229 lines
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229 lines
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"use strict";
function padWithZeros(vNumber, width) {
var numAsString = vNumber.toString();
while (numAsString.length < width) {
numAsString = "0" + numAsString;
return numAsString;
function addZero(vNumber) {
return padWithZeros(vNumber, 2);
* Formats the TimeOffset
* Thanks to http://www.svendtofte.com/code/date_format/
* @private
function offset(timezoneOffset) {
var os = Math.abs(timezoneOffset);
var h = String(Math.floor(os / 60));
var m = String(os % 60);
h = ("0" + h).slice(-2);
m = ("0" + m).slice(-2);
return timezoneOffset === 0 ? "Z" : (timezoneOffset < 0 ? "+" : "-") + h + ":" + m;
function asString(format, date) {
if (typeof format !== "string") {
date = format;
format = module.exports.ISO8601_FORMAT;
if (!date) {
date = module.exports.now();
// Issue # 14 - Per ISO8601 standard, the time string should be local time
// with timezone info.
// See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 section "Time offsets from UTC"
var vDay = addZero(date.getDate());
var vMonth = addZero(date.getMonth() + 1);
var vYearLong = addZero(date.getFullYear());
var vYearShort = addZero(vYearLong.substring(2, 4));
var vYear = format.indexOf("yyyy") > -1 ? vYearLong : vYearShort;
var vHour = addZero(date.getHours());
var vMinute = addZero(date.getMinutes());
var vSecond = addZero(date.getSeconds());
var vMillisecond = padWithZeros(date.getMilliseconds(), 3);
var vTimeZone = offset(date.getTimezoneOffset());
var formatted = format
.replace(/dd/g, vDay)
.replace(/MM/g, vMonth)
.replace(/y{1,4}/g, vYear)
.replace(/hh/g, vHour)
.replace(/mm/g, vMinute)
.replace(/ss/g, vSecond)
.replace(/SSS/g, vMillisecond)
.replace(/O/g, vTimeZone);
return formatted;
function setDatePart(date, part, value, local) {
date['set' + (local ? '' : 'UTC') + part](value);
function extractDateParts(pattern, str, missingValuesDate) {
// Javascript Date object doesn't support custom timezone. Sets all felds as
// GMT based to begin with. If the timezone offset is provided, then adjust
// it using provided timezone, otherwise, adjust it with the system timezone.
var local = pattern.indexOf('O') < 0;
var monthOverflow = false;
var matchers = [
pattern: /y{1,4}/,
regexp: "\\d{1,4}",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'FullYear', value, local);
pattern: /MM/,
regexp: "\\d{1,2}",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'Month', (value - 1), local);
if (date.getMonth() !== (value - 1)) {
// in the event of 31 May --> 31 Feb --> 3 Mar
// this is correct behavior if no Date is involved
monthOverflow = true;
pattern: /dd/,
regexp: "\\d{1,2}",
fn: function(date, value) {
// in the event of 31 May --> 31 Feb --> 3 Mar
// reset Mar back to Feb, before setting the Date
if (monthOverflow) {
setDatePart(date, 'Month', (date.getMonth() - 1), local);
setDatePart(date, 'Date', value, local);
pattern: /hh/,
regexp: "\\d{1,2}",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'Hours', value, local);
pattern: /mm/,
regexp: "\\d\\d",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'Minutes', value, local);
pattern: /ss/,
regexp: "\\d\\d",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'Seconds', value, local);
pattern: /SSS/,
regexp: "\\d\\d\\d",
fn: function(date, value) {
setDatePart(date, 'Milliseconds', value, local);
pattern: /O/,
regexp: "[+-]\\d{1,2}:?\\d{2}?|Z",
fn: function(date, value) {
if (value === "Z") {
value = 0;
else {
value = value.replace(":", "");
var offset = Math.abs(value);
var timezoneOffset = (value > 0 ? -1 : 1 ) * ((offset % 100) + Math.floor(offset / 100) * 60);
// Per ISO8601 standard: UTC = local time - offset
// For example, 2000-01-01T01:00:00-0700
// local time: 2000-01-01T01:00:00
// ==> UTC : 2000-01-01T08:00:00 ( 01 - (-7) = 8 )
// To make it even more confusing, the date.getTimezoneOffset() is
// opposite sign of offset string in the ISO8601 standard. So if offset
// is '-0700' the getTimezoneOffset() would be (+)420. The line above
// calculates timezoneOffset to matche Javascript's behavior.
// The date/time of the input is actually the local time, so the date
// object that was constructed is actually local time even thought the
// UTC setters are used. This means the date object's internal UTC
// representation was wrong. It needs to be fixed by substracting the
// offset (or adding the offset minutes as they are opposite sign).
// Note: the time zone has to be processed after all other fields are
// set. The result would be incorrect if the offset was calculated
// first then overriden by the other filed setters.
date.setUTCMinutes(date.getUTCMinutes() + timezoneOffset);
var parsedPattern = matchers.reduce(
function(p, m) {
if (m.pattern.test(p.regexp)) {
m.index = p.regexp.match(m.pattern).index;
p.regexp = p.regexp.replace(m.pattern, "(" + m.regexp + ")");
} else {
m.index = -1;
return p;
{ regexp: pattern, index: [] }
var dateFns = matchers.filter(function(m) {
return m.index > -1;
dateFns.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.index - b.index;
var matcher = new RegExp(parsedPattern.regexp);
var matches = matcher.exec(str);
if (matches) {
var date = missingValuesDate || module.exports.now();
dateFns.forEach(function(f, i) {
f.fn(date, matches[i + 1]);
return date;
throw new Error(
"String '" + str + "' could not be parsed as '" + pattern + "'"
function parse(pattern, str, missingValuesDate) {
if (!pattern) {
throw new Error("pattern must be supplied");
return extractDateParts(pattern, str, missingValuesDate);
* Used for testing - replace this function with a fixed date.
function now() {
return new Date();
module.exports = asString;
module.exports.asString = asString;
module.exports.parse = parse;
module.exports.now = now;
module.exports.ISO8601_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSS";
module.exports.ISO8601_WITH_TZ_OFFSET_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSO";
module.exports.DATETIME_FORMAT = "dd MM yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSS";
module.exports.ABSOLUTETIME_FORMAT = "hh:mm:ss.SSS";