
219 lines
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2024-02-08 19:38:41 -05:00
'use strict'
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const semver = require('semver')
const { checkEngine } = require('npm-install-checks')
const normalizeBin = require('npm-normalize-package-bin')
const engineOk = (manifest, npmVersion, nodeVersion) => {
try {
checkEngine(manifest, npmVersion, nodeVersion)
return true
} catch (_) {
return false
const isBefore = (verTimes, ver, time) =>
!verTimes || !verTimes[ver] || Date.parse(verTimes[ver]) <= time
const avoidSemverOpt = { includePrerelease: true, loose: true }
const shouldAvoid = (ver, avoid) =>
avoid && semver.satisfies(ver, avoid, avoidSemverOpt)
const decorateAvoid = (result, avoid) =>
result && shouldAvoid(result.version, avoid)
? { ...result, _shouldAvoid: true }
: result
const pickManifest = (packument, wanted, opts) => {
const {
defaultTag = 'latest',
before = null,
nodeVersion = process.version,
npmVersion = null,
includeStaged = false,
avoid = null,
avoidStrict = false,
} = opts
const { name, time: verTimes } = packument
const versions = packument.versions || {}
if (avoidStrict) {
const looseOpts = {
avoidStrict: false,
const result = pickManifest(packument, wanted, looseOpts)
if (!result || !result._shouldAvoid) {
return result
const caret = pickManifest(packument, `^${result.version}`, looseOpts)
if (!caret || !caret._shouldAvoid) {
return {
_outsideDependencyRange: true,
_isSemVerMajor: false,
const star = pickManifest(packument, '*', looseOpts)
if (!star || !star._shouldAvoid) {
return {,
_outsideDependencyRange: true,
_isSemVerMajor: true,
throw Object.assign(new Error(`No avoidable versions for ${name}`), {
code: 'ETARGET',
versions: Object.keys(versions),
const staged = (includeStaged && packument.stagedVersions &&
packument.stagedVersions.versions) || {}
const restricted = (packument.policyRestrictions &&
packument.policyRestrictions.versions) || {}
const time = before && verTimes ? +(new Date(before)) : Infinity
const spec = npa.resolve(name, wanted || defaultTag)
const type = spec.type
const distTags = packument['dist-tags'] || {}
if (type !== 'tag' && type !== 'version' && type !== 'range') {
throw new Error('Only tag, version, and range are supported')
// if the type is 'tag', and not just the implicit default, then it must
// be that exactly, or nothing else will do.
if (wanted && type === 'tag') {
const ver = distTags[wanted]
// if the version in the dist-tags is before the before date, then
// we use that. Otherwise, we get the highest precedence version
// prior to the dist-tag.
if (isBefore(verTimes, ver, time)) {
return decorateAvoid(versions[ver] || staged[ver] || restricted[ver], avoid)
} else {
return pickManifest(packument, `<=${ver}`, opts)
// similarly, if a specific version, then only that version will do
if (wanted && type === 'version') {
const ver = semver.clean(wanted, { loose: true })
const mani = versions[ver] || staged[ver] || restricted[ver]
return isBefore(verTimes, ver, time) ? decorateAvoid(mani, avoid) : null
// ok, sort based on our heuristics, and pick the best fit
const range = type === 'range' ? wanted : '*'
// if the range is *, then we prefer the 'latest' if available
// but skip this if it should be avoided, in that case we have
// to try a little harder.
const defaultVer = distTags[defaultTag]
if (defaultVer &&
(range === '*' || semver.satisfies(defaultVer, range, { loose: true })) &&
!shouldAvoid(defaultVer, avoid)) {
const mani = versions[defaultVer]
if (mani && isBefore(verTimes, defaultVer, time)) {
return mani
// ok, actually have to sort the list and take the winner
const allEntries = Object.entries(versions)
.filter(([ver, mani]) => isBefore(verTimes, ver, time))
if (!allEntries.length) {
throw Object.assign(new Error(`No versions available for ${name}`), {
versions: Object.keys(versions),
const sortSemverOpt = { loose: true }
const entries = allEntries.filter(([ver, mani]) =>
semver.satisfies(ver, range, { loose: true }))
.sort((a, b) => {
const [vera, mania] = a
const [verb, manib] = b
const notavoida = !shouldAvoid(vera, avoid)
const notavoidb = !shouldAvoid(verb, avoid)
const notrestra = !restricted[a]
const notrestrb = !restricted[b]
const notstagea = !staged[a]
const notstageb = !staged[b]
const notdepra = !mania.deprecated
const notdeprb = !manib.deprecated
const enginea = engineOk(mania, npmVersion, nodeVersion)
const engineb = engineOk(manib, npmVersion, nodeVersion)
// sort by:
// - not an avoided version
// - not restricted
// - not staged
// - not deprecated and engine ok
// - engine ok
// - not deprecated
// - semver
return (notavoidb - notavoida) ||
(notrestrb - notrestra) ||
(notstageb - notstagea) ||
((notdeprb && engineb) - (notdepra && enginea)) ||
(engineb - enginea) ||
(notdeprb - notdepra) ||
semver.rcompare(vera, verb, sortSemverOpt)
return decorateAvoid(entries[0] && entries[0][1], avoid)
module.exports = (packument, wanted, opts = {}) => {
const mani = pickManifest(packument, wanted, opts)
const picked = mani && normalizeBin(mani)
const policyRestrictions = packument.policyRestrictions
const restricted = (policyRestrictions && policyRestrictions.versions) || {}
if (picked && !restricted[picked.version]) {
return picked
const { before = null, defaultTag = 'latest' } = opts
const bstr = before ? new Date(before).toLocaleString() : ''
const { name } = packument
const pckg = `${name}@${wanted}` +
(before ? ` with a date before ${bstr}` : '')
const isForbidden = picked && !!restricted[picked.version]
const polMsg = isForbidden ? policyRestrictions.message : ''
const msg = !isForbidden ? `No matching version found for ${pckg}.`
: `Could not download ${pckg} due to policy violations:\n${polMsg}`
const code = isForbidden ? 'E403' : 'ETARGET'
throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), {
type: npa.resolve(, wanted).type,
versions: Object.keys(packument.versions ?? {}),
distTags: packument['dist-tags'],