125 lines
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125 lines
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/// <reference lib="esnext.bigint" />
export interface ResultObject {
module: WebAssembly.Module;
instance: WebAssembly.Instance;
/** WebAssembly imports with an optional env object and two levels of nesting. */
export type Imports = {
[key: string]: Record<string,unknown>;
env?: {
memory?: WebAssembly.Memory;
table?: WebAssembly.Table;
seed?(): number;
abort?(msg: number, file: number, line: number, column: number): void;
trace?(msg: number, numArgs?: number, ...args: number[]): void;
/** Utility mixed in by the loader. */
export interface ASUtil {
memory?: WebAssembly.Memory;
table?: WebAssembly.Table;
/** Explicit start function, if requested. */
_start(): void;
/** Allocates a new string in the module's memory and returns a reference (pointer) to it. */
__allocString(str: string): number;
/** Allocates a new array in the module's memory and returns a reference (pointer) to it. */
__allocArray(id: number, values: ArrayLike<number>): number;
/** Copies a string's value from the module's memory. */
__getString(ptr: number): string;
/** Copies an ArrayBuffer's value from the module's memory. */
__getArrayBuffer(ptr: number): ArrayBuffer;
/** Copies an array's values from the module's memory. Infers the array type from RTTI. */
__getArray(ptr: number): number[];
/** Copies an Int8Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getInt8Array(ptr: number): Int8Array;
/** Copies an Uint8Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getUint8Array(ptr: number): Uint8Array;
/** Copies an Uint8ClampedArray's values from the module's memory. */
__getUint8ClampedArray(ptr: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
/** Copies an Int16Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getInt16Array(ptr: number): Int16Array;
/** Copies an Uint16Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getUint16Array(ptr: number): Uint16Array;
/** Copies an Int32Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getInt32Array(ptr: number): Int32Array;
/** Copies an Uint32Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getUint32Array(ptr: number): Uint32Array;
/** Copies an Int32Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getInt64Array?(ptr: number): BigInt64Array;
/** Copies an Uint32Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getUint64Array?(ptr: number): BigUint64Array;
/** Copies a Float32Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getFloat32Array(ptr: number): Float32Array;
/** Copies a Float64Array's values from the module's memory. */
__getFloat64Array(ptr: number): Float64Array;
/** Gets a live view on an array's values in the module's memory. Infers the array type from RTTI. */
__getArrayView(ptr: number): ArrayBufferView;
/** Gets a live view on an Int8Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getInt8ArrayView(ptr: number): Int8Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Uint8Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getUint8ArrayView(ptr: number): Uint8Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Uint8ClampedArray's values in the module's memory. */
__getUint8ClampedArrayView(ptr: number): Uint8ClampedArray;
/** Gets a live view on an Int16Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getInt16ArrayView(ptr: number): Int16Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Uint16Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getUint16ArrayView(ptr: number): Uint16Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Int32Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getInt32ArrayView(ptr: number): Int32Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Uint32Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getUint32ArrayView(ptr: number): Uint32Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Int32Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getInt64ArrayView?(ptr: number): BigInt64Array;
/** Gets a live view on an Uint32Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getUint64ArrayView?(ptr: number): BigUint64Array;
/** Gets a live view on a Float32Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getFloat32ArrayView(ptr: number): Float32Array;
/** Gets a live view on a Float64Array's values in the module's memory. */
__getFloat64ArrayView(ptr: number): Float64Array;
/** Retains a reference to a managed object externally, making sure that it doesn't become collected prematurely. Returns the pointer. */
__retain(ptr: number): number;
/** Releases a previously retained reference to a managed object, allowing the runtime to collect it once its reference count reaches zero. */
__release(ptr: number): void;
/** Forcefully resets the heap to its initial offset, effectively clearing dynamic memory. Stub runtime only. */
__reset?(): void;
/** Allocates an instance of the class represented by the specified id. */
__alloc(size: number, id: number): number;
/** Tests whether a managed object is an instance of the class represented by the specified base id. */
__instanceof(ptr: number, baseId: number): boolean;
/** Forces a cycle collection. Only relevant if objects potentially forming reference cycles are used. */
__collect(): void;
/** Asynchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from anything that can be instantiated. */
export declare function instantiate<T extends Record<string,unknown>>(
source: WebAssembly.Module | BufferSource | Response | PromiseLike<WebAssembly.Module | BufferSource | Response>,
imports?: Imports
): Promise<ResultObject & { exports: ASUtil & T }>;
/** Synchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from a WebAssembly.Module or binary buffer. */
export declare function instantiateSync<T extends Record<string,unknown>>(
source: WebAssembly.Module | BufferSource,
imports?: Imports
): ResultObject & { exports: ASUtil & T };
/** Asynchronously instantiates an AssemblyScript module from a response, i.e. as obtained by `fetch`. */
export declare function instantiateStreaming<T extends Record<string,unknown>>(
source: Response | PromiseLike<Response>,
imports?: Imports
): Promise<ResultObject & { exports: ASUtil & T }>;
/** Demangles an AssemblyScript module's exports to a friendly object structure. */
export declare function demangle<T extends Record<string,unknown>>(
exports: Record<string,unknown>,
extendedExports?: Record<string,unknown>
): T;