')); // `inline:false` skips processing of inline stylesheets
if (this.options.reduceInlineStyles === false) {
return styles.filter(style => style.$$external);
return styles;
async mergeStylesheets(document) {
const styles = this.getAffectedStyleTags(document);
if (styles.length === 0) {
this.logger.warn('Merging inline stylesheets into a single <style> tag skipped, no inline stylesheets to merge');
const first = styles[0];
let sheet = first.textContent;
for (let i = 1; i < styles.length; i++) {
const node = styles[i];
sheet += node.textContent;
first.textContent = sheet;
* Given href, find the corresponding CSS asset
async getCssAsset(href) {
const outputPath = this.options.path;
const publicPath = this.options.publicPath; // CHECK - the output path
// path on disk (with output.publicPath removed)
let normalizedPath = href.replace(/^\//, '');
const pathPrefix = (publicPath || '').replace(/(^\/|\/$)/g, '') + '/';
if (normalizedPath.indexOf(pathPrefix) === 0) {
normalizedPath = normalizedPath.substring(pathPrefix.length).replace(/^\//, '');
} // Ignore remote stylesheets
if (/^https?:\/\//.test(normalizedPath) || href.startsWith('//')) {
return undefined;
const filename = path.resolve(outputPath, normalizedPath);
let sheet;
try {
sheet = await this.readFile(filename);
} catch (e) {
this.logger.warn(`Unable to locate stylesheet: ${filename}`);
return sheet;
checkInlineThreshold(link, style, sheet) {
if (this.options.inlineThreshold && sheet.length < this.options.inlineThreshold) {
const href = style.$$name;
style.$$reduce = false;`\u001b[32mInlined all of ${href} (${sheet.length} was below the threshold of ${this.options.inlineThreshold})\u001b[39m`);
return true;
return false;
* Inline the stylesheets from options.additionalStylesheets (assuming it passes `options.filter`)
async embedAdditionalStylesheet(document) {
const styleSheetsIncluded = [];
const sources = await Promise.all( => {
if (styleSheetsIncluded.includes(cssFile)) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.$$external = true;
return this.getCssAsset(cssFile, style).then(sheet => [sheet, style]);
sources.forEach(([sheet, style]) => {
if (!sheet) return;
style.textContent = sheet;
* Inline the target stylesheet referred to by a <link rel="stylesheet"> (assuming it passes `options.filter`)
async embedLinkedStylesheet(link, document) {
const href = link.getAttribute('href');
const media = link.getAttribute('media');
const preloadMode = this.options.preload; // skip filtered resources, or network resources if no filter is provided
if (this.urlFilter ? this.urlFilter(href) : !(href || '').match(/\.css$/)) {
return Promise.resolve();
} // the reduced critical CSS gets injected into a new <style> tag
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.$$external = true;
const sheet = await this.getCssAsset(href, style);
if (!sheet) {
style.textContent = sheet;
style.$$name = href;
style.$$links = [link];
link.parentNode.insertBefore(style, link);
if (this.checkInlineThreshold(link, style, sheet)) {
} // CSS loader is only injected for the first sheet, then this becomes an empty string
let cssLoaderPreamble = "function $loadcss(u,m,l){(l=document.createElement('link')).rel='stylesheet';l.href=u;document.head.appendChild(l)}";
const lazy = preloadMode === 'js-lazy';
if (lazy) {
cssLoaderPreamble = cssLoaderPreamble.replace('l.href', "'print';l.onload=function(){};l.href");
} // Allow disabling any mutation of the stylesheet link:
if (preloadMode === false) return;
let noscriptFallback = false;
if (preloadMode === 'body') {
} else {
link.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
link.setAttribute('as', 'style');
if (preloadMode === 'js' || preloadMode === 'js-lazy') {
const script = document.createElement('script');
const js = `${cssLoaderPreamble}$loadcss(${JSON.stringify(href)}${lazy ? ',' + JSON.stringify(media || 'all') : ''})`; // script.appendChild(document.createTextNode(js));
script.textContent = js;
link.parentNode.insertBefore(script, link.nextSibling);
cssLoaderPreamble = '';
noscriptFallback = true;
} else if (preloadMode === 'media') {
// @see
link.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
link.setAttribute('media', 'print');
link.setAttribute('onload', `'${media || 'all'}'`);
noscriptFallback = true;
} else if (preloadMode === 'swap-high') {
// @see
link.setAttribute('rel', 'alternate stylesheet preload');
link.setAttribute('title', 'styles');
link.setAttribute('onload', `this.title='';this.rel='stylesheet'`);
noscriptFallback = true;
} else if (preloadMode === 'swap') {
link.setAttribute('onload', "this.rel='stylesheet'");
noscriptFallback = true;
} else {
const bodyLink = document.createElement('link');
bodyLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
if (media) bodyLink.setAttribute('media', media);
bodyLink.setAttribute('href', href);
if (this.options.noscriptFallback !== false && noscriptFallback) {
const noscript = document.createElement('noscript');
const noscriptLink = document.createElement('link');
noscriptLink.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
noscriptLink.setAttribute('href', href);
if (media) noscriptLink.setAttribute('media', media);
link.parentNode.insertBefore(noscript, link.nextSibling);
* Prune the source CSS files
pruneSource(style, before, sheetInverse) {
// if external stylesheet would be below minimum size, just inline everything
const minSize = this.options.minimumExternalSize;
const name = style.$$name;
if (minSize && sheetInverse.length < minSize) {`\u001b[32mInlined all of ${name} (non-critical external stylesheet would have been ${sheetInverse.length}b, which was below the threshold of ${minSize})\u001b[39m`);
style.textContent = before; // remove any associated external resources/loaders:
if (style.$$links) {
for (const link of style.$$links) {
const parent = link.parentNode;
if (parent) parent.removeChild(link);
return true;
return false;
* Parse the stylesheet within a <style> element, then reduce it to contain only rules used by the document.
async processStyle(style, document) {
if (style.$$reduce === false) return;
const name = style.$$name ? style.$$name.replace(/^\//, '') : 'inline CSS';
const options = this.options;
const crittersContainer = document.crittersContainer;
let keyframesMode = options.keyframes || 'critical'; // we also accept a boolean value for options.keyframes
if (keyframesMode === true) keyframesMode = 'all';
if (keyframesMode === false) keyframesMode = 'none';
let sheet = style.textContent; // store a reference to the previous serialized stylesheet for reporting stats
const before = sheet; // Skip empty stylesheets
if (!sheet) return;
const ast = parseStylesheet(sheet);
const astInverse = options.pruneSource ? parseStylesheet(sheet) : null; // a string to search for font names (very loose)
let criticalFonts = '';
const failedSelectors = [];
const criticalKeyframeNames = [];
let includeNext = false;
let includeAll = false;
let excludeNext = false;
let excludeAll = false; // Walk all CSS rules, marking unused rules with `.$$remove=true` for removal in the second pass.
// This first pass is also used to collect font and keyframe usage used in the second pass.
walkStyleRules(ast, markOnly(rule => {
if (rule.type === 'comment') {
const comment = rule.text.trim();
if (comment.startsWith('critters')) {
const command = comment.replace(/^critters:/, '');
switch (command) {
case 'include':
includeNext = true;
case 'exclude':
excludeNext = true;
case 'include start':
includeAll = true;
case 'include end':
includeAll = false;
case 'exclude start':
excludeAll = true;
case 'exclude end':
excludeAll = false;
if (rule.type === 'rule') {
// Handle comment based markers
if (includeNext) {
includeNext = false;
return true;
if (excludeNext) {
excludeNext = false;
return false;
if (includeAll) {
return true;
if (excludeAll) {
return false;
} // Filter the selector list down to only those match
rule.filterSelectors(sel => {
// Validate rule with 'allowRules' option
const isAllowedRule = options.allowRules.some(exp => {
if (exp instanceof RegExp) {
return exp.test(sel);
return exp === sel;
if (isAllowedRule) return true; // Strip pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, since we only care that their associated elements exist.
// This means any selector for a pseudo-element or having a pseudo-class will be inlined if the rest of the selector matches.
if (sel === ':root' || sel.match(/^::?(before|after)$/) || sel === 'html' || sel === 'body') {
return true;
sel = sel.replace(/(?<!\\)::?[a-z-]+(?![a-z-(])/gi, '').replace(/::?not\(\s*\)/g, '') // Remove tailing or leading commas from cleaned sub selector `is(.active, :hover)` -> `is(.active)`.
.replace(/\(\s*,/g, '(').replace(/,\s*\)/g, ')').trim();
if (!sel) return false;
try {
return crittersContainer.exists(sel);
} catch (e) {
failedSelectors.push(sel + ' -> ' + e.message);
return false;
}); // If there are no matched selectors, remove the rule:
if (!rule.selector) {
return false;
if (rule.nodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < rule.nodes.length; i++) {
const decl = rule.nodes[i]; // detect used fonts
if (decl.prop && decl.prop.match(/\bfont(-family)?\b/i)) {
criticalFonts += ' ' + decl.value;
} // detect used keyframes
if (decl.prop === 'animation' || decl.prop === 'animation-name') {
// @todo: parse animation declarations and extract only the name. for now we'll do a lazy match.
const names = decl.value.split(/\s+/);
for (let j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
const name = names[j].trim();
if (name) criticalKeyframeNames.push(name);
} // keep font rules, they're handled in the second pass:
if (rule.type === 'atrule' && === 'font-face') return; // If there are no remaining rules, remove the whole rule:
const rules = rule.nodes && rule.nodes.filter(rule => !rule.$$remove);
return !rules || rules.length !== 0;
if (failedSelectors.length !== 0) {
this.logger.warn(`${failedSelectors.length} rules skipped due to selector errors:\n ${failedSelectors.join('\n ')}`);
const shouldPreloadFonts = options.fonts === true || options.preloadFonts === true;
const shouldInlineFonts = options.fonts !== false && options.inlineFonts === true;
const preloadedFonts = []; // Second pass, using data picked up from the first
walkStyleRulesWithReverseMirror(ast, astInverse, rule => {
// remove any rules marked in the first pass
if (rule.$$remove === true) return false;
applyMarkedSelectors(rule); // prune @keyframes rules
if (rule.type === 'atrule' && === 'keyframes') {
if (keyframesMode === 'none') return false;
if (keyframesMode === 'all') return true;
return criticalKeyframeNames.indexOf(rule.params) !== -1;
} // prune @font-face rules
if (rule.type === 'atrule' && === 'font-face') {
let family, src;
for (let i = 0; i < rule.nodes.length; i++) {
const decl = rule.nodes[i];
if (decl.prop === 'src') {
// @todo parse this properly and generate multiple preloads with type="font/woff2" etc
src = (decl.value.match(/url\s*\(\s*(['"]?)(.+?)\1\s*\)/) || [])[2];
} else if (decl.prop === 'font-family') {
family = decl.value;
if (src && shouldPreloadFonts && preloadedFonts.indexOf(src) === -1) {
const preload = document.createElement('link');
preload.setAttribute('rel', 'preload');
preload.setAttribute('as', 'font');
preload.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
preload.setAttribute('href', src.trim());
} // if we're missing info, if the font is unused, or if critical font inlining is disabled, remove the rule:
if (!family || !src || criticalFonts.indexOf(family) === -1 || !shouldInlineFonts) {
return false;
sheet = serializeStylesheet(ast, {
compress: this.options.compress !== false
}); // If all rules were removed, get rid of the style element entirely
if (sheet.trim().length === 0) {
if (style.parentNode) {
let afterText = '';
let styleInlinedCompletely = false;
if (options.pruneSource) {
const sheetInverse = serializeStylesheet(astInverse, {
compress: this.options.compress !== false
styleInlinedCompletely = this.pruneSource(style, before, sheetInverse);
if (styleInlinedCompletely) {
const percent = sheetInverse.length / before.length * 100;
afterText = `, reducing non-inlined size ${percent | 0}% to ${prettyBytes(sheetInverse.length)}`;
} // replace the inline stylesheet with its critical'd counterpart
if (!styleInlinedCompletely) {
style.textContent = sheet;
} // output stats
const percent = sheet.length / before.length * 100 | 0;'\u001b[32mInlined ' + prettyBytes(sheet.length) + ' (' + percent + '% of original ' + prettyBytes(before.length) + ') of ' + name + afterText + '.\u001b[39m');
export default Critters;