{ "Welcome_to_React": "Welcome to React and react-i18next", "Login_header": "Kene's Cribs", "Login_message": "Welcome please back, please sign in!", "Login_email": "Email address", "Login_password": "Password", "Login_remember_me": "remember me", "Login_submit_button": "Submit", "Account_header": "Personal Information", "Account_message": "You can update/edit your account information here", "Account_first_name": "First Name", "Account_last_name": "Last Name", "Account_email": "Email", "Account_phone_number": "Phone Number", "Account_current_password": "Current Password", "Account_new_password": "New password", "Account_update_button": "Update", "Footer_message": "Copyright SEG3125 - Group 3", "Nav_brand": "Kene's Cribs", "Nav_Home": "Home", "Nav_Listings": "Listings", "Nav_Agents": "Agents", "Nav_Contact_Us": "Contact Us", "Nav_listing_page": "listing-page", "Nav_Login": "Login", <<<<<<< HEAD "View_Button": "View", "MeetTeam": "Meet the Team", "Sales_Ass":"sales assistant" ======= "Slogan_1": "YOU ARE NOT BUYING A HOUSE, ", "Slogan_2": "YOU ARE BUYING A LIFESTYLE. ", "Info": "Click for Details", "Home1": "Welcome to Kene's Cribs. Kene's Cribs is a real estator company which provides the clients with the houses.", "Home2": "The houses limited to the clients are only limited to the clients' dreams. In order to further navigate the", "Home3": "website, use the navigation bar to switch between pages. Listings page is for browsing houses, Agents page", "Home4": "is for browsing the estators, the Contact Us page is for the contacting us and the login page is for our", "Home5": "members who want to benefit from our deals. Above are some houses which can interest you. Feel free to", "Home6": "click the buttons above to explore the houses you want.", "Desc": "Description", "Rooms": "1 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom", "Danger1": "Message could not send.", "Danger2": "There are some errors in your contact form.", "Success1": "The message is successfully sent.", "Success2": "You contact form will be delivered to our support team.", "Contact-Title": "Contact to Us", "Contact-House": "Select an Agent", "Contact-Agent": "Select a House", "No-Pref": "No preference", "Contact-First": "First Name", "Contact-Last": "Last Name", "Contact-Mail": "Email Address", "Contact-Message": "Message", "Contact-Submit": "Submit", "Contact-Error1": "Please select an item in the list.", "Contact-Error2": "Please fill out this field.", "Contact-Error3": "Invalid email address." >>>>>>> 540f8f4cac411d798ced6e126b65de938da68ad1 }