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2024-02-08 19:38:41 -05:00
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import { json } from '@angular-devkit/core';
import { BuilderInfo, Target } from '../src';
import { ArchitectHost, Builder } from '../src/internal';
export declare class TestingArchitectHost implements ArchitectHost {
workspaceRoot: string;
currentDirectory: string;
private _backendHost;
private _builderImportMap;
private _builderMap;
private _targetMap;
* Can provide a backend host, in case of integration tests.
* @param workspaceRoot The workspace root to use.
* @param currentDirectory The current directory to use.
* @param _backendHost A host to defer calls that aren't resolved here.
constructor(workspaceRoot?: string, currentDirectory?: string, _backendHost?: ArchitectHost | null);
addBuilder(builderName: string, builder: Builder, description?: string, optionSchema?: json.schema.JsonSchema): void;
addBuilderFromPackage(packageName: string): Promise<void>;
addTarget(target: Target, builderName: string, options?: json.JsonObject): void;
getBuilderNameForTarget(target: Target): Promise<string | null>;
* Resolve a builder. This needs to return a string which will be used in a dynamic `import()`
* clause. This should throw if no builder can be found. The dynamic import will throw if
* it is unsupported.
* @param builderName The name of the builder to be used.
* @returns All the info needed for the builder itself.
resolveBuilder(builderName: string): Promise<BuilderInfo | null>;
getCurrentDirectory(): Promise<string>;
getWorkspaceRoot(): Promise<string>;
getOptionsForTarget(target: Target): Promise<json.JsonObject | null>;
getProjectMetadata(target: Target | string): Promise<json.JsonObject | null>;
loadBuilder(info: BuilderInfo): Promise<Builder | null>;