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{"version":3,"file":"firebase-analytics.js","sources":["../logger/src/logger.ts","../util/src/environment.ts","../util/src/errors.ts","../util/src/obj.ts","../util/src/exponential_backoff.ts","../util/src/compat.ts","../component/src/component.ts","../../node_modules/idb/build/wrap-idb-value.js","../../node_modules/idb/build/index.js","../installations/src/util/errors.ts","../installations/src/util/constants.ts","../installations/src/functions/common.ts","../installations/src/util/sleep.ts","../installations/src/helpers/generate-fid.ts","../installations/src/helpers/buffer-to-base64-url-safe.ts","../installations/src/util/get-key.ts","../installations/src/helpers/fid-changed.ts","../installations/src/helpers/idb-manager.ts","../installations/src/helpers/get-installation-entry.ts","../installations/src/functions/create-installation-request.ts","../installations/src/functions/generate-auth-token-request.ts","../installations/src/helpers/refresh-auth-token.ts","../installations/src/api/get-token.ts","../installations/src/helpers/extract-app-config.ts","../installations/src/functions/config.ts","../installations/src/api/get-id.ts","../installations/src/index.ts","../analytics/src/constants.ts","../analytics/src/logger.ts","../analytics/src/errors.ts","../analytics/src/helpers.ts","../analytics/src/get-config.ts","../analytics/src/functions.ts","../analytics/src/initialize-analytics.ts","../analytics/src/factory.ts","../analytics/src/api.ts","../analytics/src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nexport type LogLevelString =\n | 'debug'\n | 'verbose'\n | 'info'\n | 'warn'\n | 'error'\n | 'silent';\n\nexport interface LogOptions {\n level: LogLevelString;\n}\n\nexport type LogCallback = (callbackParams: LogCallbackParams) => void;\n\nexport interface LogCallbackParams {\n level: LogLevelString;\n message: string;\n args: unknown[];\n type: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * A container for all of the Logger instances\n */\nexport const instances: Logger[] = [];\n\n/**\n * The JS SDK supports 5 log levels and also allows a user the ability to\n * silence the logs altogether.\n *\n * The order is a follows:\n * DEBUG < VERBOSE < INFO < WARN < ERROR\n *\n * All of the log types above the current log level will be captured (i.e. if\n * you set the log level to `INFO`, errors will still be logged, but `DEBUG` and\n * `VERBOSE` logs will not)\n */\nexport enum LogLevel {\n DEBUG,\n VERBOSE,\n INFO,\n WARN,\n ERROR,\n SILENT\n}\n\nconst levelStringToEnum: { [key in LogLevelString]: LogLevel } = {\n 'debug': LogLevel.DEBUG,\n 'verbose': LogLevel.VERBOSE,\n 'info': LogLevel.INFO,\n 'warn': LogLevel.WARN,\n 'error': LogLevel.ERROR,\n 'silent': LogLevel.SILENT\n};\n\n/**\n * The default log level\n */\nconst defaultLogLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.INFO;\n\n/**\n * We allow users the ability to pass their own log handler. We will pass the\n * type of log, the current log level, and any other arguments passed (i.e. the\n * messages that the user wants to log) to this function.\n */\nexport type LogHandler = (\n loggerInstance: Logger,\n logType: LogLevel,\n ...args: unknown[]\n) => void;\n\n/**\n * By default, `console.debug` is not displayed in the developer console (in\n * chrome). To avoid forcing users to have to opt-in to these logs twice\n * (i.e. once for firebase, and once in the console), we are sending `DEBUG`\n * logs to the `console.log` function.\n */\nconst ConsoleMethod = {\n [LogLevel.DEBUG]: 'log',\n [LogLevel.VERBOSE]: 'log',\n [LogLevel.INFO]: 'info',\n [LogLevel.WARN]: 'warn',\n [LogLevel.ERROR]: 'error'\n};\n\n/**\n * The default log handler will forward DEBUG, VERBOSE, INFO, WARN, and ERROR\n * messages on to their corresponding console counterparts (if the log method\n * is supported by the current log level)\n */\nconst defaultLogHandler: LogHandler = (instance, logType, ...args): void => {\n if (logType < instance.logLevel) {\n return;\n }\n const now = new Date().toISOString();\n const method = ConsoleMethod[logType as keyof typeof ConsoleMethod];\n if (method) {\n console[method as 'log' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error'](\n `[${now}] ${instance.name}:`,\n ...args\n );\n } else {\n throw new Error(\n `Attempted to log a message with an invalid logType (value: ${logType})`\n );\n }\n};\n\nexport class Logger {\n /**\n * Gives you an instance of a Logger to capture messages according to\n * Firebase's logging scheme.\n *\n * @param name The name that the logs will be associated with\n */\n constructor(public name: string) {\n /**\n * Capture the current instance for later use\n */\n instances.push(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * The log level of the given Logger instance.\n */\n private _logLevel = defaultLogLevel;\n\n get logLevel(): LogLevel {\n return this._logLevel;\n }\n\n set logLevel(val: LogLevel) {\n if (!(val in LogLevel)) {\n throw new TypeError(`Invalid value \"${val}\" assigned to \\`logLevel\\``);\n }\n this._logLevel = val;\n }\n\n // Workaround for setter/getter having to be the same type.\n setLogLevel(val: LogLevel | LogLevelString): void {\n this._logLevel = typeof val === 'string' ? levelStringToEnum[val] : val;\n }\n\n /**\n * The main (internal) log handler for the Logger instance.\n * Can be set to a new function in internal package code but not by user.\n */\n private _logHandler: LogHandler = defaultLogHandler;\n get logHandler(): LogHandler {\n return this._logHandler;\n }\n set logHandler(val: LogHandler) {\n if (typeof val !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('Value assigned to `logHandler` must be a function');\n }\n this._logHandler = val;\n }\n\n /**\n * The optional, additional, user-defined log handler for the Logger instance.\n */\n private _userLogHandler: LogHandler | null = null;\n get userLogHandler(): LogHandler | null {\n return this._userLogHandler;\n }\n set userLogHandler(val: LogHandler | null) {\n this._userLogHandler = val;\n }\n\n /**\n * The functions below are all based on the `console` interface\n */\n\n debug(...args: unknown[]): void {\n this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler(this, LogLevel.DEBUG, ...args);\n this._logHandler(this, LogLevel.DEBUG, ...args);\n }\n log(...args: unknown[]): void {\n this._userLogHandler &&\n this._userLogHandler(this, LogLevel.VERBOSE, ...args);\n this._logHandler(this, LogLevel.VERBOSE, ...args);\n }\n info(...args: unknown[]): void {\n this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler(this, LogLevel.INFO, ...args);\n this._logHandler(this, LogLevel.INFO, ...args);\n }\n warn(...args: unknown[]): void {\n this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler(this, LogLevel.WARN, ...args);\n this._logHandler(this, LogLevel.WARN, ...args);\n }\n error(...args: unknown[]): void {\n this._userLogHandler && this._userLogHandler(this, LogLevel.ERROR, ...args);\n this._logHandler(this, LogLevel.ERROR, ...args);\n }\n}\n\nexport function setLogLevel(level: LogLevelString | LogLevel): void {\n instances.forEach(inst => {\n inst.setLogLevel(level);\n });\n}\n\nexport function setUserLogHandler(\n logCallback: LogCallback | null,\n options?: LogOptions\n): void {\n for (const instance of instances) {\n let customLogLevel: LogLevel | null = null;\n if (options && options.level) {\n customLogLevel = levelStringToEnum[options.level];\n }\n if (logCallback === null) {\n instance.userLogHandler = null;\n } else {\n instance.userLogHandler = (\n instance: Logger,\n level: LogLevel,\n ...args: unknown[]\n ) => {\n const message = args\n .map(arg => {\n if (arg == null) {\n return null;\n } else if (typeof arg === 'string') {\n return arg;\n } else if (typeof arg === 'number' || typeof arg === 'boolean') {\n return arg.toString();\n } else if (arg instanceof Error) {\n return arg.message;\n } else {\n try {\n return JSON.stringify(arg);\n } catch (ignored) {\n return null;\n }\n }\n })\n .filter(arg => arg)\n .join(' ');\n if (level >= (customLogLevel ?? instance.logLevel)) {\n logCallback({\n level: LogLevel[level].toLowerCase() as LogLevelString,\n message,\n args,\n type: instance.name\n });\n }\n };\n }\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { CONSTANTS } from './constants';\nimport { getDefaults } from './defaults';\n\n/**\n * Type placeholder for `WorkerGlobalScope` from `webworker`\n */\ndeclare class WorkerGlobalScope {}\n\n/**\n * Returns navigator.userAgent string or '' if it's not defined.\n * @return user agent string\n */\nexport function getUA(): string {\n if (\n typeof navigator !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof navigator['userAgent'] === 'string'\n ) {\n return navigator['userAgent'];\n } else {\n return '';\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect Cordova / PhoneGap / Ionic frameworks on a mobile device.\n *\n * Deliberately does not rely on checking `file://` URLs (as this fails PhoneGap\n * in the Ripple emulator) nor Cordova `onDeviceReady`, which would normally\n * wait for a callback.\n */\nexport function isMobileCordova(): boolean {\n return (\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n // @ts-ignore Setting up an broadly applicable index signature for Window\n // just to deal with this case would probably be a bad idea.\n !!(window['cordova'] || window['phonegap'] || window['PhoneGap']) &&\n /ios|iphone|ipod|ipad|android|blackberry|iemobile/i.test(getUA())\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect Node.js.\n *\n * @return true if Node.js environment is detected or specified.\n */\n// Node detection logic from: https://github.com/iliakan/detect-node/\nexport function isNode(): boolean {\n const forceEnvironment = getDefaults()?.forceEnvironment;\n if (forceEnvironment === 'node') {\n return true;\n } else if (forceEnvironment === 'browser') {\n return false;\n }\n\n try {\n return (\n Object.prototype.toString.call(global.process) === '[object process]'\n );\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect Browser Environment.\n * Note: This will return true for certain test frameworks that are incompletely\n * mimicking a browser, and should not lead to assuming all browser APIs are\n * available.\n */\nexport function isBrowser(): boolean {\n return typeof window !== 'undefined' || isWebWorker();\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect Web Worker context.\n */\nexport function isWebWorker(): boolean {\n return (\n typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof self !== 'undefined' &&\n self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect Cloudflare Worker context.\n */\nexport function isCloudflareWorker(): boolean {\n return (\n typeof navigator !== 'undefined' &&\n navigator.userAgent === 'Cloudflare-Workers'\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect browser extensions (Chrome and Firefox at least).\n */\ninterface BrowserRuntime {\n id?: unknown;\n}\ndeclare const chrome: { runtime?: BrowserRuntime };\ndeclare const browser: { runtime?: BrowserRuntime };\nexport function isBrowserExtension(): boolean {\n const runtime =\n typeof chrome === 'object'\n ? chrome.runtime\n : typeof browser === 'object'\n ? browser.runtime\n : undefined;\n return typeof runtime === 'object' && runtime.id !== undefined;\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect React Native.\n *\n * @return true if ReactNative environment is detected.\n */\nexport function isReactNative(): boolean {\n return (\n typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator['product'] === 'ReactNative'\n );\n}\n\n/** Detects Electron apps. */\nexport function isElectron(): boolean {\n return getUA().indexOf('Electron/') >= 0;\n}\n\n/** Detects Internet Explorer. */\nexport function isIE(): boolean {\n const ua = getUA();\n return ua.indexOf('MSIE ') >= 0 || ua.indexOf('Trident/') >= 0;\n}\n\n/** Detects Universal Windows Platform apps. */\nexport function isUWP(): boolean {\n return getUA().indexOf('MSAppHost/') >= 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Detect whether the current SDK build is the Node version.\n *\n * @return true if it's the Node SDK build.\n */\nexport function isNodeSdk(): boolean {\n return CONSTANTS.NODE_CLIENT === true || CONSTANTS.NODE_ADMIN === true;\n}\n\n/** Returns true if we are running in Safari. */\nexport function isSafari(): boolean {\n return (\n !isNode() &&\n !!navigator.userAgent &&\n navigator.userAgent.includes('Safari') &&\n !navigator.userAgent.includes('Chrome')\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * This method checks if indexedDB is supported by current browser/service worker context\n * @return true if indexedDB is supported by current browser/service worker context\n */\nexport function isIndexedDBAvailable(): boolean {\n try {\n return typeof indexedDB === 'object';\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * This method validates browser/sw context for indexedDB by opening a dummy indexedDB database and reject\n * if errors occur during the database open operation.\n *\n * @throws exception if current browser/sw context can't run idb.open (ex: Safari iframe, Firefox\n * private browsing)\n */\nexport function validateIndexedDBOpenable(): Promise<boolean> {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n try {\n let preExist: boolean = true;\n const DB_CHECK_NAME =\n 'validate-browser-context-for-indexeddb-analytics-module';\n const request = self.indexedDB.open(DB_CHECK_NAME);\n request.onsuccess = () => {\n request.result.close();\n // delete database only when it doesn't pre-exist\n if (!preExist) {\n self.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(DB_CHECK_NAME);\n }\n resolve(true);\n };\n request.onupgradeneeded = () => {\n preExist = false;\n };\n\n request.onerror = () => {\n reject(request.error?.message || '');\n };\n } catch (error) {\n reject(error);\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n *\n * This method checks whether cookie is enabled within current browser\n * @return true if cookie is enabled within current browser\n */\nexport function areCookiesEnabled(): boolean {\n if (typeof navigator === 'undefined' || !navigator.cookieEnabled) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n/**\n * @fileoverview Standardized Firebase Error.\n *\n * Usage:\n *\n * // TypeScript string literals for type-safe codes\n * type Err =\n * 'unknown' |\n * 'object-not-found'\n * ;\n *\n * // Closure enum for type-safe error codes\n * // at-enum {string}\n * var Err = {\n * UNKNOWN: 'unknown',\n * OBJECT_NOT_FOUND: 'object-not-found',\n * }\n *\n * let errors: Map<Err, string> = {\n * 'generic-error': \"Unknown error\",\n * 'file-not-found': \"Could not find file: {$file}\",\n * };\n *\n * // Type-safe function - must pass a valid error code as param.\n * let error = new ErrorFactory<Err>('service', 'Service', errors);\n *\n * ...\n * throw error.create(Err.GENERIC);\n * ...\n * throw error.create(Err.FILE_NOT_FOUND, {'file': fileName});\n * ...\n * // Service: Could not file file: foo.txt (service/file-not-found).\n *\n * catch (e) {\n * assert(e.message === \"Could not find file: foo.txt.\");\n * if ((e as FirebaseError)?.code === 'service/file-not-found') {\n * console.log(\"Could not read file: \" + e['file']);\n * }\n * }\n */\n\nexport type ErrorMap<ErrorCode extends string> = {\n readonly [K in ErrorCode]: string;\n};\n\nconst ERROR_NAME = 'FirebaseError';\n\nexport interface StringLike {\n toString(): string;\n}\n\nexport interface ErrorData {\n [key: string]: unknown;\n}\n\n// Based on code from:\n// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error#Custom_Error_Types\nexport class FirebaseError extends Error {\n /** The custom name for all FirebaseErrors. */\n readonly name: string = ERROR_NAME;\n\n constructor(\n /** The error code for this error. */\n readonly code: string,\n message: string,\n /** Custom data for this error. */\n public customData?: Record<string, unknown>\n ) {\n super(message);\n\n // Fix For ES5\n // https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript-wiki/blob/master/Breaking-Changes.md#extending-built-ins-like-error-array-and-map-may-no-longer-work\n // TODO(dlarocque): Replace this with `new.target`: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/release-notes/typescript-2-2.html#support-for-newtarget\n // which we can now use since we no longer target ES5.\n Object.setPrototypeOf(this, FirebaseError.prototype);\n\n // Maintains proper stack trace for where our error was thrown.\n // Only available on V8.\n if (Error.captureStackTrace) {\n Error.captureStackTrace(this, ErrorFactory.prototype.create);\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport class ErrorFactory<\n ErrorCode extends string,\n ErrorParams extends { readonly [K in ErrorCode]?: ErrorData } = {}\n> {\n constructor(\n private readonly service: string,\n private readonly serviceName: string,\n private readonly errors: ErrorMap<ErrorCode>\n ) {}\n\n create<K extends ErrorCode>(\n code: K,\n ...data: K extends keyof ErrorParams ? [ErrorParams[K]] : []\n ): FirebaseError {\n const customData = (data[0] as ErrorData) || {};\n const fullCode = `${this.service}/${code}`;\n const template = this.errors[code];\n\n const message = template ? replaceTemplate(template, customData) : 'Error';\n // Service Name: Error message (service/code).\n const fullMessage = `${this.serviceName}: ${message} (${fullCode}).`;\n\n const error = new FirebaseError(fullCode, fullMessage, customData);\n\n return error;\n }\n}\n\nfunction replaceTemplate(template: string, data: ErrorData): string {\n return template.replace(PATTERN, (_, key) => {\n const value = data[key];\n return value != null ? String(value) : `<${key}?>`;\n });\n}\n\nconst PATTERN = /\\{\\$([^}]+)}/g;\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nexport function contains<T extends object>(obj: T, key: string): boolean {\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);\n}\n\nexport function safeGet<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(\n obj: T,\n key: K\n): T[K] | undefined {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n return obj[key];\n } else {\n return undefined;\n }\n}\n\nexport function isEmpty(obj: object): obj is {} {\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nexport function map<K extends string, V, U>(\n obj: { [key in K]: V },\n fn: (value: V, key: K, obj: { [key in K]: V }) => U,\n contextObj?: unknown\n): { [key in K]: U } {\n const res: Partial<{ [key in K]: U }> = {};\n for (const key in obj) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n res[key] = fn.call(contextObj, obj[key], key, obj);\n }\n }\n return res as { [key in K]: U };\n}\n\n/**\n * Deep equal two objects. Support Arrays and Objects.\n */\nexport function deepEqual(a: object, b: object): boolean {\n if (a === b) {\n return true;\n }\n\n const aKeys = Object.keys(a);\n const bKeys = Object.keys(b);\n for (const k of aKeys) {\n if (!bKeys.includes(k)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n const aProp = (a as Record<string, unknown>)[k];\n const bProp = (b as Record<string, unknown>)[k];\n if (isObject(aProp) && isObject(bProp)) {\n if (!deepEqual(aProp, bProp)) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (aProp !== bProp) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n for (const k of bKeys) {\n if (!aKeys.includes(k)) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\nfunction isObject(thing: unknown): thing is object {\n return thing !== null && typeof thing === 'object';\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/**\n * The amount of milliseconds to exponentially increase.\n */\nconst DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000;\n\n/**\n * The factor to backoff by.\n * Should be a number greater than 1.\n */\nconst DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR = 2;\n\n/**\n * The maximum milliseconds to increase to.\n *\n * <p>Visible for testing\n */\nexport const MAX_VALUE_MILLIS = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // Four hours, like iOS and Android.\n\n/**\n * The percentage of backoff time to randomize by.\n * See\n * http://go/safe-client-behavior#step-1-determine-the-appropriate-retry-interval-to-handle-spike-traffic\n * for context.\n *\n * <p>Visible for testing\n */\nexport const RANDOM_FACTOR = 0.5;\n\n/**\n * Based on the backoff method from\n * https://github.com/google/closure-library/blob/master/closure/goog/math/exponentialbackoff.js.\n * Extracted here so we don't need to pass metadata and a stateful ExponentialBackoff object around.\n */\nexport function calculateBackoffMillis(\n backoffCount: number,\n intervalMillis: number = DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MILLIS,\n backoffFactor: number = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR\n): number {\n // Calculates an exponentially increasing value.\n // Deviation: calculates value from count and a constant interval, so we only need to save value\n // and count to restore state.\n const currBaseValue = intervalMillis * Math.pow(backoffFactor, backoffCount);\n\n // A random \"fuzz\" to avoid waves of retries.\n // Deviation: randomFactor is required.\n const randomWait = Math.round(\n // A fraction of the backoff value to add/subtract.\n // Deviation: changes multiplication order to improve readability.\n RANDOM_FACTOR *\n currBaseValue *\n // A random float (rounded to int by Math.round above) in the range [-1, 1]. Determines\n // if we add or subtract.\n (Math.random() - 0.5) *\n 2\n );\n\n // Limits backoff to max to avoid effectively permanent backoff.\n return Math.min(MAX_VALUE_MILLIS, currBaseValue + randomWait);\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2021 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nexport interface Compat<T> {\n _delegate: T;\n}\n\nexport function getModularInstance<ExpService>(\n service: Compat<ExpService> | ExpService\n): ExpService {\n if (service && (service as Compat<ExpService>)._delegate) {\n return (service as Compat<ExpService>)._delegate;\n } else {\n return service as ExpService;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\nimport {\n InstantiationMode,\n InstanceFactory,\n ComponentType,\n Dictionary,\n Name,\n onInstanceCreatedCallback\n} from './types';\n\n/**\n * Component for service name T, e.g. `auth`, `auth-internal`\n */\nexport class Component<T extends Name = Name> {\n multipleInstances = false;\n /**\n * Properties to be added to the service namespace\n */\n serviceProps: Dictionary = {};\n\n instantiationMode = InstantiationMode.LAZY;\n\n onInstanceCreated: onInstanceCreatedCallback<T> | null = null;\n\n /**\n *\n * @param name The public service name, e.g. app, auth, firestore, database\n * @param instanceFactory Service factory responsible for creating the public interface\n * @param type whether the service provided by the component is public or private\n */\n constructor(\n readonly name: T,\n readonly instanceFactory: InstanceFactory<T>,\n readonly type: ComponentType\n ) {}\n\n setInstantiationMode(mode: InstantiationMode): this {\n this.instantiationMode = mode;\n return this;\n }\n\n setMultipleInstances(multipleInstances: boolean): this {\n this.multipleInstances = multipleInstances;\n return this;\n }\n\n setServiceProps(props: Dictionary): this {\n this.serviceProps = props;\n return this;\n }\n\n setInstanceCreatedCallback(callback: onInstanceCreatedCallback<T>): this {\n this.onInstanceCreated = callback;\n return this;\n }\n}\n","const instanceOfAny = (object, constructors) => constructors.some((c) => object instanceof c);\n\nlet idbProxyableTypes;\nlet cursorAdvanceMethods;\n// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.\nfunction getIdbProxyableTypes() {\n return (idbProxyableTypes ||\n (idbProxyableTypes = [\n IDBDatabase,\n IDBObjectStore,\n IDBIndex,\n IDBCursor,\n IDBTransaction,\n ]));\n}\n// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.\nfunction getCursorAdvanceMethods() {\n return (cursorAdvanceMethods ||\n (cursorAdvanceMethods = [\n IDBCursor.prototype.advance,\n IDBCursor.prototype.continue,\n IDBCursor.prototype.continuePrimaryKey,\n ]));\n}\nconst cursorRequestMap = new WeakMap();\nconst transactionDoneMap = new WeakMap();\nconst transactionStoreNamesMap = new WeakMap();\nconst transformCache = new WeakMap();\nconst reverseTransformCache = new WeakMap();\nfunction promisifyRequest(request) {\n const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const unlisten = () => {\n request.removeEventListener('success', success);\n request.removeEventListener('error', error);\n };\n const success = () => {\n resolve(wrap(request.result));\n unlisten();\n };\n const error = () => {\n reject(request.error);\n unlisten();\n };\n request.addEventListener('success', success);\n request.addEventListener('error', error);\n });\n promise\n .then((value) => {\n // Since cursoring reuses the IDBRequest (*sigh*), we cache it for later retrieval\n // (see wrapFunction).\n if (value instanceof IDBCursor) {\n cursorRequestMap.set(value, request);\n }\n // Catching to avoid \"Uncaught Promise exceptions\"\n })\n .catch(() => { });\n // This mapping exists in reverseTransformCache but doesn't doesn't exist in transformCache. This\n // is because we create many promises from a single IDBRequest.\n reverseTransformCache.set(promise, request);\n return promise;\n}\nfunction cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(tx) {\n // Early bail if we've already created a done promise for this transaction.\n if (transactionDoneMap.has(tx))\n return;\n const done = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n const unlisten = () => {\n tx.removeEventListener('complete', complete);\n tx.removeEventListener('error', error);\n tx.removeEventListener('abort', error);\n };\n const complete = () => {\n resolve();\n unlisten();\n };\n const error = () => {\n reject(tx.error || new DOMException('AbortError', 'AbortError'));\n unlisten();\n };\n tx.addEventListener('complete', complete);\n tx.addEventListener('error', error);\n tx.addEventListener('abort', error);\n });\n // Cache it for later retrieval.\n transactionDoneMap.set(tx, done);\n}\nlet idbProxyTraps = {\n get(target, prop, receiver) {\n if (target instanceof IDBTransaction) {\n // Special handling for transaction.done.\n if (prop === 'done')\n return transactionDoneMap.get(target);\n // Polyfill for objectStoreNames because of Edge.\n if (prop === 'objectStoreNames') {\n return target.objectStoreNames || transactionStoreNamesMap.get(target);\n }\n // Make tx.store return the only store in the transaction, or undefined if there are many.\n if (prop === 'store') {\n return receiver.objectStoreNames[1]\n ? undefined\n : receiver.objectStore(receiver.objectStoreNames[0]);\n }\n }\n // Else transform whatever we get back.\n return wrap(target[prop]);\n },\n set(target, prop, value) {\n target[prop] = value;\n return true;\n },\n has(target, prop) {\n if (target instanceof IDBTransaction &&\n (prop === 'done' || prop === 'store')) {\n return true;\n }\n return prop in target;\n },\n};\nfunction replaceTraps(callback) {\n idbProxyTraps = callback(idbProxyTraps);\n}\nfunction wrapFunction(func) {\n // Due to expected object equality (which is enforced by the caching in `wrap`), we\n // only create one new func per func.\n // Edge doesn't support objectStoreNames (booo), so we polyfill it here.\n if (func === IDBDatabase.prototype.transaction &&\n !('objectStoreNames' in IDBTransaction.prototype)) {\n return function (storeNames, ...args) {\n const tx = func.call(unwrap(this), storeNames, ...args);\n transactionStoreNamesMap.set(tx, storeNames.sort ? storeNames.sort() : [storeNames]);\n return wrap(tx);\n };\n }\n // Cursor methods are special, as the behaviour is a little more different to standard IDB. In\n // IDB, you advance the cursor and wait for a new 'success' on the IDBRequest that gave you the\n // cursor. It's kinda like a promise that can resolve with many values. That doesn't make sense\n // with real promises, so each advance methods returns a new promise for the cursor object, or\n // undefined if the end of the cursor has been reached.\n if (getCursorAdvanceMethods().includes(func)) {\n return function (...args) {\n // Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use\n // the original object.\n func.apply(unwrap(this), args);\n return wrap(cursorRequestMap.get(this));\n };\n }\n return function (...args) {\n // Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use\n // the original object.\n return wrap(func.apply(unwrap(this), args));\n };\n}\nfunction transformCachableValue(value) {\n if (typeof value === 'function')\n return wrapFunction(value);\n // This doesn't return, it just creates a 'done' promise for the transaction,\n // which is later returned for transaction.done (see idbObjectHandler).\n if (value instanceof IDBTransaction)\n cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(value);\n if (instanceOfAny(value, getIdbProxyableTypes()))\n return new Proxy(value, idbProxyTraps);\n // Return the same value back if we're not going to transform it.\n return value;\n}\nfunction wrap(value) {\n // We sometimes generate multiple promises from a single IDBRequest (eg when cursoring), because\n // IDB is weird and a single IDBRequest can yield many responses, so these can't be cached.\n if (value instanceof IDBRequest)\n return promisifyRequest(value);\n // If we've already transformed this value before, reuse the transformed value.\n // This is faster, but it also provides object equality.\n if (transformCache.has(value))\n return transformCache.get(value);\n const newValue = transformCachableValue(value);\n // Not all types are transformed.\n // These may be primitive types, so they can't be WeakMap keys.\n if (newValue !== value) {\n transformCache.set(value, newValue);\n reverseTransformCache.set(newValue, value);\n }\n return newValue;\n}\nconst unwrap = (value) => reverseTransformCache.get(value);\n\nexport { reverseTransformCache as a, instanceOfAny as i, replaceTraps as r, unwrap as u, wrap as w };\n","import { w as wrap, r as replaceTraps } from './wrap-idb-value.js';\nexport { u as unwrap, w as wrap } from './wrap-idb-value.js';\n\n/**\n * Open a database.\n *\n * @param name Name of the database.\n * @param version Schema version.\n * @param callbacks Additional callbacks.\n */\nfunction openDB(name, version, { blocked, upgrade, blocking, terminated } = {}) {\n const request = indexedDB.open(name, version);\n const openPromise = wrap(request);\n if (upgrade) {\n request.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', (event) => {\n upgrade(wrap(request.result), event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, wrap(request.transaction), event);\n });\n }\n if (blocked) {\n request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(\n // Casting due to https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-DOM-lib-generator/pull/1405\n event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));\n }\n openPromise\n .then((db) => {\n if (terminated)\n db.addEventListener('close', () => terminated());\n if (blocking) {\n db.addEventListener('versionchange', (event) => blocking(event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));\n }\n })\n .catch(() => { });\n return openPromise;\n}\n/**\n * Delete a database.\n *\n * @param name Name of the database.\n */\nfunction deleteDB(name, { blocked } = {}) {\n const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name);\n if (blocked) {\n request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(\n // Casting due to https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-DOM-lib-generator/pull/1405\n event.oldVersion, event));\n }\n return wrap(request).then(() => undefined);\n}\n\nconst readMethods = ['get', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys', 'count'];\nconst writeMethods = ['put', 'add', 'delete', 'clear'];\nconst cachedMethods = new Map();\nfunction getMethod(target, prop) {\n if (!(target instanceof IDBDatabase &&\n !(prop in target) &&\n typeof prop === 'string')) {\n return;\n }\n if (cachedMethods.get(prop))\n return cachedMethods.get(prop);\n const targetFuncName = prop.replace(/FromIndex$/, '');\n const useIndex = prop !== targetFuncName;\n const isWrite = writeMethods.includes(targetFuncName);\n if (\n // Bail if the target doesn't exist on the target. Eg, getAll isn't in Edge.\n !(targetFuncName in (useIndex ? IDBIndex : IDBObjectStore).prototype) ||\n !(isWrite || readMethods.includes(targetFuncName))) {\n return;\n }\n const method = async function (storeName, ...args) {\n // isWrite ? 'readwrite' : undefined gzipps better, but fails in Edge :(\n const tx = this.transaction(storeName, isWrite ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');\n let target = tx.store;\n if (useIndex)\n target = target.index(args.shift());\n // Must reject if op rejects.\n // If it's a write operation, must reject if tx.done rejects.\n // Must reject with op rejection first.\n // Must resolve with op value.\n // Must handle both promises (no unhandled rejections)\n return (await Promise.all([\n target[targetFuncName](...args),\n isWrite && tx.done,\n ]))[0];\n };\n cachedMethods.set(prop, method);\n return method;\n}\nreplaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({\n ...oldTraps,\n get: (target, prop, receiver) => getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver),\n has: (target, prop) => !!getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop),\n}));\n\nexport { deleteDB, openDB };\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { ErrorFactory, FirebaseError } from '@firebase/util';\nimport { SERVICE, SERVICE_NAME } from './constants';\n\nexport const enum ErrorCode {\n MISSING_APP_CONFIG_VALUES = 'missing-app-config-values',\n NOT_REGISTERED = 'not-registered',\n INSTALLATION_NOT_FOUND = 'installation-not-found',\n REQUEST_FAILED = 'request-failed',\n APP_OFFLINE = 'app-offline',\n DELETE_PENDING_REGISTRATION = 'delete-pending-registration'\n}\n\nconst ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MAP: { readonly [key in ErrorCode]: string } = {\n [ErrorCode.MISSING_APP_CONFIG_VALUES]:\n 'Missing App configuration value: \"{$valueName}\"',\n [ErrorCode.NOT_REGISTERED]: 'Firebase Installation is not registered.',\n [ErrorCode.INSTALLATION_NOT_FOUND]: 'Firebase Installation not found.',\n [ErrorCode.REQUEST_FAILED]:\n '{$requestName} request failed with error \"{$serverCode} {$serverStatus}: {$serverMessage}\"',\n [ErrorCode.APP_OFFLINE]: 'Could not process request. Application offline.',\n [ErrorCode.DELETE_PENDING_REGISTRATION]:\n \"Can't delete installation while there is a pending registration request.\"\n};\n\ninterface ErrorParams {\n [ErrorCode.MISSING_APP_CONFIG_VALUES]: {\n valueName: string;\n };\n [ErrorCode.REQUEST_FAILED]: {\n requestName: string;\n [index: string]: string | number; // to make TypeScript 3.8 happy\n } & ServerErrorData;\n}\n\nexport const ERROR_FACTORY = new ErrorFactory<ErrorCode, ErrorParams>(\n SERVICE,\n SERVICE_NAME,\n ERROR_DESCRIPTION_MAP\n);\n\nexport interface ServerErrorData {\n serverCode: number;\n serverMessage: string;\n serverStatus: string;\n}\n\nexport type ServerError = FirebaseError & { customData: ServerErrorData };\n\n/** Returns true if error is a FirebaseError that is based on an error from the server. */\nexport function isServerError(error: unknown): error is ServerError {\n return (\n error instanceof FirebaseError &&\n error.code.includes(ErrorCode.REQUEST_FAILED)\n );\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { version } from '../../package.json';\n\nexport const PENDING_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;\n\nexport const PACKAGE_VERSION = `w:${version}`;\nexport const INTERNAL_AUTH_VERSION = 'FIS_v2';\n\nexport const INSTALLATIONS_API_URL =\n 'https://firebaseinstallations.googleapis.com/v1';\n\nexport const TOKEN_EXPIRATION_BUFFER = 60 * 60 * 1000; // One hour\n\nexport const SERVICE = 'installations';\nexport const SERVICE_NAME = 'Installations';\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { FirebaseError } from '@firebase/util';\nimport { GenerateAuthTokenResponse } from '../interfaces/api-response';\nimport {\n CompletedAuthToken,\n RegisteredInstallationEntry,\n RequestStatus\n} from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport {\n INSTALLATIONS_API_URL,\n INTERNAL_AUTH_VERSION\n} from '../util/constants';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, ErrorCode } from '../util/errors';\nimport { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\n\nexport function getInstallationsEndpoint({ projectId }: AppConfig): string {\n return `${INSTALLATIONS_API_URL}/projects/${projectId}/installations`;\n}\n\nexport function extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse(\n response: GenerateAuthTokenResponse\n): CompletedAuthToken {\n return {\n token: response.token,\n requestStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED,\n expiresIn: getExpiresInFromResponseExpiresIn(response.expiresIn),\n creationTime: Date.now()\n };\n}\n\nexport async function getErrorFromResponse(\n requestName: string,\n response: Response\n): Promise<FirebaseError> {\n const responseJson: ErrorResponse = await response.json();\n const errorData = responseJson.error;\n return ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.REQUEST_FAILED, {\n requestName,\n serverCode: errorData.code,\n serverMessage: errorData.message,\n serverStatus: errorData.status\n });\n}\n\nexport function getHeaders({ apiKey }: AppConfig): Headers {\n return new Headers({\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\n Accept: 'application/json',\n 'x-goog-api-key': apiKey\n });\n}\n\nexport function getHeadersWithAuth(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n { refreshToken }: RegisteredInstallationEntry\n): Headers {\n const headers = getHeaders(appConfig);\n headers.append('Authorization', getAuthorizationHeader(refreshToken));\n return headers;\n}\n\nexport interface ErrorResponse {\n error: {\n code: number;\n message: string;\n status: string;\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the passed in fetch wrapper and returns the response.\n * If the returned response has a status of 5xx, re-runs the function once and\n * returns the response.\n */\nexport async function retryIfServerError(\n fn: () => Promise<Response>\n): Promise<Response> {\n const result = await fn();\n\n if (result.status >= 500 && result.status < 600) {\n // Internal Server Error. Retry request.\n return fn();\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nfunction getExpiresInFromResponseExpiresIn(responseExpiresIn: string): number {\n // This works because the server will never respond with fractions of a second.\n return Number(responseExpiresIn.replace('s', '000'));\n}\n\nfunction getAuthorizationHeader(refreshToken: string): string {\n return `${INTERNAL_AUTH_VERSION} ${refreshToken}`;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/** Returns a promise that resolves after given time passes. */\nexport function sleep(ms: number): Promise<void> {\n return new Promise<void>(resolve => {\n setTimeout(resolve, ms);\n });\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { bufferToBase64UrlSafe } from './buffer-to-base64-url-safe';\n\nexport const VALID_FID_PATTERN = /^[cdef][\\w-]{21}$/;\nexport const INVALID_FID = '';\n\n/**\n * Generates a new FID using random values from Web Crypto API.\n * Returns an empty string if FID generation fails for any reason.\n */\nexport function generateFid(): string {\n try {\n // A valid FID has exactly 22 base64 characters, which is 132 bits, or 16.5\n // bytes. our implementation generates a 17 byte array instead.\n const fidByteArray = new Uint8Array(17);\n const crypto =\n self.crypto || (self as unknown as { msCrypto: Crypto }).msCrypto;\n crypto.getRandomValues(fidByteArray);\n\n // Replace the first 4 random bits with the constant FID header of 0b0111.\n fidByteArray[0] = 0b01110000 + (fidByteArray[0] % 0b00010000);\n\n const fid = encode(fidByteArray);\n\n return VALID_FID_PATTERN.test(fid) ? fid : INVALID_FID;\n } catch {\n // FID generation errored\n return INVALID_FID;\n }\n}\n\n/** Converts a FID Uint8Array to a base64 string representation. */\nfunction encode(fidByteArray: Uint8Array): string {\n const b64String = bufferToBase64UrlSafe(fidByteArray);\n\n // Remove the 23rd character that was added because of the extra 4 bits at the\n // end of our 17 byte array, and the '=' padding.\n return b64String.substr(0, 22);\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nexport function bufferToBase64UrlSafe(array: Uint8Array): string {\n const b64 = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...array));\n return b64.replace(/\\+/g, '-').replace(/\\//g, '_');\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\n\n/** Returns a string key that can be used to identify the app. */\nexport function getKey(appConfig: AppConfig): string {\n return `${appConfig.appName}!${appConfig.appId}`;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { getKey } from '../util/get-key';\nimport { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { IdChangeCallbackFn } from '../api';\n\nconst fidChangeCallbacks: Map<string, Set<IdChangeCallbackFn>> = new Map();\n\n/**\n * Calls the onIdChange callbacks with the new FID value, and broadcasts the\n * change to other tabs.\n */\nexport function fidChanged(appConfig: AppConfig, fid: string): void {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n\n callFidChangeCallbacks(key, fid);\n broadcastFidChange(key, fid);\n}\n\nexport function addCallback(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n callback: IdChangeCallbackFn\n): void {\n // Open the broadcast channel if it's not already open,\n // to be able to listen to change events from other tabs.\n getBroadcastChannel();\n\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n\n let callbackSet = fidChangeCallbacks.get(key);\n if (!callbackSet) {\n callbackSet = new Set();\n fidChangeCallbacks.set(key, callbackSet);\n }\n callbackSet.add(callback);\n}\n\nexport function removeCallback(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n callback: IdChangeCallbackFn\n): void {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n\n const callbackSet = fidChangeCallbacks.get(key);\n\n if (!callbackSet) {\n return;\n }\n\n callbackSet.delete(callback);\n if (callbackSet.size === 0) {\n fidChangeCallbacks.delete(key);\n }\n\n // Close broadcast channel if there are no more callbacks.\n closeBroadcastChannel();\n}\n\nfunction callFidChangeCallbacks(key: string, fid: string): void {\n const callbacks = fidChangeCallbacks.get(key);\n if (!callbacks) {\n return;\n }\n\n for (const callback of callbacks) {\n callback(fid);\n }\n}\n\nfunction broadcastFidChange(key: string, fid: string): void {\n const channel = getBroadcastChannel();\n if (channel) {\n channel.postMessage({ key, fid });\n }\n closeBroadcastChannel();\n}\n\nlet broadcastChannel: BroadcastChannel | null = null;\n/** Opens and returns a BroadcastChannel if it is supported by the browser. */\nfunction getBroadcastChannel(): BroadcastChannel | null {\n if (!broadcastChannel && 'BroadcastChannel' in self) {\n broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('[Firebase] FID Change');\n broadcastChannel.onmessage = e => {\n callFidChangeCallbacks(e.data.key, e.data.fid);\n };\n }\n return broadcastChannel;\n}\n\nfunction closeBroadcastChannel(): void {\n if (fidChangeCallbacks.size === 0 && broadcastChannel) {\n broadcastChannel.close();\n broadcastChannel = null;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { DBSchema, IDBPDatabase, openDB } from 'idb';\nimport { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { InstallationEntry } from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport { getKey } from '../util/get-key';\nimport { fidChanged } from './fid-changed';\n\nconst DATABASE_NAME = 'firebase-installations-database';\nconst DATABASE_VERSION = 1;\nconst OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'firebase-installations-store';\n\ninterface InstallationsDB extends DBSchema {\n 'firebase-installations-store': {\n key: string;\n value: InstallationEntry | undefined;\n };\n}\n\nlet dbPromise: Promise<IDBPDatabase<InstallationsDB>> | null = null;\nfunction getDbPromise(): Promise<IDBPDatabase<InstallationsDB>> {\n if (!dbPromise) {\n dbPromise = openDB(DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_VERSION, {\n upgrade: (db, oldVersion) => {\n // We don't use 'break' in this switch statement, the fall-through\n // behavior is what we want, because if there are multiple versions between\n // the old version and the current version, we want ALL the migrations\n // that correspond to those versions to run, not only the last one.\n // eslint-disable-next-line default-case\n switch (oldVersion) {\n case 0:\n db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n return dbPromise;\n}\n\n/** Gets record(s) from the objectStore that match the given key. */\nexport async function get(\n appConfig: AppConfig\n): Promise<InstallationEntry | undefined> {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n const db = await getDbPromise();\n return db\n .transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME)\n .objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME)\n .get(key) as Promise<InstallationEntry>;\n}\n\n/** Assigns or overwrites the record for the given key with the given value. */\nexport async function set<ValueType extends InstallationEntry>(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n value: ValueType\n): Promise<ValueType> {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n const db = await getDbPromise();\n const tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');\n const objectStore = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);\n const oldValue = (await objectStore.get(key)) as InstallationEntry;\n await objectStore.put(value, key);\n await tx.done;\n\n if (!oldValue || oldValue.fid !== value.fid) {\n fidChanged(appConfig, value.fid);\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\n/** Removes record(s) from the objectStore that match the given key. */\nexport async function remove(appConfig: AppConfig): Promise<void> {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n const db = await getDbPromise();\n const tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');\n await tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME).delete(key);\n await tx.done;\n}\n\n/**\n * Atomically updates a record with the result of updateFn, which gets\n * called with the current value. If newValue is undefined, the record is\n * deleted instead.\n * @return Updated value\n */\nexport async function update<ValueType extends InstallationEntry | undefined>(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n updateFn: (previousValue: InstallationEntry | undefined) => ValueType\n): Promise<ValueType> {\n const key = getKey(appConfig);\n const db = await getDbPromise();\n const tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');\n const store = tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);\n const oldValue: InstallationEntry | undefined = (await store.get(\n key\n )) as InstallationEntry;\n const newValue = updateFn(oldValue);\n\n if (newValue === undefined) {\n await store.delete(key);\n } else {\n await store.put(newValue, key);\n }\n await tx.done;\n\n if (newValue && (!oldValue || oldValue.fid !== newValue.fid)) {\n fidChanged(appConfig, newValue.fid);\n }\n\n return newValue;\n}\n\nexport async function clear(): Promise<void> {\n const db = await getDbPromise();\n const tx = db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite');\n await tx.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME).clear();\n await tx.done;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { createInstallationRequest } from '../functions/create-installation-request';\nimport {\n AppConfig,\n FirebaseInstallationsImpl\n} from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport {\n InProgressInstallationEntry,\n InstallationEntry,\n RegisteredInstallationEntry,\n RequestStatus\n} from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport { PENDING_TIMEOUT_MS } from '../util/constants';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, ErrorCode, isServerError } from '../util/errors';\nimport { sleep } from '../util/sleep';\nimport { generateFid, INVALID_FID } from './generate-fid';\nimport { remove, set, update } from './idb-manager';\n\nexport interface InstallationEntryWithRegistrationPromise {\n installationEntry: InstallationEntry;\n /** Exist iff the installationEntry is not registered. */\n registrationPromise?: Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry>;\n}\n\n/**\n * Updates and returns the InstallationEntry from the database.\n * Also triggers a registration request if it is necessary and possible.\n */\nexport async function getInstallationEntry(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl\n): Promise<InstallationEntryWithRegistrationPromise> {\n let registrationPromise: Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry> | undefined;\n\n const installationEntry = await update(installations.appConfig, oldEntry => {\n const installationEntry = updateOrCreateInstallationEntry(oldEntry);\n const entryWithPromise = triggerRegistrationIfNecessary(\n installations,\n installationEntry\n );\n registrationPromise = entryWithPromise.registrationPromise;\n return entryWithPromise.installationEntry;\n });\n\n if (installationEntry.fid === INVALID_FID) {\n // FID generation failed. Waiting for the FID from the server.\n return { installationEntry: await registrationPromise! };\n }\n\n return {\n installationEntry,\n registrationPromise\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a new Installation Entry if one does not exist.\n * Also clears timed out pending requests.\n */\nfunction updateOrCreateInstallationEntry(\n oldEntry: InstallationEntry | undefined\n): InstallationEntry {\n const entry: InstallationEntry = oldEntry || {\n fid: generateFid(),\n registrationStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED\n };\n\n return clearTimedOutRequest(entry);\n}\n\n/**\n * If the Firebase Installation is not registered yet, this will trigger the\n * registration and return an InProgressInstallationEntry.\n *\n * If registrationPromise does not exist, the installationEntry is guaranteed\n * to be registered.\n */\nfunction triggerRegistrationIfNecessary(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n installationEntry: InstallationEntry\n): InstallationEntryWithRegistrationPromise {\n if (installationEntry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED) {\n if (!navigator.onLine) {\n // Registration required but app is offline.\n const registrationPromiseWithError = Promise.reject(\n ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.APP_OFFLINE)\n );\n return {\n installationEntry,\n registrationPromise: registrationPromiseWithError\n };\n }\n\n // Try registering. Change status to IN_PROGRESS.\n const inProgressEntry: InProgressInstallationEntry = {\n fid: installationEntry.fid,\n registrationStatus: RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS,\n registrationTime: Date.now()\n };\n const registrationPromise = registerInstallation(\n installations,\n inProgressEntry\n );\n return { installationEntry: inProgressEntry, registrationPromise };\n } else if (\n installationEntry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS\n ) {\n return {\n installationEntry,\n registrationPromise: waitUntilFidRegistration(installations)\n };\n } else {\n return { installationEntry };\n }\n}\n\n/** This will be executed only once for each new Firebase Installation. */\nasync function registerInstallation(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n installationEntry: InProgressInstallationEntry\n): Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry> {\n try {\n const registeredInstallationEntry = await createInstallationRequest(\n installations,\n installationEntry\n );\n return set(installations.appConfig, registeredInstallationEntry);\n } catch (e) {\n if (isServerError(e) && e.customData.serverCode === 409) {\n // Server returned a \"FID cannot be used\" error.\n // Generate a new ID next time.\n await remove(installations.appConfig);\n } else {\n // Registration failed. Set FID as not registered.\n await set(installations.appConfig, {\n fid: installationEntry.fid,\n registrationStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED\n });\n }\n throw e;\n }\n}\n\n/** Call if FID registration is pending in another request. */\nasync function waitUntilFidRegistration(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl\n): Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry> {\n // Unfortunately, there is no way of reliably observing when a value in\n // IndexedDB changes (yet, see https://github.com/WICG/indexed-db-observers),\n // so we need to poll.\n\n let entry: InstallationEntry = await updateInstallationRequest(\n installations.appConfig\n );\n while (entry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {\n // createInstallation request still in progress.\n await sleep(100);\n\n entry = await updateInstallationRequest(installations.appConfig);\n }\n\n if (entry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED) {\n // The request timed out or failed in a different call. Try again.\n const { installationEntry, registrationPromise } =\n await getInstallationEntry(installations);\n\n if (registrationPromise) {\n return registrationPromise;\n } else {\n // if there is no registrationPromise, entry is registered.\n return installationEntry as RegisteredInstallationEntry;\n }\n }\n\n return entry;\n}\n\n/**\n * Called only if there is a CreateInstallation request in progress.\n *\n * Updates the InstallationEntry in the DB based on the status of the\n * CreateInstallation request.\n *\n * Returns the updated InstallationEntry.\n */\nfunction updateInstallationRequest(\n appConfig: AppConfig\n): Promise<InstallationEntry> {\n return update(appConfig, oldEntry => {\n if (!oldEntry) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.INSTALLATION_NOT_FOUND);\n }\n return clearTimedOutRequest(oldEntry);\n });\n}\n\nfunction clearTimedOutRequest(entry: InstallationEntry): InstallationEntry {\n if (hasInstallationRequestTimedOut(entry)) {\n return {\n fid: entry.fid,\n registrationStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED\n };\n }\n\n return entry;\n}\n\nfunction hasInstallationRequestTimedOut(\n installationEntry: InstallationEntry\n): boolean {\n return (\n installationEntry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS &&\n installationEntry.registrationTime + PENDING_TIMEOUT_MS < Date.now()\n );\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { CreateInstallationResponse } from '../interfaces/api-response';\nimport {\n InProgressInstallationEntry,\n RegisteredInstallationEntry,\n RequestStatus\n} from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport { INTERNAL_AUTH_VERSION, PACKAGE_VERSION } from '../util/constants';\nimport {\n extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse,\n getErrorFromResponse,\n getHeaders,\n getInstallationsEndpoint,\n retryIfServerError\n} from './common';\nimport { FirebaseInstallationsImpl } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\n\nexport async function createInstallationRequest(\n { appConfig, heartbeatServiceProvider }: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n { fid }: InProgressInstallationEntry\n): Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry> {\n const endpoint = getInstallationsEndpoint(appConfig);\n\n const headers = getHeaders(appConfig);\n\n // If heartbeat service exists, add the heartbeat string to the header.\n const heartbeatService = heartbeatServiceProvider.getImmediate({\n optional: true\n });\n if (heartbeatService) {\n const heartbeatsHeader = await heartbeatService.getHeartbeatsHeader();\n if (heartbeatsHeader) {\n headers.append('x-firebase-client', heartbeatsHeader);\n }\n }\n\n const body = {\n fid,\n authVersion: INTERNAL_AUTH_VERSION,\n appId: appConfig.appId,\n sdkVersion: PACKAGE_VERSION\n };\n\n const request: RequestInit = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers,\n body: JSON.stringify(body)\n };\n\n const response = await retryIfServerError(() => fetch(endpoint, request));\n if (response.ok) {\n const responseValue: CreateInstallationResponse = await response.json();\n const registeredInstallationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = {\n fid: responseValue.fid || fid,\n registrationStatus: RequestStatus.COMPLETED,\n refreshToken: responseValue.refreshToken,\n authToken: extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse(responseValue.authToken)\n };\n return registeredInstallationEntry;\n } else {\n throw await getErrorFromResponse('Create Installation', response);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { GenerateAuthTokenResponse } from '../interfaces/api-response';\nimport {\n CompletedAuthToken,\n RegisteredInstallationEntry\n} from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport { PACKAGE_VERSION } from '../util/constants';\nimport {\n extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse,\n getErrorFromResponse,\n getHeadersWithAuth,\n getInstallationsEndpoint,\n retryIfServerError\n} from './common';\nimport {\n FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n AppConfig\n} from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\n\nexport async function generateAuthTokenRequest(\n { appConfig, heartbeatServiceProvider }: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n installationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry\n): Promise<CompletedAuthToken> {\n const endpoint = getGenerateAuthTokenEndpoint(appConfig, installationEntry);\n\n const headers = getHeadersWithAuth(appConfig, installationEntry);\n\n // If heartbeat service exists, add the heartbeat string to the header.\n const heartbeatService = heartbeatServiceProvider.getImmediate({\n optional: true\n });\n if (heartbeatService) {\n const heartbeatsHeader = await heartbeatService.getHeartbeatsHeader();\n if (heartbeatsHeader) {\n headers.append('x-firebase-client', heartbeatsHeader);\n }\n }\n\n const body = {\n installation: {\n sdkVersion: PACKAGE_VERSION,\n appId: appConfig.appId\n }\n };\n\n const request: RequestInit = {\n method: 'POST',\n headers,\n body: JSON.stringify(body)\n };\n\n const response = await retryIfServerError(() => fetch(endpoint, request));\n if (response.ok) {\n const responseValue: GenerateAuthTokenResponse = await response.json();\n const completedAuthToken: CompletedAuthToken =\n extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse(responseValue);\n return completedAuthToken;\n } else {\n throw await getErrorFromResponse('Generate Auth Token', response);\n }\n}\n\nfunction getGenerateAuthTokenEndpoint(\n appConfig: AppConfig,\n { fid }: RegisteredInstallationEntry\n): string {\n return `${getInstallationsEndpoint(appConfig)}/${fid}/authTokens:generate`;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { generateAuthTokenRequest } from '../functions/generate-auth-token-request';\nimport {\n AppConfig,\n FirebaseInstallationsImpl\n} from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport {\n AuthToken,\n CompletedAuthToken,\n InProgressAuthToken,\n InstallationEntry,\n RegisteredInstallationEntry,\n RequestStatus\n} from '../interfaces/installation-entry';\nimport { PENDING_TIMEOUT_MS, TOKEN_EXPIRATION_BUFFER } from '../util/constants';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, ErrorCode, isServerError } from '../util/errors';\nimport { sleep } from '../util/sleep';\nimport { remove, set, update } from './idb-manager';\n\n/**\n * Returns a valid authentication token for the installation. Generates a new\n * token if one doesn't exist, is expired or about to expire.\n *\n * Should only be called if the Firebase Installation is registered.\n */\nexport async function refreshAuthToken(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n forceRefresh = false\n): Promise<CompletedAuthToken> {\n let tokenPromise: Promise<CompletedAuthToken> | undefined;\n const entry = await update(installations.appConfig, oldEntry => {\n if (!isEntryRegistered(oldEntry)) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.NOT_REGISTERED);\n }\n\n const oldAuthToken = oldEntry.authToken;\n if (!forceRefresh && isAuthTokenValid(oldAuthToken)) {\n // There is a valid token in the DB.\n return oldEntry;\n } else if (oldAuthToken.requestStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {\n // There already is a token request in progress.\n tokenPromise = waitUntilAuthTokenRequest(installations, forceRefresh);\n return oldEntry;\n } else {\n // No token or token expired.\n if (!navigator.onLine) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.APP_OFFLINE);\n }\n\n const inProgressEntry = makeAuthTokenRequestInProgressEntry(oldEntry);\n tokenPromise = fetchAuthTokenFromServer(installations, inProgressEntry);\n return inProgressEntry;\n }\n });\n\n const authToken = tokenPromise\n ? await tokenPromise\n : (entry.authToken as CompletedAuthToken);\n return authToken;\n}\n\n/**\n * Call only if FID is registered and Auth Token request is in progress.\n *\n * Waits until the current pending request finishes. If the request times out,\n * tries once in this thread as well.\n */\nasync function waitUntilAuthTokenRequest(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n forceRefresh: boolean\n): Promise<CompletedAuthToken> {\n // Unfortunately, there is no way of reliably observing when a value in\n // IndexedDB changes (yet, see https://github.com/WICG/indexed-db-observers),\n // so we need to poll.\n\n let entry = await updateAuthTokenRequest(installations.appConfig);\n while (entry.authToken.requestStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS) {\n // generateAuthToken still in progress.\n await sleep(100);\n\n entry = await updateAuthTokenRequest(installations.appConfig);\n }\n\n const authToken = entry.authToken;\n if (authToken.requestStatus === RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED) {\n // The request timed out or failed in a different call. Try again.\n return refreshAuthToken(installations, forceRefresh);\n } else {\n return authToken;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Called only if there is a GenerateAuthToken request in progress.\n *\n * Updates the InstallationEntry in the DB based on the status of the\n * GenerateAuthToken request.\n *\n * Returns the updated InstallationEntry.\n */\nfunction updateAuthTokenRequest(\n appConfig: AppConfig\n): Promise<RegisteredInstallationEntry> {\n return update(appConfig, oldEntry => {\n if (!isEntryRegistered(oldEntry)) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.NOT_REGISTERED);\n }\n\n const oldAuthToken = oldEntry.authToken;\n if (hasAuthTokenRequestTimedOut(oldAuthToken)) {\n return {\n ...oldEntry,\n authToken: { requestStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED }\n };\n }\n\n return oldEntry;\n });\n}\n\nasync function fetchAuthTokenFromServer(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl,\n installationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry\n): Promise<CompletedAuthToken> {\n try {\n const authToken = await generateAuthTokenRequest(\n installations,\n installationEntry\n );\n const updatedInstallationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = {\n ...installationEntry,\n authToken\n };\n await set(installations.appConfig, updatedInstallationEntry);\n return authToken;\n } catch (e) {\n if (\n isServerError(e) &&\n (e.customData.serverCode === 401 || e.customData.serverCode === 404)\n ) {\n // Server returned a \"FID not found\" or a \"Invalid authentication\" error.\n // Generate a new ID next time.\n await remove(installations.appConfig);\n } else {\n const updatedInstallationEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry = {\n ...installationEntry,\n authToken: { requestStatus: RequestStatus.NOT_STARTED }\n };\n await set(installations.appConfig, updatedInstallationEntry);\n }\n throw e;\n }\n}\n\nfunction isEntryRegistered(\n installationEntry: InstallationEntry | undefined\n): installationEntry is RegisteredInstallationEntry {\n return (\n installationEntry !== undefined &&\n installationEntry.registrationStatus === RequestStatus.COMPLETED\n );\n}\n\nfunction isAuthTokenValid(authToken: AuthToken): boolean {\n return (\n authToken.requestStatus === RequestStatus.COMPLETED &&\n !isAuthTokenExpired(authToken)\n );\n}\n\nfunction isAuthTokenExpired(authToken: CompletedAuthToken): boolean {\n const now = Date.now();\n return (\n now < authToken.creationTime ||\n authToken.creationTime + authToken.expiresIn < now + TOKEN_EXPIRATION_BUFFER\n );\n}\n\n/** Returns an updated InstallationEntry with an InProgressAuthToken. */\nfunction makeAuthTokenRequestInProgressEntry(\n oldEntry: RegisteredInstallationEntry\n): RegisteredInstallationEntry {\n const inProgressAuthToken: InProgressAuthToken = {\n requestStatus: RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS,\n requestTime: Date.now()\n };\n return {\n ...oldEntry,\n authToken: inProgressAuthToken\n };\n}\n\nfunction hasAuthTokenRequestTimedOut(authToken: AuthToken): boolean {\n return (\n authToken.requestStatus === RequestStatus.IN_PROGRESS &&\n authToken.requestTime + PENDING_TIMEOUT_MS < Date.now()\n );\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { getInstallationEntry } from '../helpers/get-installation-entry';\nimport { refreshAuthToken } from '../helpers/refresh-auth-token';\nimport { FirebaseInstallationsImpl } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { Installations } from '../interfaces/public-types';\n\n/**\n * Returns a Firebase Installations auth token, identifying the current\n * Firebase Installation.\n * @param installations - The `Installations` instance.\n * @param forceRefresh - Force refresh regardless of token expiration.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport async function getToken(\n installations: Installations,\n forceRefresh = false\n): Promise<string> {\n const installationsImpl = installations as FirebaseInstallationsImpl;\n await completeInstallationRegistration(installationsImpl);\n\n // At this point we either have a Registered Installation in the DB, or we've\n // already thrown an error.\n const authToken = await refreshAuthToken(installationsImpl, forceRefresh);\n return authToken.token;\n}\n\nasync function completeInstallationRegistration(\n installations: FirebaseInstallationsImpl\n): Promise<void> {\n const { registrationPromise } = await getInstallationEntry(installations);\n\n if (registrationPromise) {\n // A createInstallation request is in progress. Wait until it finishes.\n await registrationPromise;\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { FirebaseApp, FirebaseOptions } from '@firebase/app';\nimport { FirebaseError } from '@firebase/util';\nimport { AppConfig } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, ErrorCode } from '../util/errors';\n\nexport function extractAppConfig(app: FirebaseApp): AppConfig {\n if (!app || !app.options) {\n throw getMissingValueError('App Configuration');\n }\n\n if (!app.name) {\n throw getMissingValueError('App Name');\n }\n\n // Required app config keys\n const configKeys: Array<keyof FirebaseOptions> = [\n 'projectId',\n 'apiKey',\n 'appId'\n ];\n\n for (const keyName of configKeys) {\n if (!app.options[keyName]) {\n throw getMissingValueError(keyName);\n }\n }\n\n return {\n appName: app.name,\n projectId: app.options.projectId!,\n apiKey: app.options.apiKey!,\n appId: app.options.appId!\n };\n}\n\nfunction getMissingValueError(valueName: string): FirebaseError {\n return ERROR_FACTORY.create(ErrorCode.MISSING_APP_CONFIG_VALUES, {\n valueName\n });\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2020 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { _registerComponent, _getProvider } from '@firebase/app';\nimport {\n Component,\n ComponentType,\n InstanceFactory,\n ComponentContainer\n} from '@firebase/component';\nimport { getId, getToken } from '../api/index';\nimport { _FirebaseInstallationsInternal } from '../interfaces/public-types';\nimport { FirebaseInstallationsImpl } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { extractAppConfig } from '../helpers/extract-app-config';\n\nconst INSTALLATIONS_NAME = 'installations';\nconst INSTALLATIONS_NAME_INTERNAL = 'installations-internal';\n\nconst publicFactory: InstanceFactory<'installations'> = (\n container: ComponentContainer\n) => {\n const app = container.getProvider('app').getImmediate();\n // Throws if app isn't configured properly.\n const appConfig = extractAppConfig(app);\n const heartbeatServiceProvider = _getProvider(app, 'heartbeat');\n\n const installationsImpl: FirebaseInstallationsImpl = {\n app,\n appConfig,\n heartbeatServiceProvider,\n _delete: () => Promise.resolve()\n };\n return installationsImpl;\n};\n\nconst internalFactory: InstanceFactory<'installations-internal'> = (\n container: ComponentContainer\n) => {\n const app = container.getProvider('app').getImmediate();\n // Internal FIS instance relies on public FIS instance.\n const installations = _getProvider(app, INSTALLATIONS_NAME).getImmediate();\n\n const installationsInternal: _FirebaseInstallationsInternal = {\n getId: () => getId(installations),\n getToken: (forceRefresh?: boolean) => getToken(installations, forceRefresh)\n };\n return installationsInternal;\n};\n\nexport function registerInstallations(): void {\n _registerComponent(\n new Component(INSTALLATIONS_NAME, publicFactory, ComponentType.PUBLIC)\n );\n _registerComponent(\n new Component(\n INSTALLATIONS_NAME_INTERNAL,\n internalFactory,\n ComponentType.PRIVATE\n )\n );\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { getInstallationEntry } from '../helpers/get-installation-entry';\nimport { refreshAuthToken } from '../helpers/refresh-auth-token';\nimport { FirebaseInstallationsImpl } from '../interfaces/installation-impl';\nimport { Installations } from '../interfaces/public-types';\n\n/**\n * Creates a Firebase Installation if there isn't one for the app and\n * returns the Installation ID.\n * @param installations - The `Installations` instance.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport async function getId(installations: Installations): Promise<string> {\n const installationsImpl = installations as FirebaseInstallationsImpl;\n const { installationEntry, registrationPromise } = await getInstallationEntry(\n installationsImpl\n );\n\n if (registrationPromise) {\n registrationPromise.catch(console.error);\n } else {\n // If the installation is already registered, update the authentication\n // token if needed.\n refreshAuthToken(installationsImpl).catch(console.error);\n }\n\n return installationEntry.fid;\n}\n","/**\n * The Firebase Installations Web SDK.\n * This SDK does not work in a Node.js environment.\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\n\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { registerInstallations } from './functions/config';\nimport { registerVersion } from '@firebase/app';\nimport { name, version } from '../package.json';\n\nexport * from './api';\nexport * from './interfaces/public-types';\n\nregisterInstallations();\nregisterVersion(name, version);\n// BUILD_TARGET will be replaced by values like esm2017, cjs2017, etc during the compilation\nregisterVersion(name, version, '__BUILD_TARGET__');\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/**\n * Type constant for Firebase Analytics.\n */\nexport const ANALYTICS_TYPE = 'analytics';\n\n// Key to attach FID to in gtag params.\nexport const GA_FID_KEY = 'firebase_id';\nexport const ORIGIN_KEY = 'origin';\n\nexport const FETCH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 60 * 1000;\n\nexport const DYNAMIC_CONFIG_URL =\n 'https://firebase.googleapis.com/v1alpha/projects/-/apps/{app-id}/webConfig';\n\nexport const GTAG_URL = 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js';\n\nexport const enum GtagCommand {\n EVENT = 'event',\n SET = 'set',\n CONFIG = 'config',\n CONSENT = 'consent',\n GET = 'get'\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { Logger } from '@firebase/logger';\n\nexport const logger = new Logger('@firebase/analytics');\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { ErrorFactory, ErrorMap } from '@firebase/util';\n\nexport const enum AnalyticsError {\n ALREADY_EXISTS = 'already-exists',\n ALREADY_INITIALIZED = 'already-initialized',\n ALREADY_INITIALIZED_SETTINGS = 'already-initialized-settings',\n INTEROP_COMPONENT_REG_FAILED = 'interop-component-reg-failed',\n INVALID_ANALYTICS_CONTEXT = 'invalid-analytics-context',\n INDEXEDDB_UNAVAILABLE = 'indexeddb-unavailable',\n FETCH_THROTTLE = 'fetch-throttle',\n CONFIG_FETCH_FAILED = 'config-fetch-failed',\n NO_API_KEY = 'no-api-key',\n NO_APP_ID = 'no-app-id',\n NO_CLIENT_ID = 'no-client-id',\n INVALID_GTAG_RESOURCE = 'invalid-gtag-resource'\n}\n\nconst ERRORS: ErrorMap<AnalyticsError> = {\n [AnalyticsError.ALREADY_EXISTS]:\n 'A Firebase Analytics instance with the appId {$id} ' +\n ' already exists. ' +\n 'Only one Firebase Analytics instance can be created for each appId.',\n [AnalyticsError.ALREADY_INITIALIZED]:\n 'initializeAnalytics() cannot be called again with different options than those ' +\n 'it was initially called with. It can be called again with the same options to ' +\n 'return the existing instance, or getAnalytics() can be used ' +\n 'to get a reference to the already-initialized instance.',\n [AnalyticsError.ALREADY_INITIALIZED_SETTINGS]:\n 'Firebase Analytics has already been initialized.' +\n 'settings() must be called before initializing any Analytics instance' +\n 'or it will have no effect.',\n [AnalyticsError.INTEROP_COMPONENT_REG_FAILED]:\n 'Firebase Analytics Interop Component failed to instantiate: {$reason}',\n [AnalyticsError.INVALID_ANALYTICS_CONTEXT]:\n 'Firebase Analytics is not supported in this environment. ' +\n 'Wrap initialization of analytics in analytics.isSupported() ' +\n 'to prevent initialization in unsupported environments. Details: {$errorInfo}',\n [AnalyticsError.INDEXEDDB_UNAVAILABLE]:\n 'IndexedDB unavailable or restricted in this environment. ' +\n 'Wrap initialization of analytics in analytics.isSupported() ' +\n 'to prevent initialization in unsupported environments. Details: {$errorInfo}',\n [AnalyticsError.FETCH_THROTTLE]:\n 'The config fetch request timed out while in an exponential backoff state.' +\n ' Unix timestamp in milliseconds when fetch request throttling ends: {$throttleEndTimeMillis}.',\n [AnalyticsError.CONFIG_FETCH_FAILED]:\n 'Dynamic config fetch failed: [{$httpStatus}] {$responseMessage}',\n [AnalyticsError.NO_API_KEY]:\n 'The \"apiKey\" field is empty in the local Firebase config. Firebase Analytics requires this field to' +\n 'contain a valid API key.',\n [AnalyticsError.NO_APP_ID]:\n 'The \"appId\" field is empty in the local Firebase config. Firebase Analytics requires this field to' +\n 'contain a valid app ID.',\n [AnalyticsError.NO_CLIENT_ID]: 'The \"client_id\" field is empty.',\n [AnalyticsError.INVALID_GTAG_RESOURCE]:\n 'Trusted Types detected an invalid gtag resource: {$gtagURL}.'\n};\n\ninterface ErrorParams {\n [AnalyticsError.ALREADY_EXISTS]: { id: string };\n [AnalyticsError.INTEROP_COMPONENT_REG_FAILED]: { reason: Error };\n [AnalyticsError.FETCH_THROTTLE]: { throttleEndTimeMillis: number };\n [AnalyticsError.CONFIG_FETCH_FAILED]: {\n httpStatus: number;\n responseMessage: string;\n };\n [AnalyticsError.INVALID_ANALYTICS_CONTEXT]: { errorInfo: string };\n [AnalyticsError.INDEXEDDB_UNAVAILABLE]: { errorInfo: string };\n [AnalyticsError.INVALID_GTAG_RESOURCE]: { gtagURL: string };\n}\n\nexport const ERROR_FACTORY = new ErrorFactory<AnalyticsError, ErrorParams>(\n 'analytics',\n 'Analytics',\n ERRORS\n);\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport {\n CustomParams,\n ControlParams,\n EventParams,\n ConsentSettings\n} from './public-types';\nimport { DynamicConfig, DataLayer, Gtag, MinimalDynamicConfig } from './types';\nimport { GtagCommand, GTAG_URL } from './constants';\nimport { logger } from './logger';\nimport { AnalyticsError, ERROR_FACTORY } from './errors';\n\n// Possible parameter types for gtag 'event' and 'config' commands\ntype GtagConfigOrEventParams = ControlParams & EventParams & CustomParams;\n\n/**\n * Verifies and creates a TrustedScriptURL.\n */\nexport function createGtagTrustedTypesScriptURL(url: string): string {\n if (!url.startsWith(GTAG_URL)) {\n const err = ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.INVALID_GTAG_RESOURCE, {\n gtagURL: url\n });\n logger.warn(err.message);\n return '';\n }\n return url;\n}\n\n/**\n * Makeshift polyfill for Promise.allSettled(). Resolves when all promises\n * have either resolved or rejected.\n *\n * @param promises Array of promises to wait for.\n */\nexport function promiseAllSettled<T>(\n promises: Array<Promise<T>>\n): Promise<T[]> {\n return Promise.all(promises.map(promise => promise.catch(e => e)));\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a TrustedTypePolicy object that implements the rules passed as policyOptions.\n *\n * @param policyName A string containing the name of the policy\n * @param policyOptions Object containing implementations of instance methods for TrustedTypesPolicy, see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/TrustedTypePolicy#instance_methods\n * | the TrustedTypePolicy reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function createTrustedTypesPolicy(\n policyName: string,\n policyOptions: Partial<TrustedTypePolicyOptions>\n): Partial<TrustedTypePolicy> | undefined {\n // Create a TrustedTypes policy that we can use for updating src\n // properties\n let trustedTypesPolicy: Partial<TrustedTypePolicy> | undefined;\n if (window.trustedTypes) {\n trustedTypesPolicy = window.trustedTypes.createPolicy(\n policyName,\n policyOptions\n );\n }\n return trustedTypesPolicy;\n}\n\n/**\n * Inserts gtag script tag into the page to asynchronously download gtag.\n * @param dataLayerName Name of datalayer (most often the default, \"_dataLayer\").\n */\nexport function insertScriptTag(\n dataLayerName: string,\n measurementId: string\n): void {\n const trustedTypesPolicy = createTrustedTypesPolicy(\n 'firebase-js-sdk-policy',\n {\n createScriptURL: createGtagTrustedTypesScriptURL\n }\n );\n\n const script = document.createElement('script');\n // We are not providing an analyticsId in the URL because it would trigger a `page_view`\n // without fid. We will initialize ga-id using gtag (config) command together with fid.\n\n const gtagScriptURL = `${GTAG_URL}?l=${dataLayerName}&id=${measurementId}`;\n (script.src as string | TrustedScriptURL) = trustedTypesPolicy\n ? (trustedTypesPolicy as TrustedTypePolicy)?.createScriptURL(gtagScriptURL)\n : gtagScriptURL;\n\n script.async = true;\n document.head.appendChild(script);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get reference to, or create, global datalayer.\n * @param dataLayerName Name of datalayer (most often the default, \"_dataLayer\").\n */\nexport function getOrCreateDataLayer(dataLayerName: string): DataLayer {\n // Check for existing dataLayer and create if needed.\n let dataLayer: DataLayer = [];\n if (Array.isArray(window[dataLayerName])) {\n dataLayer = window[dataLayerName] as DataLayer;\n } else {\n window[dataLayerName] = dataLayer;\n }\n return dataLayer;\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrapped gtag logic when gtag is called with 'config' command.\n *\n * @param gtagCore Basic gtag function that just appends to dataLayer.\n * @param initializationPromisesMap Map of appIds to their initialization promises.\n * @param dynamicConfigPromisesList Array of dynamic config fetch promises.\n * @param measurementIdToAppId Map of GA measurementIDs to corresponding Firebase appId.\n * @param measurementId GA Measurement ID to set config for.\n * @param gtagParams Gtag config params to set.\n */\nasync function gtagOnConfig(\n gtagCore: Gtag,\n initializationPromisesMap: { [appId: string]: Promise<string> },\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >,\n measurementIdToAppId: { [measurementId: string]: string },\n measurementId: string,\n gtagParams?: ControlParams & EventParams & CustomParams\n): Promise<void> {\n // If config is already fetched, we know the appId and can use it to look up what FID promise we\n /// are waiting for, and wait only on that one.\n const correspondingAppId = measurementIdToAppId[measurementId as string];\n try {\n if (correspondingAppId) {\n await initializationPromisesMap[correspondingAppId];\n } else {\n // If config is not fetched yet, wait for all configs (we don't know which one we need) and\n // find the appId (if any) corresponding to this measurementId. If there is one, wait on\n // that appId's initialization promise. If there is none, promise resolves and gtag\n // call goes through.\n const dynamicConfigResults = await promiseAllSettled(\n dynamicConfigPromisesList\n );\n const foundConfig = dynamicConfigResults.find(\n config => config.measurementId === measurementId\n );\n if (foundConfig) {\n await initializationPromisesMap[foundConfig.appId];\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {\n logger.error(e);\n }\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.CONFIG, measurementId, gtagParams);\n}\n\n/**\n * Wrapped gtag logic when gtag is called with 'event' command.\n *\n * @param gtagCore Basic gtag function that just appends to dataLayer.\n * @param initializationPromisesMap Map of appIds to their initialization promises.\n * @param dynamicConfigPromisesList Array of dynamic config fetch promises.\n * @param measurementId GA Measurement ID to log event to.\n * @param gtagParams Params to log with this event.\n */\nasync function gtagOnEvent(\n gtagCore: Gtag,\n initializationPromisesMap: { [appId: string]: Promise<string> },\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >,\n measurementId: string,\n gtagParams?: ControlParams & EventParams & CustomParams\n): Promise<void> {\n try {\n let initializationPromisesToWaitFor: Array<Promise<string>> = [];\n\n // If there's a 'send_to' param, check if any ID specified matches\n // an initializeIds() promise we are waiting for.\n if (gtagParams && gtagParams['send_to']) {\n let gaSendToList: string | string[] = gtagParams['send_to'];\n // Make it an array if is isn't, so it can be dealt with the same way.\n if (!Array.isArray(gaSendToList)) {\n gaSendToList = [gaSendToList];\n }\n // Checking 'send_to' fields requires having all measurement ID results back from\n // the dynamic config fetch.\n const dynamicConfigResults = await promiseAllSettled(\n dynamicConfigPromisesList\n );\n for (const sendToId of gaSendToList) {\n // Any fetched dynamic measurement ID that matches this 'send_to' ID\n const foundConfig = dynamicConfigResults.find(\n config => config.measurementId === sendToId\n );\n const initializationPromise =\n foundConfig && initializationPromisesMap[foundConfig.appId];\n if (initializationPromise) {\n initializationPromisesToWaitFor.push(initializationPromise);\n } else {\n // Found an item in 'send_to' that is not associated\n // directly with an FID, possibly a group. Empty this array,\n // exit the loop early, and let it get populated below.\n initializationPromisesToWaitFor = [];\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // This will be unpopulated if there was no 'send_to' field , or\n // if not all entries in the 'send_to' field could be mapped to\n // a FID. In these cases, wait on all pending initialization promises.\n if (initializationPromisesToWaitFor.length === 0) {\n /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */\n initializationPromisesToWaitFor = Object.values(\n initializationPromisesMap\n );\n }\n\n // Run core gtag function with args after all relevant initialization\n // promises have been resolved.\n await Promise.all(initializationPromisesToWaitFor);\n // Workaround for http://b/141370449 - third argument cannot be undefined.\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.EVENT, measurementId, gtagParams || {});\n } catch (e) {\n logger.error(e);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Wraps a standard gtag function with extra code to wait for completion of\n * relevant initialization promises before sending requests.\n *\n * @param gtagCore Basic gtag function that just appends to dataLayer.\n * @param initializationPromisesMap Map of appIds to their initialization promises.\n * @param dynamicConfigPromisesList Array of dynamic config fetch promises.\n * @param measurementIdToAppId Map of GA measurementIDs to corresponding Firebase appId.\n */\nfunction wrapGtag(\n gtagCore: Gtag,\n /**\n * Allows wrapped gtag calls to wait on whichever initialization promises are required,\n * depending on the contents of the gtag params' `send_to` field, if any.\n */\n initializationPromisesMap: { [appId: string]: Promise<string> },\n /**\n * Wrapped gtag calls sometimes require all dynamic config fetches to have returned\n * before determining what initialization promises (which include FIDs) to wait for.\n */\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >,\n /**\n * Wrapped gtag config calls can narrow down which initialization promise (with FID)\n * to wait for if the measurementId is already fetched, by getting the corresponding appId,\n * which is the key for the initialization promises map.\n */\n measurementIdToAppId: { [measurementId: string]: string }\n): Gtag {\n /**\n * Wrapper around gtag that ensures FID is sent with gtag calls.\n * @param command Gtag command type.\n * @param idOrNameOrParams Measurement ID if command is EVENT/CONFIG, params if command is SET.\n * @param gtagParams Params if event is EVENT/CONFIG.\n */\n async function gtagWrapper(\n command: 'config' | 'set' | 'event' | 'consent' | 'get' | string,\n ...args: unknown[]\n ): Promise<void> {\n try {\n // If event, check that relevant initialization promises have completed.\n if (command === GtagCommand.EVENT) {\n const [measurementId, gtagParams] = args;\n // If EVENT, second arg must be measurementId.\n await gtagOnEvent(\n gtagCore,\n initializationPromisesMap,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList,\n measurementId as string,\n gtagParams as GtagConfigOrEventParams\n );\n } else if (command === GtagCommand.CONFIG) {\n const [measurementId, gtagParams] = args;\n // If CONFIG, second arg must be measurementId.\n await gtagOnConfig(\n gtagCore,\n initializationPromisesMap,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList,\n measurementIdToAppId,\n measurementId as string,\n gtagParams as GtagConfigOrEventParams\n );\n } else if (command === GtagCommand.CONSENT) {\n const [consentAction, gtagParams] = args;\n // consentAction can be one of 'default' or 'update'.\n gtagCore(\n GtagCommand.CONSENT,\n consentAction,\n gtagParams as ConsentSettings\n );\n } else if (command === GtagCommand.GET) {\n const [measurementId, fieldName, callback] = args;\n gtagCore(\n GtagCommand.GET,\n measurementId as string,\n fieldName as string,\n callback as (...args: unknown[]) => void\n );\n } else if (command === GtagCommand.SET) {\n const [customParams] = args;\n // If SET, second arg must be params.\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.SET, customParams as CustomParams);\n } else {\n gtagCore(command, ...args);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n logger.error(e);\n }\n }\n return gtagWrapper as Gtag;\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates global gtag function or wraps existing one if found.\n * This wrapped function attaches Firebase instance ID (FID) to gtag 'config' and\n * 'event' calls that belong to the GAID associated with this Firebase instance.\n *\n * @param initializationPromisesMap Map of appIds to their initialization promises.\n * @param dynamicConfigPromisesList Array of dynamic config fetch promises.\n * @param measurementIdToAppId Map of GA measurementIDs to corresponding Firebase appId.\n * @param dataLayerName Name of global GA datalayer array.\n * @param gtagFunctionName Name of global gtag function (\"gtag\" if not user-specified).\n */\nexport function wrapOrCreateGtag(\n initializationPromisesMap: { [appId: string]: Promise<string> },\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >,\n measurementIdToAppId: { [measurementId: string]: string },\n dataLayerName: string,\n gtagFunctionName: string\n): {\n gtagCore: Gtag;\n wrappedGtag: Gtag;\n} {\n // Create a basic core gtag function\n let gtagCore: Gtag = function (..._args: unknown[]) {\n // Must push IArguments object, not an array.\n (window[dataLayerName] as DataLayer).push(arguments);\n };\n\n // Replace it with existing one if found\n if (\n window[gtagFunctionName] &&\n typeof window[gtagFunctionName] === 'function'\n ) {\n // @ts-ignore\n gtagCore = window[gtagFunctionName];\n }\n\n window[gtagFunctionName] = wrapGtag(\n gtagCore,\n initializationPromisesMap,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList,\n measurementIdToAppId\n );\n\n return {\n gtagCore,\n wrappedGtag: window[gtagFunctionName] as Gtag\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the script tag in the DOM matching both the gtag url pattern\n * and the provided data layer name.\n */\nexport function findGtagScriptOnPage(\n dataLayerName: string\n): HTMLScriptElement | null {\n const scriptTags = window.document.getElementsByTagName('script');\n for (const tag of Object.values(scriptTags)) {\n if (\n tag.src &&\n tag.src.includes(GTAG_URL) &&\n tag.src.includes(dataLayerName)\n ) {\n return tag;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2020 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\n/**\n * @fileoverview Most logic is copied from packages/remote-config/src/client/retrying_client.ts\n */\n\nimport { FirebaseApp } from '@firebase/app';\nimport { DynamicConfig, ThrottleMetadata, MinimalDynamicConfig } from './types';\nimport { FirebaseError, calculateBackoffMillis } from '@firebase/util';\nimport { AnalyticsError, ERROR_FACTORY } from './errors';\nimport { DYNAMIC_CONFIG_URL, FETCH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS } from './constants';\nimport { logger } from './logger';\n\n// App config fields needed by analytics.\nexport interface AppFields {\n appId: string;\n apiKey: string;\n measurementId?: string;\n}\n\n/**\n * Backoff factor for 503 errors, which we want to be conservative about\n * to avoid overloading servers. Each retry interval will be\n * BASE_INTERVAL_MILLIS * LONG_RETRY_FACTOR ^ retryCount, so the second one\n * will be ~30 seconds (with fuzzing).\n */\nexport const LONG_RETRY_FACTOR = 30;\n\n/**\n * Base wait interval to multiplied by backoffFactor^backoffCount.\n */\nconst BASE_INTERVAL_MILLIS = 1000;\n\n/**\n * Stubbable retry data storage class.\n */\nclass RetryData {\n constructor(\n public throttleMetadata: { [appId: string]: ThrottleMetadata } = {},\n public intervalMillis: number = BASE_INTERVAL_MILLIS\n ) {}\n\n getThrottleMetadata(appId: string): ThrottleMetadata {\n return this.throttleMetadata[appId];\n }\n\n setThrottleMetadata(appId: string, metadata: ThrottleMetadata): void {\n this.throttleMetadata[appId] = metadata;\n }\n\n deleteThrottleMetadata(appId: string): void {\n delete this.throttleMetadata[appId];\n }\n}\n\nconst defaultRetryData = new RetryData();\n\n/**\n * Set GET request headers.\n * @param apiKey App API key.\n */\nfunction getHeaders(apiKey: string): Headers {\n return new Headers({\n Accept: 'application/json',\n 'x-goog-api-key': apiKey\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Fetches dynamic config from backend.\n * @param app Firebase app to fetch config for.\n */\nexport async function fetchDynamicConfig(\n appFields: AppFields\n): Promise<DynamicConfig> {\n const { appId, apiKey } = appFields;\n const request: RequestInit = {\n method: 'GET',\n headers: getHeaders(apiKey)\n };\n const appUrl = DYNAMIC_CONFIG_URL.replace('{app-id}', appId);\n const response = await fetch(appUrl, request);\n if (response.status !== 200 && response.status !== 304) {\n let errorMessage = '';\n try {\n // Try to get any error message text from server response.\n const jsonResponse = (await response.json()) as {\n error?: { message?: string };\n };\n if (jsonResponse.error?.message) {\n errorMessage = jsonResponse.error.message;\n }\n } catch (_ignored) {}\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.CONFIG_FETCH_FAILED, {\n httpStatus: response.status,\n responseMessage: errorMessage\n });\n }\n return response.json();\n}\n\n/**\n * Fetches dynamic config from backend, retrying if failed.\n * @param app Firebase app to fetch config for.\n */\nexport async function fetchDynamicConfigWithRetry(\n app: FirebaseApp,\n // retryData and timeoutMillis are parameterized to allow passing a different value for testing.\n retryData: RetryData = defaultRetryData,\n timeoutMillis?: number\n): Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig> {\n const { appId, apiKey, measurementId } = app.options;\n\n if (!appId) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.NO_APP_ID);\n }\n\n if (!apiKey) {\n if (measurementId) {\n return {\n measurementId,\n appId\n };\n }\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.NO_API_KEY);\n }\n\n const throttleMetadata: ThrottleMetadata = retryData.getThrottleMetadata(\n appId\n ) || {\n backoffCount: 0,\n throttleEndTimeMillis: Date.now()\n };\n\n const signal = new AnalyticsAbortSignal();\n\n setTimeout(\n async () => {\n // Note a very low delay, eg < 10ms, can elapse before listeners are initialized.\n signal.abort();\n },\n timeoutMillis !== undefined ? timeoutMillis : FETCH_TIMEOUT_MILLIS\n );\n\n return attemptFetchDynamicConfigWithRetry(\n { appId, apiKey, measurementId },\n throttleMetadata,\n signal,\n retryData\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Runs one retry attempt.\n * @param appFields Necessary app config fields.\n * @param throttleMetadata Ongoing metadata to determine throttling times.\n * @param signal Abort signal.\n */\nasync function attemptFetchDynamicConfigWithRetry(\n appFields: AppFields,\n { throttleEndTimeMillis, backoffCount }: ThrottleMetadata,\n signal: AnalyticsAbortSignal,\n retryData: RetryData = defaultRetryData // for testing\n): Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig> {\n const { appId, measurementId } = appFields;\n // Starts with a (potentially zero) timeout to support resumption from stored state.\n // Ensures the throttle end time is honored if the last attempt timed out.\n // Note the SDK will never make a request if the fetch timeout expires at this point.\n try {\n await setAbortableTimeout(signal, throttleEndTimeMillis);\n } catch (e) {\n if (measurementId) {\n logger.warn(\n `Timed out fetching this Firebase app's measurement ID from the server.` +\n ` Falling back to the measurement ID ${measurementId}` +\n ` provided in the \"measurementId\" field in the local Firebase config. [${\n (e as Error)?.message\n }]`\n );\n return { appId, measurementId };\n }\n throw e;\n }\n\n try {\n const response = await fetchDynamicConfig(appFields);\n\n // Note the SDK only clears throttle state if response is success or non-retriable.\n retryData.deleteThrottleMetadata(appId);\n\n return response;\n } catch (e) {\n const error = e as Error;\n if (!isRetriableError(error)) {\n retryData.deleteThrottleMetadata(appId);\n if (measurementId) {\n logger.warn(\n `Failed to fetch this Firebase app's measurement ID from the server.` +\n ` Falling back to the measurement ID ${measurementId}` +\n ` provided in the \"measurementId\" field in the local Firebase config. [${error?.message}]`\n );\n return { appId, measurementId };\n } else {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n\n const backoffMillis =\n Number(error?.customData?.httpStatus) === 503\n ? calculateBackoffMillis(\n backoffCount,\n retryData.intervalMillis,\n LONG_RETRY_FACTOR\n )\n : calculateBackoffMillis(backoffCount, retryData.intervalMillis);\n\n // Increments backoff state.\n const throttleMetadata = {\n throttleEndTimeMillis: Date.now() + backoffMillis,\n backoffCount: backoffCount + 1\n };\n\n // Persists state.\n retryData.setThrottleMetadata(appId, throttleMetadata);\n logger.debug(`Calling attemptFetch again in ${backoffMillis} millis`);\n\n return attemptFetchDynamicConfigWithRetry(\n appFields,\n throttleMetadata,\n signal,\n retryData\n );\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Supports waiting on a backoff by:\n *\n * <ul>\n * <li>Promisifying setTimeout, so we can set a timeout in our Promise chain</li>\n * <li>Listening on a signal bus for abort events, just like the Fetch API</li>\n * <li>Failing in the same way the Fetch API fails, so timing out a live request and a throttled\n * request appear the same.</li>\n * </ul>\n *\n * <p>Visible for testing.\n */\nfunction setAbortableTimeout(\n signal: AnalyticsAbortSignal,\n throttleEndTimeMillis: number\n): Promise<void> {\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n // Derives backoff from given end time, normalizing negative numbers to zero.\n const backoffMillis = Math.max(throttleEndTimeMillis - Date.now(), 0);\n\n const timeout = setTimeout(resolve, backoffMillis);\n\n // Adds listener, rather than sets onabort, because signal is a shared object.\n signal.addEventListener(() => {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n // If the request completes before this timeout, the rejection has no effect.\n reject(\n ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.FETCH_THROTTLE, {\n throttleEndTimeMillis\n })\n );\n });\n });\n}\n\ntype RetriableError = FirebaseError & { customData: { httpStatus: string } };\n\n/**\n * Returns true if the {@link Error} indicates a fetch request may succeed later.\n */\nfunction isRetriableError(e: Error): e is RetriableError {\n if (!(e instanceof FirebaseError) || !e.customData) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // Uses string index defined by ErrorData, which FirebaseError implements.\n const httpStatus = Number(e.customData['httpStatus']);\n\n return (\n httpStatus === 429 ||\n httpStatus === 500 ||\n httpStatus === 503 ||\n httpStatus === 504\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Shims a minimal AbortSignal (copied from Remote Config).\n *\n * <p>AbortController's AbortSignal conveniently decouples fetch timeout logic from other aspects\n * of networking, such as retries. Firebase doesn't use AbortController enough to justify a\n * polyfill recommendation, like we do with the Fetch API, but this minimal shim can easily be\n * swapped out if/when we do.\n */\nexport class AnalyticsAbortSignal {\n listeners: Array<() => void> = [];\n addEventListener(listener: () => void): void {\n this.listeners.push(listener);\n }\n abort(): void {\n this.listeners.forEach(listener => listener());\n }\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport {\n AnalyticsCallOptions,\n CustomParams,\n ControlParams,\n EventParams,\n ConsentSettings\n} from './public-types';\nimport { Gtag } from './types';\nimport { GtagCommand } from './constants';\nimport { AnalyticsError, ERROR_FACTORY } from './errors';\n\n/**\n * Event parameters to set on 'gtag' during initialization.\n */\nexport let defaultEventParametersForInit: CustomParams | undefined;\n\n/**\n * Logs an analytics event through the Firebase SDK.\n *\n * @param gtagFunction Wrapped gtag function that waits for fid to be set before sending an event\n * @param eventName Google Analytics event name, choose from standard list or use a custom string.\n * @param eventParams Analytics event parameters.\n */\nexport async function logEvent(\n gtagFunction: Gtag,\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>,\n eventName: string,\n eventParams?: EventParams,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): Promise<void> {\n if (options && options.global) {\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.EVENT, eventName, eventParams);\n return;\n } else {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n const params: EventParams | ControlParams = {\n ...eventParams,\n 'send_to': measurementId\n };\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.EVENT, eventName, params);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Set screen_name parameter for this Google Analytics ID.\n *\n * @deprecated Use {@link logEvent} with `eventName` as 'screen_view' and add relevant `eventParams`.\n * See {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews | Track Screenviews}.\n *\n * @param gtagFunction Wrapped gtag function that waits for fid to be set before sending an event\n * @param screenName Screen name string to set.\n */\nexport async function setCurrentScreen(\n gtagFunction: Gtag,\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>,\n screenName: string | null,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): Promise<void> {\n if (options && options.global) {\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.SET, { 'screen_name': screenName });\n return Promise.resolve();\n } else {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.CONFIG, measurementId, {\n update: true,\n 'screen_name': screenName\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Set user_id parameter for this Google Analytics ID.\n *\n * @param gtagFunction Wrapped gtag function that waits for fid to be set before sending an event\n * @param id User ID string to set\n */\nexport async function setUserId(\n gtagFunction: Gtag,\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>,\n id: string | null,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): Promise<void> {\n if (options && options.global) {\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.SET, { 'user_id': id });\n return Promise.resolve();\n } else {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.CONFIG, measurementId, {\n update: true,\n 'user_id': id\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Set all other user properties other than user_id and screen_name.\n *\n * @param gtagFunction Wrapped gtag function that waits for fid to be set before sending an event\n * @param properties Map of user properties to set\n */\nexport async function setUserProperties(\n gtagFunction: Gtag,\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>,\n properties: CustomParams,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): Promise<void> {\n if (options && options.global) {\n const flatProperties: { [key: string]: unknown } = {};\n for (const key of Object.keys(properties)) {\n // use dot notation for merge behavior in gtag.js\n flatProperties[`user_properties.${key}`] = properties[key];\n }\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.SET, flatProperties);\n return Promise.resolve();\n } else {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n gtagFunction(GtagCommand.CONFIG, measurementId, {\n update: true,\n 'user_properties': properties\n });\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Retrieves a unique Google Analytics identifier for the web client.\n * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/config#client_id | client_id}.\n *\n * @param gtagFunction Wrapped gtag function that waits for fid to be set before sending an event\n */\nexport async function internalGetGoogleAnalyticsClientId(\n gtagFunction: Gtag,\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>\n): Promise<string> {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {\n gtagFunction(\n GtagCommand.GET,\n measurementId,\n 'client_id',\n (clientId: string) => {\n if (!clientId) {\n reject(ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.NO_CLIENT_ID));\n }\n resolve(clientId);\n }\n );\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Set whether collection is enabled for this ID.\n *\n * @param enabled If true, collection is enabled for this ID.\n */\nexport async function setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(\n initializationPromise: Promise<string>,\n enabled: boolean\n): Promise<void> {\n const measurementId = await initializationPromise;\n window[`ga-disable-${measurementId}`] = !enabled;\n}\n\n/**\n * Consent parameters to default to during 'gtag' initialization.\n */\nexport let defaultConsentSettingsForInit: ConsentSettings | undefined;\n\n/**\n * Sets the variable {@link defaultConsentSettingsForInit} for use in the initialization of\n * analytics.\n *\n * @param consentSettings Maps the applicable end user consent state for gtag.js.\n */\nexport function _setConsentDefaultForInit(\n consentSettings?: ConsentSettings\n): void {\n defaultConsentSettingsForInit = consentSettings;\n}\n\n/**\n * Sets the variable `defaultEventParametersForInit` for use in the initialization of\n * analytics.\n *\n * @param customParams Any custom params the user may pass to gtag.js.\n */\nexport function _setDefaultEventParametersForInit(\n customParams?: CustomParams\n): void {\n defaultEventParametersForInit = customParams;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2020 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { DynamicConfig, Gtag, MinimalDynamicConfig } from './types';\nimport { GtagCommand, GA_FID_KEY, ORIGIN_KEY } from './constants';\nimport { _FirebaseInstallationsInternal } from '@firebase/installations';\nimport { fetchDynamicConfigWithRetry } from './get-config';\nimport { logger } from './logger';\nimport { FirebaseApp } from '@firebase/app';\nimport {\n isIndexedDBAvailable,\n validateIndexedDBOpenable\n} from '@firebase/util';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, AnalyticsError } from './errors';\nimport { findGtagScriptOnPage, insertScriptTag } from './helpers';\nimport { AnalyticsSettings } from './public-types';\nimport {\n defaultConsentSettingsForInit,\n _setConsentDefaultForInit,\n defaultEventParametersForInit,\n _setDefaultEventParametersForInit\n} from './functions';\n\nasync function validateIndexedDB(): Promise<boolean> {\n if (!isIndexedDBAvailable()) {\n logger.warn(\n ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.INDEXEDDB_UNAVAILABLE, {\n errorInfo: 'IndexedDB is not available in this environment.'\n }).message\n );\n return false;\n } else {\n try {\n await validateIndexedDBOpenable();\n } catch (e) {\n logger.warn(\n ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.INDEXEDDB_UNAVAILABLE, {\n errorInfo: (e as Error)?.toString()\n }).message\n );\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n/**\n * Initialize the analytics instance in gtag.js by calling config command with fid.\n *\n * NOTE: We combine analytics initialization and setting fid together because we want fid to be\n * part of the `page_view` event that's sent during the initialization\n * @param app Firebase app\n * @param gtagCore The gtag function that's not wrapped.\n * @param dynamicConfigPromisesList Array of all dynamic config promises.\n * @param measurementIdToAppId Maps measurementID to appID.\n * @param installations _FirebaseInstallationsInternal instance.\n *\n * @returns Measurement ID.\n */\nexport async function _initializeAnalytics(\n app: FirebaseApp,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >,\n measurementIdToAppId: { [key: string]: string },\n installations: _FirebaseInstallationsInternal,\n gtagCore: Gtag,\n dataLayerName: string,\n options?: AnalyticsSettings\n): Promise<string> {\n const dynamicConfigPromise = fetchDynamicConfigWithRetry(app);\n // Once fetched, map measurementIds to appId, for ease of lookup in wrapped gtag function.\n dynamicConfigPromise\n .then(config => {\n measurementIdToAppId[config.measurementId] = config.appId;\n if (\n app.options.measurementId &&\n config.measurementId !== app.options.measurementId\n ) {\n logger.warn(\n `The measurement ID in the local Firebase config (${app.options.measurementId})` +\n ` does not match the measurement ID fetched from the server (${config.measurementId}).` +\n ` To ensure analytics events are always sent to the correct Analytics property,` +\n ` update the` +\n ` measurement ID field in the local config or remove it from the local config.`\n );\n }\n })\n .catch(e => logger.error(e));\n // Add to list to track state of all dynamic config promises.\n dynamicConfigPromisesList.push(dynamicConfigPromise);\n\n const fidPromise: Promise<string | undefined> = validateIndexedDB().then(\n envIsValid => {\n if (envIsValid) {\n return installations.getId();\n } else {\n return undefined;\n }\n }\n );\n\n const [dynamicConfig, fid] = await Promise.all([\n dynamicConfigPromise,\n fidPromise\n ]);\n\n // Detect if user has already put the gtag <script> tag on this page with the passed in\n // data layer name.\n if (!findGtagScriptOnPage(dataLayerName)) {\n insertScriptTag(dataLayerName, dynamicConfig.measurementId);\n }\n\n // Detects if there are consent settings that need to be configured.\n if (defaultConsentSettingsForInit) {\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.CONSENT, 'default', defaultConsentSettingsForInit);\n _setConsentDefaultForInit(undefined);\n }\n\n // This command initializes gtag.js and only needs to be called once for the entire web app,\n // but since it is idempotent, we can call it multiple times.\n // We keep it together with other initialization logic for better code structure.\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\n (gtagCore as any)('js', new Date());\n // User config added first. We don't want users to accidentally overwrite\n // base Firebase config properties.\n const configProperties: Record<string, unknown> = options?.config ?? {};\n\n // guard against developers accidentally setting properties with prefix `firebase_`\n configProperties[ORIGIN_KEY] = 'firebase';\n configProperties.update = true;\n\n if (fid != null) {\n configProperties[GA_FID_KEY] = fid;\n }\n\n // It should be the first config command called on this GA-ID\n // Initialize this GA-ID and set FID on it using the gtag config API.\n // Note: This will trigger a page_view event unless 'send_page_view' is set to false in\n // `configProperties`.\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.CONFIG, dynamicConfig.measurementId, configProperties);\n\n // Detects if there is data that will be set on every event logged from the SDK.\n if (defaultEventParametersForInit) {\n gtagCore(GtagCommand.SET, defaultEventParametersForInit);\n _setDefaultEventParametersForInit(undefined);\n }\n\n return dynamicConfig.measurementId;\n}\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { SettingsOptions, Analytics, AnalyticsSettings } from './public-types';\nimport { Gtag, DynamicConfig, MinimalDynamicConfig } from './types';\nimport { getOrCreateDataLayer, wrapOrCreateGtag } from './helpers';\nimport { AnalyticsError, ERROR_FACTORY } from './errors';\nimport { _FirebaseInstallationsInternal } from '@firebase/installations';\nimport { areCookiesEnabled, isBrowserExtension } from '@firebase/util';\nimport { _initializeAnalytics } from './initialize-analytics';\nimport { logger } from './logger';\nimport { FirebaseApp, _FirebaseService } from '@firebase/app';\n\n/**\n * Analytics Service class.\n */\nexport class AnalyticsService implements Analytics, _FirebaseService {\n constructor(public app: FirebaseApp) {}\n _delete(): Promise<void> {\n delete initializationPromisesMap[this.app.options.appId!];\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Maps appId to full initialization promise. Wrapped gtag calls must wait on\n * all or some of these, depending on the call's `send_to` param and the status\n * of the dynamic config fetches (see below).\n */\nexport let initializationPromisesMap: {\n [appId: string]: Promise<string>; // Promise contains measurement ID string.\n} = {};\n\n/**\n * List of dynamic config fetch promises. In certain cases, wrapped gtag calls\n * wait on all these to be complete in order to determine if it can selectively\n * wait for only certain initialization (FID) promises or if it must wait for all.\n */\nlet dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n> = [];\n\n/**\n * Maps fetched measurementIds to appId. Populated when the app's dynamic config\n * fetch completes. If already populated, gtag config calls can use this to\n * selectively wait for only this app's initialization promise (FID) instead of all\n * initialization promises.\n */\nconst measurementIdToAppId: { [measurementId: string]: string } = {};\n\n/**\n * Name for window global data layer array used by GA: defaults to 'dataLayer'.\n */\nlet dataLayerName: string = 'dataLayer';\n\n/**\n * Name for window global gtag function used by GA: defaults to 'gtag'.\n */\nlet gtagName: string = 'gtag';\n\n/**\n * Reproduction of standard gtag function or reference to existing\n * gtag function on window object.\n */\nlet gtagCoreFunction: Gtag;\n\n/**\n * Wrapper around gtag function that ensures FID is sent with all\n * relevant event and config calls.\n */\nexport let wrappedGtagFunction: Gtag;\n\n/**\n * Flag to ensure page initialization steps (creation or wrapping of\n * dataLayer and gtag script) are only run once per page load.\n */\nlet globalInitDone: boolean = false;\n\n/**\n * For testing\n * @internal\n */\nexport function resetGlobalVars(\n newGlobalInitDone = false,\n newInitializationPromisesMap = {},\n newDynamicPromises = []\n): void {\n globalInitDone = newGlobalInitDone;\n initializationPromisesMap = newInitializationPromisesMap;\n dynamicConfigPromisesList = newDynamicPromises;\n dataLayerName = 'dataLayer';\n gtagName = 'gtag';\n}\n\n/**\n * For testing\n * @internal\n */\nexport function getGlobalVars(): {\n initializationPromisesMap: { [appId: string]: Promise<string> };\n dynamicConfigPromisesList: Array<\n Promise<DynamicConfig | MinimalDynamicConfig>\n >;\n} {\n return {\n initializationPromisesMap,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Configures Firebase Analytics to use custom `gtag` or `dataLayer` names.\n * Intended to be used if `gtag.js` script has been installed on\n * this page independently of Firebase Analytics, and is using non-default\n * names for either the `gtag` function or for `dataLayer`.\n * Must be called before calling `getAnalytics()` or it won't\n * have any effect.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param options - Custom gtag and dataLayer names.\n */\nexport function settings(options: SettingsOptions): void {\n if (globalInitDone) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.ALREADY_INITIALIZED);\n }\n if (options.dataLayerName) {\n dataLayerName = options.dataLayerName;\n }\n if (options.gtagName) {\n gtagName = options.gtagName;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns true if no environment mismatch is found.\n * If environment mismatches are found, throws an INVALID_ANALYTICS_CONTEXT\n * error that also lists details for each mismatch found.\n */\nfunction warnOnBrowserContextMismatch(): void {\n const mismatchedEnvMessages = [];\n if (isBrowserExtension()) {\n mismatchedEnvMessages.push('This is a browser extension environment.');\n }\n if (!areCookiesEnabled()) {\n mismatchedEnvMessages.push('Cookies are not available.');\n }\n if (mismatchedEnvMessages.length > 0) {\n const details = mismatchedEnvMessages\n .map((message, index) => `(${index + 1}) ${message}`)\n .join(' ');\n const err = ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.INVALID_ANALYTICS_CONTEXT, {\n errorInfo: details\n });\n logger.warn(err.message);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Analytics instance factory.\n * @internal\n */\nexport function factory(\n app: FirebaseApp,\n installations: _FirebaseInstallationsInternal,\n options?: AnalyticsSettings\n): AnalyticsService {\n warnOnBrowserContextMismatch();\n const appId = app.options.appId;\n if (!appId) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.NO_APP_ID);\n }\n if (!app.options.apiKey) {\n if (app.options.measurementId) {\n logger.warn(\n `The \"apiKey\" field is empty in the local Firebase config. This is needed to fetch the latest` +\n ` measurement ID for this Firebase app. Falling back to the measurement ID ${app.options.measurementId}` +\n ` provided in the \"measurementId\" field in the local Firebase config.`\n );\n } else {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.NO_API_KEY);\n }\n }\n if (initializationPromisesMap[appId] != null) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.ALREADY_EXISTS, {\n id: appId\n });\n }\n\n if (!globalInitDone) {\n // Steps here should only be done once per page: creation or wrapping\n // of dataLayer and global gtag function.\n\n getOrCreateDataLayer(dataLayerName);\n\n const { wrappedGtag, gtagCore } = wrapOrCreateGtag(\n initializationPromisesMap,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList,\n measurementIdToAppId,\n dataLayerName,\n gtagName\n );\n wrappedGtagFunction = wrappedGtag;\n gtagCoreFunction = gtagCore;\n\n globalInitDone = true;\n }\n // Async but non-blocking.\n // This map reflects the completion state of all promises for each appId.\n initializationPromisesMap[appId] = _initializeAnalytics(\n app,\n dynamicConfigPromisesList,\n measurementIdToAppId,\n installations,\n gtagCoreFunction,\n dataLayerName,\n options\n );\n\n const analyticsInstance: AnalyticsService = new AnalyticsService(app);\n\n return analyticsInstance;\n}\n","/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */\n/* eslint-disable camelcase */\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2020 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { _getProvider, FirebaseApp, getApp } from '@firebase/app';\nimport {\n Analytics,\n AnalyticsCallOptions,\n AnalyticsSettings,\n ConsentSettings,\n CustomParams,\n EventNameString,\n EventParams\n} from './public-types';\nimport { Provider } from '@firebase/component';\nimport {\n isIndexedDBAvailable,\n validateIndexedDBOpenable,\n areCookiesEnabled,\n isBrowserExtension,\n getModularInstance,\n deepEqual\n} from '@firebase/util';\nimport { ANALYTICS_TYPE, GtagCommand } from './constants';\nimport {\n AnalyticsService,\n initializationPromisesMap,\n wrappedGtagFunction\n} from './factory';\nimport { logger } from './logger';\nimport {\n logEvent as internalLogEvent,\n setCurrentScreen as internalSetCurrentScreen,\n setUserId as internalSetUserId,\n setUserProperties as internalSetUserProperties,\n setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled as internalSetAnalyticsCollectionEnabled,\n _setConsentDefaultForInit,\n _setDefaultEventParametersForInit,\n internalGetGoogleAnalyticsClientId\n} from './functions';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, AnalyticsError } from './errors';\n\nexport { settings } from './factory';\n\ndeclare module '@firebase/component' {\n interface NameServiceMapping {\n [ANALYTICS_TYPE]: AnalyticsService;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an {@link Analytics} instance for the given app.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use.\n */\nexport function getAnalytics(app: FirebaseApp = getApp()): Analytics {\n app = getModularInstance(app);\n // Dependencies\n const analyticsProvider: Provider<'analytics'> = _getProvider(\n app,\n ANALYTICS_TYPE\n );\n\n if (analyticsProvider.isInitialized()) {\n return analyticsProvider.getImmediate();\n }\n\n return initializeAnalytics(app);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an {@link Analytics} instance for the given app.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use.\n */\nexport function initializeAnalytics(\n app: FirebaseApp,\n options: AnalyticsSettings = {}\n): Analytics {\n // Dependencies\n const analyticsProvider: Provider<'analytics'> = _getProvider(\n app,\n ANALYTICS_TYPE\n );\n if (analyticsProvider.isInitialized()) {\n const existingInstance = analyticsProvider.getImmediate();\n if (deepEqual(options, analyticsProvider.getOptions())) {\n return existingInstance;\n } else {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.ALREADY_INITIALIZED);\n }\n }\n const analyticsInstance = analyticsProvider.initialize({ options });\n return analyticsInstance;\n}\n\n/**\n * This is a public static method provided to users that wraps four different checks:\n *\n * 1. Check if it's not a browser extension environment.\n * 2. Check if cookies are enabled in current browser.\n * 3. Check if IndexedDB is supported by the browser environment.\n * 4. Check if the current browser context is valid for using `IndexedDB.open()`.\n *\n * @public\n *\n */\nexport async function isSupported(): Promise<boolean> {\n if (isBrowserExtension()) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!areCookiesEnabled()) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!isIndexedDBAvailable()) {\n return false;\n }\n\n try {\n const isDBOpenable: boolean = await validateIndexedDBOpenable();\n return isDBOpenable;\n } catch (error) {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Use gtag `config` command to set `screen_name`.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @deprecated Use {@link logEvent} with `eventName` as 'screen_view' and add relevant `eventParams`.\n * See {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews | Track Screenviews}.\n *\n * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance.\n * @param screenName - Screen name to set.\n */\nexport function setCurrentScreen(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n screenName: string,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n internalSetCurrentScreen(\n wrappedGtagFunction,\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!],\n screenName,\n options\n ).catch(e => logger.error(e));\n}\n\n/**\n * Retrieves a unique Google Analytics identifier for the web client.\n * See {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/config#client_id | client_id}.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param app - The {@link @firebase/app#FirebaseApp} to use.\n */\nexport async function getGoogleAnalyticsClientId(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics\n): Promise<string> {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n return internalGetGoogleAnalyticsClientId(\n wrappedGtagFunction,\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!]\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Use gtag `config` command to set `user_id`.\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance.\n * @param id - User ID to set.\n */\nexport function setUserId(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n id: string | null,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n internalSetUserId(\n wrappedGtagFunction,\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!],\n id,\n options\n ).catch(e => logger.error(e));\n}\n\n/**\n * Use gtag `config` command to set all params specified.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport function setUserProperties(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n properties: CustomParams,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n internalSetUserProperties(\n wrappedGtagFunction,\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!],\n properties,\n options\n ).catch(e => logger.error(e));\n}\n\n/**\n * Sets whether Google Analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device.\n * Sets global `window['ga-disable-analyticsId'] = true;`\n *\n * @public\n *\n * @param analyticsInstance - The {@link Analytics} instance.\n * @param enabled - If true, enables collection, if false, disables it.\n */\nexport function setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n enabled: boolean\n): void {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n internalSetAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!],\n enabled\n ).catch(e => logger.error(e));\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds data that will be set on every event logged from the SDK, including automatic ones.\n * With gtag's \"set\" command, the values passed persist on the current page and are passed with\n * all subsequent events.\n * @public\n * @param customParams - Any custom params the user may pass to gtag.js.\n */\nexport function setDefaultEventParameters(customParams: CustomParams): void {\n // Check if reference to existing gtag function on window object exists\n if (wrappedGtagFunction) {\n wrappedGtagFunction(GtagCommand.SET, customParams);\n } else {\n _setDefaultEventParametersForInit(customParams);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'add_payment_info',\n eventParams?: {\n coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n payment_type?: EventParams['payment_type'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'add_shipping_info',\n eventParams?: {\n coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n shipping_tier?: EventParams['shipping_tier'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'add_to_cart' | 'add_to_wishlist' | 'remove_from_cart',\n eventParams?: {\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'begin_checkout',\n eventParams?: {\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'checkout_progress',\n eventParams?: {\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step'];\n checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * See\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/exceptions\n * | Measure exceptions}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'exception',\n eventParams?: {\n description?: EventParams['description'];\n fatal?: EventParams['fatal'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'generate_lead',\n eventParams?: {\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'login',\n eventParams?: {\n method?: EventParams['method'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * See\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/views\n * | Page views}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'page_view',\n eventParams?: {\n page_title?: string;\n page_location?: string;\n page_path?: string;\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'purchase' | 'refund',\n eventParams?: {\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n transaction_id: EventParams['transaction_id'];\n tax?: EventParams['tax'];\n shipping?: EventParams['shipping'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n coupon?: EventParams['coupon'];\n affiliation?: EventParams['affiliation'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * See {@link https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/screenviews\n * | Track Screenviews}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'screen_view',\n eventParams?: {\n firebase_screen: EventParams['firebase_screen'];\n firebase_screen_class: EventParams['firebase_screen_class'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'search' | 'view_search_results',\n eventParams?: {\n search_term?: EventParams['search_term'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'select_content',\n eventParams?: {\n content_type?: EventParams['content_type'];\n item_id?: EventParams['item_id'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'select_item',\n eventParams?: {\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name'];\n item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'select_promotion' | 'view_promotion',\n eventParams?: {\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n promotion_id?: EventParams['promotion_id'];\n promotion_name?: EventParams['promotion_name'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'set_checkout_option',\n eventParams?: {\n checkout_step?: EventParams['checkout_step'];\n checkout_option?: EventParams['checkout_option'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'share',\n eventParams?: {\n method?: EventParams['method'];\n content_type?: EventParams['content_type'];\n item_id?: EventParams['item_id'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'sign_up',\n eventParams?: {\n method?: EventParams['method'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'timing_complete',\n eventParams?: {\n name: string;\n value: number;\n event_category?: string;\n event_label?: string;\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'view_cart' | 'view_item',\n eventParams?: {\n currency?: EventParams['currency'];\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n value?: EventParams['value'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: 'view_item_list',\n eventParams?: {\n items?: EventParams['items'];\n item_list_name?: EventParams['item_list_name'];\n item_list_id?: EventParams['item_list_id'];\n [key: string]: any;\n },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * @public\n * List of recommended event parameters can be found in\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n */\nexport function logEvent<T extends string>(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: CustomEventName<T>,\n eventParams?: { [key: string]: any },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void;\n\n/**\n * Sends a Google Analytics event with given `eventParams`. This method\n * automatically associates this logged event with this Firebase web\n * app instance on this device.\n * List of official event parameters can be found in the gtag.js\n * reference documentation:\n * {@link https://developers.google.com/gtagjs/reference/ga4-events\n * | the GA4 reference documentation}.\n *\n * @public\n */\nexport function logEvent(\n analyticsInstance: Analytics,\n eventName: string,\n eventParams?: EventParams,\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n): void {\n analyticsInstance = getModularInstance(analyticsInstance);\n internalLogEvent(\n wrappedGtagFunction,\n initializationPromisesMap[analyticsInstance.app.options.appId!],\n eventName,\n eventParams,\n options\n ).catch(e => logger.error(e));\n}\n\n/**\n * Any custom event name string not in the standard list of recommended\n * event names.\n * @public\n */\nexport type CustomEventName<T> = T extends EventNameString ? never : T;\n\n/**\n * Sets the applicable end user consent state for this web app across all gtag references once\n * Firebase Analytics is initialized.\n *\n * Use the {@link ConsentSettings} to specify individual consent type values. By default consent\n * types are set to \"granted\".\n * @public\n * @param consentSettings - Maps the applicable end user consent state for gtag.js.\n */\nexport function setConsent(consentSettings: ConsentSettings): void {\n // Check if reference to existing gtag function on window object exists\n if (wrappedGtagFunction) {\n wrappedGtagFunction(GtagCommand.CONSENT, 'update', consentSettings);\n } else {\n _setConsentDefaultForInit(consentSettings);\n }\n}\n","/**\n * The Firebase Analytics Web SDK.\n * This SDK does not work in a Node.js environment.\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\n\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2019 Google LLC\n *\n * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n *\n * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n *\n * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n * distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n * limitations under the License.\n */\n\nimport { registerVersion, _registerComponent } from '@firebase/app';\nimport { FirebaseAnalyticsInternal } from '@firebase/analytics-interop-types';\nimport { factory } from './factory';\nimport { ANALYTICS_TYPE } from './constants';\nimport {\n Component,\n ComponentType,\n ComponentContainer,\n InstanceFactoryOptions\n} from '@firebase/component';\nimport { ERROR_FACTORY, AnalyticsError } from './errors';\nimport { logEvent } from './api';\nimport { name, version } from '../package.json';\nimport { AnalyticsCallOptions } from './public-types';\nimport '@firebase/installations';\n\ndeclare global {\n interface Window {\n [key: string]: unknown;\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerAnalytics(): void {\n _registerComponent(\n new Component(\n ANALYTICS_TYPE,\n (container, { options: analyticsOptions }: InstanceFactoryOptions) => {\n // getImmediate for FirebaseApp will always succeed\n const app = container.getProvider('app').getImmediate();\n const installations = container\n .getProvider('installations-internal')\n .getImmediate();\n\n return factory(app, installations, analyticsOptions);\n },\n ComponentType.PUBLIC\n )\n );\n\n _registerComponent(\n new Component('analytics-internal', internalFactory, ComponentType.PRIVATE)\n );\n\n registerVersion(name, version);\n // BUILD_TARGET will be replaced by values like esm2017, cjs2017, etc during the compilation\n registerVersion(name, version, '__BUILD_TARGET__');\n\n function internalFactory(\n container: ComponentContainer\n ): FirebaseAnalyticsInternal {\n try {\n const analytics = container.getProvider(ANALYTICS_TYPE).getImmediate();\n return {\n logEvent: (\n eventName: string,\n eventParams?: { [key: string]: unknown },\n options?: AnalyticsCallOptions\n ) => logEvent(analytics, eventName, eventParams, options)\n };\n } catch (e) {\n throw ERROR_FACTORY.create(AnalyticsError.INTEROP_COMPONENT_REG_FAILED, {\n reason: e as Error\n });\n }\n }\n}\n\nregisterAnalytics();\n\nexport * from './api';\nexport * from './public-types';\n"],"names":["LogLevel","levelStringToEnum","debug","DEBUG","verbose","VERBOSE","info","INFO","warn","WARN","error","ERROR","silent","SILENT","defaultLogLevel","ConsoleMethod","defaultLogHandler","instance","logType","args","logLevel","now","Date","toISOString","method","Error","console","name","isBrowserExtension","runtime","chrome","browser","undefined","id","isIndexedDBAvailable","indexedDB","e","validateIndexedDBOpenable","Promise","resolve","reject","preExist","DB_CHECK_NAME","request","self","open","onsuccess","result","close","deleteDatabase","onupgradeneeded","onerror","_a","message","areCookiesEnabled","navigator","cookieEnabled","FirebaseError","constructor","code","customData","super","this","Object","setPrototypeOf","prototype","captureStackTrace","ErrorFactory","create","service","serviceName","errors","data","fullCode","template","replaceTemplate","replace","PATTERN","_","key","value","String","fullMessage","deepEqual","a","b","aKeys","keys","bKeys","k","includes","aProp","bProp","isObject","thing","calculateBackoffMillis","backoffCount","intervalMillis","backoffFactor","currBaseValue","Math","pow","randomWait","round","random","min","getModularInstance","_delegate","Component","instanceFactory","type","multipleInstances","serviceProps","instantiationMode","onInstanceCreated","setInstantiationMode","mode","setMultipleInstances","setServiceProps","props","setInstanceCreatedCallback","callback","idbProxyableTypes","cursorAdvanceMethods","cursorRequestMap","WeakMap","transactionDoneMap","transactionStoreNamesMap","transformCache","reverseTransformCache","idbProxyTraps","get","target","prop","receiver","IDBTransaction","objectStoreNames","objectStore","wrap","set","has","wrapFunction","func","IDBDatabase","transaction","getCursorAdvanceMethods","IDBCursor","advance","continue","continuePrimaryKey","apply","unwrap","storeNames","tx","call","sort","transformCachableValue","cacheDonePromiseForTransaction","done","unlisten","removeEventListener","complete","DOMException","addEventListener","object","getIdbProxyableTypes","IDBObjectStore","IDBIndex","some","c","Proxy","IDBRequest","promisifyRequest","promise","success","then","catch","newValue","readMethods","writeMethods","cachedMethods","Map","getMethod","targetFuncName","useIndex","isWrite","async","storeName","store","index","shift","all","replaceTraps","oldTraps","assign","ERROR_FACTORY","isServerError","getInstallationsEndpoint","projectId","extractAuthTokenInfoFromResponse","response","token","requestStatus","expiresIn","responseExpiresIn","Number","creationTime","getErrorFromResponse","requestName","errorData","json","serverCode","serverMessage","serverStatus","status","getHeaders","apiKey","Headers","Accept","getHeadersWithAuth","appConfig","refreshToken","headers","append","getAuthorizationHeader","retryIfServerError","fn","sleep","ms","setTimeout","VALID_FID_PATTERN","generateFid","fidByteArray","Uint8Array","crypto","msCrypto","getRandomValues","fid","encode","bufferToBase64UrlSafe","array","btoa","fromCharCode","substr","test","getKey","appName","appId","fidChangeCallbacks","fidChanged","callFidChangeCallbacks","broadcastFidChange","channel","getBroadcastChannel","broadcastChannel","BroadcastChannel","onmessage","postMessage","closeBroadcastChannel","size","callbacks","OBJECT_STORE_NAME","dbPromise","getDbPromise","openDB","version","blocked","upgrade","blocking","terminated","openPromise","event","oldVersion","newVersion","db","createObjectStore","oldValue","put","remove","delete","update","updateFn","getInstallationEntry","installations","registrationPromise","installationEntry","oldEntry","updateOrCreateInstallationEntry","clearTimedOutRequest","registrationStatus","entryWithPromise","triggerRegistrationIfNecessary","onLine","inProgressEntry","registrationTime","registerInstallation","registeredInstallationEntry","createInstallationRequest","heartbeatServiceProvider","endpoint","heartbeatService","getImmediate","optional","heartbeatsHeader","getHeartbeatsHeader","body","authVersion","sdkVersion","JSON","stringify","fetch","ok","responseValue","authToken","waitUntilFidRegistration","entry","updateInstallationRequest","hasInstallationRequestTimedOut","generateAuthTokenRequest","getGenerateAuthTokenEndpoint","installation","refreshAuthToken","forceRefresh","tokenPromise","isEntryRegistered","oldAuthToken","isAuthTokenValid","isAuthTokenExpired","waitUntilAuthTokenRequest","updateAuthTokenRequest","makeAuthTokenRequestInProgressEntry","inProgressAuthToken","requestTime","fetchAuthTokenFromServer","updatedInstallationEntry","hasAuthTokenRequestTimedOut","getToken","installationsImpl","completeInstallationRegistration","getMissingValueError","valueName","publicFactory","container","app","getProvider","extractAppConfig","options","configKeys","keyName","_getProvider","_delete","internalFactory","getId","registerInstallations","_registerComponent","registerVersion","GTAG_URL","logger","Logger","_logLevel","_logHandler","_userL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