
255 lines
6 KiB

const findCacheDir = require('find-cache-dir');
const Git = require('./git');
const filenamify = require('filenamify');
const copy = require('./util').copy;
const getUser = require('./util').getUser;
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const globby = require('globby');
const path = require('path');
const util = require('util');
const log = util.debuglog('gh-pages');
* Get the cache directory.
* @param {string} [optPath] Optional path.
* @returns {string} The full path to the cache directory.
function getCacheDir(optPath) {
const dir = findCacheDir({name: 'gh-pages'});
if (!optPath) {
return dir;
return path.join(dir, filenamify(optPath));
exports.getCacheDir = getCacheDir;
function getRepo(options) {
if (options.repo) {
return Promise.resolve(options.repo);
} else {
const git = new Git(process.cwd(), options.git);
return git.getRemoteUrl(options.remote);
exports.defaults = {
dest: '.',
add: false,
git: 'git',
depth: 1,
dotfiles: false,
branch: 'gh-pages',
remote: 'origin',
src: '**/*',
remove: '.',
push: true,
history: true,
message: 'Updates',
silent: false
* Push a git branch to a remote (pushes gh-pages by default).
* @param {string} basePath The base path.
* @param {Object} config Publish options.
* @param {Function} callback Callback.
exports.publish = function publish(basePath, config, callback) {
if (typeof config === 'function') {
callback = config;
config = {};
const options = Object.assign({}, exports.defaults, config);
// For backward compatibility before fixing #334
if (options.only) {
options.remove = options.only;
if (!callback) {
callback = function(err) {
if (err) {
function done(err) {
try {
} catch (err2) {
log('Publish callback threw: %s', err2.message);
try {
if (!fs.statSync(basePath).isDirectory()) {
done(new Error('The "base" option must be an existing directory'));
} catch (err) {
const files = globby
.sync(options.src, {
cwd: basePath,
dot: options.dotfiles
.filter(file => {
return !fs.statSync(path.join(basePath, file)).isDirectory();
if (!Array.isArray(files) || files.length === 0) {
new Error('The pattern in the "src" property didn\'t match any files.')
let repoUrl;
let userPromise;
if (options.user) {
userPromise = Promise.resolve(options.user);
} else {
userPromise = getUser();
return userPromise.then(user =>
.then(repo => {
repoUrl = repo;
const clone = getCacheDir(repo);
log('Cloning %s into %s', repo, clone);
return Git.clone(repo, clone, options.branch, options);
.then(git => {
return git.getRemoteUrl(options.remote).then(url => {
if (url !== repoUrl) {
const message =
'Remote url mismatch. Got "' +
url +
'" ' +
'but expected "' +
repoUrl +
'" in ' +
git.cwd +
'. Try running the `gh-pages-clean` script first.';
throw new Error(message);
return git;
.then(git => {
// only required if someone mucks with the checkout between builds
return git.clean();
.then(git => {
log('Fetching %s', options.remote);
return git.fetch(options.remote);
.then(git => {
log('Checking out %s/%s ', options.remote, options.branch);
return git.checkout(options.remote, options.branch);
.then(git => {
if (!options.history) {
return git.deleteRef(options.branch);
} else {
return git;
.then(git => {
if (options.add) {
return git;
log('Removing files');
const files = globby
.sync(options.remove, {
cwd: path.join(git.cwd, options.dest)
.map(file => path.join(options.dest, file));
if (files.length > 0) {
return git.rm(files);
} else {
return git;
.then(git => {
log('Copying files');
return copy(files, basePath, path.join(git.cwd, options.dest)).then(
function() {
return git;
.then(git => {
return Promise.resolve(
options.beforeAdd && options.beforeAdd(git)
).then(() => git);
.then(git => {
log('Adding all');
return git.add('.');
.then(git => {
if (!user) {
return git;
return git.exec('config', 'user.email', user.email).then(() => {
if (!user.name) {
return git;
return git.exec('config', 'user.name', user.name);
.then(git => {
return git.commit(options.message);
.then(git => {
if (options.tag) {
return git.tag(options.tag).catch(error => {
// tagging failed probably because this tag alredy exists
log('Tagging failed, continuing');
return git;
} else {
return git;
.then(git => {
if (options.push) {
return git.push(options.remote, options.branch, !options.history);
} else {
return git;
() => done(),
error => {
if (options.silent) {
error = new Error(
'Unspecified error (run without silent option for detail)'
* Clean the cache directory.
exports.clean = function clean() {